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Evaluated the extent to which endorsement of irrational beliefs as measured by the Irrational Beliefs Test (IBT) was associated with subjective, physiological, and cognitive indices (e.g., Trait scale of the State–Trait Anxiety Inventory and Fear of Negative Evaluation Questionnaire scores) of emotional distress in response to a stressful event delivered in a controlled experiment. 62 undergraduates served as Ss. Beliefs relevant to the stressor were more associated with negative cognitions than was either a belief less relevant to the stressor or general irrational thinking. However, a measure of the fear of negative evaluation was more frequently associated with measures of distress than were irrational beliefs. The equivalent and perhaps greater predictive utility of a more parsimonious, less inferential individual difference variable was interpreted as challenging the construct validity of the IBT and perhaps questioning the necessity of postulating the existence of irrational beliefs in accounts of the arousal of emotional distress. (48 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To explore metamemory (memory beliefs) and affective functioning in individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Participants: Twenty-six individuals with mild TBI (MTBI), 16 individuals with severe TBI (STBI), and 42 uninjured adults. Outcome Measures: Metamemory in Adulthood questionnaire, Postconcussion Syndrome Checklist, Perceived Stress Scale, Beck Depression Inventory (2nd ed.), Beck Anxiety Inventory. Results: The control group endorsed higher memory self-efficacy, fewer depressive symptoms, fewer memory strategies, and fewer postconcussion symptoms than the MTBI or STBI group. The MTBI group placed high importance on success in memory tasks. Memory self-efficacy and memory-strategies use mediated the relation between TBI and depression. Conclusion: Individuals with brain injury hold negative beliefs about their memory functioning, and such beliefs contribute to depression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To examine the hypothesis that certain types of irrational beliefs covary with the severity of depression, 156 undergraduates completed the Beck Depression Inventory and R. G. Jones's Irrational Beliefs Test (IBT), which measures the extent to which a person adheres to 10 of the core irrational beliefs described by A. Ellis (1962). Correlational analyses revealed that depression was related most strongly to high self-expectations, frustration reactivity, overconcern about possible misfortunes in the future, helplessness, and the total IBT score. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nine subscales of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) were examined for caregivers of dementia patients. Caregivers (N?=?184) were divided into groups on the basis of age (≤59 and 60+) and gender. Their scores were compared with age-matched norms. All of the caregiving groups were significantly elevated on the Hostility subscale. Both younger and older women scored higher than the norms on the Anxiety subscale, and the older women were significantly elevated on three other subscales as well. The Anxiety and Hostility subscales of the BSI were most strongly correlated with the Burden Interview, a measure of the demands imposed by caregiving activities. This relation between burden and symptomatology highlights the stressful nature of caregiving. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Deficits in self- and social awareness can impair adjustment following traumatic brain injury (TBI) and draw into question the accuracy of self-report measures of adjustment. This study evaluates the validity of Katz Adjustment Scale (KAS) factor components identified by R. J. Fabiano and D. A. Goran (1992). The KAS is an observer rating scale often used to assess the social adjustment of people with traumatic brain injury. The responses of 105 individuals with TBI to the Symptom Checklist 90—Revised (SCL-90–R; L. R. Derogatis, 1983), a self-report measure of distress, were correlated with observer ratings on the KAS. Results support the use of observer ratings and self-report to assess adjustment and social behavior following TBI. Each contributes valuable information that can guide treatment and enhance adaptive functioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A study was made of the prevalence of voice disorders and their risk factors in teaching professionals of Logro?o, Spain. A prevalence and case-control study was made, including interviews, ENT examination, videostrobolaryngoscopy, perceptual evaluation of hoarseness, basic aerodynamic tests, the physical range of phonation, and a physical analysis of the acoustic signal. The prevalence of voice disorders among Logro?o teachers was 17.7% (confidence interval: 12.1-25%). Nodular lesions (8.1%) were the most frequent pathology, followed by hyperfunctional dysphonia (4.1%), chronic laryngitis (2.7%), polyps (1.4%), hypofunctional dysphonia (0.7%), and submucous suffusion (0.7%). Voice disorders were more prevalent in women (19.3%) than in men (15.6%), and among teachers of the lowest grades: 36.4% in nursery schools, 25% in elementary school, and 20.8% in junior school. The width and depth of classrooms, larger number of students, longer classroom hours, and noise level were related with the frequency of voice disorders.  相似文献   

This review identifies evidence-based psychological treatments (EBTs) for reducing distress, and improving well-being, of family members caring for an older relative with significant cognitive and/or physical impairment. Three categories of psychologically derived treatments met EBT criteria: psychoeducational programs (N = 14 studies), psychotherapy (N = 3 studies), and multicomponent interventions (N = 2 studies). Specifically, support within the psychoeducational category was found for skill-training programs focused on behavior management, depression management, and anger management and for the progressively lowered threshold model. Within the psychotherapy category, cognitive-behavioral therapy enjoys strong empirical support. Within the multicomponent category, programs using a combination of at least 2 distinct theoretical approaches (e.g., individual counseling and support group attendance) were also found to be effective. Suggestions for future research include the development of more well-integrated multicomponent approaches, greater inclusion of ethnically diverse family caregivers in research protocols, and greater incorporation of new technologies for treatment delivery. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

30 undergraduates completed the Depression Adjective Check List daily for 14–28 days to evaluate differences in depressed mood level and variability across time among Ss grouped on the basis of irrational beliefs, as measured by the Idea Inventory. As hypothesized, high levels of irrational thinking were associated with greater intensity and variability of depressed mood. Data provide partial confirmation for A. Ellis's (1962) theory of emotional disturbance, which holds that persons whose thinking is more dominated by irrational beliefs are more influenced by unpleasant experiences. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Predicted that 30 undergraduates with a strong tendency to endorse irrational beliefs, as measured by the Irrational Beliefs Test, would be more emotionally upset following a failure experience than would 30 Ss with little tendency to endorse irrational beliefs. Emotional upset was measured by the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (Anxiety) and Depression Adjective Check Lists and by performance decrements on digit-symbol coding and anagrams tasks. Results conform to the predicted relationship between irrational beliefs and emotional upset. High irrational Ss did not report more anxiety or depression than low irrational Ss, nor did the high irrational Ss show performance decrements following failure. Evidence concerning the validity of the Irrational Beliefs Test is reviewed. (French summary) (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors examined perceived income inadequacy as a predictor of self-reported depressive symptomatology and anxiety in the original sites of the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health I project. Perceived income inadequacy, self-reported household income, and control factors (e.g., subjective health) were entered into hierarchical regression analyses predicting psychological distress. Findings suggest that perceived income inadequacy and not household income significantly predicted more self-reported depressive symptomatology and greater self-reported anxiety. This supports previous findings that objective income measures alone are not adequate indicators of socioeconomic status in older adults. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study was conducted to identify the long term effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) on the roles of caregivers. The subjects consisted of 155 caregivers of survivors with TBI who were randomly selected from 15 midwestern state brain injury association databases. A questionnaire was developed by the researchers to determine factors affecting role changes of caregivers. The Role Checklist, by Barris, Oakley and Kielhofner, was also included with the questionnaire. Both were mailed to each selected caregiver and used for data gathering. The data obtained were analysed to determine existing trends in the data. Graphs were utilized to depict the trends that was identified. The following trends and conclusions established by this research include: (a) behavioural effects of the survivor with a TBI are associated with the number of role changes experienced by caregivers; (b) participation in support systems is associated with the number of role changes experienced by caregivers; and (c) caregivers who care for a person with a TBI in the home will show a larger number of role changes than those who do not provide direct care for a person with a TBI.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study examines the effects of objective (level of engagement) and subjective (discrepancy between importance of work and the degree to which work needs are met) indicators of employment on self-reported psychological well-being, quality of life (QoL), and depression for individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Community-based research and training center. Participants: 317 individuals with self-reported TBI under the age of 65 were included in analysis. Main Outcome Measures: Living Life After Traumatic Brain Injury (LLATBI; 1998), Flanagan Scale of Needs (J. C. Flanagan, 1982), Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II; A. T. Beck, R. Steer, & G. Brown, 1996). Results: Only 21% of the present sample experienced similar levels of pre- and postinjury employment. Multiple regressions revealed significant relationships between demographic, objective, and subjective employment indicators and perceived QoL and depression. In addition, significant increments in QoL and depression variance were accounted for by subjective indicators of employment per se. Conclusions: Subjective indicators are additional important measures when assessing the rehabilitation needs and planning treatment for individuals with TBI, as they contribute to further improvements in their QoL and mood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Personality disturbances associated with traumatic brain injury are reviewed. The varied structural pathology of the brain in this patient group makes it difficult to specify how different brain lesions may result in specific emotional and motivational disturbances. However, an attempt to clarify terms and review empirical findings is made. Longitudinal prospective studies that utilize appropriate control groups are needed. Future research may especially benefit by considering the long-term effects of early agitation following traumatic brain injury as well as the problem of aspontaneity and impairment of self-awareness. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that observers would attribute more negative qualities to relationships of disagreeing spouses than to relationships of agreeing spouses, particularly when the observers held irrational beliefs, 54 undergraduates completed the Irrational Beliefs Test and reported their impressions of actors portraying couples on videotape. Disagreeing couples were rated as experiencing more negative feelings, sharing less affection, having less intact relationships, and being less compatible than agreeing couples. Observers high in irrational beliefs reported more negative impressions of disagreeing couples than those low in irrational beliefs, when rating feelings and affection. Females were more likely to perceive compatibility than males. (5 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Administered to 382 undergraduates measures of irrational beliefs, general anxiety, and general anger to investigate their relationship. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and 2 self-report measures of irrational beliefs and anger were used. Analyses showed that personal perfection, anxious overconcern, blame proneness, and catastrophizing were predictors of general anger. Anxious overconcern, problem avoidance, catastrophizing, and personal perfection were significant regression factors for the full range of general anxiety. Demand for approval replaced personal perfection in this order for the regression on extreme anxiety groups. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To investigate postconcussive symptoms (PCS) following pediatric mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), 8- to 15-year-old children with mTBI (n = 186) and a comparison group with uncomplicated orthopedic injuries (OI, n = 99) were recruited from two emergency departments. Parent and child ratings of PCS and symptom counts were obtained within 3 weeks after injury (baseline) and at 1, 3, and 12 months postinjury. The mTBI group also completed magnetic resonance imaging at baseline. Group differences were examined using growth modeling, controlling for age at injury, sex, socioeconomic status, and (for parent-based measures) preinjury symptom levels. Relative to the OI group, the mTBI group had higher ratings of somatic PCS and parent counts of PCS at the initial assessments, but higher parent ratings of cognitive PCS and child counts of PCS throughout follow-up. Higher levels of PCS in the mTBI group were associated with motor-vehicle-related trauma, loss of consciousness, neuroimaging abnormalities, and hospitalization. The findings validate both transient and persistent PCS in children with mTBI and document associations of symptoms with injury and noninjury factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tests of verbal fluency that require either retrieval by semantic category or retrieval by initial letter were presented to 19 participants with mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI) and 24 control (NC) participants. Performance on these tasks was analyzed for total number of words produced, the presence of semantic clusters in the order of words produced, the presence of phonemic clusters in the order of words produced, and number of errors (i.e., perseverations, words out of category). Individuals with MTBI produced fewer words and made more errors than NCs, but their production contained an equal proportion of semantic and phonemic clusters. These data are discussed in relation to a previous study in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). PD participants did not make more errors than age-matched NCs despite reduced production. Implications for memory and executive function deficits following MTBI are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Examined the influence of mutual communal behaviors on the adjustment reported by persons with spinal cord injury (SCI) and their family caregivers. Previous research has found that persons who have a history of mutually communal behaviors in relationships may react differently to relationship changes after an acquired physical disability than dyads with few communal behaviors. Method: Family caregivers and persons with SCI were administered measures of mutual communal behaviors, depression, and life satisfaction. Structural equation modeling was used to test the relations among caregivers' communal behaviors and care recipients' communal behaviors, depression, and life satisfaction. Results: Caregiver and care recipient reports of communal behaviors were not significantly correlated. Significant paths indicated that care recipients' communal behavior scores were positively associated with their life satisfaction, and care recipients' depression was inversely associated with their life satisfaction. Caregivers' communal behavior scores were unrelated to their self-reported adjustment. Conclusions: Caregiver-care recipient dyads may differ in their perceptions of communal behaviors in their relationships. Although care recipient reports of communal behavior may be related to their life satisfaction, communal behaviors may not serve a similar function among caregivers of persons with SCI. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objectives: The purpose of this review is to educate and guide the actions of rehabilitation psychologists by providing a summary of the current literature on pharmacotherapies and treatment effectiveness for the chronic sequelae associated with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). A number of medications are reviewed for use in treating deficits in arousal, cognition, function, and other problems associated with TBI. Findings for their use in this population are summarized. Cautions, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed. Conclusions: Pharmacological management of chronic symptoms of TBI is commonplace in rehabilitation practice. Clear clinical guidelines for the use of pharmacotherapy in TBI are lacking, however, because of the few conclusive findings regarding the effectiveness of any particular agent. Rehabilitation psychologists frequently encounter patients treated with numerous medications and, therefore, need to be aware of potential effects on cognitive and functional abilities. Additionally, rehabilitation psychologists should be aware of available and empirically supported pharmacotherapies as they are in a position to comprehensively assess the patient and provide requested consultation to the treating physician concerning the patient's need for and likelihood of benefiting from various pharmacological agents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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