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We address efficient processing of SPARQL queries over RDF datasets. The proposed techniques, incorporated into the gStore system, handle, in a uniform and scalable manner, SPARQL queries with wildcards and aggregate operators over dynamic RDF datasets. Our approach is graph based. We store RDF data as a large graph and also represent a SPARQL query as a query graph. Thus, the query answering problem is converted into a subgraph matching problem. To achieve efficient and scalable query processing, we develop an index, together with effective pruning rules and efficient search algorithms. We propose techniques that use this infrastructure to answer aggregation queries. We also propose an effective maintenance algorithm to handle online updates over RDF repositories. Extensive experiments confirm the efficiency and effectiveness of our solutions.  相似文献   

Semantics preserving SPARQL-to-SQL translation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most existing RDF stores, which serve as metadata repositories on the Semantic Web, use an RDBMS as a backend to manage RDF data. This motivates us to study the problem of translating SPARQL queries into equivalent SQL queries, which further can be optimized and evaluated by the relational query engine and their results can be returned as SPARQL query solutions. The main contributions of our research are: (i) We formalize a relational algebra based semantics of SPARQL, which bridges the gap between SPARQL and SQL query languages, and prove that our semantics is equivalent to the mapping-based semantics of SPARQL; (ii) Based on this semantics, we propose the first provably semantics preserving SPARQL-to-SQL translation for SPARQL triple patterns, basic graph patterns, optional graph patterns, alternative graph patterns, and value constraints; (iii) Our translation algorithm is generic and can be directly applied to existing RDBMS-based RDF stores; and (iv) We outline a number of simplifications for the SPARQL-to-SQL translation to generate simpler and more efficient SQL queries and extend our defined semantics and translation to support the bag semantics of a SPARQL query solution. The experimental study showed that our proposed generic translation can serve as a good alternative to existing schema dependent translations in terms of efficient query evaluation and/or ensured query result correctness.  相似文献   

传统的SPARQL查询引擎在处理查询时以三元组模式为基本单位做查询优化处理,在三元组模式较多时存在着过多的连接操作,开销比较大。文中基于文档数据库的存储和查询特点,提出一种利用主语分类的方式来存储RDF数据的方法,将不同的RDF三元组按主语分成不同的类,并存入文档数据库的文档中。在处理SPARQL查询时将三元组模式也按照主语分类,构成以主语相关块为单位的查询图,并提出一种基于属性相关性的选择度估计方法来优化查询执行计划。文中利用文档数据库CouchDB实现了新的SPARQL查询引擎,实验证明文中的方法能够提高SPARQL基本图模式查询的效率。  相似文献   

在SPARQL查询过程中,含有复杂结构的资源描述框架(RDF)图的查询效率低下。为此,通过分析几种RDF图的基本结构与RDF顶点的选择性,提出RDF三元组模式选择性(RTPS)——一种基于RDF顶点选择性的图结构切分规则,以提高面向RDF图的子图匹配效率。首先,根据谓词结构在数据图与查询图中的通性建立RDF相邻谓词路径(RAPP)索引,将数据图结构转化为传入-传出双向谓词路径结构以确定查询顶点的搜索空间,并加快顶点的过滤;接着,通过整数线性规划(ILP)问题计算建模将复杂RDF查询图结构分解为若干结构简单的查询子图,通过分析RDF顶点在查询图中的相邻子图结构与特征,确立查询顶点的选择性以确定最优切分方式;然后,通过RDF顶点选择性与相邻子图的结构特征来缩小查询顶点的搜索空间范围,并在数据图中找到符合条件的RDF顶点;最后,遍历数据图以找到与查询子图结构相匹配的子图结构,将得到的子图进行连接并将其作为查询结果输出。实验采用控制变量法,比较了RTPS、RDF子图匹配(RSM)、RDF-3X、GraSS与R3F的查询响应时间。实验结果充分表明,与其他4种方法相比,当查询图复杂度高于9时,RTPS的查询响应时间更短,具有更高的查询效率。  相似文献   

RDF is a knowledge representation language dedicated to the annotation of resources within the framework of the semantic web. Among the query languages for RDF, SPARQL allows querying RDF through graph patterns, i.e., RDF graphs involving variables. Other languages, inspired by the work in databases, use regular expressions for searching paths in RDF graphs. Each approach can express queries that are out of reach of the other one. Hence, we aim at combining these two approaches. For that purpose, we define a language, called PRDF (for “Path RDF”) which extends RDF such that the arcs of a graph can be labeled by regular expression patterns. We provide PRDF with a semantics extending that of RDF, and propose a correct and complete algorithm which, by computing a particular graph homomorphism, decides the consequence between an RDF graph and a PRDF graph. We then define the PSPARQL query language, extending SPARQL with PRDF graph patterns and complying with RDF model theoretic semantics. PRDF thus offers both graph patterns and path expressions. We show that this extension does not increase the computational complexity of SPARQL and, based on the proposed algorithm, we have implemented a correct and complete PSPARQL query engine.  相似文献   

语义数据流推理需要对实时高速的RDF数据进行高效推理.针对目前语义数据流处理中推理效率低、查询延迟高等难题,提出一种基于多级索引的前向实时推理机制.基于规则依赖建立推理规则触发顺序;针对开销最大的传递规则进行优化;构建基于传递规则的结果集子图索引;建立基于变量位置的三元组索引消除中间结果;通过查询条件依赖关系进行连接操...  相似文献   

杨程  陆佳民  冯钧 《计算机应用》2005,40(11):3184-3191
随着知识图谱的日益发展和在各个垂直领域的广泛应用,对于资源描述框架(RDF)数据的高效处理需求日益成为现代大数据管理领域中的新课题。RDF是W3C提出的用于描述知识图谱实体以及实体间关系的数据模型。为了有效地应对大规模RDF数据的存储和查询,很多学者考虑在分布式环境中管理RDF数据。RDF数据的分布式存储所面临的关键问题是数据的划分,而划分的结果很大程度上决定了SPARQL的查询性能。从数据划分的角度,主要围绕两类:基于图结构的RDF数据划分方法和基于语义的RDF数据划分方法展开深入阐述。前者包括多粒度层次划分、模板划分和聚类划分,适用于通用领域查询的语义范畴较为宽泛的场景;后者包括哈希划分、垂直划分和模式划分,更加适用于垂直领域查询的语义范畴相对固定的环境。此外,针对几种典型的划分方法进行对比与分析,为未来RDF数据划分方法的研究提供参考。最后,对未来RDF数据划分方法的发展方向进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

杨程  陆佳民  冯钧 《计算机应用》2020,40(11):3184-3191
随着知识图谱的日益发展和在各个垂直领域的广泛应用,对于资源描述框架(RDF)数据的高效处理需求日益成为现代大数据管理领域中的新课题。RDF是W3C提出的用于描述知识图谱实体以及实体间关系的数据模型。为了有效地应对大规模RDF数据的存储和查询,很多学者考虑在分布式环境中管理RDF数据。RDF数据的分布式存储所面临的关键问题是数据的划分,而划分的结果很大程度上决定了SPARQL的查询性能。从数据划分的角度,主要围绕两类:基于图结构的RDF数据划分方法和基于语义的RDF数据划分方法展开深入阐述。前者包括多粒度层次划分、模板划分和聚类划分,适用于通用领域查询的语义范畴较为宽泛的场景;后者包括哈希划分、垂直划分和模式划分,更加适用于垂直领域查询的语义范畴相对固定的环境。此外,针对几种典型的划分方法进行对比与分析,为未来RDF数据划分方法的研究提供参考。最后,对未来RDF数据划分方法的发展方向进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

The SPARQL LeftJoin abstract operator is not distributive over Union; this limits the algebraic manipulation of graph patterns, which in turn restricts the ability to create query plans for distributed processing or query optimization. In this paper, we present semQA, an algebraic extension for the SPARQL query language for RDF, which overcomes this issue by transforming graph patterns through the use of an idempotent disjunction operator Or as a substitute for Union. This permits the application of a set of equivalences that transform a query into distinct forms. We further present an algorithm to derive the solution set of the original query from the solution set of a query where Union has been substituted by Or. We also analyze the combined complexity of SPARQL, proving it to be NP-complete. It is also shown that the SPARQL query language is not, in the general case, fixed-parameter tractable. Experimental results are presented to validate the query evaluation methodology presented in this paper against the SPARQL standard, to corroborate the complexity analysis, and to illustrate the gains in processing cost reduction that can be obtained through the application of semQA.  相似文献   

为解决基于本体的数据集成系统中的查询转换问题,提出SPARQL查询的关系代数表示和转换方法。引入RDF图模式的关系代数,定义了五种基本的关系运算,给出了SPARQL查询的关系代数表示;提出了SPARQL到SQL的查询转换方法,将基于本体的SPARQL查询转换为可在关系数据库上直接执行的SQL查询,从而实现关系数据库的集成。系统实现表明,该方法能够有效地实现查询语言的转换。  相似文献   

We propose techniques for processing SPARQL queries over a large RDF graph in a distributed environment. We adopt a “partial evaluation and assembly” framework. Answering a SPARQL query Q is equivalent to finding subgraph matches of the query graph Q over RDF graph G. Based on properties of subgraph matching over a distributed graph, we introduce local partial match as partial answers in each fragment of RDF graph G. For assembly, we propose two methods: centralized and distributed assembly. We analyze our algorithms from both theoretically and experimentally. Extensive experiments over both real and benchmark RDF repositories of billions of triples confirm that our method is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in both the system’s performance and scalability.  相似文献   

KGDB:统一模型和语言的知识图谱数据库管理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识图谱是人工智能的重要基石,其目前主要有RDF图和属性图两种数据模型,在这两种数据模型之上有数种查询语言,RDF图上的查询语言为SPARQL,属性图上的查询语言主要为Cypher.十年来,各个社区开发了分别针对RDF图和属性图的不同数据管理方法,不统一的数据模型和查询语言限制了知识图谱的更广应用.KGDB (Knowledge Graph Database)是统一模型和语言的知识图谱数据库管理系统:(1)以关系模型为基础,提出统一的存储方案,支持RDF图和属性图的高效存储,满足知识图谱数据存储和查询负载的需求;(2)使用基于特征集的聚类方法解决无类型三元组的存储问题;(3)实现了SPARQL和Cypher两种不同知识图谱查询语言的互操作性,使其能够操作同一个知识图谱.在真实数据集和合成数据集上进行的大量实验表明,KGDB与已有知识图谱数据库管理系统相比,不仅能够提供更加高效的存储管理,而且具有更高的查询效率.KGDB平均比gStore和Neo4j节省了30%的存储空间,基本图模式查询上的实验表明,在真实数据集上的查询速度普遍高于gStore和Neo4j,最快可提高2个数量级.  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of processing supergraph queries, that is, given a database containing a set of graphs, find all the graphs in the database of which the query graph is a supergraph. Existing works usually construct an index and performs a filtering-and-verification process, which still requires many subgraph isomorphism testings. There are also significant overheads in both index construction and maintenance. In this paper, we design a graph querying system that achieves both fast indexing and efficient query processing. The index is constructed by a simple but fast method of extracting the commonality among the graphs, which does not involve any costly operation such as graph mining. Our query processing has two key techniques, direct inclusion and filtering. Direct inclusion allows partial query answers to be included directly without candidate verification. Our filtering technique further reduces the candidate set by operating on a much smaller projected database. Experimental results show that our method is significantly more efficient than the existing works in both indexing and query processing, and our index has a low maintenance cost.  相似文献   

The RDF-3X engine for scalable management of RDF data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RDF is a data model for schema-free structured information that is gaining momentum in the context of Semantic-Web data, life sciences, and also Web 2.0 platforms. The “pay-as-you-go” nature of RDF and the flexible pattern-matching capabilities of its query language SPARQL entail efficiency and scalability challenges for complex queries including long join paths. This paper presents the RDF-3X engine, an implementation of SPARQL that achieves excellent performance by pursuing a RISC-style architecture with streamlined indexing and query processing. The physical design is identical for all RDF-3X databases regardless of their workloads, and completely eliminates the need for index tuning by exhaustive indexes for all permutations of subject-property-object triples and their binary and unary projections. These indexes are highly compressed, and the query processor can aggressively leverage fast merge joins with excellent performance of processor caches. The query optimizer is able to choose optimal join orders even for complex queries, with a cost model that includes statistical synopses for entire join paths. Although RDF-3X is optimized for queries, it also provides good support for efficient online updates by means of a staging architecture: direct updates to the main database indexes are deferred, and instead applied to compact differential indexes which are later merged into the main indexes in a batched manner. Experimental studies with several large-scale datasets with more than 50 million RDF triples and benchmark queries that include pattern matching, manyway star-joins, and long path-joins demonstrate that RDF-3X can outperform the previously best alternatives by one or two orders of magnitude.  相似文献   

关皓元  朱斌  李冠宇  赵玲 《计算机应用》2018,38(7):1898-1904
针对在SPARQL查询处理中,随着查询图结构逐渐复杂而导致基于图的查询效率愈发低下的问题,通过分析几种资源描述框架(RDF)图的基本结构,提出了一种基于查询图结构切分的子图匹配方法——RSM。首先,将查询图切分为若干结构简单的查询子图,并通过相邻谓词结构索引来定义查询图节点的搜索空间;然后,通过相邻子图结构来缩小搜索空间范围,在数据图中根据搜索空间中的搜索范围找到符合的子图结构;最后,将得到的子图进行连接并作为查询结果输出。将RSM与RDF-3X、R3F、GraSS等主流查询方法作比较,对比了各方法在不同数据集上对于复杂程度不同的查询图的查询响应时间。实验结果充分表明,与其他3种方法相比,在处理结构复杂的查询图时,RSM的查询响应时间更短,具有更高的查询效率。  相似文献   

RDF is the data interchange layer for the Semantic Web. In order to manage the increasing amount of RDF data, an RDF repository should provide not only the necessary scalability and efficiency, but also sufficient inference capabilities. Though existing RDF repositories have made progress towards these goals, there is still ample space for improving the overall performance. In this paper, we propose a native RDF repository, System Π, to pursue a better tradeoff among system scalability, query efficiency, and inference capabilities. System Π takes a hypergraph representation for RDF as the data model for its persistent storage, which effectively avoids the costs of data model transformation when accessing RDF data. Based on this native storage scheme, a set of efficient semantic query processing techniques are designed. First, several indices are built to accelerate RDF data access including a value index, a labeling scheme for transitive closure computation, and three triple indices. Second, we propose a hybrid inference strategy under the pD * semantics to support inference for OWL-Lite with a relatively low computational complexity. Finally, we extend the SPARQL algebra to explicitly express inference semantics in logical query plan by defining some new algebra operators. In addition, MD5 hash value of URI and schema level cache are introduced as practical implementation techniques. The results of performance evaluation on the LUBM benchmark and a real data set show that System Π has a better combined metric value than other comparable systems.  相似文献   

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