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Little population-based, prospective research has been conducted to examine the demographic and work-related determinants of occupational injury or illness. This study examined the relative contribution of sociodemographic characteristics and work factors to the likelihood of a work-related disability or illness. In a representative sample of adult Canadians 25-70 years old from a prospective survey, a hazard modelling approach of time to work disability absence from the start of a new job was estimated with the following predictors: age, gender, type of job (manual, non-manual, and mixed), hours worked, highest education achieved, multiple concurrent job, job tenure, school activity, union membership and living in a rural or urban area. Workers holding manual or mixed jobs and having a low education level were factors independently associated with the increased likelihood of a work disability absence. Gender was not independently associated with work disability absences. A strong job tenure gradient in the unadjusted work disability absence rates was virtually eliminated when controlling for demographic/individual and other work factors. In multivariate analyses, work-related factors remained predictors of work disability absence whereas individual characteristics such as gender did not. The exception was workers with less education who appeared to be particularly vulnerable, even after controlling of physical demands on the job. This may be due to inadequate job training or increased hazard exposure even in the same broad job category.  相似文献   

Dendritic structures are widely present in nature, from river networks to snowflakes. There is a long-term interest in discovering their common formation mechanism, especially the driving force leading to the branching and the reason to keep symmetry. The inhibition of lithium dendrites in secondary batteries also calls for the deep understanding on the formation of dendritic structures. Here in this article, we report an investigation on the driving force of the formation of dendritic structures. Silver particles are synthesized by Galvanic replacement reaction (GRR) in which metal rods are immersed into the silver nitrate solution to reduce silver ions followed by silver particles formation on the surface of rods. The silver ions concentration profile near the rods is measured by Mach-Zehnder interferometer during the reaction. It is found that the formation of silver dendritic particles is accompanied by the interface concentration gradient. A regulation on the gradient leads to the change of silver morphology, experimentally confirming the dominant role of the interface concentration gradient in the formation of diverse structures.  相似文献   

对于一个中国设计师来说,应当了解自己的设计元素汉字.汉字无疑是人类社会有史以来最成功的设计.但是设计师在利用汉字时,又存在着种种误区.因此,必须对汉字有足够的感性和理性认识,才能使设计作品更具说服力、感染力.  相似文献   

Cognitively impaired older adults may be at increased risk of unsafe driving. Individuals with insight into their own impairments may minimize their risk by restricting or stopping driving. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of cognitive impairment on driving status and driving habits and intentions. Participants were classified as cognitively impaired, no dementia single (CIND-single), CIND-multiple, or not cognitively impaired (NCI) and compared on their self-reported driving status, habits, and intentions to restrict or quit driving in the future. The groups differed significantly in driving status, but not in whether they restricted their driving or reduced their driving frequency. CIND-multiple group also had significantly higher intention to restrict/stop driving than the NCI group. Reasons for restricting and quitting driving were varied and many individuals reported multiple reasons, both external and internal, for their driving habits and intentions. Regardless of cognitive status, none of the current drivers were seriously thinking of restricting or quitting driving in the next 6 months. It will be important to determine, in future research, how driving practices change over time and what factors influence decisions to restrict or stop driving for people with cognitive impairment.  相似文献   

OpenGL中实现三维轮廓汉字的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究如何在VC++6.0中使用OpenGL三维图形函数库实现三种轮廓文本的方法,提出输入三维轮廓汉字的方案,并经过了实际程序验证。  相似文献   

李绍兰  杨平 《包装工程》2005,26(4):180-181
在中国现代商业设计应用中,汉字已成为重要的设计元素之一.作为现存于世的最古老的三大文字之一,汉文字有其深厚的历史文化底蕴,是极富想像力和概括性的艺术化信息符号.在广泛的设计应用与设计发展中,汉字设计正以丰富多彩的形态出现在众多领域中,逐步成为视觉传达领域使用最为广泛的核心元素.因此,对汉字形态特有的文化性和艺术性进行系统的研究,从汉文字的设计原理出发,规范汉文字设计的应用体系,探索现代设计理念与中国传统文化的有机整合,对汉字文化圈的设计应用乃至世界设计艺术的发展都有重要的意义.  相似文献   

欧春生 《包装学报》2010,2(2):65-68
传统中国画线条,在服饰中的运用古已有之,尤其在服饰图案和款式上,中国画线条都有充分的表现。但在现代设计领域中,传统中国画造型元素的运用逐渐被忽视。随着人们对民族文化艺术的研究和发掘,中国画线条元素如何被艺术设计领域运用,使艺术设计多姿多彩,具有民族个性,是从事艺术设计和艺术设计教育工作者们值得思考和研究的。  相似文献   

郜珍 《包装工程》2010,31(2):91-93
从招贴图形的概念入手,分析了汉字图形独特的传播优势,说明了把汉字图形应用于现代招贴设计中,可以增强现代招贴的易读性、记忆性、个性化和民族化,使招贴在传播效果与传播广度上达到良好的效果。  相似文献   

招幌是宋代工艺美术的典型代表,当时的民间艺人通过对行业和商品元素进行提炼、概括,以富有生活气息的造型和色彩、丰富深刻的寓意与各种自然材质相结合,使招幌呈现出淳朴、率真的艺术特征。其在以下方面给现代广告设计提供了启示:鲜明直观地传递信息,含蓄清新地搭配颜色,装饰元素融入传统文化。  相似文献   

The acknowledgement of industrial installations as complex systems in the early 1980s outstands as a milestone in the path to operational safety. Process plants are social–technical complex systems of a dynamic nature, whose properties depend not only on their components, but also on the inter-relations among them. A comprehensive assessment of operational safety requires a systemic approach, i.e. an integrated framework that includes all the relevant factors influencing safety. Risk analysis methodologies and safety management systems head the list of methods that point in this direction, but they normally require important plant resources. As a consequence, their use is frequently restricted to especially dangerous processes often driven by compliance with legal requirements. In this work a new safety index for the chemical industry, termed the ‘Proceso’ Index (standing for the Spanish terms for PROCedure for the Evaluation of Operational Safety), has been developed. PROCESO is based on the principles of systems theory, has a tree-like structure and considers 25 areas to guide the review of plant safety. The method uses indicators whose respective weight values have been obtained via an expert judgement technique. This paper describes the steps followed to develop this new Operational Safety Index, explains its structure and illustrates its application to process plants.  相似文献   

Recent practice of staged photography in China renders views of urban landscapes as active elements in performative actions directed for the camera. These cityscapes, featured in photographs produced by artists such as Li Wei, Cao Fei, Chi Peng and Xing Danwen, not only reflect the country's rapid urbanisation but also ongoing processes of globalisation. The same processes reconfigure time–space relations around the globe and offer an opportunity to ‘decentre’ the world, but they equally escape capture and document in real time. Fictional photographic elaborations of their accompanying elements, such as the technologisation of culture and the inability to fix a stable image of the future, provide a point of departure to explore photography's role in response to the challenges posed by global urban living. This issue also creates a space for rethinking the critical potential of the medium.  相似文献   

中药水提取液冷冻浓缩的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
冯毅  史淼直  宁方芹 《制冷》2005,24(1):5-8
文中介绍了冷冻浓缩在中药水提取液浓缩上的实验研究,从理论上和实践上说明,用冷冻浓缩代替三效真空蒸发浓缩法是可行的,并且可以免去醇沉工序,制品口感也得到改善.  相似文献   

To accommodate the diverse users demands for consumer products, enterprises need to design and develop different lines of products according to different groups of users. Dynamic internet data, including product reviews, user attributes, and product configurations, are utilised to model users' stochastic product choice behaviours and mine the product design requirements of features, performance levels, and quantity. First, the web crawler is applied to collect internet data, and then the data are structured and the demand information is retrieved. Second, a product choice model is employed to capture the heterogeneity and correlation of user demands on product features. In particular, users' implicit requirements in terms of product function and performance are elicited from the text mining of product reviews. Third, incorporating various user requirements mined from dynamic internet data, graph theory analysis is introduced into design generation, product improvement, and market analysis. A case study on Chinese smartphones is presented, where the results show that the proposed method is practical and suitable for product-design analysis using the large volume of dynamic internet data.  相似文献   

In this paper a numerical modelling of non linear problems involving large deformations and frictional contact conditions is proposed. The motivation of this work comes from the study of the cellular materials (such as wood or foams) undergoing strong deformations. We restrict our study to a regular cellular network of hexagonal cells with thin walls. Strong loadings can generate at first buckling phenomena, then self-contact in the cell. Renouncing homogenization procedures, not always pertinent in this case, we have developed direct simulations. After giving the mechanical and mathematical formulations of the problem, we present two advanced numerical tools to solve large non linear frictional multicontact problems. This numerical modelling is based on an arc-length continuation method which permits to snap through singular points due to buckling phenomena and on an optimal domain decomposition method adapted to frictional contact problems. Finally, mechanical investigations of the contactless buckling and the post-buckling provide some pertinent parameters controlling the deformation process.This work was supported in part by CINES, Centre Informatique National de lEnseignement Supérieur, (Montpellier-FRANCE), Project mgc2547. The different simulations run on the SGI3800 computer based at the CINES.  相似文献   

We study the effect of spatial inhomogeneity of anchoring forces on real part of effective refractive index in nanosphere dispersed liquid crystal (NDLC) metamaterial at infrared frequencies using the approach of Khoo et al. [1] and Monte Carlo modeling proposed recently in Ref. [2]. Local and global characterization is made using 2D maps of spatial distribution of the index, its gradients and its modulation amplitude below and above Freedericksz threshold. We find that NDLC with step-wise modulation of anchoring forces gives rise to much larger gradients and absolute values of the effective index than NDLC with modulated external electric field as well as pure nematic liquid crystal (NLC) with inhomogeneous anchoring. This indicates that the filling factor of coated spheres in NDLC is an important design parameter which tunes the effective refractive index. We find that the results are strongly dependent on wavelength in the infrared interval 2800-2900 nm. Some potential applications to molding the flow of light are briefly mentioned.  相似文献   

黄玄 《绿色包装》2021,(4):42-46
国潮视域下开发创意产品包装是推动中国文化创新发展,增强国家创新竞争力,打造文化强国,推动传统文化精髓与现代产品包装适应和融合的重要渠道,对打造“中国制造”的文化创新品牌,拓展中国设计在世界舞台的影响力有着深刻的意义和价值。产品包装设计是现代经济文化产业发展的核心,是中国传统文化在现代流行文化中传播和传承的重要载体。通过解析中国传统文化元素精神、文化艺术形式,依托现代社会人民的生活理念和情感诉求,探讨中国传统元素在现代产品包装设计中的应用路径。文章从“国潮”艺术风格的特点及其文化元素在产品包装中的应用,对其艺术设计理念展开相应的研究。  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) has been used to probe the dynamics of the glass transition in As22S78 chalcogenide glass. Non-isothermal measurements were performed at different heating rates (5–35 K min−1). The experimental result of this kinetic glass transition phenomenon was analyzed on the basis of the relaxation process occurring in the transition temperature range. The activation energy of the glass transition was determined from the heating rate dependence of the glass transition temperature. The fragility index m of the glass was estimated from the measurements of the activation energy of the relaxation process, which characterizes the glass transition. Different kinetic methods as well as isoconversional methods were used. Isoconversional analysis of the experimental data shows that the activation energy of glass transition process is varying with the degree of transformation (and hence with temperature) from the glassy to the supercooled phase.  相似文献   

Transparent conductive Ga-doped Zn1 − xMgxO (ZnMgO:Ga) films were epitaxially grown via Pulsed Laser Deposition on sapphire by optimizing the substrate temperature and other parameters of deposition. Zn0.68Mg0.31Ga0.01O/sapphire films deposited at 400 °C have a Hall mobility (μ) of 9.2 ± 0.5 cm2 V− 1 s− 1 and a free electron density (n) of 1.79 × 1020 ± 0.06 × 1020 cm− 3, yielding an electrical conductivity (σ) = 262 ± 22 S/cm. Zn0.90Mg0.09Ga0.01O/sapphire films, deposited under the same growth conditions, have similar crystalline quality, but significantly better electrical properties (σ = 1450 ± 10 S/cm, μ = 24.5 ± 2.5 cm2 V− 1 s− 1, n = 3.81 × 1020 ± 0.20 × 1020 cm− 3). This comparison provides evidence of electrical property deterioration in doped ZnMgO bulk material with increasing Mg content, independent of crystalline quality. Electrical properties of ZnMgO:Ga are further deteriorated by the decrease of the crystalline quality. Polycrystalline Zn0.90Mg0.09Ga0.01O/a-SiO2 samples deposited under identical conditions on amorphous silica substrates had both inferior crystal quality and inferior transport properties (μ = 2.5 ± 0.2 cm2 V− 1 s− 1, n = 2.04 × 1020 ± 0.20 × 1020 cm− 3, σ = 80 ± 8 S/cm) compared to their epitaxial counterparts. Overall, the results of this study indicate that both bulk material properties and crystalline quality influence the electrical properties of single-phase ZnMgO:Ga thin films.  相似文献   

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