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《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1970,18(7):404-406
A closed form solution for the TE/sub lo/ mode in a rectangular waveguide partially filled with a linearly inhomogeneous dielectric is obtained. The dielectric is assumed to vary linearly in one transverse direction. The theory developed for the partially filled waveguide is extended to consider the characteristic equation of the completely filled waveguide with a linearly inhomogeneous dielectric. The phase velocity of the fields in the waveguide is studied by considering the /spl omega/ / /spl beta/ diagrams. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1959,7(2):294-294
There is considerable current interest in the production of guided electromagnetic waves having phase velocities equal to or less than the speed of light in free space (for example, in the design of traveling-wave slot antennas and of devices involving electron traveling-wave interactions). Such phase velocities can be obtained conveniently by partially loading a rectangular waveguide with dielectric material. In antenna work particularly, because of the field configurations, it is usually desirable to place the dielectric interface so that it is parallel to the broad face of the waveguide, as indicated in Fig. 1. The calculation of phase velocities in such a waveguide has been considered in the literature, and there is published information on some of the cutoff frequencies, but (since in this case there is no convenient relationship between the cutoff frequencies and the propagation constants) there has been little detailed information available concerning the phase velocities as a function of waveguide proportions and dielectric material. Thus a compilation has been made of such information for the dominant (hybrid) mode. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1957,5(1):68-74
The modal spectrum for a rectangular waveguide with a dielectric slab at the bottom of the guide is obtained following the Characteristic Green's Function method developed by Marcuvitz. Then a four-terminal network is found as equivalent to the junction of the partially filled waveguide and an empty rectangular waveguide. An integral equation is written for the electric field at the plane of the junction and variational expressions are derived for the parameters of the four-terminal network connecting the transmission line equivalent to the partially filled waveguide to the transmission line equivalent to the empty guide. A reasonable guess for the electric field at the discontinuity gives approximate values for the parameters of the four-terminal network. These values agree with experiment. The parameters of the network are plotted vs frequency and thickness of the slab. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1958,6(2):215-222
Propagation in dielectric loaded rectangular waveguide is investigated theoretically for varying slab thickness and dielectric constant. The slabs are placed across the center of the waveguide in the E plane. This geometry is found to offer bandwidths in excess of double that of rectangular waveguide for dielectrics having dielectric constants of approximately 18. Power handling capacities which are double or triple that of standard waveguide are achievable using the dielectric loaded waveguide. In addition to the theory, design curves of bandwidth, guide wavelength, cutoff wavelength, impedance, power handling capacity, wall losses, and dielectric losses are presented and compared to experiment where possible. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1982,30(5):795-799
A rectangular waveguide partially filled with an anisotropic dielectric material has been studied. The method of analysis has been shown to be quite powerful. A new configuration with a rectangular waveguide unsymmetrically loaded with a rectangular dielectric insert has been analyzed, tested experimentally. The special effects of mode coupling by breaking the symmetry of the structure are studied and the consequences for single-mode operation with application to masers in the millimeter-wave region are demonstrated. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1964,12(2):152-155
The Wentzel, Kramers and Brillouin (WKB) approximation is used to solve the wave equations for propagation of guided waves in rectangular waveguide containing an inhomogeneous dielectric. The simplest form of anisotropy is used to characterize the relative dielectric constant, i.e., it is assumed that the relative permittivity tensor is diagonalized with respect to the waveguide coordinants. Each of the elements of the relative permittivity tensor is allowed to vary continuously across the broad dimension of the waveguide. The TE/sub nm/ and TM/sub nm/ cases are analyzed for the instance of completely filled guide, while the TE/sub no/ modes are considered for slab-loaded guide. 相似文献
导出了在直角坐标系中电各向异性媒质中的波动方程,并在单轴晶体填充的矩形波导中进行了求解,研究了场的特性,找出了一些规律性的结论。 相似文献
本文首次得出了矩形波导中进行旋磁介质加载可以存在均匀 TEM 场区的特性,导出了在两种不同的磁化状态下传播常数所满足的特征方程以及存在 TEM场区时旋磁介质的尺寸、材料参数和频率之间的关系,并对一些有关的特性进行了分析和研究。 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1969,17(3):134-137
Characteristics of wave propagation in a guide filled with uniaxial anisotropic warm plasma are investigated. Basic equations of the plasma are derived. The validity of the plasma model and its physical significance are discussed. It has been found that TE modes are not affected by the presence of plasma. However, TM modes do have significant changes. Under the condition specified, each TM mode splits into two submodes. One has a low-frequency cutoff and the other propagates for all frequencies. The nature of power transfer in these modes is also investigated. A comparison of the effects as well as the physical significance of the changes due to cold and warm uniaxial plasma models are discussed. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1958,6(3):268-277
This paper presents an approximate analytical solution to the problem of radiation from a ferrite-filled rectangular waveguide. The field distribution at the mouth of the guide is assumed to be unaffected by the termination of the guide. The vector Huygens' principle is applied to find the far-zone radiation field from the determined aperture field. The solution to the problem is found in this manner for the cases of longitudinal and transverse magnetization of the ferrite. The transverse magnetization case is supplemented with a discussion of a specfic numerical example which includes plots of the aperture field distribution and the phase angle as well as plots of the far-zone radiation field. The experimentally known phenomenon of the effect of the applied magnetic field upon the shift of the main lobe is demonstrated and verified analytically. 相似文献
Multiple Dielectric Posts in a Rectangular Waveguide 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1986,34(8):883-891
This paper presents a complete analysis for a system of Iinear, homogeneous, and isotropic dielectric posts in a rectangular waveguide. These posts are assumed uniform along the narrow side of the waveguide, but are otherwise of arbitrary cross section and thickness. The scattering and impedance matrices describing the effect of the posts on the dominant waveguide mode are derived. The latter is then realized as a two-port T-network. A moment procedure is devised and applied to a set of test problems with a wide variety of post configurations to compute the scattering parameters and equivalent network elements. The accuracy and convergence aspects of the numerical solution are also investigated. The branch and network resonances are determined for some post configurations. 相似文献
Jia-sheng Tian Tian-lin Dong 《Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves》2002,23(6):931-935
Transverse propagation eigen equations for dielectric waveguide array (DWA) are derived and eigen solutions can be uncoupled into TE and TM modes. Numerical results shows that much stronger space harmonic interaction exists so that a series of interesting physical effect of canonical two-dimensionally periodic (2DP) medium can obviously be observed in DWA and related devices can be predicted, designed and realized much easier. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1986,34(11):1104-1114
A class of dielectric waveguide structures using a rectangular dielectric strip in conjunction with one or more layered dielectrics is analyzed with a finite-difference method formulated directly in terms of the wave equation for the transverse components of the magnetic field. This leads to an eigenvalue problem where the nonphysical, spurious modes do not appear. Moreover, the analysis inclndes hybrid-mode conversion effects, such as complex waves, at frequencies where the modes are not yet completely bound to the core of the highest dielectric constant, as well as at frequencies below cutoff. Dispersion characteristic examples are calculated for structures suitable for millimeter-wave and optical integrated circuits, such as dielectric image lines, shielded dielectric waveguides, insulated image guides, ridge guides, and inverted strip, channel, strip-slab, and indiffused inverted ridge guides. The numerical examples are verified by results available from other methods. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1980,28(8):857-865
In this contribution we treat the problem of an infinite rectangular waveguide periodically loaded by means of infinitely thin resonant irises. The method of solution breaks down the problem into two separate steps: 1) the multiport network characterizstion of the resonant iris; 2) the network analysis of the equivalent periodic network. The results for the resonant iris can be used for various applications, such as the design of waveguide filters and matching networks. In the limiting cases of purely capacitive or inductive irises, the results agree exactly with existing experimental and numerical values. The size of the eigenvalue equation to be solved for the periodic structure equals half the number of ports of the network chracterization of the iris and is generally small (typically five to seven). The eigenvalues have good convergence properties with resect to the size of the matrix. 相似文献
Analysis of Inductive Dielectric Posts in Rectangular Waveguide 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1987,35(1):48-59
A rapidly converging moment solution for the complete analysis of homogeneous dielectric posts of the inductive type in rectangular waveguide is presented. The moment method approach uses filamentary currents to simulate both the field scattered by the post and the field inside the post and in turn point-matches the continuity conditions for the tangential components of the electric and magnetic fields across the post surface. The procedure is simple to execute and is general in that inductive posts of arbitrary smooth shape, size, location, and number, Iossless as well as lossy, can be handled effectively. Data are given and compared with the few cases for which approximate results are available. The technique is further appfied to other situations where no experimental data or other analytic results are available. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1976,24(11):815-820
Oscillators in the microwave and millimeter-wave region were constructed wherein the resonators consisted of sections of rectangular dielectric waveguide. While adding thin blocks of dielectric to increase the mechanical length of the resonator, the power output and frequency were measured. Using this technique, the experimental value of the wavelength in the longitudinal direction, lambda/sub g/, was determined. These experimental data were then compared with calculations predicted by optical theory. Good agreement was found where the bulk wavelength was small compared with the cross-sectional dimensions of the dielectric. If the half-wavelength in the dielectric was comparable with the dielectric dimensions, the values of lambda/sub g/ were greater than the theoretical values. In the process of carrying out these experiments, a new type of oscillator is described which provides a power ontput comparable with diodes in metal-walled cavities. In addition, the new dielectric cavities are simple in construction and are compatible with dielectric waveguide, image line, or microstrip systems. 相似文献