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In recent years, Collaborative Filtering (CF) has proven to be one of the most successful techniques used in recommendation systems. Since current CF systems estimate the ratings of not-yet-rated items based on other items’ ratings, these CF systems fail to recommend products when users’ preferences are not expressed in numbers. In many practical situations, however, users’ preferences are represented by ranked lists rather than numbers, such as lists of movies ranked according to users’ preferences. Therefore, this study proposes a novel collaborative filtering methodology for product recommendation when the preference of each user is expressed by multiple ranked lists of items. Accordingly, a four-staged methodology is developed to predict the rankings of not-yet-ranked items for the active user. Finally, a series of experiments is performed, and the results indicate that the proposed methodology produces high-quality recommendations.  相似文献   

With the advent of new cable and satellite services, and the next generation of digital TV systems, people are faced with an unprecedented level of program choice. This often means that viewers receive much more information than they can actually manage, which may lead them to believe that they are missing programs that could likely interest them. In this context, TV program recommendation systems allow us to cope with this problem by automatically matching user’s likes to TV programs and recommending the ones with higher user preference.This paper describes the design, development, and startup of queveo.tv: a Web 2.0 TV program recommendation system. The proposed hybrid approach (which combines content-filtering techniques with those based on collaborative filtering) also provides all typical advantages of any social network, such as supporting communication among users as well as allowing users to add and tag contents, rate and comment the items, etc. To eliminate the most serious limitations of collaborative filtering, we have resorted to a well-known matrix factorization technique in the implementation of the item-based collaborative filtering algorithm, which has shown a good behavior in the TV domain. Every step in the development of this application was taken keeping always in mind the main goal: to simplify as much as possible the user task of selecting what program to watch on TV.  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering (CF) is an effective technique addressing the information overloading problem, where each user is associated with a set of rating scores on a set of items. For a chosen target user, conventional CF algorithms measure similarity between this user and other users by utilizing pairs of rating scores on common rated items, but discarding scores rated by one of them only. We call these comparative scores as dual ratings, while the non-comparative scores as singular ratings. Our experiments show that only about 10% ratings are dual ones that can be used for similarity evaluation, while the other 90% are singular ones. In this paper, we propose SingCF approach, which attempts to incorporate multiple singular ratings, in addition to dual ratings, to implement collaborative filtering, aiming at improving the recommendation accuracy. We first estimate the unrated scores for singular ratings and transform them into dual ones. Then we perform a CF process to discover neighborhood users and make predictions for each target user. Furthermore, we provide a MapReduce-based distributed framework on Hadoop for significant improvement in efficiency. Experiments in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods demonstrate the performance gains of our approaches.  相似文献   

Knowledge is a critical resource that organizations use to gain and maintain competitive advantages. In the constantly changing business environment, organizations must exploit effective and efficient methods of preserving, sharing and reusing knowledge in order to help knowledge workers find task-relevant information. Hence, an important issue is how to discover and model the knowledge flow (KF) of workers from their historical work records. The objectives of a knowledge flow model are to understand knowledge workers’ task-needs and the ways they reference documents, and then provide adaptive knowledge support. This work proposes hybrid recommendation methods based on the knowledge flow model, which integrates KF mining, sequential rule mining and collaborative filtering techniques to recommend codified knowledge. These KF-based recommendation methods involve two phases: a KF mining phase and a KF-based recommendation phase. The KF mining phase identifies each worker’s knowledge flow by analyzing his/her knowledge referencing behavior (information needs), while the KF-based recommendation phase utilizes the proposed hybrid methods to proactively provide relevant codified knowledge for the worker. Therefore, the proposed methods use workers’ preferences for codified knowledge as well as their knowledge referencing behavior to predict their topics of interest and recommend task-related knowledge. Using data collected from a research institute laboratory, experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed hybrid methods and compare them with the traditional CF method. The results of experiments demonstrate that utilizing the document preferences and knowledge referencing behavior of workers can effectively improve the quality of recommendations and facilitate efficient knowledge sharing.  相似文献   

Item-to-item collaborative filtering (short for ICF) has been widely used in ecommerce websites due to his interpretability and simplicity in real-time personalized recommendation. The focus of ICF is to calculate the similarity between items. With the rapid development of machine learning in recent years, it takes similarity model instead of cosine similarity and Pearson coefficient to calculate the similarity between items in recommendation. However, the existing similarity models can not sufficient to express the preferences of users for different items. In this work, we propose a novel attention-based item collaborative filtering model(AICF) which adopts three different attention mechanisms to estimate the weights of historical items that users have interacted with. Compared with the state-of-the-art recommendation models, the AICF model with simple attention mechanism Self-Attention can better estimate the weight of historical items on non-sparse data sets. Due to depth models can model complex connection between items, our model with the more complex Transformer achieves superior recommendation performance on sparse data. Extensive experiments on ML-1M and Pinterest-20 show that the proposed model greatly outperforms other novel models in recommendation accuracy and provides users with personalized recommendation list more in line with their interests.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose two new filtering algorithms which are a combination of user-based and item-based collaborative filtering schemes. The first one, Hybrid-Ib, identifies a reasonably large neighbourhood of similar users and then uses this subset to derive the item-based recommendation model. The second algorithm, Hybrid-CF, starts by locating items similar to the one for which we want a prediction, and then, based on that neighbourhood, it generates its user-based predictions. We start by describing the execution steps of the algorithms and proceed with extended experiments. We conclude that our algorithms are directly comparable to existing filtering approaches, with Hybrid-CF producing favorable or, in the worst case, similar results in all selected evaluation metrics.  相似文献   

Recommender systems aim at solving the problem of information overload by selecting items (commercial products, educational assets, TV programs, etc.) that match the consumers’ interests and preferences. Recently, there have been approaches to drive the recommendations by the information stored in electronic health records, for which the traditional strategies applied in online shopping, e-learning, entertainment and other areas have several pitfalls. This paper addresses those problems by introducing a new filtering strategy, centered on the properties that characterize the items and the users. Preliminary experiments with real users have proved that this approach outperforms previous ones in terms of consumers’ satisfaction with the recommended items. The benefits are especially apparent among people with specific health concerns.  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering (CF) is a widely-used technique for generating personalized recommendations. CF systems are typically based on a central storage of user profiles, i.e., the ratings given by users to items. Such centralized storage introduces potential privacy breach, since all the user profiles may be accessible by untrusted parties when breaking the access control of the centralized system. Hence, recent studies have focused on enhancing the privacy of CF users by distributing their user profiles across multiple repositories and obfuscating the user profiles to partially hide the actual user ratings. This work combines these two techniques and investigates the unavoidable side effect of data obfuscation: the reduction of the accuracy of the generated CF predictions. The evaluation, which was conducted using three different datasets, shows that considerable parts of the user profiles can be modified without observing a substantial decrease of the CF prediction accuracy. The evaluation also indicates what parts of the user profiles are required for generating accurate CF predictions. In addition, we conducted an exploratory user study that reveals positive attitude of users towards the data obfuscation.  相似文献   

The traditional recommender systems are usually oriented to general situations in daily lives (e.g. recommend movies, books, music, news and etc.), but seldom cover the recommendation scenarios for the collaborative team environments. We have done an explorative study on collaborative filtering mechanism for collaborative team environments, which is some kind of multi-dimensional recommender systems problem with consideration of workflow context. This paper proposed 3-dimensional workflow space model, and investigated the new similarities measure between members in workflow space. Then, the new similarities measure is utilized into collaborative filtering for recommender systems in collaborative team environments. At last, the efficiency and usability of the proposed method are validated by experiments referring to a real-world collaborative team of a manufacturing enterprise.  相似文献   

A new approach for combining content-based and collaborative filters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the development of e-commerce and the proliferation of easily accessible information, recommender systems have become a popular technique to prune large information spaces so that users are directed toward those items that best meet their needs and preferences. A variety of techniques have been proposed for performing recommendations, including content-based and collaborative techniques. Content-based filtering selects information based on semantic content, whereas collaborative filtering combines the opinions of other users to make a prediction for a target user. In this paper, we describe a new filtering approach that combines the content-based filter and collaborative filter to capitalize on their respective strengths, and thereby achieves a good performance. We present a series of recommendations on the selection of the appropriate factors and also look into different techniques for calculating user-user similarities based on the integrated information extracted from user profiles and user ratings. Finally, we experimentally evaluate our approach and compare it with classic filters, the result of which demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

Nicolas  Michel   《Neurocomputing》2008,71(7-9):1300-1310
Collaborative filtering (CF) is a data analysis task appearing in many challenging applications, in particular data mining in Internet and e-commerce. CF can often be formulated as identifying patterns in a large and mostly empty rating matrix. In this paper, we focus on predicting unobserved ratings. This task is often a part of a recommendation procedure. We propose a new CF approach called interlaced generalized linear models (GLM); it is based on a factorization of the rating matrix and uses probabilistic modeling to represent uncertainty in the ratings. The advantage of this approach is that different configurations, encoding different intuitions about the rating process can easily be tested while keeping the same learning procedure. The GLM formulation is the keystone to derive an efficient learning procedure, applicable to large datasets. We illustrate the technique on three public domain datasets.  相似文献   

The rapid development of Internet technologies in recent decades has imposed a heavy information burden on users. This has led to the popularity of recommender systems, which provide advice to users about items they may like to examine. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is the most promising technique in recommender systems, providing personalized recommendations to users based on their previously expressed preferences and those of other similar users. This paper introduces a CF framework based on Fuzzy Association Rules and Multiple-level Similarity (FARAMS). FARAMS extended existing techniques by using fuzzy association rule mining, and takes advantage of product similarities in taxonomies to address data sparseness and nontransitive associations. Experimental results show that FARAMS improves prediction quality, as compared to similar approaches. Cane Wing-ki Leung is a PhD student in the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, where she received her BA degree in Computing in 2003. Her research interests include collaborative filtering, data mining and computer-supported collaborative work. Stephen Chi-fai Chan is an Associate Professor and Associate Head of the Department of Computing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr. Chan received his PhD from the University of Rochester, USA, worked on computer-aided design at Neo-Visuals, Inc. in Toronto, Canada, and researched in computer-integrated manufacturing at the National Research Council of Canada before joining the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1993. He is currently working on the development of collaborative Web-based information systems, with applications in education, electronic commerce, and manufacturing. Fu-lai Chung received his BSc degree from the University of Manitoba, Canada, in 1987, and his MPhil and PhD degrees from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1991 and 1995, respectively. He joined the Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1994, where he is currently an Associate Professor. He has published widely in the areas of computational intelligence, pattern recognition and recently data mining and multimedia in international journals and conferences and his current research interests include time series data mining, Web data mining, bioinformatics data mining, multimedia content analysis,and new computational intelligence techniques.  相似文献   

Memory-based collaborative filtering (CF) makes recommendations based on a collection of user preferences for items. The idea underlying this approach is that the interests of an active user will more likely coincide with those of users who share similar preferences to the active user. Hence, the choice and computation of a similarity measure between users is critical to rating items. This work proposes a similarity update method that uses an iterative message passing procedure. Additionally, this work deals with a drawback of using the popular mean absolute error (MAE) for performance evaluation, namely that ignores ratings distribution. A novel modulation method and an accuracy metric are presented in order to minimize the predictive accuracy error and to evenly distribute predicted ratings over true rating scales. Preliminary results show that the proposed similarity update and prediction modulation techniques significantly improve the predicted rankings.  相似文献   

Cluster ensembles in collaborative filtering recommendation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recommender systems, which recommend items of information that are likely to be of interest to the users, and filter out less favored data items, have been developed. Collaborative filtering is a widely used recommendation technique. It is based on the assumption that people who share the same preferences on some items tend to share the same preferences on other items. Clustering techniques are commonly used for collaborative filtering recommendation. While cluster ensembles have been shown to outperform many single clustering techniques in the literature, the performance of cluster ensembles for recommendation has not been fully examined. Thus, the aim of this paper is to assess the applicability of cluster ensembles to collaborative filtering recommendation. In particular, two well-known clustering techniques (self-organizing maps (SOM) and k-means), and three ensemble methods (the cluster-based similarity partitioning algorithm (CSPA), hypergraph partitioning algorithm (HGPA), and majority voting) are used. The experimental results based on the Movielens dataset show that cluster ensembles can provide better recommendation performance than single clustering techniques in terms of recommendation accuracy and precision. In addition, there are no statistically significant differences between either the three SOM ensembles or the three k-means ensembles. Either the SOM or k-means ensembles could be considered in the future as the baseline collaborative filtering technique.  相似文献   

准确而积极地向用户提供他们可能感兴趣的信息或服务是推荐系统的主要任务。协同过滤是采用得最广泛的推荐算法之一,而数据稀疏的问题往往严重影响推荐质量。为了解决这个问题,提出了基于二分图划分联合聚类的协同过滤推荐算法。首先将用户与项目构建成二分图进行联合聚类,从而映射到低维潜在特征空间;其次根据聚类结果改进2种相似性计算策略:簇偏好相似性和评分相似性,并将二者相结合。基于结合的相似性,分别采用基于用户和项目的方法来获得对未知目标评分的预测。最后,将这些预测结果进行融合。实验结果表明,所提算法比最新的联合聚类协同过滤推荐算法具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering (CF)-based recommender systems represent a promising solution for the rapidly growing mobile music market. However, in the mobile Web environment, a traditional CF system that uses explicit ratings to collect user preferences has a limitation: mobile customers find it difficult to rate their tastes directly because of poor interfaces and high telecommunication costs. Implicit ratings are more desirable for the mobile Web, but commonly used cardinal (interval, ratio) scales for representing preferences are also unsatisfactory because they may increase estimation errors. In this paper, we propose a CF-based recommendation methodology based on both implicit ratings and less ambitious ordinal scales. A mobile Web usage mining (mWUM) technique is suggested as an implicit rating approach, and a specific consensus model typically used in multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) is employed to generate an ordinal scale-based customer profile. An experiment with the participation of real mobile Web customers shows that the proposed methodology provides better performance than existing CF algorithms in the mobile Web environment.  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering is a widely used recommendation technique and many collaborative filtering techniques have been developed, each with its own merits and drawbacks. In this study, we apply an artificial immune network to collaborative filtering for movie recommendation. We propose new formulas in calculating the affinity between an antigen and an antibody and the affinity of an antigen to an immune network. In addition, a modified similarity estimation formula based on the Pearson correlation coefficient is also developed. A series of experiments based on MovieLens and EachMovie datasets are conducted, and the results are very encouraging.  相似文献   

This work presents a novel application of Sentiment Analysis in Recommender Systems by categorizing users according to the average polarity of their comments. These categories are used as attributes in Collaborative Filtering algorithms. To test this solution a new corpus of opinions on movies obtained from the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) has been generated, so both ratings and comments are available. The experiments stress the informative value of comments. By applying Sentiment Analysis approaches some Collaborative Filtering algorithms can be improved in rating prediction tasks. The results indicate that we obtain a more reliable prediction considering only the opinion text (RMSE of 1.868), than when apply similarities over the entire user community (RMSE of 2.134) and sentiment analysis can be advantageous to recommender systems.  相似文献   

Collaborative filtering based on iterative principal component analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most popular recommender system technologies, and utilizes the known preferences of a group of users to predict the unknown preference of a new user. However, the existing CF techniques has the drawback that it requires the entire existing data be maintained and analyzed repeatedly whenever new user ratings are added. To avoid such a problem, Eigentaste, a CF approach based on the principal component analysis (PCA), has been proposed. However, Eigentaste requires that each user rate every item in the so called gauge set for executing PCA, which may not be always feasible in practice. Developed in this article is an iterative PCA approach in which no gauge set is required, and singular value decomposition is employed for estimating missing ratings and dimensionality reduction. Principal component values for users in reduced dimension are used for clustering users. Then, the proposed approach is compared to Eigentaste in terms of the mean absolute error of prediction using the Jester, MovieLens, and EachMovie data sets. Experimental results show that the proposed approach, even without a gauge set, performs slightly better than Eigentaste regardless of the data set and clustering method employed, implying that it can be used as a useful alternative when defining a gauge set is neither possible nor practical.  相似文献   

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