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An a posteriori corrective method based on photo-acoustic cell (PAC) information is proposed to correct for laser transmitter spectral shift during atmospheric CO(2) measurements by 2 microm heterodyne differential absorption lidar (HDIAL) technique. The method for using the PAC signal to retrieve the actual atmospheric CO(2) absorption is presented in detail. This issue is tackled using a weighting function. The performance of the proposed corrective method is discussed and the various sources of error associated with the PAC signal are investigated. For 300 shots averaged and a frequency shift (from the CO(2) absorption line center) lower than the CO(2) absorption line half-width, the relative error on HDIAL CO(2) mixing ratio measurements is lower than 1.3%. The corrective method is validated in absolute value by comparison between HDIAL and in situ sensor measurements of CO(2).  相似文献   

Coherent differential absorption lidar measurements of CO2   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A differential absorption lidar has been built to measure CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. The transmitter is a pulsed single-frequency Ho:Tm:YLF laser at a 2.05-microm wavelength. A coherent heterodyne receiver was used to achieve sensitive detection, with the additional capability for wind profiling by a Doppler technique. Signal processing includes an algorithm for power measurement of a heterodyne signal. Results show a precision of the CO2 concentration measurement of 1%-2% 1sigma standard deviation over column lengths ranging from 1.2 to 2.8 km by an average of 1000 pulse pairs. A preliminary assessment of instrument sensitivity was made with an 8-h-long measurement set, along with correlative measurements with an in situ sensor, to determine that a CO2 trend could be detected.  相似文献   

Gibert F  Flamant PH  Bruneau D  Loth C 《Applied optics》2006,45(18):4448-4458
A 2 microm heterodyne differential absorption lidar (HDIAL) has been operated at the Inst?tut Pierre Simon Laplace, Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (Paris) to monitor the CO(2) mixing ratio in absolute value at high accuracy in the atmospheric boundary layer. Horizontal measurements at increasing range are made to retrieve the optical depth. The experimental setup takes advantage of a heterodyne lidar developed for wind velocity measurements. A control unit based on a photoacoustic cell filled with CO(2) is tested to correct afterward for ON-line frequency drift. The HDIAL results are validated using in situ routine measurements. The Doppler capability is used to follow the change in wind direction in the Paris suburbs.  相似文献   

We describe a Q-switched alexandrite laser injection seeded with a cw single-mode titanium-sapphire laser. The reported experimental results show that this system meets the frequency stabilization required for differential absorption lidar measurement of humidity, pressure, and temperature. The emission of the cw titanium-sapphire master oscillator is locked to an atmospheric absorption line by means of a servoloop with derivative spectroscopy. The spectral position is stabilized within ±3.5 × 10(-4) cm(-1) (10 MHz) of the peak of the line over 1 hr. The alexandrite laser emits pulses of 30 mJ in 500 ns, with a spectral linewidth of ≈ 3.3 × 10(-3) cm(-1) (100 MHz). The position of the centroid of the emitted spectrum has a standard deviation of 6 × 10(-4) cm(-1) (18 MHz) and is held within ±1.3 × 10(-3) cm(-1) (40 MHz) of the peak of the absorption line over 1 h.  相似文献   

A single-laser Raman differential absorption lidar (DIAL) for ozone measurements in clouds is proposed. An injection-locked XeCl excimer laser serves as the radiation source. The ozone molecule number density is calculated from the differential absorption of the anti-Stokes rotational Raman return signals from molecular nitrogen and oxygen as the on-resonance wavelength and the vibrational-rotational Raman backscattering from molecular nitrogen or oxygen as the off-resonance wavelength. Model calculations show that the main advantage of the new rotational vibrational-rotational (RVR) Raman DIAL over conventional Raman DIAL is a 70-85% reduction in the wavelength-dependent effects of cloud-particle scattering on the measured ozone concentration; furthermore the complexity of the apparatus is reduced substantially. We describe a RVR Raman DIAL setup that uses a narrow-band interference-filter polychromator as the lidar receiver. Single-laser ozone measurements in the troposphere and lower stratosphere are presented, and it is shown that on further improvement of the receiver performance, ozone measurements in clouds are attainable with the filter-polychromator approach.  相似文献   

An airborne differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system has been developed at the NASA Langley Research Center for remote measurements of atmospheric water vapor (H(2)O) and aerosols. A solid-state alexandrite laser with a 1-pm linewidth and > 99.85% spectral purity was used as the on-line transmitter. Solid-state avalanche photodiode detector technology has replaced photomultiplier tubes in the receiver system, providing an average increase by a factor of 1.5-2.5 in the signal-to-noise ratio of the H(2)O measurement. By incorporating advanced diagnostic and data-acquisition instrumentation into other subsystems, we achieved additional improvements in system operational reliability and measurement accuracy. Laboratory spectroscopic measurements of H(2)O absorption-line parameters were perfo med to reduce the uncertainties in our knowledge of the absorption cross sections. Line-center H(2)O absorption cross sections were determined, with errors of 3-6%, for more than 120 lines in the 720-nm region. Flight tests of the system were conducted during 1989-1991 on the NASA Wallops Flight Facility Electra aircraft, and extensive intercomparison measurements were performed with dew-point hygrometers and H(2)O radiosondes. The H(2)O distributions measured with the DIAL system differed by ≤ 10% from the profiles determined with the in situ probes in a variety of atmospheric conditions.  相似文献   

Baker PW 《Applied optics》1983,22(15):2257-2264
Ground based vertical path differential absorption measurements were obtained up to a height of 1.5 km with a CO2 lidar transmitting alternatively on the R(20) (10.247-microm) and R(18) (10.260-microm) lines during daylight in conditions of both strong and weak temperature inversions. The differential absorption between these lines for typical middle latitude lower atmosphere water vapor concentrations appears to be well suited to this type of measurement as the power loss on the more absorbed backscattered line [R(20)] is not too great as to unduly restrict the operating range, while the power differential is still sufficiently large to be readily measureable. In one set of measurements a strong temperature inversion at a height of 1 km resulted in a rapid vertical lapse in aerosol concentration with a consequent loss of SNR on the returns and severe distortion to the differential absorption profiles at this level. Water vapor profiles were derived from all measurements except in the region of the strong temperature inversion where the atmospheric backscattering cross section decayed rapidly. Reasonable results were obtained through the weak inversion region. The measurement capability of the lidar was found to be restricted by the length of the laser pulse tail and an inadequate signal-to-noise performance in regions of strong temperature inversions due to the associated decreases in aerosol concentration.  相似文献   

Wulfmeyer V 《Applied optics》1998,37(18):3804-3824
An all-solid-state laser transmitter for a water-vapor and temperature differential absorption lidar (DIAL) system in the near infrared is introduced. The laser system is based on a master-slave configuration. As the slave laser a Q-switched unidirectional alexandrite ring laser is used, which is injection seeded by the master laser, a cw Ti:sapphire ring laser. It is demonstrated that this laser system has, what is to my knowledge, the highest frequency stability (15 MHz rms), narrowest bandwidth (<40 MHz), and highest spectral purity (>99.99%) of all the laser transmitters developed to date in the near infrared. These specifications fulfill the requirements for water-vapor measurements with an error caused by laser properties of <5% and temperature measurements with an error caused by laser properties of <1 K in the whole troposphere. The specifications are maintained during long-term operation in the field. The single-mode operation of this laser system makes the narrow-band detection of the DIAL backscatter signal possible. Thus the system has the potential to be used for accurate temperature measurements and for simultaneous DIAL and Doppler wind measurements.  相似文献   

Zhao Y 《Applied optics》2000,39(6):997-1007
Research on wavelength selection of CO2 laser lines for range-resolved remote sensing of atmospheric ammonia by use of a coherent differential absorption lidar system is described. Four laser line pairs are suggested for different levels of ammonia concentrations from approximately a few parts per billion to 1 part per million in a polluted atmosphere. The most suitable line for measuring ambient ammonia concentrations is 9R(30), because it has the highest absorption coefficient. 10R(14) has the lowest absorption coefficient, making it suitable for strong source mapping. 10R(8) and 10P(32) are best for intermediate levels of ammonia concentration. Absorption coefficients of ammonia calculated from the HITRAN96 database are in good agreement (mostly within +/-10% )with other experimental results.Sensitivity of measurement, interference from water-vapor lines with typical humidity in the summer,and sensitivity of ammonia absorption cross section to temperature and pressure are analyzed and calculated for the four wavelength pairs. The results show that the interference from water-vapor lines is easily correctable to a negligible amount, and errors caused by uncertainties in temperature and pressure are insignificant.  相似文献   

Yu J  Rambaldi P  Wolf JP 《Applied optics》1997,36(27):6864-6868
A dual-wavelength, diode-seeded, flash-lamp-pumped Ti:sapphire laser system has been developed. Injection seeding allowed the attainment of high output energies (130 mJ), narrow linewidth (250 MHz), and high reliability. Furthermore, an original method is presented for dual-wavelength operation, using diode current sweeping. These specifications are ideal for differential absorption lidar applications, and the example of NO(2) detection is presented. Extension to other pollutants is discussed.  相似文献   

A sum-frequency-generation system for differential absorption lidar measurement of atmospheric nitrogen dioxide in the lower troposphere was developed. The system uses a combination of a pair of KD*P crystals and a tunable dye laser with LDS 765 dye pumped by the second harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser to generate lambdaon and lambdaoff alternatively. Compared with the conventional system that uses Coumarin 445 dye pumped by the third harmonic, the output energy and long-term stability were improved. By use of this system, atmospheric NO2 concentrations of approximately 10-50 ppb were measured, with an instrumental error of approximately 7 ppb.  相似文献   

A pulsed dual-wavelength dual-CO2-laser differential-absorption lidar (DIAL) system has been developed which permits simultaneous heterodyne and direct detection of the same lidar returns. This system has been used to make an experimental comparison of the SNRs and statistical and temporal characteristics of the DIAL returns from several topographic targets. These results were found to be in general agreement with theory and were used to quantify the relative merits of the two detection techniques. The measured parameter values were applied to an analytical treatment to predict system trade-offs for the remote sensing of atmospheric species, with application to both path-averaged and range-resolved measurements.  相似文献   

Menzies RT  Tratt DM 《Applied optics》1994,33(24):5698-5711
An airborne CO(2) coherent lidar has been developed and flown on over 30 flights of the NASA DC-8 research aircraft to obtain aerosol and cloud backscatter and extinction data at a wavelength near 9μm. Designed to operate in either zenith- or nadir-directed modes, the lidar can be used to measure vertical profiles of backscatter throughout the vertical extent of the troposphere and the lower stratosphere. Backscatter measurements in absolute units are obtained through a hard-target calibration methodology. The use of coherent detection results in high sensitivity and narrow field of view, the latter property greatly reducing multiple-scattering effects. Aerosol backscatter profile intercomparisons with other airborne and ground-based CO(2) lidars were conducted during instrument checkout flights over the NASA Ames Research Center before extended depolyment over the Pacific Ocean. Selected results from data taken during the flights over the Pacific Ocean are presented, emphasizing intercom arisons with backscatter profile data obtained at 1.06 μm with a NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Nd:YAG lidar on the same flights.  相似文献   

The development of a laser diode absorption spectrometer that uses a strong water vapor absorption at 1393 nm is reported. Three spectroscopic techniques were compared in approximately 0.4 m of laboratory air, namely, frequency modulation, wavelength modulation, and two-tone frequency modulation spectroscopy. The first two techniques use a single-frequency modulation at 9.2 GHz and 1 kHz, respectively, generated either by a phase modulator operating at 9.2 GHz or injection current modulation at 1 kHz. The two-tone method requires modulation at two frequencies, in this case 9.19 and 9.21 GHz. It is shown that the two-tone method should provide the highest sensitivity for a trace moisture detection system.  相似文献   

We present a new differential absorption lidar (DIAL) method for atmospheric trace SO2 using multi-wavelength curve fitting. With this method we use five wavelengths around a SO2 absorption peak and obtain SO2 and O3 concentrations by fitting their absorption cross sections to measured DIAL and null results. A SO, concentration of 6 parts in 10(9) (ppb) was obtained for an altitude of 1050 m with 150-m range resolution. In addition, we optimized the wavelengths for dual-DIAL SO2 measurement and demonstrated a high sensitivity of <0.5 ppb with 300-m range resolution. Comparison of these two methods is also presented.  相似文献   

Langford AO 《Applied optics》1995,34(36):8330-8340
Differential absorption lidar (DIAL) is a powerful remote-sensing technique widely used to probe the spatial and temporal distribution of ozone and other gaseous atmospheric trace constituents. Although conceptually simple, the DIAL technique presents many challenging and often subtle technical difficulties that can limit its useful range and accuracy. One potentially serious source of error for many DIAL experiments is nonlinearity in the analog-to-digital converters used to capture lidar return signals. The impact of digitizer nonlinearity on DIAL measurements is examined, and a simple and inexpensive low-frequency dithering technique that significantly reduces the effects of ADC nonlinearity in DIAL and other applications in which the signal is repetitively averaged is described.  相似文献   

Ben-David A 《Applied optics》1999,38(12):2616-2624
The volume backscattering coefficients of atmospheric aerosol were measured with a tunable CO2 lidar system at various wavelengths in Utah (a desert environment) along a horizontal path a few meters above the ground. In deducing the aerosol backscattering, a deconvolution (to remove the smearing effect of the long CO2 lidar pulse and the lidar limited bandwidth) and a constrained-slope method were employed. The spectral shape beta(lambda) was similar for all the 13 measurements during a 3-day period. A mean aerosol backscattering-wavelength dependence beta(lambda) was computed from the measurements and used to estimate the error Delta(CL) (concentration-path-length product) in differential-absorption lidar measurements for various gases caused by the systematic aerosol differential backscattering and the error that is due to fluctuations in the aerosol backscattering. The water-vapor concentration-path-length product CL and the average concentration C = /L for a path length L computed from the range-resolved lidar measurements is consistently in good agreement with the water-vapor concentration measured by a meteorological station. However, I was unable to deduce, reliably, the range-resolved water-vapor concentration C(r), which is the derivative of the range-dependent product CL, because of the effect of residual noise caused mainly by errors in the deconvolved lidar measurements.  相似文献   

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