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自行车出行行为和决策研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在可持续和低碳发展背景下,中国越来越多的城市开始兴建公共自行车系统.国内对公共自行车系统的研究正处于起步阶段,现有研究成果集中在公共自行李系统的建设和运营效果方面.而西方国家对公共自行车以及私人自行车的研究涵盖广泛的研究问题,摸索出了若干成熟的研究方法,并结合信息技术应用在自行车系统设计规划过程.尤其是在自行车出行行为和决策方面探索深入,而这些方面正是可以反映自行车系统的运行效果及作用机制的最根本方面.因此,本文针对国内外已有的自行车出行行为和决策的研究进展进行回顾,从公共自行车系统的建设运营,自行车出行行为的基本特征,使用者的出行方式、路径的选择及出行行为差异等方面内容进行总结;介绍用于解释行为和决策的模型方法、揭示偏好法、陈述偏好法、指标系统打分法、基于地理信息系统的分析方法等,以及研究在规划及其他实践领域的应用,以期对我国正在兴起的公共自行车系统建设和研究起到一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

以盈亏平衡决策为例,设计了四种不同的经营决策风险计量指标,并对它们各自的优缺点作了分析论述  相似文献   

This work describes the development and functions of an IBM-compatible real-time microcomputer software to be used as a decision tool in coordinating and carrying out transportation-related activities in the aftermath of urban disasters such as earthquakes. The package incorporates the needs and experiences of response organizations involved in the postearthquake transportation-related operations in Mexico City. A number of transportation needs recognized as vital in operations related to emergency preparedness, response, and return to normalcy have been addressed. The software is named the "Transportation Emergency Decision Support System" (TEDSS) and includes the following features: 1) A graphical network-editing capability to modify the street network in terms of geometric and operational changes which could take place, including closed street links, changes in number of lanes, changes in travel direction of streets, cordoned off areas, parking-regulation changes, changes in transit routes, etc. 2) An emergency vehicle-dispatch algorithm to determine the best route to be taken from an origin to an incident point, considering all the changes which have taken place in the street system geometry and operational conditions. 3) A street clean-up prioritization scheme to assign priorities for the clean up of closed street links in terms of the amount of resources needed for the cleanup of a closed link as well as the degree of importance of each closed link in search and rescue operations and return to normalcy.  相似文献   

Morality is fast becoming an integral part of the mandate for business through both societal and regulatory pressures. Collusive tendering is one of the moral choices facing decision-makers in the construction industry. This paper describes an empirical investigation of the attitudes and behavioural intent towards collusive tendering of key individuals in the tendering process. It also explores the factors that determine these attitudes. The results of the empirical investigation indicate that there is a minority of decision-makers that admit they would consider participating in some form of collusive tendering agreement under certain circumstances. These people form a distinct group in their demographic as well as decision-making profile.  相似文献   

Abstract: Decisions to improve a regional transportation network are often based on predictions of future link flows that assume future travel demand is a deterministic matrix. Despite broad awareness of the uncertainties inherent in forecasts, rarely are uncertainties considered explicitly within the methodological framework due at least in part to a lack of knowledge as to how uncertainties affect the optimality of decisions. This article seeks to address this issue by presenting a new method for evaluating future travel demand uncertainty and finding an efficient technique for generating multiple realizations of demand. The proposed method employs Hypersphere Decomposition, Cholesky Decomposition, and user equilibrium traffic assignment. Numerical results suggest that neglecting correlations between the future demands of travel zone pairs can lead to improvement decisions that are less robust and could frequently rank improvements improperly. Of the six sampling techniques employed, Antithetic sampling generated travel demand realizations with the least relative bias and error.  相似文献   

During the last sixty years, the nonjudgmental, non-directive attitude has influenced the arts, the humanities, and even the social sciences. Recently, architecture and urban design have felt its impact, and professionals, impressed by upheavals in society and the arts, are beginning to look for new, more receptive ways of seeing the environment. Hopefully, through such confrontations, architects and urban designers will be inspired to develop a respectful understanding of society's cultural artifacts along with a strategy of planned development to suit the felt needs of its people.  相似文献   

Continuing the Journal's tradition of reviewing recent judicial decisions related to planning law, this ninth annual review covers many significant cases from 1968. Among the important trends discussed are on-going judicial efforts to relate zoning to the comprehensive plan; increasing participation of the courts in governmental planning decisions; enforcement of fair housing laws; upholding of environmental control standards; and confused and conflicting rulings on zoning.  相似文献   

<正>A day is made up of hundreds of small decisions.I’ll wear this;I’ll buy this;I’ll have this for lunch;I’ll go here at 3’oclock;I’ll respond to this e-mail;I’ll delete this one.一天是由上百个小的决定组成的。我会穿这个;我要买这个;我午餐要吃这个;3点钟我要来这里;我要回复这封电子邮件;我要删除这个。  相似文献   

春节前夕.在京的22位建设部科学技术委员会委员们济济一堂,在一片温馨、热烈的气氛中.建设部部长.科技委主任汪光焘主持召开了建设部科技委全体会议。会上总结了科技委2003年的主要工作,座谈研究了2004年的建设科技工作要点。建设部副部长.科技委副主任仇保兴出席会议并讲话。新增选的中国工程院院士王瑞珠、邹德慈应邀出席了会议。  相似文献   

AFTER THE PLANNERS by Robert Goodman Simon and Schuster, New York, 1971. 231 pp., illus. $6.95

INNOVATIONS IN NEW COMMUNITIES by Brown Miller, Neil J. Pinney, and William S. Saslow MIT Press, Cambridge, 1972. 392 pp. $15  相似文献   

地方政府能力是影响公共服务可持续提供的重要因素,不同的 PPP 供给方式对政府能力需求不同。基于国家发展改革委公布的 PPP 项目数据,采用多分类 Logistic 回归模型检验了地方政府能力对公共服务 PPP 供给方式选择的影响及其内在作用关系。结果表明:地方政府资源获取能力对公共服务 PPP 供给方式决策的影响最为显著,地方政府资源配置能力和资源运用能力对公共服务供给方式决策的影响次之;从公共项目属性视角,资产专用性水平越低、服务可测量水平越高,越有利于政府选择市场化水平较高的公共服务供给方式;政府资源配置能力在政府资源获取能力与 PPP 供给方式决策之间存在显著的调节效应,即较高的政府资源配置能力能够正向促进政府资源获取能力与 PPP 供给方式决策的影响作用  相似文献   

主题公园作为未来旅游产业发展的大趋势之一,吸引了越来越多的投资者对其进行投资。在主题公园投资的前期决策时,需要对主题公园的选址进行科学的论证。主题公园项目选址受多方面指标制约影响,是一项极为复杂的系统工程。根据主题公园项目的特性分析其选址的关键因素和相应特点,建立主题公园项目选址的多层次评价指标体系模型,采用层次分析法确定模型各功能指标权重,通过德尔菲法确定不同备选方案的功能系数及成本系数,最终完成对不同选址方案的价值系数评估。  相似文献   

效用理论在建筑工程投标决策中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
韩英爱 《施工技术》2004,33(12):7-8
从建筑工程投标项目决策和投标价格决策两个方面,探讨了效用理论在建筑工程投标风险决策中的具体应用,并与期望损益值法相比较,说明期望效用值法的先进性。  相似文献   

运输决策与库存控制整合优化研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
配送系统的运输与库存整合优化是物流配送一体化战略的重要研究课题.给出了称之为运输与库存问题的研究文献综述.运输与库存问题的研究目标是在满足给定的客户服务水平及库存和运输的限制条件下,确定零售商的补货时刻、补货数量与车辆的行车线路并使该供应链运输和两级库存总费用的最小化.首先给出了该问题的描述及分类,然后对该领域的结果进行了回顾与总结.  相似文献   

工程项目风险成本与风险管理策略浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李兵  杨成永 《山西建筑》2006,32(18):234-235
通过对工程风险和风险成本定义的分析,论述了风险成本与风险管理之间的内在联系,针对工程项目风险的具体特点,并结合风险管理的实质,提出了风险管理的应对措施,指出了风险监控的必要性。  相似文献   

房地产项目投资具有不可逆性、高度不确定性和管理的灵活性,运用传统的净现值法不能挖掘出项目投资的这些性质所带来的价值,而应用实物期权方法进行房地产投资决策研究,不仅考虑到了房地产投资的不确定性,还体现了投资决策者的柔性管理和战略投资的价值。文章分析了传统净现值法的一些不足,介绍了实物期权的基本理论,并采用了B-S期权定价模型对房地产投资决策过程中蕴含的增长期权进行了案例分析,使得房地产投资决策更加科学合理。  相似文献   

本文研究具有随机红利支付的复合马尔可夫二项模型,当保险公司的资本盈余为非负时则以一定的概率支付1个单位的红利。对于此类离散时间更新风险过程,得到了条件Gerber-Shiu期望贴现惩罚函数所满足的瑕疵更新方程。  相似文献   

In this paper,the city prosperity manifest is analyzed through a logical process and a framework is then proposed for designing healthy buildings in Tehran. The current status of urbanization in terms of the number of people living together and the changes in old behavior and perspectives have resulted in deficiencies to the health and hygiene of buildings apart from their surrounding environment. Consequently,these problems have affected people's well-being.This study mainly aims to determine policies and strategies for the architecturaldesign of healthy buildings according to health and safety conditions that influence the quality of internal spaces and external environment of cities.The study is conducted based on logical reasoning and uses focus group and in-depth interviews to assess the final result. The result is aframework that suggests a number of policies that can promote the mental and physical health as well as hygiene of residents through healthy buildings.  相似文献   

根据监理单位的现状和发展情况,分析了在工程项目建设中监理单位所承担的各方面的风险责任,通过对各种风险的研究,提出了作为监理单位进行风险规避转移的几种手段,对监理单位的项目风险管理和企业管理有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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