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改进的蜂群算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王辉 《计算机工程与设计》2011,32(11):3869-3872,3876
针对蜂群算法收敛速度缓慢、容易出现早熟的问题,提出一种改进的蜂群算法(IABC)。IABC在跟随阶段食物源更新中根据邻域个体食物源质量调整信息共享程度,并且随着搜索进程减弱当前食物源的影响、增强邻域信息共享强度,使蜂群在搜索初期快速收敛到最优食物源所在区域、在搜索后期提高全局收敛性能。函数测试结果表明,IABC有效地提高了ABC的收敛速度和优化精度,特别适合复杂函数的优化问题。  相似文献   

蜂群(ABC)算法是近年来提出的一种求解优化问题的较新型的仿生进化算法。针对蜂群算法的不足,依据反向搜索的思想,提出一种改进的蜂群算法。在改进算法中,每次邻域搜索之后,通过比较新旧食物源位置的花蜜值(而非适应度)来选择保留较优解。同时,在采蜜蜂采蜜后以一定概率进行反向搜索,保留较优解。邻域搜索的维数也不再限定某一维。基于五个标准测试函数的仿真结果表明,本算法能有效加快收敛速度,提高最优解的精度,其性能明显优于基本的蜂群算法。  相似文献   

Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm is a very popular population-based algorithm. Unfortunately, there exists a shortcoming of slow convergence rate, which partly results from random choices of neighbor individuals regarding its solution search equation. A novel scheme for the choice of neighbors is introduced based on grey relational degrees between a current individual and its neighbors to overcome the insufficiency. Then, the chosen neighbor is used to guide the search process. Additionally, inspired by differential evolution, a solution search equation called ABC/rand/2 is employed to balance the previous exploitation and a new perturbation scheme is also employed. What is more, solution search equations using information of the best individual, an opposition-based learning method and a chaotic initialization technique are also integrated into the proposed algorithm called grey artificial bee colony algorithm (GABC for short). Subsequently, the effectiveness and efficiency of GABC are validated on a test suite composed of fifty-seven benchmark functions. Furthermore, it is also compared with a few state-of-the-art algorithms. The related experimental results show the effectiveness and superiority of GABC.  相似文献   

为改善人工蜂群算法(ABC)的深度搜索能力,提出一种改进的人工蜂群算法(SABC)。借鉴混合蛙跳算法(SFLA)的进化机制,将蜂群划分为多个模因组,使每个新个体与自身所在模因组的最坏个体进行优劣比较,能够更加容易保存群体中的"新生"个体,改善群体的整体质量,增加算法的深度搜索能力。通过7个测试函数进行实验,统计结果表明了SABC算法在求解函数优化问题时具有较好的算法性能。  相似文献   

A modified artificial bee colony algorithm   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) is a relatively new optimization technique which has been shown to be competitive to other population-based algorithms. However, there is still an insufficiency in ABC regarding its solution search equation, which is good at exploration but poor at exploitation. Inspired by differential evolution (DE), we propose an improved solution search equation, which is based on that the bee searches only around the best solution of the previous iteration to improve the exploitation. Then, in order to make full use of and balance the exploration of the solution search equation of ABC and the exploitation of the proposed solution search equation, we introduce a selective probability P and get the new search mechanism. In addition, to enhance the global convergence, when producing the initial population, both chaotic systems and opposition-based learning methods are employed. The new search mechanism together with the proposed initialization makes up the modified ABC (MABC for short), which excludes the probabilistic selection scheme and scout bee phase. Experiments are conducted on a set of 28 benchmark functions. The results demonstrate good performance of MABC in solving complex numerical optimization problems when compared with two ABC-based algorithms.  相似文献   

Multi-objective optimization has been a difficult problem and a research focus in the field of science and engineering. This paper presents a novel multi-objective optimization algorithm called elite-guided multi-objective artificial bee colony (EMOABC) algorithm. In our proposal, the fast non-dominated sorting and population selection strategy are applied to measure the quality of the solution and select the better ones. The elite-guided solution generation strategy is designed to exploit the neighborhood of the existing solutions based on the guidance of the elite. Furthermore, a novel fitness calculation method is presented to calculate the selecting probability for onlookers. The proposed algorithm is validated on benchmark functions in terms of four indicators: GD, ER, SPR, and TI. The experimental results show that the proposed approach can find solutions with competitive convergence and diversity within a shorter period of time, compared with the traditional multi-objective algorithms. Consequently, it can be considered as a viable alternative to solve the multi-objective optimization problems.  相似文献   

为了提高人工蜂群(ABC)算法的局部搜索能力,加快其收敛速度,将Rosenbrock转轴搜索的方法引入ABC算法,提出了一种转轴ABC算法.该算法每隔一定的迭代次数,就在ABC算法找到的当前极值的邻域内用Rosenbrock方法进行一次转轴搜索,以引导算法找到函数值下降最快的方向.此外,新算法利用对立策略对算法随机产生的初始种群进行调整,得到了质量较高的初始种群.通过对几个标准测试函数的性能测试,验证了算法的快速收敛性和稳定性,说明对其的改进是可行且有效的.  相似文献   

人工蜂群算法自提出以来,受到很多学者的关注,并涌现出大量的研究文献。本文介绍了2013年以来国内外蜂群算法的研究成果,包括加快收敛、提高开采能力、提高算法性能方面的改进;针对约束优化、平行化运行、多目标寻优等多方面的研究;以及人工蜂群算法在神经网络、无线传感网、决策调度、图像信号处理等多个领域的研究现状,并指出人工蜂群算法有待进一步解决的问题及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

一种双种群差分蜂群算法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
人工蜂群算法(ABC)是一种基于蜜蜂群智能搜索行为的随机优化算法.为了有效改善人工蜂群算法的性能,结合差分进化算法,提出一种新的双种群差分蜂群算法(BDABC).该算法首先通过基于反向学习的策略初始化种群,使得初始化的个体尽可能均匀分布在搜索空间,然后将种群中的个体随机分成两组,每组采用不同的优化策略同时进行寻优,并通过在两群体之间引入交互学习的思想,来提高算法的收敛速度.基于6个标准测试函数的仿真实验表明,BDABC算法能有效避免早熟收敛,全局优化能力和收敛速率都有显著提高.  相似文献   

Artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization algorithm is relatively a simple and recent population based probabilistic approach for global optimization. ABC has been outperformed over some Nature Inspired Algorithms (NIAs) when tested over benchmark as well as real world optimization problems. The solution search equation of ABC is significantly influenced by a random quantity which helps in exploration at the cost of exploitation of the search space. In the solution search equation of ABC, there is a enough chance to skip the true solution due to large step size. In order to balance between diversity and convergence capability of the ABC, a new local search phase is integrated with the basic ABC to exploit the search space identified by the best individual in the swarm. In the proposed phase, ABC works as a local search algorithm in which, the step size that is required to update the best solution, is controlled by Golden Section Search approach. The proposed strategy is named as Memetic ABC (MeABC). In MeABC, new solutions are generated around the best solution and it helps to enhance the exploitation capability of ABC. MeABC is established as a modified ABC algorithm through experiments over 20 test problems of different complexities and 4 well known engineering optimization problems.  相似文献   

宁爱平  张雪英 《控制与决策》2013,28(10):1554-1558
利用随机过程理论,对人工蜂群算法收敛性进行理论分析,给出人工蜂群算法的一些数学定义和蜜源位置的一步转移概率,建立人工蜂群算法的Markov链模型,分析此Markov链的一些性质,论证了人工蜂群状态序列是有限齐次Markov链,且状态空间是不可约的。结合随机搜索算法的全局收敛准则,证明了人工蜂群算法能够满足随机搜索算法全局收敛的两个假设,保证算法的全局收敛。  相似文献   

为了解决基本蜂群算法存在的收敛速度慢、易陷入局部最优等问题,并提高算法在探索和开发方面的寻优性能,提出一种改进的蜂群算法,称为强化互学习的人工蜂群算法(EMLABC),针对不同种类蜜蜂分别采用不同的搜索策略,首先对于雇佣蜂通过采用提高交叉变动学习频率以及同时面向多个较优近邻学习的机制来增强算法的全局探索能力并且避免早熟;其次针对跟随蜂采用深化的互学习策略,使新生子代保持倾向于在潜在更优区域进行搜索,进而提高算法的收敛性能和精度。在16个标准测试集函数和基本蜂群算法以及最近几个变种进行对比测试,结果表明EMLABC在收敛速度、准确寻优能力和稳定性上都有显著的提升。  相似文献   

于佐军  秦欢 《控制与决策》2018,33(1):181-185
针对标准人工蜂群算法搜索效率低、收敛速度慢等缺点提出一种改进的人工蜂群算法.通过引入算术交叉操作以及利用最优解指导搜索方向,增加算法收敛的速度.在7个基准函数上的测试结果表明了算法的有效性.在此基础上,针对K-means算法的缺点提出基于改进蜂群算法的K-means算法,并加入自动获得最佳聚类数的功能.在人工数据集和UCI真实数据集上的测试验证了所提出算法的性能.  相似文献   

李国亮  魏振华  徐蕾 《计算机应用》2015,35(4):1057-1061
针对人工蜂群(ABC)及其改进算法在求解高维复杂函数优化问题时,存在求解精度低、收敛速度慢、易陷入局部寻优且改进算法控制参数多的不足,提出一种分阶段搜索的改进人工蜂群算法。该算法设计了分阶段雇佣蜂搜索策略,使雇佣蜂在不同阶段具备不同的搜索特点,降低了算法陷入局部极值的概率;定义逃逸半径,使其能够更好地指导早熟个体跳出局部极值,避免了逃逸行为的盲目性;同时,采用均匀分布结合反向学习的初始化策略,促使初始解分布均匀且质量较优。通过对优化问题中8个典型高维复杂函数的仿真实验结果表明,该改进算法求解精度更高,收敛速度更快,更加适合高维复杂函数求解。  相似文献   

改进的人工蜂群算法性能   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
胡珂  李迅波  王振林 《计算机应用》2011,31(4):1107-1110
为克服人工蜂群算法容易陷入局部最优解的缺点,提出一种新的改进型人工蜂群算法。首先,利用数学中的外推技巧定义了新的位置更新公式,由此构造出一种具有引导趋势的蜂群算法;其次,为了克服算法在进化后期位置相似度高、更新速度慢的缺陷,将微调机制引入算法中,讨论摄动因子范围,由此提高算法在可行区域内的局部搜索能力。最后通过3个基准函数仿真测试,结果表明:与常规算法相较,改进后在搜索性能和精度方面均有明显提高。  相似文献   


Artificial bee colony algorithm simulates the foraging behavior of honey bees, which has shown good performance in many application problems and large-scale optimization problems. To model the bees foraging behavior more accurately, a food source-updating information-guided artificial bee colony algorithm is proposed in this paper. In this algorithm, some food source-updating information obtained during optimizing time is introduced to redefine the foraging strategies of artificial bees. The proposed algorithm has been tested on a set of test functions with dimension 30, 100, 1000 and compared with some recently proposed related algorithms. The experimental results show that the performance of artificial bee colony algorithm is significantly improved for both rotated problems and large-scale problems. Compared with the related algorithms, the proposed algorithm can achieve better or competitive performance on most test functions and greatly better performance on parts of test functions.


Improved artificial bee colony algorithm for global optimization   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The artificial bee colony algorithm is a relatively new optimization technique. This paper presents an improved artificial bee colony (IABC) algorithm for global optimization. Inspired by differential evolution (DE) and introducing a parameter M, we propose two improved solution search equations, namely “ABC/best/1” and “ABC/rand/1”. Then, in order to take advantage of them and avoid the shortages of them, we use a selective probability p to control the frequency of introducing “ABC/rand/1” and “ABC/best/1” and get a new search mechanism. In addition, to enhance the global convergence speed, when producing the initial population, both the chaotic systems and the opposition-based learning method are employed. Experiments are conducted on a suite of unimodal/multimodal benchmark functions. The results demonstrate the good performance of the IABC algorithm in solving complex numerical optimization problems when compared with thirteen recent algorithms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we put forward a hybrid approach based on the life cycle for the artificial bee colony algorithm to generate dynamical varying population as well as ensure appropriate balance between exploration and exploitation. The bee life-cycle model is firstly constructed, which means that each individual can reproduce or die dynamically throughout the searching process and population size can dynamically vary during execution. With the comprehensive learning, the bees incorporate the information of global best solution into the search equation for exploration, while the Powell’s search enables the bees deeply to exploit around the promising area. Finally, we instantiate a hybrid artificial bee colony (HABC) optimizer based on the proposed model, namely HABC. Comprehensive test experiments based on the well-known CEC 2014 benchmarks have been carried out to compare the performance of HABC against other bio-mimetic algorithms. Our numerical results prove the effectiveness of the proposed hybridization scheme and demonstrate the performance superiority of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) is a relatively new optimization algorithm. However, ABC does well in exploration but badly in exploitation. One possible way to improve the exploitation ability of the algorithm is to combine ABC with other operations. Differential evolution (DE) can be considered as a good choice for this purpose. Based on this consideration, we propose a new algorithm, i.e. DGABC, which combines DE with gbest-guided ABC (GABC) by an evaluation strategy with an attempt to utilize more prior information of the previous search experience to speed up the convergence. In addition, to improve the global convergence, when producing the initial population, a chaotic opposition-based population initialization method is employed. The comparison results on a set of 27 benchmark functions demonstrate that the proposed method has better performance than the other algorithms.  相似文献   

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