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Freeway crash occurrences are highly influenced by geometric characteristics, traffic status, weather conditions and drivers’ behavior. For a mountainous freeway which suffers from adverse weather conditions, it is critical to incorporate real-time weather information and traffic data in the crash frequency study. In this paper, a Bayesian inference method was employed to model one year's crash data on I-70 in the state of Colorado. Real-time weather and traffic variables, along with geometric characteristics variables were evaluated in the models. Two scenarios were considered in this study, one seasonal and one crash type based case. For the methodology part, the Poisson model and two random effect models with a Bayesian inference method were employed and compared in this study. Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) was utilized as a comparison factor. The correlated random effect models outperformed the others. The results indicate that the weather condition variables, especially precipitation, play a key role in the crash occurrence models. The conclusions imply that different active traffic management strategies should be designed based on seasons, and single-vehicle crashes have different crash mechanism compared to multi-vehicle crashes.  相似文献   

Severe crashes are causing serious social and economic loss, and because of this, reducing crash injury severity has become one of the key objectives of the high speed facilities’ (freeway and expressway) management. Traditional crash injury severity analysis utilized data mainly from crash reports concerning the crash occurrence information, drivers’ characteristics and roadway geometric related variables. In this study, real-time traffic and weather data were introduced to analyze the crash injury severity. The space mean speeds captured by the Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) system on the two roadways were used as explanatory variables in this study; and data from a mountainous freeway (I-70 in Colorado) and an urban expressway (State Road 408 in Orlando) have been used to identify the analysis result's consistence. Binary probit (BP) models were estimated to classify the non-severe (property damage only) crashes and severe (injury and fatality) crashes. Firstly, Bayesian BP models’ results were compared to the results from Maximum Likelihood Estimation BP models and it was concluded that Bayesian inference was superior with more significant variables. Then different levels of hierarchical Bayesian BP models were developed with random effects accounting for the unobserved heterogeneity at segment level and crash individual level, respectively. Modeling results from both studied locations demonstrate that large variations of speed prior to the crash occurrence would increase the likelihood of severe crash occurrence. Moreover, with considering unobserved heterogeneity in the Bayesian BP models, the model goodness-of-fit has improved substantially. Finally, possible future applications of the model results and the hierarchical Bayesian probit models were discussed.  相似文献   

The study describes an investigation of the relationship between crash occurrence and hourly volume counts for small samples of highway segments from two states: Michigan and Connecticut. We used a hierarchical Bayesian framework to fit binary regression models for predicting crash occurrence for each of four crash types: (1) single-vehicle, (2) multi-vehicle same direction, (3) multi-vehicle opposite direction, and (4) multi-vehicle intersecting direction, as a function of the hourly volume, segment length, speed limit and pavement width. The results reveal how the relationship between crashes and hourly volume varies by time of day, thus improving the accuracy of crash occurrence predictions. The results show that even accounting for time of day, the disaggregate exposure measure – hourly volume – is indeed non-linear for each of the four crash types. This implies that at any time of day, the crash occurrence is not proportional to the hourly volume. These findings help us to further understand the relationship between crash occurrence and hourly volume, segment length and other risk factors, and facilitate more meaningful comparisons of the safety record of seemingly similar highway locations.  相似文献   

The influence of intersection features on safety has been examined extensively because intersections experience a relatively large proportion of motor vehicle conflicts and crashes. Although there are distinct differences between passenger cars and large trucks-size, operating characteristics, dimensions, and weight-modeling crash counts across vehicle types is rarely addressed. This paper develops and presents a multivariate regression model of crash frequencies by collision vehicle type using crash data for urban signalized intersections in Tennessee. In addition, the performance of univariate Poisson-lognormal (UVPLN), multivariate Poisson (MVP), and multivariate Poisson-lognormal (MVPLN) regression models in establishing the relationship between crashes, traffic factors, and geometric design of roadway intersections is investigated. Bayesian methods are used to estimate the unknown parameters of these models. The evaluation results suggest that the MVPLN model possesses most of the desirable statistical properties in developing the relationships. Compared to the UVPLN and MVP models, the MVPLN model better identifies significant factors and predicts crash frequencies. The findings suggest that traffic volume, truck percentage, lighting condition, and intersection angle significantly affect intersection safety. Important differences in car, car–truck, and truck crash frequencies with respect to various risk factors were found to exist between models. The paper provides some new or more comprehensive observations that have not been covered in previous studies.  相似文献   

While rural freeways generally have lower crash rates, interactions between driver behavior, traffic and geometric characteristics, and adverse weather conditions may increase the crash risk along some freeway sections. This paper examines the safety effects of roadway geometrics on crash occurrence along a freeway section that features mountainous terrain and adverse weather. Starting from preliminary exploration using Poisson models, Bayesian hierarchical models with spatial and random effects were developed to efficiently model the crash frequencies on road segments on the 20-mile freeway section of study. Crash data for 6 years (2000–2005), roadway geometry, traffic characteristics and weather information in addition to the effect of steep slopes and adverse weather of snow and dry seasons, were used in the investigation. Estimation of the model coefficients indicates that roadway geometry is significantly associated with crash risk; segments with steep downgrades were found to drastically increase the crash risk. Moreover, this crash risk could be significantly increased during snow season compared to dry season as a confounding effect between grades and pavement condition. Moreover, sites with higher degree of curvature, wider medians and an increase of the number of lanes appear to be associated with lower crash rate. Finally, a Bayesian ranking technique was implemented to rank the hazard levels of the roadway segments; the results confirmed that segments with steep downgrades are more crash prone along the study section.  相似文献   

Crash prediction models still constitute one of the primary tools for estimating traffic safety. These statistical models play a vital role in various types of safety studies. With a few exceptions, they have often been employed to estimate the number of crashes per unit of time for an entire highway segment or intersection, without distinguishing the influence different sub-groups have on crash risk. The two most important sub-groups that have been identified in the literature are single- and multi-vehicle crashes. Recently, some researchers have noted that developing two distinct models for these two categories of crashes provides better predicting performance than developing models combining both crash categories together. Thus, there is a need to determine whether a significant difference exists for the computation of confidence intervals when a single model is applied rather than two distinct models for single- and multi-vehicle crashes. Building confidence intervals have many important applications in highway safety.This paper investigates the effect of modeling single- and multi-vehicle (head-on and rear-end only) crashes separately versus modeling them together on the prediction of confidence intervals of Poisson-gamma models. Confidence intervals were calculated for total (all severities) crash models and fatal and severe injury crash models. The data used for the comparison analysis were collected on Texas multilane undivided highways for the years 1997-2001. This study shows that modeling single- and multi-vehicle crashes separately predicts larger confidence intervals than modeling them together as a single model. This difference is much larger for fatal and injury crash models than for models for all severity levels. Furthermore, it is found that the single- and multi-vehicle crashes are not independent. Thus, a joint (bivariate) model which accounts for correlation between single- and multi-vehicle crashes is developed and it predicts wider confidence intervals than a univariate model for all severities. Finally, the simulation results show that separate models predict values that are closer to the true confidence intervals, and thus this research supports previous studies that recommended modeling single- and multi-vehicle crashes separately for analyzing highway segments.  相似文献   

Past research has found a non-linear relationship between traffic intensity or level of service (LOS) and highway crash rates. This paper investigates this relationship further by including the effects of site characteristics and estimating Poisson regression models for predicting single and multi-vehicle crashes separately. Analysis focuses on rural two-lane highways, with hourly LOS, traffic composition, and highway geometric characteristics as independent variables. The resulting models for single and multi-vehicle crashes have different explanatory variables. Single-vehicle crash rates decrease with increasing traffic intensity (lower LOS), shoulder width and sight distance. Multi-vehicle crash rates increase with the number of signals, the daily single-unit truck percentage, and the shoulder width, and decreased on principal arterials compared to other roadway classes. LOS does not significantly explain variation in the number of multi-vehicle crashes. Ongoing research by the authors is aimed at identifying other site factors, such as driveway density and intersection LOS, that can better explain the differing effects reported here and predict crash rates of both types better.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of spatial correlation using a Bayesian spatial framework to model pedestrian and bicycle crashes in Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZs). Aggregate models for pedestrian and bicycle crashes were estimated as a function of variables related to roadway characteristics, and various demographic and socio-economic factors. It was found that significant differences were present between the predictor sets for pedestrian and bicycle crashes. The Bayesian Poisson-lognormal model accounting for spatial correlation for pedestrian crashes in the TAZs of the study counties retained nine variables significantly different from zero at 95% Bayesian credible interval. These variables were – total roadway length with 35 mph posted speed limit, total number of intersections per TAZ, median household income, total number of dwelling units, log of population per square mile of a TAZ, percentage of households with non-retired workers but zero auto, percentage of households with non-retired workers and one auto, long term parking cost, and log of total number of employment in a TAZ. A separate distinct set of predictors were found for the bicycle crash model. In all cases the Bayesian models with spatial correlation performed better than the models that did not account for spatial correlation among TAZs. This finding implies that spatial correlation should be considered while modeling pedestrian and bicycle crashes at the aggregate or macro-level.  相似文献   

Urban expressway systems have been developed rapidly in recent years in China; it has become one key part of the city roadway networks as carrying large traffic volume and providing high traveling speed. Along with the increase of traffic volume, traffic safety has become a major issue for Chinese urban expressways due to the frequent crash occurrence and the non-recurrent congestions caused by them. For the purpose of unveiling crash occurrence mechanisms and further developing Active Traffic Management (ATM) control strategies to improve traffic safety, this study developed disaggregate crash risk analysis models with loop detector traffic data and historical crash data. Bayesian random effects logistic regression models were utilized as it can account for the unobserved heterogeneity among crashes. However, previous crash risk analysis studies formulated random effects distributions in a parametric approach, which assigned them to follow normal distributions. Due to the limited information known about random effects distributions, subjective parametric setting may be incorrect. In order to construct more flexible and robust random effects to capture the unobserved heterogeneity, Bayesian semi-parametric inference technique was introduced to crash risk analysis in this study. Models with both inference techniques were developed for total crashes; semi-parametric models were proved to provide substantial better model goodness-of-fit, while the two models shared consistent coefficient estimations. Later on, Bayesian semi-parametric random effects logistic regression models were developed for weekday peak hour crashes, weekday non-peak hour crashes, and weekend non-peak hour crashes to investigate different crash occurrence scenarios. Significant factors that affect crash risk have been revealed and crash mechanisms have been concluded.  相似文献   

This paper presents a simultaneous equations model of crash frequencies by severity level for freeway sections using five-year crash severity frequency data for 275 multilane freeway segments in the State of Washington. Crash severity is a subject of much interest in the context of freeway safety due to higher speeds of travel on freeways and the desire of transportation professionals to implement measures that could potentially reduce crash severity on such facilities. This paper applies a joint Poisson regression model with multivariate normal heterogeneities using the method of Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation (MSLE). MSLE serves as a computationally viable alternative to the Bayesian approach that has been adopted in the literature for estimating multivariate simultaneous equations models of crash frequencies. The empirical results presented in this paper suggest the presence of statistically significant error correlations across crash frequencies by severity level. The significant error correlations point to the presence of common unobserved factors related to driver behavior and roadway, traffic and environmental characteristics that influence crash frequencies of different severity levels. It is found that the joint Poisson regression model can improve the efficiency of most model coefficient estimators by reducing their standard deviations. In addition, the empirical results show that observed factors generally do not have the same impact on crash frequencies at different levels of severity.  相似文献   

This paper describes the estimation of Poisson regression models for predicting both single and multi-vehicle highway crash rates as a function of traffic density and land use, as well as ambient light conditions and time of day. The study focuses on seventeen rural, two-lane highway segments, each one-half mile in length with varying land use patterns and where actual hourly exposure values are available in the form of observed traffic counts. Land-use effects are represented by the number of driveways of various types on each segment. Hourly exposure is represented for single-vehicle crashes as the total vehicle miles traveled and volume/capacity ratio; for multi-vehicle crashes it is the product of the hourly volumes on the main highway and the roads intersecting it along the study segment. For single-vehicle crashes, the following variables were found to be significant, with a positive or negative effect as noted: daytime (06:00–19:00 h, negative effect), the natural log of the segment volume/capacity ratio (negative), percent of the segment with no passing zones (positive), shoulder width (positive), number of intersections (negative), and driveways (mixed effects by type). Good multi-vehicle crash prediction models had quite different variables: daylight conditions from 10:00–15:00 and 15:00–19:00 h (positive), number of intersections (negative), and driveways (positive for all types). The results show that traffic intensity explains differences in crash rates even when controlling for time of day and light conditions, and that these effects are quite different for single and multi-vehicle crashes. Suggestions for future research are also given.  相似文献   

Count models such as negative binomial (NB) regression models are normally employed to establish a relationship between area-wide traffic crashes and the contributing factors. Since crash data are collected with reference to location measured as points in space, spatial dependence exists among the area-level crash observations. Although NB models can take account of the effect of unobserved heterogeneity (due to omitted variables in the model) among neighbourhoods, such models may not account for spatial correlation areas. It is then essential to adopt an econometric model that takes account of both spatial dependence and uncorrelated heterogeneity simultaneously among neighbouring units. In studying the spatial pattern of traffic crashes, two types of spatial models may be employed: (i) classical spatial models for higher levels of spatial aggregation such as states, counties, etc. and (ii) Bayesian hierarchical models for all spatial units, especially for smaller scale area-aggregations. Therefore, the primary objectives of this paper is to develop a series of relationships between area-wide different traffic casualties and the contributing factors associated with ward characteristics using both non-spatial models (such as NB models) and spatial models and to identify the similarities and differences among these relationships. The spatial units of the analysis are the 633 census wards from the Greater London metropolitan area. Ward-level casualty data are disaggregated by severity of the casualty (such as fatalities, serious injuries, and slight injuries) and by severity of the casualty related to various road users. The analysis implies that different ward-level factors affect traffic casualties differently. The results also suggest that Bayesian hierarchical models are more appropriate in developing a relationship between area-wide traffic crashes and the contributing factors associated with the road infrastructure, socioeconomic and traffic conditions of the area. This is because Bayesian models accurately take account of both spatial dependence and uncorrelated heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Numerous efforts have been devoted to investigating crash occurrence as related to roadway design features, environmental factors and traffic conditions. However, most of the research has relied on univariate count models; that is, traffic crash counts at different levels of severity are estimated separately, which may neglect shared information in unobserved error terms, reduce efficiency in parameter estimates, and lead to potential biases in sample databases. This paper offers a multivariate Poisson-lognormal (MVPLN) specification that simultaneously models crash counts by injury severity. The MVPLN specification allows for a more general correlation structure as well as overdispersion. This approach addresses several questions that are difficult to answer when estimating crash counts separately. Thanks to recent advances in crash modeling and Bayesian statistics, parameter estimation is done within the Bayesian paradigm, using a Gibbs Sampler and the Metropolis–Hastings (M–H) algorithms for crashes on Washington State rural two-lane highways. Estimation results from the MVPLN approach show statistically significant correlations between crash counts at different levels of injury severity. The non-zero diagonal elements suggest overdispersion in crash counts at all levels of severity. The results lend themselves to several recommendations for highway safety treatments and design policies. For example, wide lanes and shoulders are key for reducing crash frequencies, as are longer vertical curves.  相似文献   

A critical part of any risk assessment is identifying how to represent exposure to the risk involved. Recent research shows that the relationship between crash count and traffic volume is non-linear; consequently, a simple crash rate computed as the ratio of crash count to volume is not proper for comparing the safety of sites with different traffic volumes. To solve this problem, we describe a new approach for relating traffic volume and crash incidence. Specifically, we disaggregate crashes into four types: (1) single-vehicle, (2) multi-vehicle same direction, (3) multi-vehicle opposite direction, and (4) multi-vehicle intersecting, and define candidate exposure measures for each that we hypothesize will be linear with respect to each crash type. This paper describes initial investigation using crash and physical characteristics data for highway segments in Michigan from the Highway Safety Information System (HSIS). We use zero-inflated-Poisson (ZIP) modeling to estimate models for predicting counts for each of the above crash types as a function of the daily volume, segment length, speed limit and roadway width. We found that the relationship between crashes and the daily volume (AADT) is non-linear and varies by crash type, and is significantly different from the relationship between crashes and segment length for all crash types. Our research will provide information to improve accuracy of crash predictions and, thus, facilitate more meaningful comparison of the safety record of seemingly similar highway locations.  相似文献   

As urbanization accelerates in Shanghai, land continues to develop along suburban arterials which results in more access points along the roadways and more congested suburban arterials; all these changes have led to deterioration in traffic safety. In-depth safety analysis is needed to understand the relationship between roadway geometric design, access features, traffic characteristics, and safety. This study examined 161 road segments (each between two adjacent signalized intersections) of eight suburban arterials in Shanghai. Information on signal spacing, geometric design, access features, traffic characteristics, and surrounding area types were collected. The effect of these factors on total crash occurrence was investigated. To account for the hierarchical data structure, hierarchical Bayesian models were developed for total crashes. To identify diverse effects on different crash injury severity, the total crashes were separated into minor injury and severe injury crashes. Bivariate hierarchical Bayesian models were developed for minor injury and severe injury to account for the correlation among different severity levels. The modeling results show that the density of signal spacing along arterials has a significant influence on minor injury, severe injury, and total crash frequencies. The non-uniform signal spacing has a significant impact on the occurrence of minor injury crashes. At the segment-level, higher frequencies of minor injury, severe injury, and total crashes tend to occur for the segments with curves, those with a higher density of access points, those with a higher percentage of heavy vehicles, and those in inner suburban areas. This study is useful for applications such as related engineering safety improvements and making access management policy.  相似文献   

Macroscopic traffic crash analyses have been conducted to incorporate traffic safety into long-term transportation planning. This study aims at developing a multivariate Poisson lognormal conditional autoregressive model at the macroscopic level for crashes by different transportation modes such as motor vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian crashes. Many previous studies have shown the presence of common unobserved factors across different crash types. Thus, it was expected that adopting multivariate model structure would show a better modeling performance since it can capture shared unobserved features across various types. The multivariate model and univariate model were estimated based on traffic analysis zones (TAZs) and compared. It was found that the multivariate model significantly outperforms the univariate model. It is expected that the findings from this study can contribute to more reliable traffic crash modeling, especially when focusing on different modes. Also, variables that are found significant for each mode can be used to guide traffic safety policy decision makers to allocate resources more efficiently for the zones with higher risk of a particular transportation mode.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of traffic in urban areas, concerns about congestion and traffic safety have been heightened. This study leveraged both Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI) system and Microwave Vehicle Detection System (MVDS) installed on an expressway in Central Florida to explore how congestion impacts the crash occurrence in urban areas. Multiple congestion measures from the two systems were developed. To ensure more precise estimates of the congestion's effects, the traffic data were aggregated into peak and non-peak hours. Multicollinearity among traffic parameters was examined. The results showed the presence of multicollinearity especially during peak hours. As a response, ridge regression was introduced to cope with this issue. Poisson models with uncorrelated random effects, correlated random effects, and both correlated random effects and random parameters were constructed within the Bayesian framework. It was proven that correlated random effects could significantly enhance model performance. The random parameters model has similar goodness-of-fit compared with the model with only correlated random effects. However, by accounting for the unobserved heterogeneity, more variables were found to be significantly related to crash frequency. The models indicated that congestion increased crash frequency during peak hours while during non-peak hours it was not a major crash contributing factor. Using the random parameter model, the three congestion measures were compared. It was found that all congestion indicators had similar effects while Congestion Index (CI) derived from MVDS data was a better congestion indicator for safety analysis. Also, analyses showed that the segments with higher congestion intensity could not only increase property damage only (PDO) crashes, but also more severe crashes. In addition, the issues regarding the necessity to incorporate specific congestion indicator for congestion's effects on safety and to take care of the multicollinearity between explanatory variables were also discussed. By including a specific congestion indicator, the model performance significantly improved. When comparing models with and without ridge regression, the magnitude of the coefficients was altered in the existence of multicollinearity. These conclusions suggest that the use of appropriate congestion measure and consideration of multicolilnearity among the variables would improve the models and our understanding about the effects of congestion on traffic safety.  相似文献   

In traffic safety studies, crash frequency modeling of total crashes is the cornerstone before proceeding to more detailed safety evaluation. The relationship between crash occurrence and factors such as traffic flow and roadway geometric characteristics has been extensively explored for a better understanding of crash mechanisms. In this study, a multi-level Bayesian framework has been developed in an effort to identify the crash contributing factors on an urban expressway in the Central Florida area. Two types of traffic data from the Automatic Vehicle Identification system, which are the processed data capped at speed limit and the unprocessed data retaining the original speed were incorporated in the analysis along with road geometric information. The model framework was proposed to account for the hierarchical data structure and the heterogeneity among the traffic and roadway geometric data. Multi-level and random parameters models were constructed and compared with the Negative Binomial model under the Bayesian inference framework. Results showed that the unprocessed traffic data was superior. Both multi-level models and random parameters models outperformed the Negative Binomial model and the models with random parameters achieved the best model fitting. The contributing factors identified imply that on the urban expressway lower speed and higher speed variation could significantly increase the crash likelihood. Other geometric factors were significant including auxiliary lanes and horizontal curvature.  相似文献   

Traffic crashes occurring on rural roadways induce more severe injuries and fatalities than those in urban areas, especially when there are trucks involved. Truck drivers are found to suffer higher potential of crash injuries compared with other occupational labors. Besides, unobserved heterogeneity in crash data analysis is a critical issue that needs to be carefully addressed. In this study, a hierarchical Bayesian random intercept model decomposing cross-level interaction effects as unobserved heterogeneity is developed to examine the posterior probabilities of truck driver injuries in rural truck-involved crashes. The interaction effects contributing to truck driver injury outcomes are investigated based on two-year rural truck-involved crashes in New Mexico from 2010 to 2011. The analysis results indicate that the cross-level interaction effects play an important role in predicting truck driver injury severities, and the proposed model produces comparable performance with the traditional random intercept model and the mixed logit model even after penalization by high model complexity. It is revealed that factors including road grade, number of vehicles involved in a crash, maximum vehicle damage in a crash, vehicle actions, driver age, seatbelt use, and driver under alcohol or drug influence, as well as a portion of their cross-level interaction effects with other variables are significantly associated with truck driver incapacitating injuries and fatalities. These findings are helpful to understand the respective or joint impacts of these attributes on truck driver injury patterns in rural truck-involved crashes.  相似文献   

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