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Omid Geramifard Jian-Xin Xu Sanjib Kumar Panda 《Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence》2013,26(8):1919-1929
Early detection and diagnosis of faults in industrial machines would reduce the maintenance cost and also increase the overall equipment effectiveness by increasing the availability of the machinery systems. In this paper, a semi-nonparametric approach based on hidden Markov model is introduced for fault detection and diagnosis in synchronous motors. In this approach, after training the hidden Markov model classifiers (parametric stage), two matrices named probabilistic transition frequency profile and average probabilistic emission are computed based on the hidden Markov models for each signature (nonparametric stage) using probabilistic inference. These matrices are later used in forming a similarity scoring function, which is the basis of the classification in this approach. Moreover, a preprocessing method, named squeezing and stretching is proposed which rectifies the difficulty of dealing with various operating speeds in the classification process. Finally, the experimental results are provided and compared. Further investigations are carried out, providing sensitivity analysis on the length of signatures, the number of hidden state values, as well as statistical performance evaluation and comparison with conventional hidden Markov model-based fault diagnosis approach. Results indicate that implementation of the proposed preprocessing, which unifies the signatures from various operating speeds, increases the classification accuracy by nearly 21% and moreover utilization of the proposed semi-nonparametric approach improves the accuracy further by nearly 6%. 相似文献
J.M. Schwier R.R. Brooks C. Griffin S. Bukkapatnam 《Pattern recognition letters》2009,30(14):1273-1280
Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are widely used in pattern recognition. HMM construction requires an initial model structure that is used as a starting point to estimate the model’s parameters. To construct a HMM without a priori knowledge of the structure, we use an approach developed by Crutchfield and Shalizi that requires only a sequence of observations and a maximum data window size. Values of the maximum data window size that are too small result in incorrect models being constructed. Values that are too large reduce the number of data samples that can be considered and exponentially increase the algorithm’s computational complexity. In this paper, we present a method for automatically inferring this parameter directly from training data as part of the model construction process. We present theoretical and experimental results that confirm the utility of the proposed extension. 相似文献
Reconstruction-based contribution for process monitoring 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Carlos F. Alcala Author Vitae Author Vitae 《Automatica》2009,45(7):1593-104
This paper presents a new method to perform fault diagnosis for data-correlation based process monitoring. As an alternative to the traditional contribution plot method, a reconstruction-based contribution for fault diagnosis is proposed based on monitored indices, SPE, T2 and a combined index φ. Analysis of the diagnosability of the traditional contributions and the reconstruction-based contributions is performed. The lack of diagnosability of traditional contributions is analyzed for the case of single sensor faults with large fault magnitudes, whereas for the same case the proposed reconstruction-based contributions guarantee correct diagnosis. Monte Carlo simulation results are provided for the case of modest fault magnitudes by randomly assigning fault sensors and fault magnitudes. 相似文献
Condition monitoring of machine tool inserts is important for increasing the reliability and quality of machining operations. Various methods have been proposed for effective tool condition monitoring (TCM), and currently it is generally accepted that the indirect sensor-based approach is the best practical solution to reliable TCM. Furthermore, in recent years, neural networks (NNs) have been shown to model successfully, the complex relationships between input feature sets of sensor signals and tool wear data. NNs have several properties that make them ideal for effectively handling noisy and even incomplete data sets. There are several NN paradigms which can be combined to model static and dynamic systems. Another powerful method of modeling noisy dynamic systems is by using hidden Markov models (HMMs), which are commonly employed in modern speech-recognition systems. The use of HMMs for TCM was recently proposed in the literature. Though the results of these studies were quite promising, no comparative results of competing methods such as NNs are currently available. This paper is aimed at presenting a comparative evaluation of the performance of NNs and HMMs for a TCM application. The methods are employed on exactly the same data sets obtained from an industrial turning operation. The advantages and disadvantages of both methods are described, which will assist the condition-monitoring community to choose a modeling method for other applications. 相似文献
Hidden Markov model-based process monitoring system 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
Sensor signals produced in industrial manufacturing processes contain valuable information about the condition of operations. However, extracting the appropriate feature for effective fault diagnosis is difficult. Moreover, the adaptability and flexibility of current fault diagnosis systems are often found wanting in real-world applications. Unfortunately, it is essential to rebuild most fault diagnosis systems when new fault types emerge. This paper presents an intelligent fault diagnosis system based on a hidden Markov model. Introducing the concepts of time marginal energy and frequency marginal energy, the features of which can be acquired by the wavelet packet technique satisfy the requirements for fault diagnosis. By utilizing the best tree principle, this method not only extracts the feature automatically without a priori experience but also compresses the data; both of which ensure a system that is practical for real-time application. The new diagnosis system developed here is efficient and effective, as demonstrated by the model developed and applied to a real-time sheet metal stamping process. Based on tests conducted during two experiments (one based on simple blanking, the other on progressive operations) and related comparisons, the proposed method is substantially more effective than other approaches. In addition, the new method requires that only related models be created for new fault types, which results show are ideal for shop floor applications. 相似文献
In this paper we propose a new statistical method for process monitoring that uses independent component analysis (ICA). ICA is a recently developed method in which the goal is to decompose observed data into linear combinations of statistically independent components [1 and 2]. Such a representation has been shown to capture the essential structure of the data in many applications, including signal separation and feature extraction. The basic idea of our approach is to use ICA to extract the essential independent components that drive a process and to combine them with process monitoring techniques. I2, Ie2 and SPE charts are proposed as on-line monitoring charts and contribution plots of these statistical quantities are also considered for fault identification. The proposed monitoring method was applied to fault detection and identification in both a simple multivariate process and the simulation benchmark of the biological wastewater treatment process, which is characterized by a variety of fault sources with non-Gaussian characteristics. The simulation results clearly show the power and advantages of ICA monitoring in comparison to PCA monitoring. 相似文献
This paper considers two discrete time, finite state processes X and Y. In the usual hidden Markov model X modulates the values of Y. However, the values of Y are then i.i.d. given X. In this paper a new model is considered where the Markov chain X modulates the transition probabilities of the second, observed chain Y. This more realistically can represent problems arising in DNA sequencing. Algorithms for all related filters, smoothers and parameter estimations are derived. Versions of the Viterbi algorithms are obtained. 相似文献
This paper presents a novel combination of the hidden Markov model (HMM) and the fuzzy models for forecasting stock market data. In a previous study we used an HMM to identify similar data patterns from the historical data and then used a weighted average to generate a ‘one-day-ahead’ forecast. This paper uses a similar approach to identify data patterns by using the HMM and then uses fuzzy logic to obtain a forecast value. The HMM's log-likelihood for each of the input data vectors is used to partition the dataspace. Each of the divided dataspaces is then used to generate a fuzzy rule. The fuzzy model developed from this approach is tested on stock market data drawn from different sectors. Experimental results clearly show an improved forecasting accuracy compared to other forecasting models such as, ARIMA, artificial neural network (ANN) and another HMM-based forecasting model. 相似文献
Integrating independent component analysis and local outlier factor for plant-wide process monitoring 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
We propose a novel process monitoring method integrating independent component analysis (ICA) and local outlier factor (LOF). LOF is a recently developed outlier detection technique which is a density-based outlierness calculation method. In the proposed monitoring scheme, ICA transformation is performed and the control limit of LOF value is obtained based on the normal operating condition (NOC) dataset. Then, at the monitoring phase, the LOF value of current observation is computed at each monitoring time, which determines whether the current process is a fault or not. The comparison experiments are conducted with existing ICA-based monitoring schemes on widely used benchmark processes, a simple multivariate process and the Tennessee Eastman process. The proposed scheme shows the improved accuracy over existing schemes. By adopting LOF, the monitoring statistic is computed regardless of data distribution. Therefore, the proposed scheme integrating ICA and LOF is more suitable for real industry where the monitoring variables are the mixture of Gaussian and non-Gaussian variables, whereas existing ICA-based schemes assume only non-Gaussian distribution. 相似文献
基于模糊滑窗隐马尔可夫模型的入侵检测研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对传统基于隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)入侵检测中普遍存在误报与漏报过高的问题,提出了一种基于模糊窗口隐马尔可夫模型(FWHMM)的入侵检测新方法。该方法通过运用状态转移依赖滑窗的设置提高了系统的检测精度,通过将状态的随机转移转变为模糊随机转移,提高了系统的鲁棒性和自适应性。实验结果表明,使用本文方法的检测效果要明显优于基于经典HMM的方法。 相似文献
In this paper, we address the problem of risk-sensitive filtering and smoothing for discrete-time Hidden Markov Models (HMM) with finite-discrete states. The objective of risk-sensitive filtering is to minimise the expectation of the exponential of the squared estimation error weighted by a risk-sensitive parameter. We use the so-called Reference Probability Method in solving this problem. We achieve finite-dimensional linear recursions in the information state, and thereby the state estimate that minimises the risk-sensitive cost index. Also, fixed-interval smoothing results are derived. We show that L2 or risk-neutral filtering for HMMs can be extracted as a limiting case of the risk-sensitive filtering problem when the risk-sensitive parameter approaches zero. 相似文献
针对现有基于隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的语音激活检测(VAD)算法对噪声的跟踪性能不佳的问题,提出采用Baum-Welch算法对具有不同特性的噪声进行训练,并生成相应噪声模型,建立噪声库的方法。在语音激活检测时,根据待测语音背景噪声的不同,动态地匹配噪声库中的噪声模型;同时,为了适应语音信号的实时处理,降低了语音参数提取的复杂度,并对判决阈值提出改进,以保证语音信号帧间的相关性。在不同噪声环境下对改进算法进行性能测试并与自适应多速率编码(AMR)标准、国际电信联盟电信标准分局(ITU-T)的G.729B标准比较,测试结果表明,改进算法在实时语音信号处理中能够有效提高检测的准确率及噪声跟踪能力。 相似文献
Dynamic process fault monitoring based on neural network and PCA 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A newly developed method, NNPCA, integrates two data driven techniques, neural network (NN) and principal component analysis (PCA), for process monitoring. NN is used to summarize the operating process information into a nonlinear dynamic mathematical model. Chemical dynamic processes are so complex that they are presently ahead of theoretical methods from a fundamental physical standpoint. NN functions as the nonlinear dynamic operator to remove processes' nonlinear and dynamic characteristics. PCA is employed to generate simple monitoring charts based on the multivariable residuals derived from the difference between the process measurements and the neural network prediction. It can evaluate the current performance of the process. Examples from the recent monitoring practice in the industry and the large-scale system in the Tennessee Eastman process problem are presented to help the reader delve into the matter. 相似文献
Robert J. Elliott 《Systems & Control Letters》1994,23(2)
Using a change of measure, the finite state observation process of a Markov chain is transformed into a sequence of independent random variables. By computing unnormalized conditional estimates under the new measure, simple, recursive formulate are obtained. 相似文献
基于隐马尔可夫模型的文本分类算法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
自动文本分类领域近年来已经产生了若干成熟的分类算法,但这些算法主要基于概率统计模型,没有与文本自身的语法和语义建立起联系。提出了将隐马尔可夫序列分析模型(HMM)用于自动文本分类的算法,首先构造表示文档类别的特征词集合,并以文档类别的特征词序列作为不同HMM分类器的观察序列,而HMM的状态转换序列则隐含地表示了不同类别文档内容的形成演化过程。分类时,具有最大生成概率的HMM分类器类标即为测试文档的分类结果。该算法构造的分类器模型一定程度上体现了不同类别文档的语法和语义特征,并可以实现多类别的自动文本分类,分类效率较高。 相似文献
基于多模板隐马尔可夫模型的文本信息抽取算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
由于训练数据来源的多样化,难以通过学习得到最优的模型参数,因此提出了一种基于多模板隐马尔可夫模型的文本信息抽取算法。该算法首先利用文本排版格式和分隔符等信息,对文本进行分块;然后在分块的基础上,对训练数据进行聚类以形成多个形式的模板(多模板),并对多模板数据训练得到隐马尔可夫初始概率及转移概率参数;最后,用被训练的数据统一训练释放概率参数,结合初始概率、转移概率以及释放概率参数对文本信息进行抽取。实验结果表明,该算法在精确度和召回率指标上比简单隐马尔可夫模型具有更好的性能。 相似文献