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Deceleration lanes are important because they help drivers transition from high-speed lanes to low-speed ramps. Although they are designed to allow vehicles to depart the freeway safely and efficiently, many studies report high accident rates on exit ramps with the highest percentage of crashes taking place in deceleration lanes.  相似文献   

ObjectivesDrowsy driving is a serious highway safety problem. If drivers could be warned before they became too drowsy to drive safely, some drowsiness-related crashes could be prevented. The presentation of timely warnings, however, depends on reliable detection. To date, the effectiveness of drowsiness detection methods has been limited by their failure to consider individual differences. The present study sought to develop a drowsiness detection model that accommodates the varying individual effects of drowsiness on driving performance.MethodsNineteen driving behavior variables and four eye feature variables were measured as participants drove a fixed road course in a high fidelity motion-based driving simulator after having worked an 8-h night shift. During the test, participants were asked to report their drowsiness level using the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale at the midpoint of each of the six rounds through the road course. A multilevel ordered logit (MOL) model, an ordered logit model, and an artificial neural network model were used to determine drowsiness.ResultsThe MOL had the highest drowsiness detection accuracy, which shows that consideration of individual differences improves the models’ ability to detect drowsiness. According to the results, percentage of eyelid closure, average pupil diameter, standard deviation of lateral position and steering wheel reversals was the most important of the 23 variables.ConclusionThe consideration of individual differences on a drowsiness detection model would increase the accuracy of the model's detection accuracy.  相似文献   

Driving while sleepy is a serious contributor to automobile accidents. Previous research has shown that drowsy drivers produce systematic errors (variability) in vehicle behavior which are detectable using vehicle monitoring technology. The current study developed a new methodological approach using a vehicle heading difference metric to detect drowsy driving more effectively than other more commonly used methods. Twenty participants completed a driving scenario as well as several measures of fatigue in five testing sessions across a night of sleep deprivation. Each simulated highway driving session lasted 20 min, and was analyzed for lateral lane position variability and vehicle heading difference variability with two statistical methods. Fatigue measures monitored reaction time, attention, and oculomotor movement. The results showed that examining lane heading difference using the absolute value of the raw data detected driving variability better across the night than other statistical models. The results from the fatigue measures indicated an increase in reaction time and response lapses, as well as a decrease in oculomotor reactivity across the night. These results suggest that in fatigued drivers the statistical model using the absolute value of lane heading could be an improved metric for drowsy driving detection that could accurately detect detriments in driving ability at lower levels of fatigue.  相似文献   

Driving under the influence of alcohol on curved roadway segments has a higher risk than driving on straight segments. To explore the effect of different breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) levels on driving performance in roadway curves, a driving simulation experiment was designed to collect 25 participants’ driving performance parameters (i.e., speed and lane position) under the influence of 4 BrAC levels (0.00%, 0.03%, 0.06% and 0.09%) on 6 types of roadway curves (3 radii × 2 turning directions). Driving performance data for 22 participants were collected successfully. Then the average and standard deviation of the two parameters were analyzed, considering the entire curve and different sections of the curve, respectively.  相似文献   

In China, the Chevron alignment sign on highways is a vertical rectangle with a white arrow and border on a blue background, which differs from its counterpart in other countries. Moreover, little research has been devoted to the effectiveness of China’s Chevron signs; there is still no practical method to quantitatively describe the impact of Chevron signs on driver performance in roadway curves. In this paper, a driving simulator experiment collected data on the driving performance of 30 young male drivers as they navigated on 29 different horizontal curves under different conditions (presence of Chevron signs, curve radius and curve direction). To address the heterogeneity issue in the data, three models were estimated and tested: a pooled data linear regression model, a fixed effects model, and a random effects model. According to the Hausman Test and Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), the random effects model offers the best fit. The current study explores the relationship between driver performance (i.e., vehicle speed and lane position) and horizontal curves with respect to the horizontal curvature, presence of Chevron signs, and curve direction. This study lays a foundation for developing procedures and guidelines that would allow more uniform and efficient deployment of Chevron signs on China’s highways.  相似文献   

In recent years the automation level of driver assistance systems has increased continuously. One of the major challenges for highly automated driving is to ensure a safe driver take-over of the vehicle guidance. This must be ensured especially when the driver is engaged in non-driving related secondary tasks. For this purpose it is essential to find indicators of the driver’s readiness to take over and to gain more knowledge about the take-over process in general.  相似文献   

Aim of the study was to investigate, by means of a driving simulator experiment, drivers’ behaviour in terms of speed, deceleration, and lateral position on major approaches of rural intersections in relation to different perceptual cues.In the experiment, ten different design conditions with and without speed-reducing treatments along the approach to the intersection were tested. Twenty-three drivers drove a test route two times and data from the second drive were used for comparison. The order of the ten design conditions was counterbalanced for all the drivers to minimize the presentation order effect. Three different data analysis techniques were used: (a) cluster analysis of speed and lateral position data, (b) statistical tests of speed and lateral position data, and (c) categorical analysis of deceleration behaviour patterns.The most effective treatments were the dragon teeth markings (based on the principle of optical road narrowing), the colored intersection area (based on the principle of intersection highlighting), and the raised median island (based on the principle of physical road narrowing). These measures, in comparison to the base intersection, produced: (1) a significant speed reduction starting from 250 m before the intersection in the range between 13 and 23 km/h, (2) a significant change in the deceleration behaviour with a reduction in the proportion of drivers which did not decelerate, and (3) a shift away from the intersection of the deceleration beginning. Given the significant effects on drivers’ behaviour, the dragon teeth markings, the colored intersection area, and the raised median island are strongly recommended for real world implementation.  相似文献   

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