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室内装修与室内空气污染 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
室内装修和建筑材料等主要法治源及主要污染物对室内空气的污染及对人体的危害,通过国家住宅与居住环境工程中心对室内空气质量的控制指标,介绍了装修和使用时对空气污染的防治措施。 相似文献
近些年来,挥发性有机物(VOCS)在室内空气中污染影响日趋普遍,这些污染物易通过呼吸道、消化道和皮肤进入人体而产生毒害。主要可引起人体感官刺激以及其他许多不适症状,长期受其影响对人体具有致崎、致突变和致癌等作用,是产生病态建筑物综合症(SBS)的主要原因之一。因此,VOCS浓度成为评价室内空气质量的重要指标。深入细致地开展室内空气中VOCS的污染研究,对优化生活环境、提高室内空气质量、保护人体健康具有十分紧迫和重要的意义。 相似文献
近些年来,挥发性有机物(VOCS)在室内空气中污染影响日趋普遍,这些污染物易通过呼吸道、消化道和皮肤进入人体而产生毒害。主要可引起人体感官刺激以及其他许多不适症状,长期受其影响对人体具有致崎、致突变和致癌等作用,是产生病态建筑物综合症(SBS)的主要原因之一。因此,VOCS浓度成为评价室内空气质量的重要指标。深入细致地开展室内空气中VOCS的污染研究,对优化生活环境、提高室内空气质量、保护人体健康具有十分紧迫和重要的意义。 相似文献
贺劼 《建设科技(建设部)》2005,(17):36-38
每一个人都是一个“流动之城”,穿梭在不同环境中,就不可避免地被不同环境所影响。前不久在北京闹得沸沸扬扬的百旺家园业主因为高压线离小区太近而进行抵制事件,还未最后尘埃落定,进入2005年盛夏,除了持续不断的闷热天气令人难熬外,不断被媒体爆光由于室内空气严重污染对人产生伤害的事件更让这个夏天愈发沉重起来。装修年年有,绿色装修建材不断推出,为什么装修引起的空气污染却如影随形,不见减少呢? 相似文献
尽管空气污染物主要存在于室外,但是老人蜗居在室内更容易被室内空气污染所毒伤,可引起35.7%的呼吸道疾病,22%的慢性肺病和15%的气管炎、支气管炎和肺癌。室内的空气污染,主要来自于家居装饰材料挥发出的有机化合物,如 相似文献
L. Mlhave 《Indoor air》1998,8(Z4):17-25
Abstract Consensus on simplified procedures for evaluating health consequences of occupational and outdoor exposures has existed for many years and there is no reason why a similar consensus cannot be made for normal indoor environments. A discussion of such a procedure and its limitations is the purpose of this paper. The exposure measurements should be presented to the toxicologist in the form of a list of identified compounds, concentrations of each compound reported as lifetime-integrated absorbed dose, average concentration (e.g. 24 h), peak exposures (e.g. 10–30 s), and peak exposure frequency (e.g. 90% fractile). In that perspective some of the main recommendations of this paper are that a list of compounds expected to be relevant to indoor air and the required sensitivity of the analytical procedures for these compounds must be established. These chemicals must be identified and quantified in an analysis of indoor air. Generally the investigators should pay the same interest in accurate measurements of exposure and of effects, and sampling should be made within one sampling period from measurements of health effects. The compounds of relevance to indoor air should be grouped according to the relevant toxicological principles for their evaluation. Those for which acceptable data and evaluation principles exist or can be estimated are placed on a positive list. In addition, a sub-list should be established of the remaining relevant compounds which for one or more reasons cannot be dealt with in the proposed evaluation scheme, and a consensus must be reached on the maximal acceptable fraction of compounds that cannot be toxicologically evaluated (toxicologically unknown). Finally, guidelines for evaluation of the exposures must be established including guideline values for the relevant compounds as well as procedures for sensory evaluations. 相似文献
室内空气污染及防治措施 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
室内空气品质优劣对人体健康影响很大,并会导致人们工作效率降低,建筑物的密闭性和室内装修热的影响加剧了室内环境污染,所以对室内空气污染进行分析和找出防治措施是一件非常有意义的事。本文分析了室内空气污染的主要来源,通过对国内外室内空气污染的现状分析,意识到治理空气污染的必要性和紧迫性。同时找出我国室内环境污染的原因和问题所在,提出了我国室内空气污染防治的有效措施,以改善室内空气品质。 相似文献
住宅室内空气污染及其控制 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
分析了住宅室内污染物的来源及其人体的危害,指出在污染控制策略上从源头加以控制,注意室内设计,加强室内通风及污染空气的净化处理,加强居住小区绿化以利被污染的室内空气生态修复。 相似文献
目前,我国室内空气污染的情况十分严重,如何使用正确的方法对室内空气污染进行检测对于广大民众来说十分必要。在方法正确的前提下,亦要追求简捷、方便、实用,让广大民众便于接纳和使用,只有这样,我们才能够达到通过改善居住环境而为广大人民群众创建高品质生活的目的,从而加速和谐社会的构建。本文从专业和非专业2个角度分别进行阐述和论证,提出了如何正确进行室内空气污染检测方法的建议和设想。 相似文献
针对《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》GB50325-2001和《室内空气质量标准》GB/T18883-2002在执行中遇到的问题,从二者之间的区别及对一些污染指标检测方法的规定等方面进行了探讨,并提出了个人的看法和建议。 相似文献
李娟 《土木建筑与环境工程》1999,21(6):60-65
针对影响住宅室内空气品质的空气中细菌浓度水平进行测试、分析、研究。通过对住宅室内空气中的微生物浓度进行测定, 并对造成室内空气中细菌污染的原因进行分析,指出在重庆住宅室内空气中存在着严重的细菌污染问题,其主要影响因素是空气的湿度和自然通风、采光情况;建筑结构形式、室内布置和地面装饰材料也是较重要的影响因素。提出提高室内空气品质,改善室内环境质量,防止室内空气中细菌污染的措施、建议 相似文献
随着城市交通的快速发展,交通污染逐渐成为影响城市空气质量的主要因素。街谷内的交通污染还会因为室内通风对室内空气质量产生影响。本文介绍了城市街谷内交通空气污染的主要特点和扩散模式,总结了室外交通污染对室内空气质量的影响特点和影响因素,并对现有的实地测量法、理论模式预测法和数值模拟法进行了分析和比较,最终对数值模拟法可能遇到的问题和解决方法进行了分析和讨论。 相似文献
In buildings which were built within the last 15 to 20 years, or which have been retrofitted, and which do notfeature a mechanical ventilation system, air changes between 0.01 h?1 and 0.5 h?1 were measured while windows were closed. In the bedrooms of such buildings, when doors and windows were closed, CO2 concentrations of up to 4300 ppm were measured whereby the 1500 ppm limit was often exceeded. Simulation calculations and diverse measurements using different door positions with simultaneously closed windows have shown that with the door open more than 10 cm, and a minimal air exchange in the whole of an apartment of 0.1 h?1, a CO2 concentration of I500 ppm was not or was only insignifiantly exceeded even after 10 hours. Investigations in a dwelling fined with a mechanical ventilation system have shown that air quality and the indoor climate parameters were in an optimal range. 相似文献