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针对当前汽车动力学仿真软件建模复杂度高、模型结构不易理解、模板开放性不高等缺点,提出开放的模板化建模技术.将汽车动力学模型分解为相对独立的子系统并抽象为基本模板,采用“基本模板—结构模板—模板实例化”的架构,用XML描述模板,从而实现模板的开放性,构建汽车动力学模型的树状层级模板库和实例库,结合基于实例推理的方法生成模型.在此基础上开发了汽车整车建模软件,并以某重型汽车起重机为例说明了该技术的应用. 相似文献
Junping Wang Binggang Cao Quanshi Chen Feng Wang 《Control Engineering Practice》2007,15(12):1569-1576
Ah counting is not a satisfactory method for the estimation of the state of charge (SOC) of a battery, as the initial SOC and coulomb efficiency are difficult to measure. To address this issue, an equivalent coulomb efficiency is defined and a new SOC estimation method, denoted as “KalmanAh”, is proposed. This method uses the Kalman filtering method to correct for the initial value used in the Ah counting method. A Ni/MH battery test, consisting of 8.08 continuous federal urban driving schedule (FUDS) cycles, is carried out to verify the method. The SOC estimation error is 2.5% when compared with the real SOC obtained from a discharge test. This compares favorably with an estimation error of 11.4% when using Ah counting. 相似文献
A flexible distributed framework for realising electric and plug-in hybrid vehicle charging policies
Motivated by the problems of charging a number of electric vehicles via limited capacity infrastructure, this article considers the problem of individual load adjustment under a total capacity constraint. For reasons of scalability and simplified communications, distributed solutions to this problem are sought. Borrowing from communication networks (AIMD algorithms) and distributed convex optimisation, we describe a number of distributed algorithms for achieving relative average fairness whilst maximising utilisation. We present analysis and simulation results to show the performance of these algorithms. In the scenarios examined, the algorithm's performance is typically within 5% of that achievable in the ideal centralised case, but with greatly enhanced scalability and reduced communication requirements. 相似文献
为了实时仿真电动汽车电池组的动态性能,应用Modelica多领域建模语言建立描述电池组的PNGV等效电路模型.通过电池的动态充放电性能实验标定电池组模型的电阻、电容等参数,并利用Dymola多领域仿真软件进行性能参数求解.将该电池模型应用在电动汽车整车的仿真分析中,实验结果表明,该模型准确度高,能实时地仿真电动汽车的动力性能.该电池组建模方法实现简单且便于扩展,可以为电动汽车的产品设计、系统性能分析提供有效的解决办法. 相似文献
针对增程式电动汽车恒功率控制策略中发动机工作点难以选择的问题,运用一种基于多目标遗传算法的优化方法,以百公里油耗和排放指标为优化目标,利用AVL CRUISE和Matlab/Simulink软件联合建立增程式电动汽车整车动态性能仿真分析模型,针对NEDC工况和FTP75工况进行恒功率控制策略下发动机工作点优化,仿真结果显示,优化后的发动机工作点有效改善了百公里油耗和尾气排放量。该优化方法可以减少设计者调试和选择电动汽车增程器发动机工作点的时间,具有良好的实用价值。 相似文献
电力电子技术在电动车驱动系统中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
李红钧 《自动化与仪器仪表》2010,(5):65-67
现今世界上节能和环境保护正日益受到重视,因此电动汽车技术的发展步伐正在加速。本文论述了电动汽车技术的现状以及电动机、电力电子技术的快速发展所产生的影响,介绍了电力电子技术在电动车驱动系统中的具体应用,最后就电力电子技术在电力驱动方面将来的发展趋势进行了展望。 相似文献
Fault-tolerant traction control of electric vehicles 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper investigates a new traction control approach that requires neither chassis velocity nor information about tire-road conditions. Plant fault subject to the uncertainties of the mathematical model and slightly sensor fault are concerned. For general traction control of vehicles, the variation of model behavior may break down the steering stability if the chassis velocity is not monitored. This paper presents a fault-tolerant approach based on the maximum transmissible torque estimation (MTTE) scheme which has the ability to prevent electric vehicles from skidding. A PI-type disturbance observer is employed to enhance the steering stability of the MTTE approach. This proposed approach does not require both the differentiator and the inversion of the controlled plant. Finally, illustrated examples are given for evaluating the fault-tolerant performance and feasibility of the presented anti-slip strategy. 相似文献
将混合动力系统多目标优化问题转化为单目标优化问题进行求解需要设置权系数。为避免设置权系数,研究基于强度Pareto进化算法(SPEA2)的有约束并联式混合动力电动汽车(PHEV)参数优化方法。该方法基于Pareto支配性原理判定候选方案的优劣,采用ADVISOR仿真PHEV,并将仿真所得的燃油消耗量与污染物排量作为候选方案的目标值。实验结果表明,该方法所获得的控制策略与传动系统参数,在提高PHEV工作效率、整车性能及降低燃油消耗与污染物排放等方面效果显著。 相似文献
In this paper, the agent-oriented modeling perspective to cope with biological complexity is discussed. Three levels of dynamics
can distinguished and related to each other: dynamics of externally observable agent behavior, dynamics of internal agent
processes, and dynamics of multi-agent organisations. This paper addresses the first two. Basic agent concepts to describe
externally observable agent behavior are introduced. In the context of two case studies on animal behavior and cell functioning,
it is shown how these concepts can be used to specify dynamic properties. In addition, a number of basic agent concepts to
describe an agent’s internal processes are introduced. Also, these concepts are illustrated for specification of dynamic properties
in the two case studies. Furthermore, the relationships between dynamic properties of externally observable behavior and dynamic
properties of internal agent processes are addressed and illustrated for the animal and cell case studies. 相似文献
当今世界节能和环保备受关注,使得电动汽车技术正在加速发展。电机技术是发展电动汽车的关键技术之一,该文在分析矢量控制原理的基础上将其应用于电动汽车的驱动电动机控制。仿真表明电动机的控制性能得到了明显改善,能够满足电动汽车运行工况复杂多变的需求。 相似文献
The aim of this paper is to establish that attraction type systems, i.e. with controlled d.c. electromagnets, can be successfully employed for the suspension of urban transit vehicles, having speeds around 70 km/hr, without the aid of secondary suspension. The feasibility of the d.c. suspension systems is illustrated through the ride and track-clearance characteristics for a single-degree of freedom suspension system travelling along a ferromagnetic guideway with random roughness. Performance of the suspension system with active feedback of track-clearance, vertical velocity and vertical acceleration are discussed, and the analytical results are compared with experimental data obtained from a vibrating guideway test rig. 相似文献
Multibody modeling of human body for the inverse dynamics analysis of sagittal plane movements 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A multibody methodology for systematic construction of a two-dimensional biomechanical model of a human body is presented,
aimed at effective determination of the muscle forces and joint reaction forces in the lower extremities during sagittal plane
movements such as vertical jump, standing long jump or jumping down from a height. While the hip, knee and ankle joints are
modeled as enforced directly by the muscle forces applied to the foot, shank, thigh and pelvis at the muscle attachment points,
the actuation of the other joints is simplified to the torques representing the respective muscle action. The developed formulation
is applicable to both the flying and support phases, enhanced by an effective scheme for the determination of reaction forces
exclusively in the lower extremity joints. The determination of reactions from the ground is also provided. The problem of
muscle force redundancy in the lower extremities is solved by applying the pseudoinverse method, with post-processing procedures
used to assure the muscle being tensile. Results of the inverse dynamics analysis of vertical jump are reported. 相似文献
M. Jucker J.P. Graves W.A. Cooper N. Mellet T. Johnson S. Brunner 《Computer Physics Communications》2011,(4):912-925
An integrated model capable of self-consistent Ion Cyclotron Resonant Heating (ICRH) simulations has been developed. This model includes both full shaping and pressure effects, warm contributions to the dielectric tensor, pressure anisotropy and finite orbit width. It evolves the equilibrium, wave field and full hot particle distribution function until a self-consistent solution is found. This article describes the workings of the three codes VMEC, LEMan and VENUS and how they are linked for iterated computations in a code package we have named SCENIC. The package is thoroughly tested and it is demonstrated that a number of iterations have to be performed in order to find a consistent solution. Since the formulation of the problem can treat general 3D systems, we show a quasi-axisymmetric stellarator low power test case, and then concentrate on experimentally relevant Joint European Torus (JET) 2D configurations. 相似文献
居民小区电动汽车(EV)的单相充电方式导致配电网出现三相不平衡和负荷峰谷差问题,因此提出基于负荷平衡的EV模糊多目标充电调度策略。基于三相网络,将总延迟时间和充电平衡作为目标函数,考虑三相不平衡度和负荷峰谷差等约束,建立静态和在线调度问题下EV充电调度模型。采用改进非支配排序遗传算法-Ⅱ(NSGA-Ⅱ)进行多目标求解,通过设计交叉算子、自适应调整变异概率和局部优化等来优化结果。通过设置一定容量的外部档案和拥挤距离判定来获得Pareto最优前沿,并用模糊隶属度方法得到折中最优解。最后,通过算例分析可同时活动充电点和三相不平衡度的不同取值对优化结果的影响,并与无序充电进行比较,验证了所提模型和策略的有效性。 相似文献
In this paper a modelling approach to the dynamics within a multi-agent organisation is presented. A declarative, executable
specification language for dynamics within an organisation is proposed as a basis for simulation. Moreover, to be able to
specify and analyse dynamic properties within an organisation, another declarative specification language is put forward,
which is much more expressive than the executable language for simulations. Supporting tools have been implemented that consist
of a software environment for simulation of organisation models and a software environment for analysis of dynamic properties
against traces of dynamics within an organisation. 相似文献
近年来,随着京津冀地区环境污染的加重,冀北地区加快了推广电动汽车的步伐,但困难重重,当务之急是尽快选出有针对性的一部分人群推广电动汽车,通过他们的示范作用带动其他消费者。为此,本文针对冀北地区做了一次大范围的电动汽车需求调查,运用对应分析方法识别出近5年内有明确电动汽车需求的消费者群体。研究发现这部分人群大多是中青年人,学历收入较高,环保意识较强且有购车需求。通过对电动汽车需求特征分析发现,他们更偏爱知名品牌,大多能接受较高价位且更注重供电公司的家用充电桩安装服务质量,以此为基础,为供电公司推广电动汽车提出了相关建议。 相似文献
基于空间问题建模概念过程的空间分析建模与实现 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
提出一种基于空间问题建模概念过程的空间分析建模方法,结合城镇土地定级模型和流程,构建基于空间问题建模概念过程的空间分析模型.运用该模型,采用ArcGIS Engine技术,开发独立于GIS平台的城镇土地定级信息系统.实践表明,将空间问题建模概念过程和城镇土地定级模型相结合进行空间分析建模的方法,可优化空间分析流程,有效保证空间分析模型的合理性和分析结果的准确性. 相似文献
Bouteldja Mohamed Cerezo Veronique 《International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems》2017,15(5):2203-2212
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems - In the automotive domain, adequate control and diagnosis rely on the use of state observers and parametric identification systems to... 相似文献
W. Kenneth Stewart 《Autonomous Robots》1996,3(2-3):121-143
This paper describes an approach to the construction of three-dimensional stochastic models for intelligent systems exploring an underwater environment. Important characteristics shared by such applications are: (1) real-time constraints; (2) unstructured, three-dimensional terrain; (3) high-bandwidth sensors providing redundant, overlapping coverage; (4) lack of prior knowledge about the environment; and (5) inherent inaccuracy or ambiguity in sensing and interpretation. The paper develops an underlying theory of stochastic backprojection and demonstrates how such an approach satisfies these five needs for undersea robotics.Models are cast as three-dimensional spatial decompositions of stochastic feature vectors. A numerical approach to incorporating new sensor information is derived from an incremental adaptation of the summation method for image reconstruction. Error and ambiguity are accounted for by blurring a spatial projection of remote-sensor data before combining them stochastically with the model. By exploiting the redundancy in high-bandwidth sensing, model certainty and resolution are enhanced as more data accumulate. In the case of a three-dimensional profiling sonar, the model converges to a fuzzy surface distribution from which a deterministic surface map is extracted.To verify the fundamental properties of stochastic backprojection and the resulting models, computer simulations are used to demonstrate: impulse and ramp responses; mitigation of artifacts caused by deterministic processing; incremental increase in accuracy and reduction of uncertainty; and convergence. Two examples illustrate how this approach has been successfully applied in the field for three-dimensional modeling of a sunken shipwreck by a remote undersea vehicle and for backscatter modeling of undersea terrain. 相似文献