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ContextSoftware networks are directed graphs of static dependencies between source code entities (functions, classes, modules, etc.). These structures can be used to investigate the complexity and evolution of large-scale software systems and to compute metrics associated with software design. The extraction of software networks is also the first step in reverse engineering activities.ObjectiveThe aim of this paper is to present SNEIPL, a novel approach to the extraction of software networks that is based on a language-independent, enriched concrete syntax tree representation of the source code.MethodThe applicability of the approach is demonstrated by the extraction of software networks representing real-world, medium to large software systems written in different languages which belong to different programming paradigms. To investigate the completeness and correctness of the approach, class collaboration networks (CCNs) extracted from real-world Java software systems are compared to CCNs obtained by other tools. Namely, we used Dependency Finder which extracts entity-level dependencies from Java bytecode, and Doxygen which realizes language-independent fuzzy parsing approach to dependency extraction. We also compared SNEIPL to fact extractors present in language-independent reverse engineering tools.ResultsOur approach to dependency extraction is validated on six real-world medium to large-scale software systems written in Java, Modula-2, and Delphi. The results of the comparative analysis involving ten Java software systems show that the networks formed by SNEIPL are highly similar to those formed by Dependency Finder and more precise than the comparable networks formed with the help of Doxygen. Regarding the comparison with language-independent reverse engineering tools, SNEIPL provides both language-independent extraction and representation of fact bases.ConclusionSNEIPL is a language-independent extractor of software networks and consequently enables language-independent network-based analysis of software systems, computation of design software metrics, and extraction of fact bases for reverse engineering activities.  相似文献   

ContextThe number of students enrolled in universities at standard and on-line programming courses is rapidly increasing. This calls for automated evaluation of students assignments.ObjectiveWe aim to develop methods and tools for objective and reliable automated grading that can also provide substantial and comprehensible feedback. Our approach targets introductory programming courses, which have a number of specific features and goals. The benefits are twofold: reducing the workload for teachers, and providing helpful feedback to students in the process of learning.MethodFor sophisticated automated evaluation of students’ programs, our grading framework combines results of three approaches (i) testing, (ii) software verification, and (iii) control flow graph similarity measurement. We present our tools for software verification and control flow graph similarity measurement, which are publicly available and open source. The tools are based on an intermediate code representation, so they could be applied to a number of programming languages.ResultsEmpirical evaluation of the proposed grading framework is performed on a corpus of programs written by university students in programming language C within an introductory programming course. Results of the evaluation show that the synergy of proposed approaches improves the quality and precision of automated grading and that automatically generated grades are highly correlated with instructor-assigned grades. Also, the results show that our approach can be trained to adapt to teacher’s grading style.ConclusionsIn this paper we integrate several techniques for evaluation of student’s assignments. The obtained results suggest that the presented tools can find real-world applications in automated grading.  相似文献   

The open-source Java software framework JStatCom is presented which supports the development of rich desktop clients for data analysis in a rather general way. The concept is to solve all recurring tasks with the help of reusable components and to enable rapid application development by adopting a standards based approach which is readily supported by existing programming tools. Furthermore, JStatCom allows to call external procedures from within Java that are written in other languages, for example Gauss, Ox or Matlab. This way it is possible to reuse an already existing code base for numerical routines written in domain-specific programming languages and to link them with the Java world. A reference application for JStatCom is the econometric software package JMulTi, which will shortly be introduced.  相似文献   


The effective reuse of previously engineered components has become a core activity in any object-oriented software development project. The task is, however, often problematic when it comes to actual retrieval and understanding of the class library in, e.g., Java. Newcomers, especially, in a software company or novices in Java programming will need time to obtain a good overview of available components. This article explores the use of intelligent agents in a case-based tool for software reuse. By introducing agent support to the retrieval mechanism of the tool we show how retrieval efficiency may be improved. The cooperating agents assist the user in retrieval of code for potential reuse in an automated way and in the background. This makes it possible for the developer to concentrate fully on her task. The tool aids in program understanding and adaptation. Thus, it allows an exploratory approach to program development and increases reuse efficiency.  相似文献   

ContextContinuous Integration (CI) has become an established best practice of modern software development. Its philosophy of regularly integrating the changes of individual developers with the master code base saves the entire development team from descending into Integration Hell, a term coined in the field of extreme programming. In practice, CI is supported by automated tools to cope with this repeated integration of source code through automated builds and testing. One of the main problems, however, is that relevant information about the quality and health of a software system is both scattered across those tools and across multiple views.ObjectiveThis paper introduces a quality awareness framework for CI-data and its conceptional model used for the data integration and visualization. The framework called SQA-Mashup makes use of the service-based mashup paradigm and integrates information from the entire CI-toolchain into a single service.MethodThe research approach followed in our work consists out of (i) a conceptional model for data integration and visualization, (ii) a prototypical framework implementation based on tool requirements derived from literature, and (iii) a controlled user study to evaluate its usefulness.ResultsThe results of the controlled user study showed that SQA-Mashup’s single point of access allows users to answer questions regarding the state of a system more quickly (57%) and accurately (21.6%) than with standalone CI-tools.ConclusionsThe SQA-Mashup framework can serve as one-stop shop for software quality data monitoring in a software development project. It enables easy access to CI-data which otherwise is not integrated but scattered across multiple CI-tools. Our dynamic visualization approach allows for a tailoring of integrated CI-data according to information needs of different stakeholders such as developers or testers.  相似文献   

In the automotive industry, the model driven development of software, today considered as the standard paradigm, is generally based on the use of the tool MATLAB Simulink/Stateflow. To increase the quality, the reliability, and the efficiency of the models and the generated code, checking and elimination of detected guideline violations defined in huge catalogs has become an essential task in the development process. It represents such a tremendous amount of boring work that it must necessarily be automated. In the past we have shown that graph transformation tools like Fujaba/MOFLON allow for the specification of single modeling guidelines on a very high level of abstraction and that guideline checking tools can be generated from these specifications easily. Unfortunately, graph transformation languages do not offer appropriate concepts for reuse of specification fragments—a MUST, when we deal with hundreds of guidelines. As a consequence we present an extension of MOFLON that supports the definition of generic rewrite rules and combines them with the reflective programming mechanisms of Java and the model repository interface standard Java Metadata Interface (JMI).  相似文献   

Dale Parson  Zhenyu Zhu 《Software》2000,30(15):1641-1660
The JavaTM Native Interface (JNI) provides a set of mechanisms for implementing Java methods in C or C++. JNI is useful for reusing C and C++ code repositories within Java frameworks. JNI is also useful for real‐time systems, where compiled C/C++ code executes performance‐critical tasks, while Java code executes system control and feature tasks. Available JNI literature concentrates on creating Java proxy classes that allow Java clients to interact with C++ classes. Current JNI literature does not discuss Java proxies for entire C++ inheritance hierarchies; that is the topic of this paper. Our experience in reusing C++ class hierarchies within a Java framework has uncovered a set of useful techniques for constructing Java proxy class hierarchies that mirror their C++ counterparts. This report gives both high level design guidelines and specific programming idioms for constructing Java class hierarchies that serve as proxies for C++ counterparts. We begin by discussing opportunities for reuse within a proxy class hierarchy, as well as problems caused by differences between the Java and C++ approaches to inheritance. The two most significant differences are due to C++ support for invocation of a member function based on the static type of its class, and C++ support for multiple implementation inheritance. Two example C++ class hierarchies provide the basis for a set of sections that present the design guidelines and that codify the programming idioms. This work could serve as the basis for an automatic generator of Java proxy class hierarchies. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ContextCode generators can automatically perform some tedious and error-prone implementation tasks, increasing productivity and quality in the software development process. Most code generators are based on templates, which are fundamentally composed of text expansion statements. To build templates, the code of an existing, tested and validated implementation may serve as reference, in a process known as templatization. With the dynamics of software evolution/maintenance and the need for performing changes in the code generation templates, there is a loss of synchronism between the templates and this reference code. Additional effort is required to keep them synchronized.ObjectiveThis paper proposes automation as a way to reduce the extra effort needed to keep templates and reference code synchronized.MethodA mechanism was developed to semi-automatically detect and propagate changes from reference code to templates, keeping them synchronized with less effort. The mechanism was also submitted to an empirical evaluation to analyze its effects in terms of effort reduction during maintenance/evolution templatization.ResultsIt was observed that the developed mechanism can lead to a 50% reduction in the effort needed to perform maintenance/evolution templatization, when compared to a manual approach. It was also observed that this effect depends on the nature of the evolution/maintenance task, since for one of the tasks there was no observable advantage in using the mechanism. However, further studies are needed to better characterize these tasks.ConclusionAlthough there is still room for improvement, the results indicate that automation can be used to reduce effort and cost in the maintenance and evolution of a template-based code generation infrastructure.  相似文献   

Marking programming assignments in programming courses involves a lot of work: each program must be tested, the source code must be read and evaluated, etc. With the large classes encountered nowadays, the feedback provided to students through marking is thus rather limited, and often late. Tools providing support for marking programming assignments do exist, ranging from support for administrative aspects through automation of program testing or support for source code evaluation based on metrics. In this paper, we introduce a tool, called Oto, that provides support for submission and marking of assignments. Oto aims at reducing the workload associated with the marking task. Oto also aims at providing timely feedback to the students, including feedback before the final submission. Furthermore, the tool has been designed to be generic and extensible, so that the marking process for a specific assignment can easily be customized and the tool can be extended with various marking components (modules) that allows it to deal with various aspects of marking (testing, style, structure, etc.) and with programs written in various programming languages. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In object programming languages, the Visitor design pattern allows separation of algorithms and data structures. When applying this pattern to tree‐like structures, programmers are always confronted with the difficulty of making their code evolve. One reason is that the code implementing the algorithm is interwound with the code implementing the traversal inside the visitor. When implementing algorithms such as data analyses or transformations, encoding the traversal directly into the algorithm turns out to be cumbersome as this type of algorithm only focuses on a small part of the data‐structure model (e.g., program optimization). Unfortunately, typed programming languages like Java do not offer simple solutions for expressing generic traversals. Rewrite‐based languages like ELAN or Stratego have introduced the notion of strategies to express both generic traversal and rule application control in a declarative way. Starting from this approach, our goal was to make the notion of strategic programming available in a widely used language such as Java and thus to offer generic traversals in typed Java structures. In this paper, we present the strategy language SL that provides programming support for strategies in Java. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although collaboration tools have existed for a long time [8], Internet-based multimedia collaboration has recently received a lot of attention mainly due to easy accessibility of the Internet by ordinary users. The Java platform and programming language has also introduced yet another level of easy access: platform-independent computing. As a result, it is very attractive to use Java to design multimedia collaboration systems for the Internet. Today there are many systems, which use Java for multimedia collaboration. However, most of these systems require the shared Java application to be re-written according to the collaboration system's Application Programming Interface (API)—a task which is sometimes difficult or even impossible. In this paper, we describe a practical approach for transparent collaboration with Java. Our approach is transparent in that the Java application can be shared as is with no modifications. The main idea behind our system is that user events occurring through the interactions with the application can be caught, distributed, and reconstructed, hence allowing Java applications to be shared transparently. Our architecture allows us to make the huge installed base of Java applications collaborative, without any modification to their original code. We also prove the feasibility of our architecture by implementation of the JASMINE1 prototype.  相似文献   


This article answers 50 key questions that every software maintenance manager should ask to improve the software maintenance process. Issues include the feasibility and applicability of software reuse and the development of maintainable software as well as the improvement of existing software and achieving programmer and software productivity. An overview of software tools that aid in maintaining code is also provided.  相似文献   

Since its introduction in 1993, the Message Passing Interface (MPI) has become a de facto standard for writing High Performance Computing (HPC) applications on clusters and Massively Parallel Processors (MPPs). The recent emergence of multi-core processor systems presents a new challenge for established parallel programming paradigms, including those based on MPI. This paper presents a new Java messaging system called MPJ Express. Using this system, we exploit multiple levels of parallelism–messaging and threading–to improve application performance on multi-core processors. We refer to our approach as nested parallelism. This MPI-like Java library can support nested parallelism by using Java or Java OpenMP (JOMP) threads within an MPJ Express process. Practicality of this approach is assessed by porting to Java a massively parallel structure formation code from Cosmology called Gadget-2. We introduce nested parallelism in the Java version of the simulation code and report good speed-ups. To the best of our knowledge it is the first time this kind of hybrid parallelism is demonstrated in a high performance Java application.  相似文献   

ContextModel-Driven Development (MDD) is a paradigm that prescribes building conceptual models that abstractly represent the system and generating code from these models through transformation rules. The literature is rife with claims about the benefits of MDD, but they are hardly supported by evidences.ObjectiveThis experimental investigation aims to verify some of the most cited benefits of MDD.MethodWe run an experiment on a small set of classes using student subjects to compare the quality, effort, productivity and satisfaction of traditional development and MDD. The experiment participants built two web applications from scratch, one where the developers implement the code by hand and another using an industrial MDD tool that automatically generates the code from a conceptual model.ResultsOutcomes show that there are no significant differences between both methods with regard to effort, productivity and satisfaction, although quality in MDD is more robust to small variations in problem complexity. We discuss possible explanations for these results.ConclusionsFor small systems and less programming-experienced subjects, MDD does not always yield better results than a traditional method, even regarding effort and productivity. This contradicts some previous statements about MDD advantages. The benefits of developing a system with MDD appear to depend on certain characteristics of the development context.  相似文献   

任务驱动教学法在JAVA程序设计课程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Java程序设计语言发展快、应用广,已成为国内外高校实施计算机程序设计教学的主流课程。然而,在Java程序设计课程的教学中存在不少问题,其中最主要的问题是教学方法问题。实践证明,传统的满堂灌教学方法不能激发学生的学习热情和主动学习的积极性,严重影响教学效果和学生编程能力的培养。鉴于此,介绍了在Java程序设计课程中应用任务驱动教学法的改革思路、实施方案、实施过程、取得的成效和体会。  相似文献   

ContextProgram queries play an important role in several software evolution tasks like program comprehension, impact analysis, or the automated identification of anti-patterns for complex refactoring operations. A central artifact of these tasks is the reverse engineered program model built up from the source code (usually an Abstract Semantic Graph, ASG), which is traditionally post-processed by dedicated, hand-coded queries.ObjectiveOur paper investigates the costs and benefits of using the popular industrial Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) as an underlying representation of program models processed by four different general-purpose model query techniques based on native Java code, OCL evaluation and (incremental) graph pattern matching.MethodWe provide in-depth comparison of these techniques on the source code of 28 Java projects using anti-pattern queries taken from refactoring operations in different usage profiles.ResultsOur results show that general purpose model queries can outperform hand-coded queries by 2–3 orders of magnitude, with the trade-off of an increased in memory consumption and model load time of up to an order of magnitude.ConclusionThe measurement results of usage profiles can be used as guidelines for selecting the appropriate query technologies in concrete scenarios.  相似文献   

ContextCode ownership metrics were recently defined in order to distinguish major and minor contributors of a software module, and to assess whether the ownership of such a module is strong or shared between developers.ObjectiveThe relationship between these metrics and software quality was initially validated on proprietary software projects. Our objective in this paper is to evaluate such relationship in open-source software projects, and to compare these metrics to other code and process metrics.MethodOn a newly crafted dataset of seven open-source software projects, we perform, using inferential statistics, an analysis of code ownership metrics and their relationship with software quality.ResultsWe confirm the existence of a relationship between code ownership and software quality, but the relative importance of ownership metrics in multiple linear regression models is low compared to metrics such as the number of lines of code, the number of modifications performed over the last release, or the number of developers of a module.ConclusionAlthough we do find a relationship between code ownership and software quality, the added value of ownership metrics compared to other metrics is still to be proven.  相似文献   

ContextReflexion Modelling is considered one of the more successful approaches to architecture reconciliation. Empirical studies strongly suggest that professional developers involved in real-life industrial projects find the information provided by variants of this approach useful and insightful, but the degree to which it resolves architecture conformance issues is still unclear.ObjectiveThis paper aims to assess the level of architecture conformance achieved by professional architects using Reflexion Modelling, and to determine how the approach could be extended to improve its suitability for this task.MethodAn in vivo, multi-case-study protocol was adopted across five software systems, from four different financial services organizations. Think-aloud, video-tape and interview data from professional architects involved in Reflexion Modelling sessions were analysed qualitatively.ResultsThis study showed that (at least) four months after the Reflexion Modelling sessions less than 50% of the architectural violations identified were removed. The majority of participants who did remove violations favoured changes to the architectural model rather than to the code. Participants seemed to work off two specific architectural templates, and interactively explored their architectural model to focus in on the causes of violations, and to assess the ramifications of potential code changes. They expressed a desire for dependency analysis beyond static-source-code analysis and scalable visualizations.ConclusionThe findings support several interesting usage-in-practice traits, previously hinted at in the literature. These include (1) the iterative analysis of systems through Reflexion models, as a precursor to possible code change or as a focusing mechanism to identify the location of architecture conformance issues, (2) the extension of the approach with respect to dependency analysis of software systems and architectural modelling templates, (3) improved visualization support and (4) the insight that identification of architectural violations in itself does not lead to their removal in the majority of instances.  相似文献   

ContextSoftware clustering is a key technique that is used in reverse engineering to recover a high-level abstraction of the software in the case of limited resources. Very limited research has explicitly discussed the problem of finding the optimum set of clusters in the design and how to penalize for the formation of singleton clusters during clustering.ObjectiveThis paper attempts to enhance the existing agglomerative clustering algorithms by introducing a complementary mechanism. To solve the architecture recovery problem, the proposed approach focuses on minimizing redundant effort and penalizing for the formation of singleton clusters during clustering while maintaining the integrity of the results.MethodAn automated solution for cutting a dendrogram that is based on least-squares regression is presented in order to find the best cut level. A dendrogram is a tree diagram that shows the taxonomic relationships of clusters of software entities. Moreover, a factor to penalize clusters that will form singletons is introduced in this paper. Simulations were performed on two open-source projects. The proposed approach was compared against the exhaustive and highest gap dendrogram cutting methods, as well as two well-known cluster validity indices, namely, Dunn’s index and the Davies-Bouldin index.ResultsWhen comparing our clustering results against the original package diagram, our approach achieved an average accuracy rate of 90.07% from two simulations after the utility classes were removed. The utility classes in the source code affect the accuracy of the software clustering, owing to its omnipresent behavior. The proposed approach also successfully penalized the formation of singleton clusters during clustering.ConclusionThe evaluation indicates that the proposed approach can enhance the quality of the clustering results by guiding software maintainers through the cutting point selection process. The proposed approach can be used as a complementary mechanism to improve the effectiveness of existing clustering algorithms.  相似文献   

ContextVariability modeling, and in particular feature modeling, is a central element of model-driven software product line architectures. Such architectures often emerge from legacy code, but, creating feature models from large, legacy systems is a long and arduous task. We describe three synthesis scenarios that can benefit from the algorithms in this paper.ObjectiveThis paper addresses the problem of automatic synthesis of feature models from propositional constraints. We show that the decision version of the problem is NP-hard. We designed two efficient algorithms for synthesis of feature models from CNF and DNF formulas respectively.MethodWe performed an experimental evaluation of the algorithms against a binary decision diagram (BDD)-based approach and a formal concept analysis (FCA)-based approach using models derived from realistic models.ResultsOur evaluation shows a 10 to 1,000-fold performance improvement for our algorithms over the BDD-based approach. The performance of the DNF-based algorithm was similar to the FCA-based approach, with advantages for both techniques. We identified input properties that affect the runtimes of the CNF- and DNF-based algorithms.ConclusionsOur algorithms are the first known techniques that are efficient enough to be used on dependencies extracted from real systems, opening new possibilities of creating reverse engineering and model management tools for variability models.  相似文献   

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