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Lars Mlhave 《Indoor air》1991,1(4):357-376
This publication summarizes field investigations and controlled experiments on the relation between low levels of indoor air pollution with volatile organic compounds (VOC) and human health and comfort. The Henle-Kock criteria from epidemiology are revised for the dose-response relation between VOC's and health as comfort effects and existing evidence for each criterion are discussed. A biological model for human responses is suggested, based on three mechanisms: sensory perception of the environment, weak inflammatory reactions, and environmental stress reactions. Further, the TVOC-indicator concept for exposure is discussed. The conclusion is that no experimental or field data contradict the proposed causality. On the contrary, evidence supports the suggested causality. The biological model, however, is not yet based on acceptable measures of the variables for exposures, co-variables or health effects. A tentative guideline for VOC's in non-industrial indoor environments is suggested. The no-effect level seems to be about 0.2 mg/m3. A multi-factorial exposure range may exist between 0.2 and 3 mg/m3. Above 3 mg/m3 discomfort is expected.  相似文献   

关于居室内的空气品质题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
说明产生室内空气品质问题的原因,分析居室内空气对人体健康的影响,并提出改善居室内空气品质的途径。  相似文献   

根据LEED-CS标准,结合施工现场实际情况,指出工程施工过程中,室内空气质量(IAQ)已成为不容忽视的环境问题。分析室内空气污染物类型及其来源,同时阐述室内污染物的危害。鉴于此提出施工过程中室内空气质量(IAQ)的管理。  相似文献   

室内空气质量标准与检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱栋华  郭淑娟  曹婉 《建筑节能》2008,36(1):5-7,15
随着室内装修材料广泛运用以及建筑物密闭性的加强,室内空气质量越来越受到人们关注.对居室内环境质量的国内外发展现状进行介绍,对室内空气质量标准及相应的检测方法进行阐述.在恶化的室内空气成分中,挥发性有机化合物气体对人的身体健康影响最为严重.所有有害的化合物中,甲醛对人体的危害最为严重,针对这一现状,对有机化合物甲醛的检测方法进行了进一步的分析.  相似文献   

近年来,我国北方地区空气污染问题日益严重,频频发生的雾霾现象使得人们越来越重视室内空气质量。调查了北京市部分家庭对雾霾的认知以及所采取的改善室内空气质量的措施。发现未来2~3年内将会有72.8%的家庭采用空气净化器来改善室内空气质量,并由此推算出全年北京市住宅用于空气净化的建筑能耗量。  相似文献   

Lars E. Ekberg 《Indoor air》1994,4(3):189-196
The indoor concentrations of contaminants originating from outdoor sources have been measured and calculated under transient conditions. The results show that contaminants that are supplied to an office building via the ventilation system can reach considerably high concentration levels. The indoor/outdoor concentration ratio and time lag are dependent on the air change rate. In buildings with low air change rates the indoor concentration variations are smoothed out compared to buildings with high air change rates. The results from the theoretical model are compared to the results from both laboratory and field measurements and the model is verified for well mixed conditions in a 20 m3 test chamber. The model can be used to simulate different control strategies for reduction of indoor contaminant concentrations related to outdoor sources. One such control strategy is based on reduction of the outdoor air change rate during periods with peak outdoor contaminant concentrations.  相似文献   

建筑装修材料与室内空气质量   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了建筑装修材料中的主要污染物及其危害,阐述了国家颁布的室内空气污染控制指标.提出了开发绿色材料、严格控制工程过程、加强通风换气及使用空气净化装置等防治建筑装修材料污染的措施。同时指出,控制室内装饰装修材料产生的空气污染的关键是控制材料的污染物散发量,限制或禁用污染物散发量超标的材料,提倡使用绿色装饰装修材料。  相似文献   

厨房及室内空气品质评价的标准和方法   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3  
根据沈晋明教授提出的室内空气品质的评价方法,对厨房内空气质量评价的标准与方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

住宅室内空气品质及其改善途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易金萍  刘国辉  陈希 《住宅科技》2002,(6):44-45,48
介绍了住宅室内空气的污染现状,指出住宅装饰装修、家具、人的日常活动等是造成住宅IAQ下降的主要原因;从环境及预防医学的角度阐述了室内空气污染对人体健康的危害;并从建筑技术、国家政策等方面提出了改善IAQ的途径。  相似文献   

To test the reproducibility of a questionnaire previously used to study the association between respiratory symptoms and home dampness/mold, it was sent to the parents of 1,596 children twice, with an interval of one month between distributions. A total of 770 respondents completed the questionnaire both times and were entered into an analysis. For exposure variables, percentages of agreement between the two administrations ranged from 87% for visible mold growth in the home to 95% for basement flooding. Respective kappa scores ranged from 73% to 82%. Percentage agreements for the adults' symptoms variables ranged from 80% for upper respiratory symptoms, to 99% for physician-diagnosed asthma. Percentage agreements for children's symptoms ranged from 81% for upper respiratory symptoms to 97% for current asthma. For all symptoms kappas ranged from 59% to 90% indicating moderate to high reproducibility. Future research should now concentrate on validating the questionnaire as an indicator of mold growth.  相似文献   

分析了厨房内空气污染物的来源及其危害,提出了改善厨房空气品质的措施。  相似文献   

随着城市交通的快速发展,交通污染逐渐成为影响城市空气质量的主要因素。街谷内的交通污染还会因为室内通风对室内空气质量产生影响。本文介绍了城市街谷内交通空气污染的主要特点和扩散模式,总结了室外交通污染对室内空气质量的影响特点和影响因素,并对现有的实地测量法、理论模式预测法和数值模拟法进行了分析和比较,最终对数值模拟法可能遇到的问题和解决方法进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

通过分析室内空气质量认识上的一些误区,阐述了室内环境污染检测的必要性和不可替代性。同时,列举了光触媒、化学药剂、机器电子、功能性植物、活性碳等环境污染治理方式,并指出其优缺点及适用性。指出了室内污染治理应注意的问题,以根据实际情况,选择合适的处理方式。  相似文献   

建筑室内空气质量标准研究及修正建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡红波 《住宅科技》2008,28(1):38-41
目前室内空气质量是国际社会关注的热点问题,为了有效地控制室内空气质量,不同国家和地区建立了各自的标准,文章对目前各国室内空气质量标准进行了对比,并对其目的和产生背景、实施方法等进行了阐述,从而论证了《民用建筑工程室内环境污染物控制规范》(GB 50325-2001)在制定后对室内空气质量控制所起的积极意义。  相似文献   

龚石辉  沈致和 《建筑节能》2011,(8):19-21,29
利用CFD软件Airpak,对某办公室在夏季工况下室内空调送风进行数值模拟.根据模拟所得结果分析室内空气品质及热舒适,为空调房间的气流组织形式优化设计及室内热环境的改善提供参考.  相似文献   

印刷厂车间内空气质量不仅对工人的健康产生影响,而且也会影响印刷品质量。据此于2011年3月份和9月份对湖南某大学印刷厂车间温湿度、风速、甲醛浓度、氨浓度、PM10浓度进行了现场检测。分析比较两个典型月份的测试数据发现车间内各污染物浓度均超过了国家标准值,各污染物在3月份浓度均低于9月份,且两个月份各污染物浓度和风速都呈明显的非线性负相关。  相似文献   

宿舍空气品质直接影响着学生的睡眠质量和身心健康。通过调查得到学生的作息模式,分析了感知空气品质PAQ、不满意率QPD和可接受度ACC的关系之后,对宿舍空气品质进行了评价。研究结果表明,宿舍空气品质受宿舍成员开窗习惯和生活习惯影响较大,在所研究时间内,对空气品质的不满意率低于20%。  相似文献   

Abstract Sensory responses to clean air and air polluted by five building materials under different combinations of temperature and humidity in the ranges 18-28°C and 30-70%RH were studied in the laboratory. A specially designed test system was built and a set of experiments was designed to observe separately the impact of temperature and humidity on the perception of air quality/odour intensity, and on the emission of pollutants from the materials. This paper reports on the impact on perception. The odour intensity of air did not change significantly with temperature and humidity; however, a strong and significant impact of temperature and humidity on the perception of air quality was found. The air was perceived as less acceptable with increasing temperature and humidity. This impact decreased with an increasing level of air pollution. Significant linear correlations were found between acceptability and enthalpy of the air at all pollution levels tested, and a linear model was established to describe the dependence of perceived air quality on temperature and humidity at different pollution levels.  相似文献   

室内空气品质是当今人们普遍关心的话题。从室内空气品质的定义以及影响室内空气品质的因素等方面进行了分析,并就此提出了改善室内空气品质应采取的措施和方法。  相似文献   

地下商场内部空气品质探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析地下商场内部空气品质恶化的主要原因 ,并阐述了解决室内空气品质恶化的技术措施及对策  相似文献   

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