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Problem: Chronic diseases such as asthma are rising at alarming rates in the United States and worldwide. Housing environments play an important, underappreciated role in these trends.

Purpose: In this article, we document the magnitude of the association between housing conditions and asthma and related respiratory symptoms, present examples of new systems for addressing adverse effects of housing on health, and discuss how planners might require or encourage such innovations.

Methods: We use logistic regressions based on household survey data from seven European cities to show the magnitude of the association between housing conditions and noise annoyance and the exacerbation of asthma and related respiratory symptoms. To support our argument that new housing intervention systems show great promise for alleviating current housing-related health challenges, we offer several different examples of green building criteria that incorporate health measures.

Results and conclusions: After taking into consideration individual-level characteristics, we found that respondents across a range of cities who were strongly annoyed by general neighborhood noise had twice the odds of a doctor-diagnosed asthma attack or related respiratory symptom than those not at all annoyed. Those strongly annoyed by traffic noise had 68% higher odds. Drainage problems at the housing unit were associated with 54% higher odds of experiencing respiratory symptoms, building structural problems with 27% higher odds, and a leaky roof with 35% higher odds. We identify healthy housing development, construction, and housing rehabilitation systems as promising initiatives for addressing the web of associations between housing and health. We suggest that funds such as Community Development Block Grants or housing trusts could subsidize such efforts, and various existing planning processes could incorporate health requirements or scoring criteria.

Takeaway for practice: There is compelling evidence that housing conditions are associated with poor health. Planners should inform themselves about these and identify opportunities to incorporate health considerations into planning that affects housing.

Research support: None.  相似文献   

Emerging shortages of community sporting facilities in Australian cities have led to calls for increased provision of playing fields through public park and open space planning processes. Drawing on a broad literature review and a specific case study of metropolitan Perth, this paper evaluates the value of organised sport as a function of contemporary public parks before proposing policy and practice to ensure that such an increase complements broader urban planning agendas. An analysis of the evolution of public park planning shows that, while the provision of organised sport was the primary function of public parks in the middle of the twentieth century, contemporary park planning is characterised by the embrace of broader ecological planning concepts such as green infrastructure and ecosystem services. These broader concepts are then applied to understand the value of organised sport held within public parks, including its unique benefits and notable limitations when considered alongside other forms of outdoor recreation. With these limitations in mind, this paper concludes by identifying existing and future policy and practice that can help to ensure that demand for community sporting facilities in new residential areas can be met in a manner that complements this ecological role for local parks.  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: I question whether the strength of affordable housing policies in local comprehensive plans is associated with better affordable housing outcomes, which I measure as a decrease in the share of low-income households who spend more than 30% of their income for housing, otherwise known as cost-burdened households. I first assess the strength of affordable housing policies in 58 local comprehensive plans, counting the number of—and degree of coercion in—those affordable housing policies. I then analyze the relationship between the strength of affordable housing policies and changes in the share of low-income households with cost burden. I find that the strength of affordable housing policies is higher in the Atlanta (GA) metropolitan area than in the Detroit (MI) metropolitan area. I also find that the strength of affordable housing policies is positively associated with a decrease in the share of low-income households paying more than 30% of their income for housing in the Atlanta metropolitan area. I do not find a comparable relationship between plan strength and housing outcomes in the Detroit metropolitan area. I also find that the state role matters: Georgia provides more support and guidance for local comprehensive planning, and for affordable housing policies in those plans, than does Michigan.

Takeaway for practice: Planners should continually promote local comprehensive plans that include more and stronger affordable housing policies and advocate for greater state support for comprehensive planning and affordable housing policies because these appear to lead to a greater likelihood of implementing stronger plans.  相似文献   

社区是社会治理的基石,构筑共建共治共享的社会治理模式是新时代对社区规划的顶层设计指引,也是国外社区规划的魅力所在。国内的社区规划长期聚焦于对物质空间的刻画,但随着政府和公众对居住环境品质关注度的提升,社区规划正逐步转型,但转型程度尚有待探索。以广州市早期及新建成的保障房社区为例,从居住环境品质的角度对规划实施成效及公众参与的影响程度进行比较评价。结果显示,保障房社区规划的制度设计与技术标准均有提升,规划编制与实施也更多地吸纳公众的意见。为社区规划的转型与社区共同缔造提供参考。  相似文献   

从政府政策、规划建设、居住条件和居民满意度四个维度构建模型;以沈阳市丽水新城小区为例,实证分析沈阳市公租房居民满意度现状和影响因素;针对公租房准入制度和分配方式、公租房所在位置和建筑质量、公租房户型设计和物业服务等关键因素,提出提升居民入住满意度的建议。  相似文献   

从保障房社区居住主体的角度出发,综合考虑居民个体特征与主体认知变量,构建教育、医疗、交通、安全、环卫、社会保障、商业、文体、行政管理9类公共服务满意度的影响因素研究模型.采用有序Logistic回归方法探究各类公共服务满意度与自变量之间的关系,研究发现公共服务满意度受到性别、年龄、学历、职业、住户期望与软硬件质量感知水...  相似文献   

上海城市社区实证研究--社区类型、区位结构及变化趋势   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文以上海城市社区为研究对象 ,通过对实践调查资料的分析和研究 ,将目前上海城市社区归纳为五种类型 :传统街坊社区、单位公房社区、高收入商品房社区、中低收入商品房社区和社会边缘化社区。文章研究了各类社区的区位分布 ,以及由此构成的上海城市的居住区位结构 ,并提出了目前上海城市社区的六个主要的变化趋势。  相似文献   


This study asks how a social mix policy that mixes public housing with private housing in the same housing complex is associated with residential satisfaction among public housing residents in Korea. We also ask if mixture types between public and private housing make a difference in the residential satisfaction of public housing residents. By analyzing the 2011 Korea Housing Survey for Public Housing Residents, we find that living in the independent type that includes only public housing and the random-mix type that randomly mixes public housing with private housing in the same building is positively related to residential satisfaction among public housing residents. The empirical analysis also shows that the levels of social conflict among residents are the lowest in the random-mix type.  相似文献   

In 2003 the Atkinson community became the first public housing project to convert into a non-equity co-operative. After providing a brief introduction to the development of non-market housing policy in Canada, this paper discusses the process of creating the Atkinson co-operative. The conversion of Atkinson has produced a new model of social housing, in that Atkinson operates neither as a pure housing co-operative nor as a public housing project, but rather as a synthesis of the two models, referred to as a hybrid, or an incorporated co-operative within the public sector. The features of the hybrid arrangement are grouped within the following categories: land/property; finances; property management and administration; governance and decision-making practices; education and community programs; housing charges/rents; and living in public housing. The final section of this paper locates the Atkinson experiment within the tenant-management literature in public housing and also discusses the conversion as a process in community development. Although it is premature to determine the efficacy of this model, the results are likely to influence the movement for increasing tenant involvement in the management of public housing.  相似文献   

俞佳俐  李健  盛莹  刘斌 《中国园林》2021,37(7):95-100
城市绿地是人工与自然耦合的城市景观之一,是改善居民居住环境的重要组成部分.城市绿地的利用是提高居民身心健康及幸福指数的有效途径.为验证城市绿地对居民的影响因素及其影响程度,以杭州市主城区内所有大于l hm2的绿地为研究对象,在对665位居民进行问卷调查的基础上,利用ArcGIS技术分析杭州主城区绿地空间布局,应用似不相...  相似文献   

城市社区公共服务设施的设置规划及实施是城市建设和社区发展的重要组成部分.在梳理了各种社区发展规划理念和居住政策导向后,从基础数据葺的实证调查和统计分析入手,重点考察了武汉市城市社区公共服务设施的配置现状和居民对其的需求现状,参照建设部、北京和上海等地的城市居住区公共服务设施的设计规范,着重研究了武汉市城市社区公共服务设施的规划项目、标准和实施单元,提出了具有一般意义的城市社区公共服务设施规划标准和实施单元建议.  相似文献   

龙悦居一期和二期位于深圳市龙华扩展区。项目以“追求和谐与舒适”为设计目标,采用绿色设计、咨询一体化的设计思想,将低投高效的绿色建筑技术与建筑有机结合,控制投资,达到高标准的绿色人居环境质量。通过项目的设计、优化和建设,提出一套适合南方地区的保障性住房的绿色建筑技术体系,将绿色建筑带给大众。  相似文献   

城市规划中的公众参与——以武汉市公众参与实践为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文试图以武汉市公众参与的几个规划项目为线索,分析公众参与规划的发展状况,探讨我国公众参与的具体实施方式。文章首先讨论公众参与在专业设计领域出现的历史;然后,概括出本文的研究方法以及研究结果;第三,讨论上述结果在实际中产生的影响,为今后城市设计项目的公众参与决策提供可能的建议。  相似文献   

The public space of community is not only significant to ensure the quality of residents’ daily life but also the important means to realize urban sustainability.It is necessary to bridge the gap between the physical and social development of city in order to build a harmonious and livable city.The sustainable development indicators are very useful tools.The design of the indicators involves the site investigation,and selection and modification of indicators.It can provide guidance to related plans by making scientific decision on the core target of the public space development of community.  相似文献   

陈婷 《城市建筑》2014,(4):20-21
老龄化人群的日益增多,老龄化社区的出现对城市公共园林绿地的规划设计提出了新的诉求。本文从老年人的心理、生理特征的角度以及目前老龄化社区公共绿地普遍存在的问题着手,从总体规划、道路设计、植物配置和设施配套4个方面对老龄化社区公共绿地设计内容进行探讨。  相似文献   

刘珊珊  黄晓 《风景园林》2020,27(2):20-25
私有空间向公共空间转型的动因是中国近代园林研究的重要论题。对无锡近代园林的分析有助于理解这一转变背后复杂的社会文化影响因素。研究发现:与许多城市通过建立公园来满足公共绿地的需求不同,无锡的民族资本家兴建了大批向公众开放的私家园林,承担了城市公众休闲空间的功能。结果表明:无锡民族资本家通过将私有休闲游憩空间转变为向公众开放的公共空间,实现了其塑造阶级身份,确立社会地位,进而改良社会的3个目的;揭示了近代时期私有空间向公众空间的转化背后深刻的社会思想与文化动因,以及其对园林空间、园林风格和园林功能产生的重要影响。  相似文献   

城市居住区公共服务设施的设置规划是城市建设规划中非常重要的组成部分,在详细分析了上海市城市居住区公共服务设施设置最新标准及上海杨浦区新江湾城总体规划后,通过对新江湾城新建居住区公共服务配套设施规划管理的分析,对上海居住区级公共服务设施的规划管理进行了探讨并提出建议.  相似文献   

张晶 《城市建筑》2014,(11):12-12
城市公共租赁房是我国解决城市夹心层住房困难问题的主要途径。本文学习国内外先进的经验,结合武汉市现有公租房调查,分析公租房建设存在的问题,结合所学相关理论,为公租房科学选址规划提供技术支撑,更好地推进这项政策的建设,切实惠及到目标人群。  相似文献   

根据国家"十二五"中长期规划,我国公共租赁住房的建设,应在成本控制的基础上,选用适用的绿色技术,达到最大限度的建筑节能及环保。文章根据公共租赁住房中的住宅和配套公建的特点,研究适用的绿色建筑技术,并将公共租赁住房中的住宅与配套公建进行整体考虑与设计,形成相应的技术目录,为公共租赁住房的绿色建筑设计提供参考。  相似文献   

创意产业的集聚可改变原有的城市空间和功能,引入就业岗位和服务设施,实现城市更新.创意产业园区的出现必然对周边住区产生多方面的影响,而周边住区同时影响着创意产业园区的发展.选取上海4个创意产业园区作为案例,通过问卷调查和访谈,分析创意阶层和周边居民在居住-工作、设施共享和活动参与三个维度的互动情况,明确促进两者联系互动的空间要素,探讨城市更新背景下创意社区规划的理念和原则.  相似文献   

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