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Speed is a determining factor in road safety analysis. It is generally believed that an increase in speed harms road safety. However, it can also be argued that driving at high speed reduces the length of time exposure and thus the likelihood of a crash. It is therefore critical to clarify the roles that exposure and speed play in road safety analysis. This study evaluates the relationship between speed and crash risk with respect to distance and time exposure, using disaggregated crash and speed data collected from 112 road segments in Hong Kong. A joint probability model based on a full Bayesian method is applied simultaneously to model crash occurrence and crash severity. In addition, we consider the explanatory variables, including road design, weather conditions, and temporal distribution, in the proposed crash prediction model. The results indicate that average speed plays a significant role in crash risk, despite opposing correlations with respect to distance and time exposure; the correlation between speed and crash risk is positive when distance exposure is considered, but negative when time exposure is used. However, in both cases, speed is positively associated with the injury severity.  相似文献   

Reducing the severity of injuries resulting from motor-vehicle crashes has long been a primary emphasis of highway agencies and motor-vehicle manufacturers. While progress can be simply measured by the reduction in injury levels over time, insights into the effectiveness of injury-reduction technologies, policies, and regulations require a more detailed empirical assessment of the complex interactions that vehicle, roadway, and human factors have on resulting crash-injury severities. Over the years, researchers have used a wide range of methodological tools to assess the impact of such factors on disaggregate-level injury-severity data, and recent methodological advances have enabled the development of sophisticated models capable of more precisely determining the influence of these factors. This paper summarizes the evolution of research and current thinking as it relates to the statistical analysis of motor-vehicle injury severities, and provides a discussion of future methodological directions.  相似文献   

With Australia facing a looming shortage of heavy vehicle drivers the question is raised as to whether it is desirable or prudent to encourage older professional heavy vehicle drivers to remain in the transport sector for longer, particularly those of heavy vehicles or recruit drivers of a younger age.


To review age-related safety and identify other factors that contribute to accidents experienced by heavy vehicle drivers.


A search was conducted of national and international peer-reviewed literature in the following databases: MedLine, Embase, Cinahl, PsychInfo and the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety. A manual search was performed to obtain relevant articles within selected journals.


A limited number of studies reported age-specific accident rates for heavy vehicles for the spectrum of driver age that included drivers younger than 27 years and those over 60 years of age. Heavy vehicle drivers younger than 27 years of age demonstrated higher rates of accident/fatality involvement which decline and plateau until the age of 63 years where increased rates were again observed. Other contributing factors to heavy vehicle accidents include: long hours and subsequent sleepiness and fatigue, employer safety culture, vehicle configuration particularly multiple trailers, urbanisation and road classification.


Drivers of heavy vehicles are over-involved until age 27 years however a characteristic ‘U’ shaped curve indicates a higher risk of accident involvement for both younger and older drivers. More detailed analyses of “at-fault” involvement and inability to avert an accident and other factors that contribute to accidents across the ages of heavy vehicle drivers may give further clarification to the degree of safety of both younger and older commercial heavy vehicle drivers.  相似文献   

In light of the rapidly increasing development of the cell phone market, the use of such equipment while driving raises the question of whether it is associated with an increased accident risk; and if so, what is its magnitude. This research is an epidemiological study on two large cohorts, namely users and non-users of cell phones, with the objective of verifying whether an association exists between cell phone use and road crashes, separating those with injuries.The Société de l'Assurance Automobile du Québec (SAAQ) mailed a questionnaire and letter of consent to 175000 licence holders for passenger vehicles. The questionnaire asked about exposure to risk, driving habits, opinions about activities likely to be detrimental to driving and accidents within the last 24 months. For cell phone users, questions pertaining to the use of the telephone were added. We received 36078 completed questionnaires, with a signed letter of consent. Four wireless phone companies provided the files on cell phone activity, and the SAAQ the files for 4 years of drivers' records and police reports. The three data sources were merged using an anonymized identification number. The statistical methods include logistic-normal regression models to estimate the strength of the links between the explanatory variables and crashes.The relative risk of all accidents and of accidents with injuries is higher for users of cell phones than for non-users. The relative risks (RR) for injury collisions and also for all collisions is 38% higher for men and women cell phone users. These risks diminish to 1.1 for men and 1.2 for women if other variables, such as the kilometres driven and driving habits are incorporated into the models. Similar results hold for several sub-groups. The most significant finding is a dose-response relationship between the frequency of cell phone use, and crash risks. The adjusted relative risks for heavy users are at least two compared to those making minimal use of cell phones; the latter show similar collision rates as do the non-users.  相似文献   

In order to assess the relationship of the risk of injury requiring hospital attendance in children riding bicycles to sociodemographic factors and to measures of exposure, a population-based case-control study is being undertaken in a large area of suburban Melbourne, Australia. Particular attention is given to the measurement of individual exposure in several dimensions. Analysis of interim data from 109 cases and 118 controls shows that 51% of injuries occurred while the child was playing rather than making a trip on the bicycle and only 22% involved another vehicle. Boys used bicycles more commonly than girls but there was minimal evidence of an increased risk of injury in boys, adjusting for exposure. There was no evidence for an age trend in injury risk, but children from families in the lowest income category were at significantly increased risk. Exposure measures showed complex patterns of association with injury risk. Estimated time spent riding was more closely associated with risk than distance travelled, with an odds ratio of 2.2 (95% confidence interval 1.1–4.2) for children riding for more than 3 hours per week compared to children riding less than 1 hour. Riding more than 5 km on the sidewalk was also associated with increased risk (odds ratio 3.1, 95% CI 1.1–8.5). The elevated risk associated with sidewalk riding may be due to difficulties in negotiating uneven surfaces. The case-control study provides an ideal design for this type of investigation but valid and reliable measurement of exposure is difficult.  相似文献   

Work in the construction industry is considered inherently dangerous, despite the technological improvements regarding the safety of work conditions and equipment. To address the urgent need to identify organizational predictors of safety performance and outcomes among construction workers, the present study examined multi-level effects of two important indicators of safety climate, namely contractor error management climate and worker safety communication, on safety behavior, injury, and pain among union construction workers. Data were collected from 235 union construction workers employed by 15 contractors in Midwest and Northwest regions of the United States. Results revealed significant main effects for safety communication and error management climate on safety behaviors and pain, but not on injuries. Our findings suggest that positive safety communication and error management climate are important contributors to improving workplace safety. Specific implications of these results for organizational safety research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, an integrated methodology for Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and a 0–1 knapsack model is proposed for occupational safety and health as a systems thinking approach. The House of Quality (HoQ) in QFD methodology is a systematic tool to consider the inter-relationships between two factors. In this paper, three HoQs are used to consider the interrelationships between tasks and hazards, hazards and events, and events and preventive/protective measures. The final priority weights of events are defined by considering their project-specific preliminary weights, probability of occurrence, and effects on the victim and the company. The priority weights of the preventive/protective measures obtained in the last HoQ are fed into a 0–1 knapsack model for the investment decision. Then, the selected preventive/protective measures can be adapted to the task design. The proposed step-by-step methodology can be applied to any stage of a project to design the workplace for occupational safety and health, and continuous improvement for safety is endorsed by the closed loop characteristic of the integrated methodology.  相似文献   



To summarise the extent to which narrative text fields in administrative health data are used to gather information about the event resulting in presentation to a health care provider for treatment of an injury, and to highlight best practise approaches to conducting narrative text interrogation for injury surveillance purposes.


Systematic review.

Data sources

Electronic databases searched included CINAHL, Google Scholar, Medline, Proquest, PubMed and PubMed Central. Snowballing strategies were employed by searching the bibliographies of retrieved references to identify relevant associated articles.

Selection criteria

Papers were selected if the study used a health-related database and if the study objectives were to a) use text field to identify injury cases or use text fields to extract additional information on injury circumstances not available from coded data or b) use text fields to assess accuracy of coded data fields for injury-related cases or c) describe methods/approaches for extracting injury information from text fields.


The papers identified through the search were independently screened by two authors for inclusion, resulting in 41 papers selected for review. Due to heterogeneity between studies meta-analysis was not performed.


The majority of papers reviewed focused on describing injury epidemiology trends using coded data and text fields to supplement coded data (28 papers), with these studies demonstrating the value of text data for providing more specific information beyond what had been coded to enable case selection or provide circumstantial information. Caveats were expressed in terms of the consistency and completeness of recording of text information resulting in underestimates when using these data. Four coding validation papers were reviewed with these studies showing the utility of text data for validating and checking the accuracy of coded data. Seven studies (9 papers) described methods for interrogating injury text fields for systematic extraction of information, with a combination of manual and semi-automated methods used to refine and develop algorithms for extraction and classification of coded data from text. Quality assurance approaches to assessing the robustness of the methods for extracting text data was only discussed in 8 of the epidemiology papers, and 1 of the coding validation papers. All of the text interrogation methodology papers described systematic approaches to ensuring the quality of the approach.


Manual review and coding approaches, text search methods, and statistical tools have been utilised to extract data from narrative text and translate it into useable, detailed injury event information. These techniques can and have been applied to administrative datasets to identify specific injury types and add value to previously coded injury datasets. Only a few studies thoroughly described the methods which were used for text mining and less than half of the studies which were reviewed used/described quality assurance methods for ensuring the robustness of the approach. New techniques utilising semi-automated computerised approaches and Bayesian/clustering statistical methods offer the potential to further develop and standardise the analysis of narrative text for injury surveillance.  相似文献   

This study looked at whether drivers overtaking a bicyclist changed the proximities of their passes in response to the level of experience and skill signalled by the bicyclist's appearance. Seven outfits were tested, ranging from a stereotypical sport rider's outfit, portraying high experience and skill, to a vest with ‘novice cyclist’ printed on the back, portraying low experience. A high-visibility bicycling jacket was also used, as were two commercially available safety vests, one featuring a prominent mention of the word ‘police’ and a warning that the rider was video-recording their journey, and one modelled after a police officer's jacket but with a letter changed so it read ‘POLITE’. An ultrasonic distance sensor recorded the space left by vehicles passing the bicyclist on a regular commuting route. 5690 data points fulfilled the criteria for the study and were included in the analyses. The only outfit associated with a significant change in mean passing proximities was the police/video-recording jacket. Contrary to predictions, drivers treated the sports outfit and the ‘novice cyclist’ outfit equivalently, suggesting they do not adjust overtaking proximity as a function of a rider's perceived experience. Notably, whilst some outfits seemed to discourage motorists from passing within 1 m of the rider, approximately 1–2% of overtakes came within 50 cm no matter what outfit was worn. This suggests there is little riders can do, by altering their appearance, to prevent the very closest overtakes; it is suggested that infrastructural, educational or legal measures are more promising for preventing drivers from passing extremely close to bicyclists.  相似文献   

Social modelling is a process where an individual observes a model's behaviour and its consequences, leading to a modification of the observer's old behaviours or the acquisition of new behaviours. Even though diverse fields, including transportation and aviation, have reliably found significant results pertaining to the influences of social modelling on behavioural outcomes, there is a lack of research pertaining to social modelling's influences specifically on safety behaviour. This review details the safety issues related to the mechanisms, influences and effects of social modelling as a way to examine the potential that social modelling has in affecting employees’ safety behaviour. The collected research materials aided in the construction of a preliminary conceptual model regarding the effects of social modelling on safety behaviour. Overall, the review provides safety and organisational researchers with information about a gap in the safety literature and a model that can lead to future research to fill that gap.  相似文献   

Along with its potential contributions to the practice of care, social assistive robotics raises significant ethical issues. The growing development of this technoscientific field of intelligent robotics has thus triggered a widespread proliferation of ethical attention towards its disruptive potential. However, the current landscape of ethical debate is fragmented and conceptually disordered, endangering ethics’ practical strength for normatively addressing these challenges. This paper presents a critical literature review of the ethical issues of social assistive robotics, which provides a comprehensive and intelligible overview of the current ethical approach to this technoscientific field. On the one hand, ethical issues have been identified, quantitatively analyzed and categorized in three main thematic groups. Namely: Well-being, Care, and Justice. On the other hand –and on the basis of some significant disclosed tendencies of the current approach–, future lines of research and issues regarding the enrichment of the ethical gaze on social assistive robotics have been identified and outlined.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen considerable growth in computer capabilities, data collection technology and communication mediums. This growth has had considerable impact on our ability to replicate driver behaviour and understand the processes involved in failures in the traffic system. From time to time it is necessary to assess the level of development as a basis of determining how far we have come. This paper sets out to assess the state of the art in the use of computer models to simulate and assess the level of safety in existing and future traffic systems. It reviews developments in the area of road safety simulation models. In particular, it reviews computer models of driver and vehicle behaviour within a road context. It focuses on stochastic numerical models of traffic behaviour and how reliable these are in estimating levels of safety on the traffic network. Models of this type are commonly used in the assessment of traffic systems for capacity, delay and general performance. Adding safety to this assessment regime may allow more comprehensive assessment of future traffic systems. To date the models have focused primarily on vehicular traffic that is, cars and heavy vehicles. It has been shown that these models have potential in measuring the level of conflict on parts of the network and the measure of conflict correlated well with crash statistics. Interest in the prediction of crashes and crash severity is growing and new models are focusing on the continuum of general traffic conditions, conflict, severe conflict, crash and severe crashes. The paper also explores the general data types used to develop, calibrate and validate these models. Recent technological development in in-vehicle data collection, driver simulators and machine learning offers considerable potential for improving the behavioural base, rigour and application of road safety simulation models. The paper closes with some indication of areas of future development.  相似文献   

This paper is a review of research into the impacts of sharing production information on the supply chain dynamics. The purpose of the review is to understand the needs to unravel such impacts on the supply chain design and management, to identify the current research frontier and to study the future trend in this field. The scope of the review is somewhat broad in the sense that more than 100 relevant publications resulting from major research projects and originating from some leading research groups are selected for review. In order to maintain the necessary coherence and consistency, this comprehensive review proposes a loose reference framework to reflect major elements commonly involved in this type of research, including the decision level investigated, supply chain structure, research questions addressed, factors involved, supply chain dynamics measured, modelling methodology adopted, data analysis technique used, and findings and insights from the managerial perspective obtained. The framework serves as a skeleton for categorizing literature and research areas into these key elements. It is hoped that this review is valuable and beneficial both to new researchers entering the field, in order to gain their interest, references and focus, and to experienced researchers, in order, perhaps, to identify new research opportunities and/or issues that intersect these researchers' past and current interests.  相似文献   

In 1986, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was identified in the UK. Millions of BSE-infected cows were slaughtered and over 150 people contracted variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, an inevitably fatal human form of BSE. Tragic incidents such as this provide valuable opportunities to understand and improve the safety of complex socio-technical systems. By studying accidents, knowledge can be gained that can improve system safety. The purpose of this article is to test the usefulness of Rasmussen's risk management framework for explaining how and why accidents occur in the food production domain. This was accomplished by using the framework to retrospectively investigate how and why BSE was transmitted through the human and animal food supply in the UK from 1986 to 1996. More specifically, an AcciMap and Conflict Map were constructed to represent contributing factors of the epidemic according to the structure of Rasmussen's framework. These factors were used to test the seven predictions made by the framework. All seven predictions were supported by the evidence, indicating that Rasmussen's risk management framework shows promise as a theoretically driven explanation of how and why accidents happen in complex socio-technical systems, particularly in the food production domain.  相似文献   

Professional social media platforms (PSMs), including LinkedIn, have created better opportunities for students and employees to advance their career aspirations. Though PSMs seem to be an effective human resource management (HRM) tool, in order to leverage PSMs effectively, it is strategically essential to incorporate research inputs from both the employers' and the individuals’ perspectives. Realizing this, academic researchers have been interested in PSMs since the previous decade. However, research on PSMs and their effectiveness continues to be in the embryonic stage. To catalyze scholarly interest and provide a foundation for formulating sound theoretical propositions for the efficient use of PSMs, it is imperative to aggregate and critically evaluate prior findings and provide avenues for future research. Addressing this need, the current study undertakes a systematic literature review to comprehensively understand the influence of PSMs on one particular aspect of HRM—namely, hiring processes. Forty-five studies were selected from existing literature to examine the accumulated knowledge, assess current research boundaries, and derive ways to enrich this area of research further. The study is motivated by the fact that given the short life cycle of social media platforms and information systems, PSMs need to innovate and continuously offer value to their users. The study makes a concrete contribution to PSM literature by generating actionable research avenues for future researchers and providing practical insights for managers and service providers.  相似文献   

Convective treatments (high-flux hemodialysis (HD), hemodiafiltration and hemofiltration) are characterized by enhanced removal of middle and large molecular weight solutes compared with conventional low-flux HD. As these molecules are claimed to play an important role in the genesis of many complications of chronic HD, the availability of these techniques represented an intriguing innovation and a possible means to improve the still poor prognosis of HD patients. Here we will critically review the most important published studies comparing convective treatments with low-flux HD on chronic morbidity, preservation of residual renal function, and long-term survival.  相似文献   

In recent years, natural fibres are increasingly used as reinforcements for the production of low-cost and lightweight polymer composites: other advantages include non-abrasive nature, high specific properties, and biodegradability. However, their limitations, including moisture absorption, poor wettability and large scattering in mechanical properties, and the not sufficient understanding of mechanisms controlling their mechanical behaviour and failure modes, still confine the use of natural fibre reinforced composites in non-structural applications. Acoustic emission (AE) proved useful for its capability of real-time monitoring over the whole material volume and high sensitivity to any process generating stress waves.This paper presents a literature review of AE applications in studies on natural fibre composites. The following fields of application are covered: (1) interface studies in single fibre composite (SFC) tests, (2) damage evolution and failure mechanisms detection and (3) crack propagation, including also current limitations of existing literature and future work.  相似文献   

Dams for leachate store very toxic substances that contain a large amount of organic material and, probably, heavy metals; they therefore constitute an important threat to the environment. Existing models of environmental risk assessment for landfills do not take into consideration the specific risk that leachate dams may represent for the environment. In this paper a methodology to improve the environmental safety is presented according to the parameters used in their construction and management. In order to do that, the following characteristics of the dam must be known: (1) geotechnical stability, (2) erosion of downstream slope, (3) type of sealing of the dam, (4) overtopping probability, (5) volume of leachate stored inside the dam and (6) pollution load of leachate. Once these parameters have been calculated, they are transformed by means of rating curves into homogeneous units, so as to make it possible to operate between them. From the study and analysis of these parameters an environmental risk index for a dam for leachate can be calculated. If the environmental risk index exceeds an established value then it involves a dam for leachate with high environmental risk, therefore preventive measures in its design, construction and management would be necessary.  相似文献   

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