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具有WINDOWS风格的多窗口显示是一种流行的,受到广大用户欢迎的技术。本文提出并实现了一个多窗口显示管理算法,该算法经过适当的扩充,可完全实现当今流行的WINDOWS风格的多窗口界面的窗口管理功能。文中主要窗口的创建,移动,缩放,激活,撤消及关闭等操作的管理与实现,并讨论了子窗口的显示管理技术。  相似文献   

随着嵌入式系统的发展和应用,如何提供一个方便的嵌入式人机交互接口显得越来越重要,通过分析当前流行的几种嵌入式GUI系统的窗口实现,提出了一种新的多窗口GUI系统实现架构.  相似文献   

标量乘运算从整体上决定了椭圆曲线密码体制的快速实现效率,在一些椭圆曲线公钥密码体制中需要计算多标量乘。多基数链的标量表示长度更短、非零比特数目更少,较好地适用于椭圆曲线标量乘的快速计算。为了提高椭圆曲线密码的效率,在已有的二进制域和素域的标量乘算法的基础上,结合滑动窗口技术、多基算法,提出新的更高效的多标量乘算法。实验结果表明,新算法与传统Shamir算法和交错NAF算法相比,其所需的运算量更少,能有效地提高椭圆曲线多标量乘算法的效率,使多标量乘的运算更高效。相比于其他算法,新算法的计算效率比已有的多标量乘算法提高了约7.9%~20.6%。  相似文献   

全慧 《电脑爱好者》2002,(14):45-45
在使用PhotoShop的时候,满屏幕的窗口是不是觉得很碍事?如果关了,再开的时候又很麻烦,使用按Tab键隐藏的方法,所有的窗口又全部会隐藏,有没有可能一次只显示一个呢?试试Adobe Photoshop Interface Improver吧!  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种软件支持工具——多窗口管理系统(WMS)的设计原理及其在PC/XT 上的实现方法;此窗口管理系统在理论设计上对窗口数目不作任何限制,且支持窗口的任意嵌套与重叠;其实现作为操作系统功能的扩充嵌在CCDOS 内部,具有良好的模块独立性及友好的用户界面。  相似文献   

多种形状窗口下的快速中值滤波算法   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
针对各类形状的窗口的对称特性,巧妙设定滤波窗口移动顺序,同时利用两个方向相邻窗口的已有信息将每个新窗口查找中值的比较次数降到很低。对七种常用形状的窗口分别设计了算法,实验证明这一组算法比传统快速排序算法和已有的一些改进算法在速度上均有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   

王渭中  贾智平 《计算机应用》2006,26(10):2499-2501
简要的分析了现代的多窗口系统中使用的一项关键技术——剪切域的时间和空间消耗代价,根据多窗口操作和嵌入式系统的特点提出了一种适合在嵌入式图形中间件中应用的优化的剪切域切换算法,应用及模拟实验表明,该算法可行并且高效。  相似文献   

钱博森 《计算机学报》1993,16(9):707-712
本文提出了一种新的概念:多窗口函数MWF(Multiple WindowFunction)。文中定义了九种基本窗口函数,分析了MWF的基本性质和运算规律,最后辅以实例,指出对于MWF及其电路的研究有很好的发展前景。  相似文献   

基于角色的CSCW系统访问控制模型   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
李成锴  詹永照  茅兵  谢立 《软件学报》2000,11(7):931-937
针对现有的方法不能很好地满足CSCW系统对访问控制提出的新的需求,该文提出了一个基于角色的CSCW系统访问控制模型RBCSAC(role-based collaborative systems access control).该模型形式化地描述了数据、操作、权限、角色和用户等要素及其相互间的关系,提供访问控制信息的记录方法,通过分配和取消角色来完成对用户权限的授予和取消,并且提供了角色分配规则和操作合法性检查规则.该模型针对CSCW系统的多用户、交互、协作、实时、动态等特性,能较好地满足CSCW系统对访问控制的需求.  相似文献   

The on-chip memory performance of embedded systems directly affects the system designers' decision about how to allocate expensive silicon area. A novel memory architecture, flexible sequential and random access memory (FSRAM), is investigated for embedded systems. To realize sequential accesses, small “links”are added to each row in the RAM array to point to the next row to be prefetched. The potential cache pollution is ameliorated by a small sequential access buyer (SAB). To evaluate the architecture-level performance of FSRAM, we ran the Mediabench benchmark programs on a modified version of the SimpleScalar simulator. Our results show that the FSRAM improves the performance of a baseline processor with a 16KB data cache up to 55%, with an average of 9%; furthermore, the FSRAM reduces 53.1% of the data cache miss count on average due to its prefetching effect. We also designed RTL and SPICE models of the FSRAM, which show that the FSRAM significantly improves memory access time, while reducing power consumption, with negligible area overhead.  相似文献   

针对实际的决策表中的对象通常是动态变化的情况,首先引入了简化的决策袁,然后在动态更新核的基础上,结合简化二进制差别矩阵和位图运算的设计思想,提出了一种快速的属性约简增量式更新算法.当有新对象加入决策表时,新算法只需验证新增的对象和原决策表中的对象是否一致性,然后采用在计算二进制差别矩阵的同时对原属性约简进行动态更新,从而有效地降低算法的时空复杂度,最后用实例说明了新算法的可行性和高效性.  相似文献   

Project‐Based Learning (PBL) is an educational strategy to improve student's learning capability that, in recent years, has had a progressive acceptance in undergraduate studies. This methodology is based on solving a problem or project in a student working group. In this way, PBL focuses on learning the necessary tools to correctly find a solution to given problems. Since the learning initiative is transferred to the student, the PBL method promotes students own abilities. This allows a better assessment of the true workload that carries out the student in the subject. It follows that the methodology conforms to the guidelines of the Bologna document, which quantifies the student workload in a subject by means of the European credit transfer system (ECTS). PBL is currently applied in undergraduate studies needing strong practical training such as medicine, nursing or law sciences. Although this is also the case in engineering studies, amazingly, few experiences have been reported. In this paper we propose to use PBL in the educational organization of the Computer Graphics subjects in the Computer Science degree. Our PBL project focuses in the development of a C++ graphical environment based on the OpenGL libraries for visualization and handling of different graphical objects. The starting point is a basic skeleton that already includes lighting functions, perspective projection with mouse interaction to change the point of view and three predefined objects. Students have to complete this skeleton by adding their own functions to solve the project. A total number of 10 projects have been proposed and successfully solved. The exercises range from human face rendering to articulated objects, such as robot arms or puppets. In the present paper we extensively report the statement and educational objectives for two of the projects: solar system visualization and a chess game. We report our earlier educational experience based on the standard classroom theoretical, problem and practice sessions and the reasons that motivated searching for other learning methods. We have mainly chosen PBL because it improves the student learning initiative. We have applied the PBL educational model since the beginning of the second semester. The student's feedback increases in his interest for the subject. We present a comparative study of the teachers' and students' workload between PBL and the classic teaching approach, which suggests that the workload increase in PBL is not as high as it seems.  相似文献   

This paper presents a survey of ocean simulation and rendering methods in computer graphics. To model and animate the ocean’s surface, these methods mainly rely on two main approaches: on the one hand, those which approximate ocean dynamics with parametric, spectral or hybrid models and use empirical laws from oceanographic research. We will see that this type of methods essentially allows the simulation of ocean scenes in the deep water domain, without breaking waves. On the other hand, physically‐based methods use Navier–Stokes equations to represent breaking waves and more generally ocean surface near the shore. We also describe ocean rendering methods in computer graphics, with a special interest in the simulation of phenomena such as foam and spray, and light’s interaction with the ocean surface.  相似文献   

李云  蔡丽娟  苏开荣 《计算机学报》2021,44(5):1013-1023
随着移动通信技术的发展,通信服务已变成人类日常生活中不可或缺的部分.尤其是近年来各类智能终端的大众化,使得接入无线通信的用户数和人们对通信服务的需求均呈爆炸式的增长.但现如今可用的频谱资源是有限的,且传统的正交多址接入系统的用户接入数受限,很难满足用户日益增长的需求.非正交多址接入允许在同一时频资源上复用多个用户,极大...  相似文献   

网络控制系统中的随机时延降低系统性能。使用模型预测器可对固定时延进行补偿,但对随机时延系统稳定性降低。在执行器前加入缓冲区将随机时延转化为固定时延,最后提出一种计算缓冲区最佳等待时间的插值算法。  相似文献   

简单介绍了物业管理系统的软件开发环境,讨论了ADO.NET的体系结构以及ASP.NET环境下利用ADO.NET访问数据库的技术,并给出了部分的实现代码.利用ASP.NET和ADO.NET技术开发的物业管理系统,实现了物业的动态管理,使得对物业信息的管理更加及时、高效,提高了工作效率.  相似文献   

文章结合在分布式光纤数据接口FDDI中应用的时控令牌协议,对现有分布式系统临界区互斥访问的令牌环算法进行了改造。并对改进后的系统模型进行了分析,建立了相应的排队模型,并对一种简化模型L/D/1/1/FCFS(相关)进行了解析和模拟实验。模拟实验结果显示时控令牌协议下的系统稳定状态是两个稳定状态交替出现形成的。  相似文献   

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