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A Statistical Approach to Texture Classification from Single Images   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We investigate texture classification from single images obtained under unknown viewpoint and illumination. A statistical approach is developed where textures are modelled by the joint probability distribution of filter responses. This distribution is represented by the frequency histogram of filter response cluster centres (textons). Recognition proceeds from single, uncalibrated images and the novelty here is that rotationally invariant filters are used and the filter response space is low dimensional.Classification performance is compared with the filter banks and methods of Leung and Malik [IJCV, 2001], Schmid [CVPR, 2001] and Cula and Dana [IJCV, 2004] and it is demonstrated that superior performance is achieved here. Classification results are presented for all 61 materials in the Columbia-Utrecht texture database.We also discuss the effects of various parameters on our classification algorithm—such as the choice of filter bank and rotational invariance, the size of the texton dictionary as well as the number of training images used. Finally, we present a method of reliably measuring relative orientation co-occurrence statistics in a rotationally invariant manner, and discuss whether incorporating such information can enhance the classifiers performance.  相似文献   

为更好地利用大量未标注图像样本信息来提高分类器性能,提出一种半监督学习的图像分类算法--随机半监督采样(RSSS).该算法采用迭代随机采样方法,每次采样中通过谱聚类估计未标注样本的类别值,使用SVM进行模型学习,逐步优化模型;同时,使用图像的局部空间直方图特征可以有效地结合图像的统计和空间信息,以提高分类准确度.实验结果表明,RSSS算法可以充分利用未标注样本信息提高分类器的性能,并且可以有效地消除几何变换带来的影响.  相似文献   

韩伟  张学庆  陈旸 《计算机应用》2014,34(6):1600-1603
针对现有的方法不能有效用于图像大数据分类的问题,提出了一种基于MapReduce编程模型的图像分类方法,在分类的全过程利用MapReduce机制加速分类过程。首先,利用MapReduce机制实现对图像尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)特征的分布式提取,并通过稀疏编码将其转换为稀疏向量,生成图像的稀疏特征;然后,利用MapReduce机制实现对随机森林的分布式训练;在此基础上,利用MapReduce机制对图像集实现基于随机森林方法的并行分类。通过在Hadoop平台的实验结果表明,该方法能够充分利用MapReduce框架的分布式特性,对大规模图像数据实现快速准确分类。  相似文献   

A classical solution for matching two image patches is to use the cross-correlation coefficient. This works well if there is a lot of structure within the patches, but not so well if the patches are close to uniform. This means that some patches are matched with more confidence than others. By estimating this uncertainty, more weight can be put on the confident matches than those that are more uncertain. To enable this two distribution functions for two different cases are used: (i) the correlation between two patches showing the same object but with different lighting conditions and different noise realisations and (ii) the correlation between two unrelated patches.  相似文献   

针对样本图像字典自适应性差、有效信息单一、造成图像稀疏表示模糊的不足的问题,提出一种基于特征分类学习字典的结构稀疏传播图像修复方法.首先将图像块按特征分类,根据不同特征的图像样本进行样本训练得到相对应的过完备字典;然后对不同特征的待修复图像块提取不同的有效信息进行稀疏编码,使得稀疏表示具有较强的自适应能力;最后针对结构稀疏传播模型带来的偏差进行修改,完善结构稀疏的传播机制.仿真实验结果表明,该方法可以有效地修复图像结构边缘、不规则纹理和平滑部分的图像信息,修复后的图像质量有较大的提升.  相似文献   

在基于内容图像检索中,图像的底层视觉特征和高层语义概念之间存在着较大的语义间隔。使用机器学习方法学习图像特征,自动建立图像类的模型成为一种有效的方法。本文提出了一种用支持向量机(SVM)实现自然图像自动语义归类的方法,基于块划分聚类得到特征向量作为SVM训练样本,实现语义分类器。由于参与聚类的是某类图像所有块的特征,提取的特征更能反映某一类图像特征。实验证明这种方法是有效的。  相似文献   

基于SVM的图像分类   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现有的图像检索系统多是针对底层特征的系统,而人类往往习惯于在语义级别进行相似性判别。如何跨越底层特征和高层语义之间的"鸿沟",成为基于内容检索的研究重点。本文提出一种利用SVM提取图像的高层特征,然后对图像进行语义级别的分类。实验结果表明,该方法在一定程度上跨越"语义鸿沟"。  相似文献   

目前遥感图像分类算法面临的主要问题是分类精度与算法复杂度的矛盾及算法缺乏鲁棒性。为此,提出了一种基于特征空间重采样的非参数化核密度估计聚类与边缘检测相融合的多模型鲁棒性遥感图像分类方法。首先对遥感图像进行边缘检测以获取图像中每个像素的边缘梯度和方向信息;然后利用重采样策略,在联合域中对新的样本集合进行加权均值平移滤波,找到图像各区域的核密度函数局部最大值,通过迭代移动附近的数据点到此局部最大值;最后对各个分割区域进行合并,得到最终的分类图。实验结果表明,算法可获得高精度的遥感图像分类结果,且具有很强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

目前遥感图像分类算法面临的主要问题是分类精度与算法复杂度的矛盾及算法缺乏鲁棒性。为此,提出了一种基于特征空间重采样的非参数化核密度估计聚类与边缘检测相融合的多模型鲁棒性遥感图像分类方法。首先对遥感图像进行边缘检测以获取图像中每个像素的边缘梯度和方向信息;然后利用重采样策略,在联合域中对新的样本集合进行加权均值平移滤波,找到图像各区域的核密度函数局部最大值,通过迭代移动附近的数据点到此局部最大值;最后对各个分割区域进行合并,得到最终的分类图。实验结果表明,算法可获得高精度的遥感图像分类结果,且具有很强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

数据表达方法和文本分类的效果密切相关。文本分类中常用的数据表达方法主要包括基于词典的共现频率方法、基于隐性语义空间(LSA/SVD)的方法、基于神经网络语言模型的方法。该文提出一种利用单词的统计特征创建文本分类中特征空间的表达方法。该方法利用单词的7种常见的统计特征,通过相关性分析选取相对独立的统计特征创建特征空间。该方法能够有效降低文本向量空间的维度,同时降低了语义空间内的计算复杂度。情感分类实验的结果表明,与现有的单词的数据表达方法相比,该方法能够显著提高分类算法的准确率和召回率。  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new image classification technique. According to this note that most research focuses on extraction of features in the frequencydomain, location, and reduction of feature dimensions, in this research we focused on learning step in image classification. The main aim is to use theheuristic methods to increase the function of the estimator of the learning algorithm and continue to achieve the desired state, as well as categorizationwithout user interference and automatically performed by the model produced from the above steps. So, in this paper, a new learning approach based onthe Salp Swarm Algorithm was proposed that was implemented and evaluated on learning algorithm Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbors and Naïve Bayes.The results demonstrate the improvement of the performance of learning algorithms in all the achieved criteria by using the SSA algorithm in comparisonwith traditional learning algorithms. In the accuracy, sensitivity, classification error and F1 criterion, the best performance of the proposed model is usingthe Decision Tree learning method with values of 99.17%, 100%, 0.83% and 95.65% respectively. In the specificity and precision criterion, the bestperformance of the proposed model is based on K-Nearest Neighbors learning method with values of 100%.  相似文献   

Li  Guangmin  Lin  Zhiwei  Wang  Hui  Wei  Xin 《Neural Processing Letters》2020,51(1):749-758
Neural Processing Letters - Due to the explosive growth of user-generated contents, understanding opinions (such as reviews on products) generated by Internet users is important for optimizing...  相似文献   

Fingerprint classification is a challenging pattern recognition problem which plays a fundamental role in most of the large fingerprint-based identification systems. Due to the intrinsic class ambiguity and the difficulty of processing very low quality images (which constitute a significant proportion), automatic fingerprint classification performance is currently below operating requirements, and most of the classification work is still carried out manually or semi-automatically. This paper explores the advantages of combining the MASKS and MKL-based classifiers, which we have specifically designed for the fingerprint classification task. In particular, a combination at the ‘abstract level’ is proposed for exclusive classification, whereas a fusion at the ‘measurement level’ is introduced for continuous classification. The advantages of coupling these distinct techniques are well evident; in particular, in the case of exclusive classification, the FBI challenge, requiring a classification error ≤ 1% at 20% rejection, was met on NIST-DB14. Received: 06 November 2000, Received in revised form: 25 October 2001, Accepted: 03 January 2002  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的图像语义分类   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
图像的低层可视特征与高层语义特征之间存在着一道鸿沟,人们不能直接理解由计算机自动生成的低层特征.另外,基于内容的图像分类和检索的性能极大地依赖于可视特征的提取和描述.出于这些考虑,提出了新的图像纹理、边缘描述子提取方法,并将它们表示为直方图.在此基础上,集成纹理、边缘和颜色直方图作为图像的特征向量,用支持向量机(SVM)实现图像的语义分类.实验结果表明,集成的图像特征表示在图像分类实验中取得了很好的效果,具有比其他特征表示(如Gabor纹理、颜色直方图)更好的性能.  相似文献   

应用统计方法综合评估核函数分类能力的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王泳  胡包钢 《计算机学报》2008,31(6):942-952
应用统计方法对支持向量机方法中核函数选择问题进行了研究.文中将"纠正重复取样t测试"引入到核函数选择中,通过其与k-折交叉验证、配对t测试等多种统计方法的综合应用,对9个常用核函数的分类能力进行了定量研究.同时,文中还提出了基于信息增益的评估核函数模式识别能力的定量评估准则,证明了该准则是传统评估准则的非线性函数.数值实验表明,不同模型评估准则之间存在差异,但应用统计方法可以从这些差异中发现一些规律.同时,不同统计方法之间也存在显著差异,且这种差异对模型评估的影响要大于由于评估准则的不同而产生的影响.因此,只有应用综合的评估方法和准则才能对不同核函数的分类能力进行客观评估.  相似文献   

Improving Image Classification Using Semantic Attributes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Bag-of-Words (BoW) model??commonly used for image classification??has two strong limitations: on one hand, visual words are lacking of explicit meanings, on the other hand, they are usually polysemous. This paper proposes to address these two limitations by introducing an intermediate representation based on the use of semantic attributes. Specifically, two different approaches are proposed. Both approaches consist in predicting a set of semantic attributes for the entire images as well as for local image regions, and in using these predictions to build the intermediate level features. Experiments on four challenging image databases (PASCAL VOC 2007, Scene-15, MSRCv2 and SUN-397) show that both approaches improve performance of the BoW model significantly. Moreover, their combination achieves the state-of-the-art results on several of these image databases.  相似文献   

多策略结合的高光谱图像波段选择新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着遥感成像技术的发展,高光谱图像的应用需求日益广泛。如何从多达数百个的波段中挑选出具有较好识别能力的波段组合成了亟待解决的问题。根据高光谱图像各波段间相关性高的特点,提出了基于条件互信息与自适应分支定界法相结合的波段分组方法,并在此基础上使用支持向量机和遗传算法相结合的搜索算法,选择最佳波段组合。实验结果表明:提出的算法具有相当出色的分类准确率和稳定性。  相似文献   

Given certain facts about a project that are known early, this macro-estimating technique generates an expected life-cycle curve of manpower against time.  相似文献   

提出了一种利用文本检索技术进行基于内容的图像检索的新方法。将每个图像的所有特征以变长列表的方式存储为特征文件,然后使用倒排文档来对特征文件进行索引。在查询时,系统计算出目标图像中含有的每种特征的词频,然后利用这些词频为图像库中的每个含有相同特征的图像计算权重,从而检索出相关图像。  相似文献   

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