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成本上升背景下我国房地产业发展的战略研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用波特的钻石体系模型分析成本上升背景下我国房地产业获得竞争优势的来源与现状,构建了房地产业的竞争优势模型,并从国家层面、行业层面、企业层面上分别提出了实施发展战略的对策建议.  相似文献   

本文介绍了西方社会影响评价的概念、内容及其研究方法的发展,分析西方社会影响评价对城市规划与城市发展的作用,并提出城市规划社会影响评价方法现有的不足,以期为我国城市规划与发展提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

本文介绍了西方社会影响评价的概念、内容及其研究方法的发展,分析西方社会影响评价对城市规划与域市发展的作用,并提出城市规划社会影响评价方法现有的不足,以期为我国城市规划与发展提供借鉴参考.  相似文献   

楼宇的概念狭义地来说就是写字楼、商业楼等这样一些传统的概念,但今天楼宇的概念已经拓展得非常广,它包括了像科技孵化期、工业遗产、历史建筑、标准厂房这样一些概念,在不断地延伸我们对楼宇概念的认识,目前国内楼宇经济的一般界定为“楼宇经济是隐藏在商务楼中的一种经济形态,是以商务、商贸楼为载体,通过开发、出租楼宇,引进各种企业、招商引资,从而引进税源、增加收入、带动区域经济发展的一种经济形态”。  相似文献   

基于城市高密度地区的雨洪管理需求,介绍了低影响开发的规划设计程序,并对适用于不同土地类型(建筑、道路与开放空间)上的低影响开发措施进行了详细的设计研究,以期为城市高密度地区的雨水控制利用提供借鉴。  相似文献   

地产项目在设计阶段结束后,就可以确定整体项目造价90%的开发成本.设计阶段除了设计人员外,还应有前期报建人员的参与,这样在项目开发中才会保证收益的最大化。文章简述了在前期报建工作中对成本造成影响的两个节点:建设工程规划许可证和商品房预售许可证的领取阶段,并列举讨论了具体的事例。  相似文献   

谈重大事件对城市规划和发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
围绕城市中心区的变迁与规划,研究重大事件的内在联系及其与城市发展的关系,分析影响重大事件发生及其效应的因素,以及城市规划在我国沿海地区城市空间结构变化与调整中的作用等,展开对城市化发展相关问题的讨论。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study examines the conflict between inner city property owners and lower income tenants for control of neighborhood development agendas and community-based organizations. Utilizing a case study of Minneapolis and St. Paul, the authors investigated neighborhood conflicts over community revitalization. In a number of neighborhoods in the two cities, the community organization has come to be dominated by property owners espousing an “ideology of property” hostile to affordable housing. This has led to tension and conflict between neighborhood organizations pursuing owner interests and community development corporations focusing on low income housing.  相似文献   

通过经济分析达到对工程机械设备的合理投资和选择  相似文献   

在信息化社会的今天,全面、可靠、及时更新的城市数据信息成为城市基础建设的一部分。数字不是反映城市发展的唯一标准,然而,数字却是最能生动衡量发展态势的标尺。  相似文献   

Our paper describes the results of a comparative cost analysis of four housing projects in Germany. A common characteristic of all projects is the central importance of mutual neighborly support to meet the demand for the assistance of older residents. All projects share some common architectural features and infrastructural characteristics. Furthermore, in each housing project, some form of support by social workers takes place. Using a propensity score matching approach, we compare for the first time systematically the costs for support of older people in mutual support based housing projects with a control group of people living in conventional settings. Our results, based on a sample of more than 700 residents, point not only to improvements in living satisfaction, but indicate also a huge potential for socioeconomic cost savings. This can partly be explained by better development of residents' health status.  相似文献   

郑江  杜雁 《中国园林》2020,36(12):123-128
佛罗里达国家风景游径以展现和保护自然风景资源为目标连接全州动植物栖息地,并提供以远足为主的游憩活动,率先在全美设立了保护野生动物安全迁徙的生态廊道。在田野踏查和参与游径维护的体验基础上分析了佛罗里达国家风景游径的选线方法、规划重点和维护管理,发现该游径的设立营造了城镇地区与原始自然地的缓冲带,实现了生态走廊构建、水环境治理、科普教育和历史文化保护等多功能,并为佛罗里达州每年带来了高额的旅游经济收入,具有显著的生态保护综合效益。  相似文献   

詹金林 《土工基础》2012,26(6):49-51,69
大多数平原城市地下存在隐伏断裂,表面覆盖不同厚度、不同岩性土层,在地震中对此如何评价,仍然是工程建设中急需解决的问题。采用有限单元法对隐伏发震断裂上覆土层的破坏性状分别进行了静力、动力分析,对不同烈度、不同倾角的断裂层进行了组合分析,共模拟分析了60种不同工况在地震过程中的变形破坏过程,研究岩体断裂对上覆土层在地震过程中的破坏范围及变化规律。  相似文献   

Though new goals for sustainable cities and transport systems have been developed, decisions and planning at a local level often fail to achieve these ambitions. The purpose of this article is to analyse the factors in local decision-making and planning practice that conduce to urban sprawl and increased car traffic. The article analyses how the conscious application of so-called “day-to-day decision-making and planning”, results in a diminution of planning's role as a strategic tool, in concealment of the environmental impact of increased traffic, in the deprioritization of environmental goals in favour of growth, and in the “tyranny of small decisions”, where the need to make many individual decisions distracts from the achievement of sustainable city and transport systems. Day-to-day decision-making and planning are analysed and described in a case study centring on retail trade on the outskirts of the Swedish town of Örebro.  相似文献   


The existing literature suggests that gated communities and master-planned estates represent a form of private governance. They are a response to the state’s retreat from providing public goods. In post-reform China, newer residential development projects also take the form of gated neighbourhoods. To what extent do these neighbourhoods represent a new form of “private governance”? Results from the perspective of residents reveal that the meaning of “private governance” refers to services delivered by private organisations rather than self-governance. Gated neighbourhoods in urban China are a response to the state’s intention to retreat from serviced land provision while retaining neighbourhood control.  相似文献   

The construction of social housing in gentrifying neighbourhoods can ignite contestation, revealing tensions between economic imperatives, social policy and neighbourhood change. With a view to understanding how the convergence of these agendas preserve unpopular, but socially critical housing infrastructure, the aim of this paper is to explore how the challenges social housing implementation encounters across these agendas intersect with a broader agenda for local democratic planning. Using social housing as our empirical focus and directing attention to the gentrifying local government area of Port Phillip in Victoria, Australia, this paper reveals how a council’s main asset to support implementation – its policy frameworks – creates an urban narrative of social inclusivity and diversity. Through this case, we illustrate how elected officials and some residents draw from these policies to interject into episodes of community contestation, which we argue presents opportunities to expose and renew commitments to social housing over space and time.  相似文献   

刘宣 《规划师》2005,21(6):56-59
在中国现有城市建设制度下,虽然授予土地使用准资产控制权,但是却缺乏法律明确的规定,这导致了市场中个体特定行为的发生,由此产生城市过度开发、城中村、开发区热等问题。为了给产权结构清晰的定义,规划管理应立足于以下几点:绐出城市建设的确定性,以减少个体的交易成本;对个体建设进行技术层面的限制,或提供将外部性内部化的激励;将“公共领域”的土地或建设资源的管理分配给最合适的个体行动。  相似文献   

把建筑设计与房产策划进行整合研究,并付诸实际运作及高等教育中,是当前建筑与房产市场的迫切需要,也是城市建设中亟待解决的问题.以设计类为主,从作品导向到产品商品导向,从静态方案到动态渐进方案,从单一商品角度到城市市场中的商品占有角度,是策划与设计整合的重要手段.  相似文献   

吴欣鑫 《建筑与环境》2009,3(1):146-149
风水,又称堪舆,是我国古代关于选址、规划、建筑、景观等一系列建造活动的理论体系。风水包含了我国古代人民的哲学观,其中也蕴含了天人合一、因地制宜等的城市规划原则和指导思想。本文从风水的角度讨论了历史上建都南京的原因,并进一步分析了建都南京对于南京城市营建的影响。  相似文献   

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