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随着全球气候环境的日趋恶化,人们已经认识到传统的高耗能、高污染、高排放、低附加值的经济发展模式已经不可持续了,必须通过新的技术革命,培育新兴产业,淘汰落后产能,使经济发展向低碳或零碳模式方向转变,实现经济、社会、人文的和谐发展。然而,在发展低碳经济、研发低碳产品、倡导低碳生活的同时,产品低碳标准如何衡量界定,产品(服务)生产消费过程的碳排放计量及其对气候变化的影响如何,世界各国尚未形成统一规范。文章对世界上第一个衡量产品碳足迹的标准PAS2050进行了分析,并就其在产品碳足迹测量中的实践应用作了详细阐述。  相似文献   

<正> 豆制品作为我国城乡居民的必需消费品,生产和市场状况一直备受老百姓及各级政府有关部门的广泛关注。总体来说,2007年,我国豆制品产量稳定增长、产品品种不断增多,产品质量逐步提高,豆制品产业工业化的速度加快,企业品牌意识得到加强,行业管理正在逐步走上正规。2008年,豆制品行业管理将进一步加强,产品质量不断提高,豆制品产业的工  相似文献   

乳品工业行业及区域发展特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于全国乳品工业1998~2005年年度统计数据以及各省市的综列数据,通过对生产函数的估计以及对影响行业绩效的相关因素的分析,考察我国乳品行业发展的特点及其区域特征。结果表明,我国乳品工业具有明显的规模报酬递增的特点,行业集中对提高行业绩效具有显著的推动作用。  相似文献   

我们已经连续几期向读者介绍了法国的食品工业,相信大家对此已有了一个初步的印象。其实,法国除了闻名遐迩的葡萄酒外,其醇香味浓的牛奶,以及营养丰富、美味可口的奶酪等乳制品,也是享誉世界的。记者这次特别采访了法国食品协会驻北京代表处欧阳赞彤小姐,请她就中法两国的乳品工业情况“说三道四”。  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their potential effect on the environment has become an important national and international issue. Dairy production, along with all other types of animal agriculture, is a recognized source of GHG emissions, but little information exists on the net emissions from dairy farms. Component models for predicting all important sources and sinks of CH4, N2O, and CO2 from primary and secondary sources in dairy production were integrated in a software tool called the Dairy Greenhouse Gas model, or DairyGHG. This tool calculates the carbon footprint of a dairy production system as the net exchange of all GHG in CO2 equivalent units per unit of energy-corrected milk produced. Primary emission sources include enteric fermentation, manure, cropland used in feed production, and the combustion of fuel in machinery used to produce feed and handle manure. Secondary emissions are those occurring during the production of resources used on the farm, which can include fuel, electricity, machinery, fertilizer, pesticides, plastic, and purchased replacement animals. A long-term C balance is assumed for the production system, which does not account for potential depletion or sequestration of soil carbon. An evaluation of dairy farms of various sizes and production strategies gave carbon footprints of 0.37 to 0.69 kg of CO2 equivalent units/kg of energy-corrected milk, depending upon milk production level and the feeding and manure handling strategies used. In a comparison with previous studies, DairyGHG predicted C footprints similar to those reported when similar assumptions were made for feeding strategy, milk production, allocation method between milk and animal coproducts, and sources of CO2 and secondary emissions. DairyGHG provides a relatively simple tool for evaluating management effects on net GHG emissions and the overall carbon footprint of dairy production systems.  相似文献   

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is the preferred methodology to assess carbon footprint per unit of milk. The objective of this case study was to apply an LCA method to compare carbon footprints of high-performance confinement and grass-based dairy farms. Physical performance data from research herds were used to quantify carbon footprints of a high-performance Irish grass-based dairy system and a top-performing United Kingdom (UK) confinement dairy system. For the US confinement dairy system, data from the top 5% of herds of a national database were used. Life-cycle assessment was applied using the same dairy farm greenhouse gas (GHG) model for all dairy systems. The model estimated all on- and off-farm GHG sources associated with dairy production until milk is sold from the farm in kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2-eq) and allocated emissions between milk and meat. The carbon footprint of milk was calculated by expressing GHG emissions attributed to milk per tonne of energy-corrected milk (ECM). The comparison showed that when GHG emissions were only attributed to milk, the carbon footprint of milk from the Irish grass-based system (837 kg of CO2-eq/t of ECM) was 5% lower than the UK confinement system (884 kg of CO2-eq/t of ECM) and 7% lower than the US confinement system (898 kg of CO2-eq/t of ECM). However, without grassland carbon sequestration, the grass-based and confinement dairy systems had similar carbon footprints per tonne of ECM. Emission algorithms and allocation of GHG emissions between milk and meat also affected the relative difference and order of dairy system carbon footprints. For instance, depending on the method chosen to allocate emissions between milk and meat, the relative difference between the carbon footprints of grass-based and confinement dairy systems varied by 3 to 22%. This indicates that further harmonization of several aspects of the LCA methodology is required to compare carbon footprints of contrasting dairy systems. In comparison to recent reports that assess the carbon footprint of milk from average Irish, UK, and US dairy systems, this case study indicates that top-performing herds of the respective nations have carbon footprints 27 to 32% lower than average dairy systems. Although differences between studies are partly explained by methodological inconsistency, the comparison suggests that potential exists to reduce the carbon footprint of milk in each of the nations by implementing practices that improve productivity.  相似文献   

在我国乳业迅速发展之时,令人关注的“学生饮用奶计划”将在我国实施。农业部、国家发展计划委员会、教育部、财政部、卫生部、国家质量技术监督局和国家轻工业局发布了《国家“学生饮用奶”暂行管理办法》,这一计划的实施,充分体现了党中央、国务院对我国青少年营养健  相似文献   

<正> 日前,新希望重组华西牛奶在成都锦江宾馆正式签约。刚刚收购重庆天友乳业返蓉的新希望1号人物刘永好,受让省国有资产管理公司持有的47.09%的股权和另三家成都企业持有的6.77%的股权,以总计53.86%的股权荣升华西乳业有限公司第一大股东。 此前,新希望已先后拿下四川阳坪、安徽白帝两大地方品牌,加上刚刚收入囊中的天友、华西,四大诸侯年产20万吨液态奶,支撑起西南奶业-  相似文献   

Cooperative water network system to reduce carbon footprint   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much effort has been made in reducing the carbon footprint to mitigate climate change. However, water network synthesis has been focused on reducing the consumption and cost of freshwater within each industrial plant. The objective of this study is to illustrate the necessity of the cooperation of industrial plants to reduce the total carbon footprint of their water supply systems. A mathematical optimization model to minimize global warming potentials is developed to synthesize (1) a cooperative water network system (WNS) integrated over two plants and (2) an individual WNS consisting of two WNSs separated for each plant. The cooperative WNS is compared to the individual WNS. The cooperation reduces their carbon footprint and is economically feasible and profitable. A strategy for implementing the cooperation is suggested for the fair distribution of costs and benefits. As a consequence, industrial plants should cooperate with their neighbor plants to further reduce the carbon footprint.  相似文献   

一直以来甜味剂在食品工业中占据着重要的位置,特别是在近年飞速发展的乳品工业中,随着消费者需求的多样化及市场竞争的加剧,不同乳品企业在充分展现乳制品营养的同时,更是通过添加使用健康、美味、营养的甜味剂来丰富产品的健康需求.目前乳品市场中甜味剂的应用主要有以下几方面特点:  相似文献   

对膜分离技术的分离特征、分类、应用范围进行了介绍,同时从理论上阐述了膜分离技术在乳品除菌、乳蛋白质的分离浓缩、分离脂肪、乳清脱盐、牛奶浓缩、乳品标准化及乳品生产企业废水回收等方面的应用。  相似文献   

达能参股光明、三元收购卡夫……2000年以来发生的一系列并购事件,正在使乳业掀起一场市场资源的大整合,旧的态势被打破、乳业力量对比不断发生变化,新的市场格局正在形成!  相似文献   

王天 《中国食品工业》2000,(10):14-14,16
<正> 我们12亿人口的祖国,奶品生产和供应一直未能满足人民日益提高的生活需求。为了解决我国乳品短缺的难题,党和政府采取了许多优惠政策和利民措施,多少志士仁人为之呕心沥血,众多企业家和产业工人奋斗拼搏,创造了可歌可泣的辉煌业绩。石家庄三鹿集团股份有限公司就是其中的一个典型和缩影。  相似文献   

中国奶业蓬勃发展五十年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 奶业是节粮、经济、高效的产业。奶业的发展,对改善全民营养、增强民族体质,充分利用经济和自然资源,扩大就业门路,增加农民、工人的收入,繁荣农村经济,推动食品工业生产,丰富市场供应,有着极其重要的作用。因此,党和政府一贯重视奶业,长期采取扶植政策和积极措施,建国50年来,奶业已成为国民经济发展成效显著的产业之一。  相似文献   

The Centre for Agricultural Strategy was established by the Nuffield, Foundation on the campus of the University of Reading, in October, 1975. This, the fourth report, deals with the United Kingdom dairy industry and in view of its importance the Summary and Recommendations are reproduced here in full. We are grateful to the Director of the Centre, Professor J. C. Bowman for permission to print these in this way  相似文献   

膜技术在乳品工业中的应用   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
针对新兴边缘学科--膜技术在乳品工业中的应用,从膜技术的基本理论方面同传统工艺相比较,突出表现膜分离技术可简化生产工艺,减少废水污染,提高乳品综合利用率,能耗低和效率高,因而具有显著的经济效益和环保作用,故其发展相当迅速,应用也越来越广泛。同时从理论上阐述了膜技术在乳品除菌,乳的标准化,牛乳的浓缩,乳蛋白浓缩,回收产品,乳蛋白质分级分离,乳清脱盐等方面的应用。  相似文献   

<正> 随着人们生活水平的不断提高,牛奶的营养价值日益受到重视。有关统计数字显示,我国牛奶消费量近些年来每年递增15%。有人说,我们不喝牛奶,就像生活中少了音乐。如今,我国奶制品种类比音符丰富得多了,商场、超市的食品专柜上,各种奶粉、干酪、酸奶、花色奶、奶茶和奶片等琳琅满目,奶制品已成为仅次于粮食和蔬菜的第三大食品类型。  相似文献   

Effects of land use changes are starting to be included in estimates of life-cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, so-called carbon footprints (CFs), from food production. Their omission can lead to serious underestimates, particularly for meat. Here we estimate emissions from the conversion of forest to pasture in the Legal Amazon Region (LAR) of Brazil and present a model to distribute the emissions from deforestation over products and time subsequent to the land use change. Expansion of cattle ranching for beef production is a major cause of deforestation in the LAR. The carbon footprint of beef produced on newly deforested land is estimated at more than 700 kg CO(2)-equivalents per kg carcass weight if direct land use emissions are annualized over 20 years. This is orders of magnitude larger than the figure for beef production on established pasture on non-deforested land. While Brazilian beef exports have originated mainly from areas outside the LAR, i.e. from regions not subject to recent deforestation, we argue that increased production for export has been the key driver of the pasture expansion and deforestation in the LAR during the past decade and this should be reflected in the carbon footprint attributed to beef exports. We conclude that carbon footprint standards must include the more extended effects of land use changes to avoid giving misleading information to policy makers, retailers, and consumers.  相似文献   

The viscosity of a fluid, or fluid like material, is a measure of its resistance to flow. Many foods are fluid in nature, as final products and/or during production. The viscosity of the final product is an indicator of product consistency and can determine consumer preferences. During production a suitable and reliable in-line viscometer can help monitor the process, optimize yield, increase efficiency, reduce costs, enable a degree of automated control and improve final product consistency and quality. Whether such goals can be achieved in practice depends on many factors. This paper gives an overview of these factors.  相似文献   

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