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赵猛  陈珂  寿黎但  伍赛  陈刚 《软件学报》2022,33(12):4727-4745
自然语言查询转SQL(NL2SQL)是指将自然语言表达的查询文本自动转化成数据库系统可以理解并执行的结构化查询语言SQL表达式的技术.NL2SQL可以为普通用户提供数据库查询访问的自然交互界面,从而实现基于数据库的自然问答.复杂查询的NL2SQL是当前数据库学术界的研究热点,主流方法采用序列到序列(Seq2seq)的编解码方式对问题进行建模.然而,已有的工作大多基于英文场景,面向中文领域实际应用时,中文特殊的口语化表达导致复杂查询转化困难;此外,现有工作难以正确输出包含复杂计算表达式的查询子句.针对上述问题,提出一种树状模型取代序列表示,将复杂查询自顶向下分解为多叉树,树结点代表SQL的各组成元素,采用深度优先搜索来预测生成SQL语句.在Du SQL中文NL2SQL竞赛的两个官方测试集中,该方法分别取得了第1名和第2名的成绩,验证了其有效性.  相似文献   

Automatic feature recognition aids downstream processes such as engineering analysis and manufacturing planning. Not all features can be defined in advance; a declarative approach allows engineers to specify new features without having to design algorithms to find them. Naive translation of declarations leads to executable algorithms with high time complexity. Database queries are also expressed declaratively; there is a large literature on optimizing query plans for efficient execution of database queries. Our earlier work investigated applying such technology to feature recognition, using a testbed interfacing a database system (SQLite) to a CAD modeler (CADfix). Feature declarations were translated into SQL queries which are then executed.The current paper extends this approach, using the PostgreSQL database, and provides several new insights: (i) query optimization works quite differently in these two databases, (ii) with care, an approach to query translation can be devised that works well for both databases, and (iii) when finding various simple common features, linear time performance can be achieved with respect to model size, with acceptable times for real industrial models. Further results also show how (i) lazy evaluation can be used to reduce the work performed by the CAD modeler, and (ii) estimating the time taken to compute various geometric operations can further improve the query plan. Experimental results are presented to validate our main conclusions.  相似文献   

One of the challenges of managing an RDF database is predicting performance of SPARQL queries before they are executed. Performance characteristics, such as the execution time and memory usage, can help data consumers identify unexpected long-running queries before they start and estimate the system workload for query scheduling. Extensive works address such performance prediction problem in traditional SQL queries but they are not directly applicable to SPARQL queries. In this paper, we adopt machine learning techniques to predict the performance of SPARQL queries. Our work focuses on modeling features of a SPARQL query to a vector representation. Our feature modeling method does not depend on the knowledge of underlying systems and the structure of the underlying data, but only on the nature of SPARQL queries. Then we use these features to train prediction models. We propose a two-step prediction process and consider performances in both cold and warm stages. Evaluations are performed on real world SPRAQL queries, whose execution time ranges from milliseconds to hours. The results demonstrate that the proposed approach can effectively predict SPARQL query performance and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches.  相似文献   

This paper presents a proposal aiming at better understanding a workload of SQL queries and detecting coherent explorations hidden within the workload. In particular, our work investigates SQLShare (Jain et al., 2016), a database-as-a-service platform targeting scientists and data scientists with minimal database experience, whose workload was made available to the research community. According to the authors of (Jain et al., 2016), this workload is the only one containing primarily ad-hoc hand-written queries over user-uploaded datasets. We analyzed this workload by extracting features that characterize SQL queries and we investigate three different machine learning approaches to use these features to separate sequences of SQL queries into meaningful explorations. The first approach is unsupervised and based only on similarity between contiguous queries. The second approach uses transfer learning to apply a model trained over a dataset where ground truth is available. The last approach uses weak labeling to predict the most probable segmentation from heuristics meant to label a training set. We ran several tests over various query workloads to evaluate and compare the proposed methods.  相似文献   

While SQL injection attacks have been plaguing web application systems for years, the possibility of them affecting RFID systems was only identified very recently. However, very little work exists to mitigate this serious security threat to RFID-enabled enterprise systems. In this paper, we propose a policy-based SQLIA detection and prevention method for RFID systems. The proposed technique creates data validation and sanitization policies during content analysis and enforces those policies during runtime monitoring. We tested all possible types of dynamic queries that may be generated in RFID systems with all possible types of attacks that can be mounted on those systems. We present an analysis and evaluation of the proposed approach to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in mitigating SQLIA.  相似文献   

基于可搜索加密机制的数据库加密方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,数据外包的日益普及引发了数据泄露的问题,云服务器要确保存储的数据具有足够的安全性,为了解决这一问题,亟需设计一套高效可行的数据库加密方案,可搜索加密技术可较好地解决面向非结构文件的查询加密问题,但是仍未较好地应用在数据库中,因此,针对上述问题,提出基于可搜索加密机制的数据库加密方案.本文贡献如下:第一,构造完整的密态数据库查询框架,保证了数据的安全性且支持在加密的数据库上进行高效的查询;第二,提出了满足IND-CKA1安全的数据库加密方案,在支持多种查询语句的前提下,保证数据不会被泄露,同时在查询期间不会降低数据库中的密文的安全性;第三,本方案具有可移植性,可以适配目前主流的数据库如MySQL、PostgreSQL等,本文基于可搜索加密方案中安全索引的构建思想,利用非确定性加密方案和保序加密方案构建密态数据库安全索引结构,利用同态加密以及AES-CBC密码技术对数据库中的数据进行加密,实现丰富的SQL查询,包括等值查询、布尔查询、聚合查询、范围查询以及排序查询等,本方案较BlindSeer在功能性方面增加了聚合查询的支持,本方案改善了CryptDB方案执行完成SQL查询后产生相等性泄露和顺序泄露的安全性问题,既保证了数据库中密文的安全性,又保证了系统的可用性,最后,我们使用一个有10000条记录的Student表进行实验,验证了方案框架以及算法的有效性,同时,将本方案与同类方案进行功能和安全性比较,结果表明本方案在安全性和功能性之间取得了很好的平衡.  相似文献   

Although the popular database systems perform well on query optimization, they still face poor query execution plans when the join operations across multiple tables are complex. Bad execution planning usually results in bad cardinality estimations. The cardinality estimation models in traditional databases cannot provide high-quality estimation, because they are not capable of capturing the correlation between multiple tables in an effective fashion. Recently, the state-of-the-art learning-based cardinality estimation is estimated to work better than the traditional empirical methods. Basically, they used deep neural networks to compute the relationships and correlations of tables. In this paper, we propose a vertical scanning convolutional neural network (abbreviated as VSCNN) to capture the relationships between words in the word vector in order to generate a feature map. The proposed learning-based cardinality estimator converts Structured Query Language (SQL) queries from a sentence to a word vector and we encode table names in the one-hot encoding method and the samples into bitmaps, separately, and then merge them to obtain enough semantic information from data samples. In particular, the feature map obtained by VSCNN contains semantic information including tables, joins, and predicates about SQL queries. Importantly, in order to improve the accuracy of cardinality estimation, we propose the negative sampling method for training the word vector by gradient descent from the base table and compress it into a bitmap. Extensive experiments are conducted and the results show that the estimation quality of q-error of the proposed vertical scanning convolutional neural network based model is reduced by at least 14.6% when compared with the estimators in traditional databases.  相似文献   

We describe an SQL relational database schema for representing the objects in HyperCard, along with a technique for automatically populating this schema from a HyperCard stack using the facilities in HyperTalk with calls to the database manager. The standard relational database query language SQL can then be used to perform more general hypertext searches than are possible with the string search feature found in most hypertext browsing environments. Semiautomatic updates of the content of a hypertext are also possible using SQL updates on the object representations in the database to trigger corresponding HyperCard updates on the objects themselves. We describe a prototype implementation and present several example queries and updates to motivate this approach. These techniques, although demonstrated here specifically using HyperCard and Oracle for Macintosh, are generally applicable to a wide range of hypertext systems and relational databases.  相似文献   

The gap between storing data in relational databases and transferring data in form of XML has been closed e.g. by SQL/XML queries that generate XML data out of relational data sources. However, only few relational database systems support the evaluation of SQL/XML queries. And even in those systems supporting SQL/XML, the evaluation of such queries is quite slow compared to the evaluation of SQL queries. In this paper, we present S2CX, an approach that allows to efficiently evaluate SQL/XML queries on any relational database system, no matter whether it supports SQL/XML or not. As a result to an SQL/XML query, S2CX supports different output formats ranging from plain XML to different compressed XML representations including a succinct encoding of XML data, schema-aware compressed XML to grammar compressed XML. In many cases, S2CX produces compressed XML as a result to an SQL/XML query even faster than the evaluation of SQL/XML queries into non-compressed XML as provided by Oracle 11 g and by DB2. Furthermore, our approach to query evaluation scales better, i.e., the larger the dataset, the faster is our approach compared to SQL/XML query evaluation in Oracle 11 g and in DB2.  相似文献   

In recent years, the availability of complex data repositories (e.g., multimedia, genomic, semistructured databases) has paved the way to new potentials as to data querying. In this scenario, similarity and fuzzy techniques have proven to be successful principles for effective data retrieval. However, most proposals are domain specific and lack of a general and integrated approach to deal with generalized complex queries, i.e., queries where multiple conditions are expressed, possibly on complex as well as on traditional data. To overcome such limitations, much work has been devoted to the development of middleware systems to support query processing on multiple repositories. On a similar line, We present a formal framework to permeate complex similarity and fuzzy queries within a relational database system. As an example, we focus on multimedia data, which is represented in an integrated view with common database data. We have designed an application layer that relies on an algebraic query language, extended with MM-tailored operators, and that maps complex similarity and fuzzy queries to standard SQL statements that can be processed by a relational database system, exploiting standard facilities of modern extensible RDBMS. To show the applicability of our proposal, we implemented a prototype that provides the user with rich query capabilities, ranging from traditional database queries to complex queries gathering a mixture of Boolean, similarity, and fuzzy predicates on the data.  相似文献   

With the rise of Big Data, providing high-performance query processing capabilities through the acceleration of the database analytic has gained significant attention. Leveraging Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology, this approach can lead to clear benefits. In this work, we present the design and implementation of AxleDB: An FPGA-based platform that enables fast query processing for database systems by melding novel database-specific accelerators with commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) storage using modern interfaces, in a novel, unified, and a programmable environment. AxleDB can perform a large subset of SQL queries through its set of instructions that can map compute-intensive database operations, such as filter, arithmetic, aggregate, group by, table join, or sort, on to the specialized high-throughput accelerators. To minimize the amount of SSD I/O operations required, AxleDB also supports hardware MinMax indexing for databases. We evaluated AxleDB with five decision support queries from the TPC-H benchmark suite and achieved a speedup from 1.8X to 34.2X and energy efficiency from 2.8X to 62.1X, in comparison to the state-of-the-art DBMS, i.e., PostgreSQL and MonetDB.  相似文献   

Inductive databases integrate database querying with database mining. In this article, we present an inductive database system that does not rely on a new data mining query language, but on plain SQL. We propose an intuitive and elegant framework based on virtual mining views, which are relational tables that virtually contain the complete output of data mining algorithms executed over a given data table. We show that several types of patterns and models that are implicitly present in the data, such as itemsets, association rules, and decision trees, can be represented and queried with SQL using a unifying framework. As a proof of concept, we illustrate a complete data mining scenario with SQL queries over the mining views, which is executed in our system.  相似文献   

查询会话检测的目的是确定用户为了满足某个特定需求而连续提交的相关查询。查询会话检测对于查询日志分析以及用户行为分析来说是非常有用的。传统的查询会话检测方法大都基于查询词的比较,无法解决词语不匹配问题(vocabulary-mismatch problem)——有些主题相关的查询之间并没有相同的词语。为了解决词语不匹配问题,我们在该文提出了一种基于翻译模型的查询会话检测方法,该方法将词与词之间的关系刻画为词与词之间的翻译概率,这样即使词与词之间没有相同的词语,我们也可以捕捉到它们之间的语义关系。同时,我们也提出了两种从查询日志中估计词翻译概率的方法,第一种方法基于查询的时间间隔,第二种方法基于查询的点击URLs。实验结果证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

In the last decade, spatio-temporal database research focuses on the design of effective and efficient indexing structures in support of location-based queries such as predictive range queries and nearest neighbor queries. While a variety of indexing techniques have been proposed to accelerate the processing of updates and queries, not much attention has been paid to the updating protocol, which is another important factor affecting the system performance. In this paper, we propose a generic and adaptive updating protocol for moving object databases with less number of updates between objects and the database server, thereby reducing the overall workload of the system. In contrast to the approach adopted by most conventional moving object database systems where the exact locations and velocities last disclosed are used to predict their motions, we propose the concept of Spatio-temporal safe region to approximate possible future locations. Spatio-temporal safe regions provide larger space of tolerance for moving objects, freeing them from location and velocity updates as long as the errors remain predictable in the database. To answer predictive queries accurately, the server is allowed to probe the latest status of objects when their safe regions are inadequate in returning the exact query results. Spatio-temporal safe regions are calculated and optimized by the database server with two contradictory objectives: reducing update workload while guaranteeing query accuracy and efficiency. To achieve this, we propose a cost model that estimates the composition of active and passive updates based on historical motion records and query distribution. More system performance improvements can be obtained by cutting more updates from the clients, when the users of system are comfortable with incomplete but accuracy bounded query results. We have conducted extensive experiments to evaluate our proposal on a variety of popular indexing structures. The results confirm the viability, robustness, accuracy and efficiency of our proposed protocol.  相似文献   

詹彬  谷琼 《计算机时代》2011,(11):46-47,50
针对非计算机专业学生在学习Access数据库查询过程中遇到的困难,采用对比的方法分析查询的基本概念,提出了选择查询、参数查询、交叉表查询、操作查询和SQL查询在教学过程中需要注意的问题,对初学者正确理解和使用查询有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

《Information Systems》2001,26(6):445-475
The rapid increase in end-user computing calls into question the suitability of existing database query languages (DBQLs). Because the typical DB end-user is not a DB specialist, it is essential that DBQLs use concepts that are as close as possible to those in the end-users’ cognitive mental model and adopt interface techniques that are suited to end-users’ abilities. Concept-based query languages are well suited for this. This realization has motivated further research in conceptual, or semantic, query approaches. However, the primary focus in this field has been on semantic query optimization, not on query formulation. In this study, we address ourselves to the problem of formulation of queries using concepts. We propose a concept-based query language, called the conceptual query language (CQL), which allows for the conceptual abstraction of database queries and exploits the rich semantics of data models to ease and facilitate query formulation.The CQL approach uses the relationship semantics of semantic data models to render transparent the technical complexities of existing DB query languages. Association semantics are also used to automatically construct query graphs and pseudo-natural language explanations of queries, and to generate SQL codes. A set theoretic formalism for conceptual queries is developed and used. This paper discusses the design of CQL, its expressive power, its implementation, and the strategies for CQL query processing. The implementation of a CQL prototype is briefly discussed in this paper. User experiments were carried out extensively and showed the advantage of CQL over alternative languages such as SQL.  相似文献   

Semantics preserving SPARQL-to-SQL translation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most existing RDF stores, which serve as metadata repositories on the Semantic Web, use an RDBMS as a backend to manage RDF data. This motivates us to study the problem of translating SPARQL queries into equivalent SQL queries, which further can be optimized and evaluated by the relational query engine and their results can be returned as SPARQL query solutions. The main contributions of our research are: (i) We formalize a relational algebra based semantics of SPARQL, which bridges the gap between SPARQL and SQL query languages, and prove that our semantics is equivalent to the mapping-based semantics of SPARQL; (ii) Based on this semantics, we propose the first provably semantics preserving SPARQL-to-SQL translation for SPARQL triple patterns, basic graph patterns, optional graph patterns, alternative graph patterns, and value constraints; (iii) Our translation algorithm is generic and can be directly applied to existing RDBMS-based RDF stores; and (iv) We outline a number of simplifications for the SPARQL-to-SQL translation to generate simpler and more efficient SQL queries and extend our defined semantics and translation to support the bag semantics of a SPARQL query solution. The experimental study showed that our proposed generic translation can serve as a good alternative to existing schema dependent translations in terms of efficient query evaluation and/or ensured query result correctness.  相似文献   

Redundant processing is a key problem in the translation of initial queries posed over an ontology into SQL queries, through mappings, as it is performed by ontology-based data access systems. Examples of such processing are duplicate answers obtained during query evaluation, which must finally be discarded, or common expressions evaluated multiple times from different parts of the same complex query. Many optimizations that aim to minimize this problem have been proposed and implemented, mostly based on semantic query optimization techniques, by exploiting ontological axioms and constraints defined in the database schema. However, data operations that introduce redundant processing are still generated in many practical settings, and this is a factor that impacts query execution. In this work we propose a cost-based method for query translation, which starts from an initial result and uses information about redundant processing in order to come up with an equivalent, more efficient translation. The method operates in a number of steps, by relying on certain heuristics indicating that we obtain a more efficient query in each step. Through experimental evaluation using the Ontop system for ontology-based data access, we exhibit the benefits of our method.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new approach to realize video databases. The approach consists of a VideoText data model based on free text annotations associated with logical video segments and a corresponding query language. Traditional database techniques are inadequate for exploiting queries on unstructured data such as video, supporting temporal queries, and ranking query results according to their relevance to the query. In this paper, we propose to use information retrieval techniques to provide such features and to extend the query language to accommodate interval queries that are particularly suited to video data. Algorithms are provided to show how user queries are evaluated. Finally, a generic and modular video database architecture which is based on VideoText data model is described.  相似文献   

Identifying similarities in large datasets is an essential operation in several applications such as bioinformatics, pattern recognition, and data integration. To make a relational database management system similarity-aware, the core relational operators have to be extended. While similarity-awareness has been introduced in database engines for relational operators such as joins and group-by, little has been achieved for relational set operators, namely Intersection, Difference, and Union. In this paper, we propose to extend the semantics of relational set operators to take into account the similarity of values. We develop efficient query processing algorithms for evaluating them, and implement these operators inside an open-source database system, namely PostgreSQL. By extending several queries from the TPC-H benchmark to include predicates that involve similarity-based set operators, we perform extensive experiments that demonstrate up to three orders of magnitude speedup in performance over equivalent queries that only employ regular operators.  相似文献   

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