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对城市规划体制改革的几点看法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王宁 《规划师》1998,14(3):12-14
本文从城市规划的现状入手,从各层面分析了规划调控能力低下、机制缺失、政府体制与政企不分等现实存在的问题,并以思辨的形式提出了关于规划机制改革的一些看法。  相似文献   

This is a conference report on the fourteenth biannual Australasian Urban History/Planning History (AUHPH) conference held between 31 January and 2 February 2018 at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University.  相似文献   

The Centre for Urban & Landscape Planning History (CUL) at Kassel University has recently been founded as a networking platform aiming at international cooperation on planning history research. It comprises the disciplines of urban planning, open space planning, and landscape-planning history, with a first major comparative research project on the history of planning education in Europe.  相似文献   

This short paper identifies from archival and published materials plans for a place called Kowloon City which had an Imperial Chinese military purpose and is now a public park (officially called ‘Kowloon Walled City Park’) after a long period of dispute over its jurisdiction. These plans were mostly produced by the colonial Hong Kong government that made the first planned attempt to clear the place of Chinese residents for a public garden in the 1930s, but this garden could only be built after the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration. They testified to the fact that the City has always been planned.  相似文献   

临港新城,是上海城市发展建设史上规模最大的新兴产业新城,将在一片滩涂和农田上承担起上海建设国际航运中心、发展现代服务业和先进制造业的历史重任。随着新城规划建设的不断推进,在城市规划的各个层面都开始呈现出了领先一步的探索性和更深一步的思考性。临港新城,已经逐步成为上海探索城市规划学科发展和管理提升的最佳实践区和示范区。  相似文献   

The 1919 Greater Paris competition was the first attempt at metropolitan planning in France. Paris was then the fourth largest city in the world. As in other metropolises, congestion and hazardous urban growth were its main problems. The need of planning was evident. However, the long-term city–suburb conflict, the legal constraints, and the political divergences hindered the realization of a comprehensive plan. In this context, an international competition was launched. The prize-winner was the French architect Léon Jaussely. Although Greater Paris competition did not result in a comprehensive plan straightaway, it constitutes a turning point in Paris’s planning history. Through research on unpublished sources preserved in different Parisian archives, this paper aims firstly to reconstruct the process of the competition. The thorough reports of the jury offer an entirely new approach to the study of this kind of competition, since they allow us to comprehend the preoccupations of the administrations in charge. Secondly, it intends to examine the projects, connecting their solutions with international models and debates. It focuses on those concerning the comprehensive plan and particularly on Jaussely’s awarded project. Finally, the long-term influence of the competition will be discussed and regarded within the international context.  相似文献   

Urban planning is often considered unnecessary from a neo-liberal viewpoint, particularly as the market would guarantee an optimal spatial allocation of facilities and uses without it. Planning costs and bureaucracy would be saved and the implementation of projects accelerated. However, it is argued here that urban planning has achieved many successes since the beginning of urbanization, which have led to an improvement in the living conditions of broad sections of the population. Urban planning history needs to evaluate these experiences, advancements (and failures), and to apply them for future projects and developments. In the meantime, the professional identity of planning history has been increasingly strengthened by new approaches and cross-border networking.  相似文献   

城市绿地系统规划层级体系构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖远涛  肖荣波 《规划师》2012,28(3):46-49,54
城市绿地系统规划层级体系的构建对于提高规划编制的科学性、增强规划的操作性与实施性具有重要意义。研究在对当前绿地系统规划编制进行反思的基础上,构建与城市规划编制体系相对应的绿地系统规划体系,提出在绿地系统总体规划基础上新增绿地系统控制性规划,规划要点包括绿地分层管制体系、指标控制要求、边界控制要求等;同时,针对集中城镇建设区和非集中城镇建设区,提出了差异化的规划控制内容。  相似文献   

社会系统时空延伸的规划意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王治新 《规划师》2004,20(2):72-73
当前,规划师对规划的社会因素考虑得不够深入。创造社会成员能够良好互动的“场景”,应成为规划师追求的重要目标之一。  相似文献   

This article addresses the current identity crisis in the field of planning and offers a new vision of how it can be reconciled. Rather than retrench the profession and academia to a single paradigm of planning practice, we advocate expanding the domain of planning to reflect the rich variety of planning activities pursued by practitioners today. Key distinctions are proposed among three domains of planning—the organized profession, practice at large, and the academic field. Burgeoning activity within the realm of planning often occurs without the guidance of professional planners or academics. Working together, and following their distinctive missions, academia and the profession can better address emerging opportunities.  相似文献   

该文是冯纪忠先生作品研讨系列之六,对冯先生1950年代初期主要参与的上海都市计划工作及冯先生的规划思想进行了讨论。  相似文献   

与规划管理相对接的城市设计途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖瑜  洪亮平 《规划师》2004,20(1):66-69
控制性详细规划和城市设计分别编制的做法导致城市设计和控制性详细规划“两张皮”,二者的编制内容、特点及优势无法互相依靠、借鉴与糅合。城市设计结合控制性详细规划内容同时编制的方法可以充分发挥二者的优势,促进二者内容的真正融合,使得城市设计的最终成果能确实用于城市规划管理的实际操作中。  相似文献   

“数字合肥三维城市景观系统”的建设与应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
三维地理信息系统的应用越来越广泛和深入,本文介绍了“数字合肥三维城市景观系统”的建设情况,并就系统在城市规划管理中的应用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

实用性是村庄规划的生命力所在。 国土空间规划体系的建立将村庄规划的定位 同控制性详细规划进行对标,并赋予村庄规 划新的任务,即界定国土空间开发保护与 村庄各项建设的管控规则,密切衔接上位 国土空间总体规划与专项规划并进行传导, 既要“应编尽编”,也应“按需编制”,同 时,村庄规划的实用性内涵也呈现出“需求 导向,全面覆盖,强调规则和标准化”之特 征。围绕实用性这一核心,将新时期村庄规 划的要点概括为“内容切实、成果好用、实 施可行”,从内容框架、成果体系、组织机 制三方面构建实用性村庄规划的编制模式, 以崇左市保安村村庄规划为实证,对规划实 践中的底线核实、空间用途管控、全域要素 配置、居民点建设导控、面向村民的成果转化以及近期行动实施组织等重点措施进行阐述和说明。  相似文献   

随着环境问题的日益突出,“生态与可持续发展”日益得到人们的关注。本文以“生态城市”与“生态园林城市”的概念解析开始,分析生态园林城市的特征及衡量指标,提出建构生态园林城市的策略。最后以东兴市绿地系统规划实践为例,阐述东兴市迈向生态园林城市的绿地系统规划的措施,为今后其他生态城市提供一份依据。  相似文献   

马森  瓦永乾 《规划师》1999,15(3):23-27
我国现行《城市规划法》已不能适应市场经济的要求,国家已将它列入下一批要修改的法律之列。作者仅从城市规划管理角度出发,针对目前规划管理中存在的规划执法力度不够,缺乏公众参与和监督机制不健全等弊病,指明只有不断加强规划立法工作,才能从根本上推动城市规划管理工作的提高,促进城市建设发展的良性循环;并结合现状,指出现行《城市规划法》存在的某些不足,提出完善城市规划立法的相应措施。  相似文献   

对第46届美国规划院校联合会年会收录的论文进行综述与评价,指出交通、可持续发展、为特殊人群的规划研究、经济与产业、公共政策等14个主题是当前国际规划界最关注的问题。并分析了其对我国当前规划研究的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

武汉近代城市规划小史   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
武汉作为沿江城市中开埠最早、近代城市规划活动活跃的城市之一,经历了“租界-汉口-武汉”的规划发展历程。作者简要介绍了武汉近代时期的城市规划活动,分析其特征及对现代的影响。  相似文献   

从城市规划管理的业务分析入手,构建了“面向对象思想”的城市规划管理信息系统的体系结构,并对城市规划信息系统的功能进行设计,旨在探索开发具有可重用性、可维护性、可扩充性、柔性较强的城市规划管理信息系统。  相似文献   

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