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This study assessed the relative effects of two intelligent speed adaptation (ISA) systems (informative and actively supporting) on simulated driving performance and acceptability in a sample of inexperienced and experienced drivers. Participants drove a series of simulated drives under three conditions: no ISA (control), ISA informative and ISA actively supporting. The informative system significantly reduced speed and was particularly effective in reducing top-end speeds. Comparable reductions were not found for the actively supporting system. Differences in the effectiveness and acceptability of ISA systems were noted across experienced and inexperienced drivers. The ISA systems appeared more effective at reducing speeds for experienced drivers on some road types. Experienced drivers’ subjective satisfaction ratings of the systems also remained constant over the trial, whereas the inexperienced drivers’ ratings changed after experience. There was little evidence that drivers engaged in negative behavioral adaptation and no evidence that subjective workload levels increased with ISA use. Future directions for examining the safety benefits of ISA, particularly for inexperienced drivers, are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports profiling information for speeding offenders and is part of a larger project that assessed the deterrent effects of increased speeding penalties in Queensland, Australia, using a total of 84,456 speeding offences. The speeding offenders were classified into three groups based on the extent and severity of an index offence: once-only low-rang offenders; repeat high-range offenders; and other offenders. The three groups were then compared in terms of personal characteristics, traffic offences, crash history and criminal history. Results revealed a number of significant differences between repeat high-range offenders and those in the other two offender groups. Repeat high-range speeding offenders were more likely to be male, younger, hold a provisional and a motorcycle licence, to have committed a range of previous traffic offences, to have a significantly greater likelihood of crash involvement, and to have been involved in multiple-vehicle crashes than drivers in the other two offender types. Additionally, when a subset of offenders’ criminal histories were examined, results revealed that repeat high-range speeding offenders were also more likely to have committed a previous criminal offence compared to once only low-range and other offenders and that 55.2% of the repeat high-range offenders had a criminal history. They were also significantly more likely to have committed drug offences and offences against order than the once only low-range speeding offenders, and significantly more likely to have committed regulation offences than those in the other offenders group. Overall, the results indicate that speeding offenders are not an homogeneous group and that, therefore, more tailored and innovative sanctions should be considered and evaluated for high-range recidivist speeders because they are a high-risk road user group.  相似文献   

回顾了智能交通系统的起源、框架,在阐述移动agent的优点后,在网络管理、无线通信、交通控制系统、仿真系统、地理信息系统等方面探讨了移动agent在智能交通系统中的应用。  相似文献   

Most driver assistance systems require the driver to move his eyes away from the road to see real-time auxiliary warning information. The present study proposes a windshield warning system for vehicles that alerts the driver to potential hazardous objects in front via marks on the windshield. The target after being identified by a camera and software in an independent system is used to construct the line-of-sight equation based on the coordinate system of the moving vehicle. The explicit equation of the intersection point of the line of sight and the windshield surface is derived using the algebraic method. A warning mark is then projected at the intersection point on the windshield by a two-degree-of-freedom laser projector, allowing the driver to easily identify the obstacle. A computer simulation program of the system is developed to validate the mathematical model of the system. A virtual reality experimental platform is constructed to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed system. Results show that the system can perform the required function in real time.  相似文献   

Average speed enforcement is a relatively new approach gaining popularity throughout Europe and Australia. This paper reviews the evidence regarding the impact of this approach on vehicle speeds, crash rates and a number of additional road safety and public health outcomes. The economic and practical viability of the approach as a road safety countermeasure is also explored. A literature review, with an international scope, of both published and grey literature was conducted. There is a growing body of evidence to suggest a number of road safety benefits associated with average speed enforcement, including high rates of compliance with speed limits, reductions in average and 85th percentile speeds and reduced speed variability between vehicles. Moreover, the approach has been demonstrated to be particularly effective in reducing excessive speeding behaviour. Reductions in crash rates have also been reported in association with average speed enforcement, particularly in relation to fatal and serious injury crashes. In addition, the approach has been shown to improve traffic flow, reduce vehicle emissions and has also been associated with high levels of public acceptance. Average speed enforcement offers a greater network-wide approach to managing speeds that reduces the impact of time and distance halo effects associated with other automated speed enforcement approaches. Although comparatively expensive it represents a highly reliable approach to speed enforcement that produces considerable returns on investment through reduced social and economic costs associated with crashes.  相似文献   

Road policing is an important tool used to modify road user behaviour. While other theories, such as deterrence theory, are significant in road policing, there may be a role for using procedural justice as a framework to improve outcomes in common police citizen interactions such as traffic law enforcement. This study, using a sample of 237 young novice drivers, considered how the four elements of procedural justice (voice, neutrality, respect and trustworthiness) were perceived in relation to two forms of speed enforcement: point-to-point (or average) speed and mobile speed cameras. Only neutrality was related to both speed camera types suggesting that it may be possible to influence behaviour by emphasising one or more elements, rather than using all components of procedural justice. This study is important as it indicates that including at least some elements of procedural justice in more automated policing encounters can encourage citizen compliance.  相似文献   

In the wake of globalization,many modern manufacturing companies in Norway have come under intense pressure caused by increased competition,stricter government regulation,and customer demand for higher value at low cost in a short time.Manufacturing companies need traceability,which means a real-time view into thenproduction processes and operations.Radio frequency identification(RFID) technology enables manufacturing companies to gain instant traceability and visibility because it handles manufactured goods,materials and processes transparently.RFID has become an important driver in manufacturing and supply chain activities.However,there is still a challenge in effectively deploying RFID in manufacturing.This paper describes the importance for Norwegian manufacturing companies to implement RFID technology,and shows how the intelligent and integrated RFID(n-RFID) system,which has been developed in the Knowledge Discovery Laboratory of Norwegian University of Science and Technology,provides instant traceability and visibility into manufacturing processes.It supports the Norwegian manufacturing industries survive and thrive in global competition.The future research work will focus on the field of RFID data mining to support decision-making process in manufacturing.  相似文献   

苗静  杨帆  潘国峰 《声学技术》2017,36(4):357-362
针对目前音乐播放系统的空间和时间受限问题,设计并实现了一种基于移动端的智能音乐播放系统。该系统由移动端软件APP和服务端两部分构成,服务端包括路由器、智能网络机顶盒和音响设备,具备定时播放和移动端实时控制播放的功能。该系统是采用基于STUN(Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol over NATs)的网络地址转换(Network Address Translation,NAT)穿透方式的远程控制以及家庭电视网络机顶盒来实现的。它不仅可以实现家庭音响的定时播放,还能通过移动端来远程控制音乐的播放。此外,可以实现歌曲的远程更新和歌曲播放时间的随意控制及更改。实验结果表明,该系统效果良好,具有广阔的应用前景及商业价值,可应用于家庭、商场、学校等有特定需求的环境。文章以家庭音乐播放系统为例进行设计说明。  相似文献   

金枪鱼渔场分析预报模型及系统的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以收集到的卫星遥感反演海表温度和金枪鱼历史捕捞产量资料为基础,统计建立了金枪鱼渔场的贝叶斯概率预报模型.以实现金枪鱼渔场预报为目标,采用控件式地理信息系统(GIS)技术,成功开发了大洋金枪鱼渔场的分析预报系统.对历史数据进行了模型回报试验,试验结果表明,金枪鱼渔场综合预报的准确性达到70%以上,渔场示范试验预报准确性也达到60%以上,对渔业捕捞生产具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   


Automated vehicle acceptance (AVA) is a necessary condition for the realisation of higher-level objectives such as improvements in road safety, reductions in traffic congestion and environmental pollution. On the basis of a systematic literature review of 124 empirical studies, the present study proposes MAVA, a multi-level model to predict AVA. It incorporates a process-oriented view on AVA, considering acceptance as the result of a four-stage decision-making process that ranges from the exposure of the individual to automated vehicles (AVs) in Stage 1, the formation of favourable or unfavourable attitudes towards AVs in Stage 2, making the decision to adopt or reject AVs in Stage 3, to the implementation of AVs into practice in Stage 4. MAVA incorporates 28 acceptance factors that represent seven main acceptance classes. The acceptance factors are located at two levels, i.e., micro and meso. Factors at the micro-level constitute individual difference factors (i.e., socio-demographics, personality and travel behaviour). The meso-level captures the exposure of individuals to AVs, instrumental domain-specific, symbolic-affective and moral-normative factors of AVA. The literature review revealed that 6% of the studies investigated the exposure of individuals to AVs (i.e., knowledge and experience). 22% of the studies investigated domain-specific factors (i.e., performance and effort ­expectancy, safety, facilitating conditions, and service and vehicle ­characteristics), 4% symbolic-affective factors (i.e., hedonic motivation and social influence), and 12% moral-normative factors (i.e., perceived benefits and risks). Factors related to a person’s socio-demographic profile, travel behaviour and personality were investigated by 28%, 15% and 14% of the studies, respectively. We recommend that future studies empirically verify MAVA using longitudinal or experimental studies.  相似文献   

Run-to-Run (R2R) control has been extensively applied in semiconductor manufacturing. In particular, del Castillo, E. and Rajagopal, R., A multivariate double EWMA process adjustment scheme for drifting processes. IIE Trans., 2002, 34, 1055–1068, investigated double multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (MEWMA) controller for the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system in an attempt to adjust and maintain the linear dynamic process outputs on target. Multivariate fuzzy control, inherently different from conventional MEWMA-based control, is another promising alternative that consists of fuzzy logic and set concept. Providing the fuzzy control can structure an appropriate membership function for the R2R MIMO system, thus it can be shown a practically useful control tool in comparison to MEWMA control. In this paper, fuzzy logic is utilized to design the multivariate fuzzy controller for the type of R2R applications based primarily on the min-max-gravity method advocated by Gupta, M.M., Kiszka, J.B. and Trojan, G.M., Multivariable structure of fuzzy control systems. IEEE Trans. Sys., Man Cybern., 1986, 16, 638–656. Under a variety of disturbance models, the proposed multivariate fuzzy controller can produce quite competitive control performance when compared to MEWMA control.  相似文献   

介绍了中国气象局自主研制的新一代全球与区域一体化数值天气预报系统(GRAPES),着重讨论了该系统的全可压/非静力平衡动力框架,全球模式/区域模式一体化设计,半隐式-半拉格朗日差分方案,标准化、模块化、并行化、模式程序软件体系等核心技术特点。GRAPES系统已在国家级、区域级气象业务中心,以及一些大学和研究所得到应用,并在不断地完善和发展。  相似文献   

The thermal stability of amorphous ternary hydrides Mg_(50)Ni_(50)H_(54) and Mg_(30)Ni_(70)H_(45) and their corre-sponding amorphous binary alloys Mg_(50)Ni_(50) and Mg_(30)Ni_(70) were studied with X-ray diffraction(XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). Samples of the amorphous alloys were preparedby mechanical alloying and the amorphous hydrides were obtained by charging the alloys with gas-eous hydrogen at 3.0 MPa and 423 K. It was found that the amorphous hydrides released most oftheir hydrogen before the crystallization of the essentially hydrogen depleted amorphous alloy. Thecrystallization temperature of amorphous Mg_(50)Ni_(50)H_(54) elevated and that of amorphousMg_(30)Ni_(70)H_(45) did not change in relation to the original binary amorphous alloy. This is very excep-tional for amorphous hydrides. The reason for the effects of hydrogen absorption/desorption on thecrystallization of amorphous alloys was discussed.  相似文献   

The Cr(VI) could be adsorbed and reduced by the humic acid (HA)-Fe(II) system structured on the V, Ti-magnetite (VTM) surface. The Cr(VI) removal process included adsorption and reduction stages. First, the Cr(VI) was adsorbed on the VTM-HA surface via the ionic bonds between the Ti atoms of VTM core and the O atoms of the HCrO4?. The adsorption of Cr(VI) is uniform, monolayer, and controlled by Cr(VI) diffusion. Subsequently, the adsorbed Cr(VI) was reduced by the HA-Fe(II) system on the VTM-HA surface. During the Cr(VI) reduction process, the HA and Fe(II) have a synergistic effect. The Cr(VI) was reduced to the Cr(III) by the HA and Fe(II). Meanwhile, the HA could also reduce Fe(III) to Fe(II), making Fe(II) continue to participate in the Cr(VI) reduction. The olefin, hydroxyl, and aldehyde groups of HA were the primary electron donors during the Cr(VI) reduction. The Fe(II) acted as an electron bridge, transferring the electron from HA to Cr(VI). The reduced Cr(III) was deposited on the VTM-HA surface via the complexation with the carboxyl and hydroxyl groups of HA. The results demonstrated that the Cr(VI) could be adsorbed, reduced and complexed by the HA-Fe(II) system on the VTM-HA surface synchronously.  相似文献   

研究了 Li_(1+x)Ti_(2-x)Cr_xP_3O_(12)系统的相组成与电性的关系。结果表明,Cr~(3+)能取代 LiTi_2P_3O_(12)中的Ti~(4+)生成固溶体,直至 x=0.8。在固溶体范围内,电导率随 x 的增加不断升高,至 x=0.8时达到极大。此时在室温和300℃的电导率分别为2.4×10~(-4)和4.8×10~(-2)S/cm,电子迁移数在10~(-4)数量级,分解电压为1.8V。对所得结果从结晶化学角度进行了讨论。  相似文献   

软土地基的最终沉降变形对于高速公路、铁路、机场及港口码头等建设工程的设计安全及正常使用影响重大,从用灰色理论进行沉降预测的结果看,模型的取值直接决定了预测结果的准确性.如何取值、按什么规律取值是灰色理论计算准确性的核心.为此,基于优化的GM(1,1)模型,开发了用VB语言编写的沉降预测灰色可视化软件,通过对不同时间间隔的取值进行精度分析,并将预测结果与实际监测数椐进行对比,表明该方法能够更为精准地预测软土地基沉降,具有工程实用价值.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that human error is a major contributing factor in aircraft accidents. The early detection of a subsystem abnormality that is developing during flight is potentially important, because the extra time before an alert range is reached may improve the crew's situation awareness. The flight crew may thus consider and try more options for dealing with the failure situation. Robust numerical algorithms and techniques are proposed for rapid recognition of faulty situations, which have the potential for such early detection. The warning system includes a model-based multi-step ahead predictor, which provides predictive information on some flight critical parameters. A key feature of the proposed techniques is that it takes advantage of the on-board information redundancy, computer technology and graphics displays, uses the already available measurements and hence requires only input–output processing for implementation in on-board computers. This is an important aspect when considering the testability and certificability of the software implementation. The system is tested on a simulated typical landing approach scenario of a civil aircraft using the RCAM1 benchmark.  相似文献   

This article presents initial results in the search for analytical models that can predict the performance of one-machine systems under periodic and event-driven rescheduling strategies in an environment where different job types arrive dynamically for processing and set-up must incur when production changes from one product type to another. The scheduling algorithm considered uses a first-in firstout dispatching rule to sequence jobs and it also groups jobs with similar types to save set-up time. The analytical models can estimate important performance measures like average flow time and machine utilization, which can then be used to determine optimal rescheduling parameters. Simulation experiments are used to show that the analytical models accurately predict the performance of the single machine under the scheduling algorithm proposed.  相似文献   

The behavior of Fe(III) aquacomplexes in TiO(2) suspensions in the degradation of phenol has been investigated. The most active Fe(OH)(2+) species adsorbed on the surface of TiO(2) retards the conversion of Fe(OH)(2+) into oligomers and therefore increases the percentage of Fe(OH)(2+) with irradiation time, with a consequent enhancement in the catalytic cycle of Fe(III)/Fe(II) and excited charge traps by Fe(III) in the iron-TiO(2) system. The influence of iron addition on TiO(2) was obtained when the regeneration of [Fe(OH)(2+)] remained continuous with irradiation time. In an optimum TiO(2) suspension (0.5g/L) with the addition of 0.1mM Fe(III), the measured k(obs) values for phenol degradation were enhanced for the higher adsorption of Fe(OH)(2+) on the reactive surface of TiO(2) at a specified irradiation time.  相似文献   

A successfully adopted and implemented enterprise resource planning (ERP) system does not automatically guarantee full benefits. It is important that ERP is operated as planned and thus provides the real-time information with a desired level of process integration. Any ERP system pushes a company toward full process integration and solves the fragmentation of information. However, the tight process integration involves operational issues that must be carefully managed. Thus, a conjecture can be made that a centrally coordinated support system is required to assist ERP users and administrators find problems, perform tedious validation and verification, and maintain the process integration of ERP with great consistency. This paper proposes an ERP operations support system (EOSS) that aims to achieve and maintain the process integration of ERP. EOSS monitors the operational status of process integration, prevents anomalies as early as possible and conducts repairs as soon as possible.  相似文献   

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