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Drinking and driving road checks are often organized with either a clear prevention or repression objective in mind. The objective of a prevention strategy is to make as many people as possible believe that police officers are enforcing drinking and driving laws and that drinking drivers will most likely be caught. As such, targeting high traffic count road sites with high-visibility road checks is a priority because it serves to increase awareness of the enforcement activity. An alternative to this prevention approach is the “repression” approach that involves targeting times and places where the highest number of drinking drivers are to be expected. Rather than attempting to affect the subjective chance of getting caught, this approach seeks to increase the objective likelihood of getting caught; the aim is to apprehend as many drinking drivers as possible. Regardless of the chosen strategy, there is a need to understand how traffic count influences drinking and driving behaviour as traffic count may play a role in a police officer's choice of sites for a road check. The objective of this paper is to shed some light on this relationship between drinking and driving behaviour and traffic count. In this paper, data from a roadside survey, carried out in British Columbia in 2003, are used. A two-level logistic regression analysis was carried out with data from 2627 drivers coming from 48 different road sites to replicate a model that was previously obtained with comparable data from a Belgian roadside survey, also carried out in 2003. The present study successfully replicated the findings of the Belgian model, substantiating that the probability for drivers to be drinking and driving significantly decreases with an increasing level of traffic count. This supports the suggestion that drinking drivers avoid high traffic count road sites. The relevance of these findings with respect to organizing preventive or repressive road checks and possible confounding variables are discussed at the end of this paper.  相似文献   

BackgroundAlcohol-impaired driving accounts for substantial proportion of traffic-related fatalities in the U.S. Risk perceptions for drinking and driving have been associated with various measures of drinking and driving behavior. In an effort to understand how to intervene and to better understand how risk perceptions may be shaped, this study explored whether an objective environmental-level measure (proportion of alcohol-involved driving crashes in one’s residential city) were related to individual-level perceptions and behavior.MethodsUsing data from a 2012 cross-sectional roadside survey of 1147 weekend nighttime drivers in California, individual-level self-reported acceptance of drinking and driving and past-year drinking and driving were merged with traffic crash data using respondent ZIP codes. Population average logistic regression modeling was conducted for the odds of acceptance of drinking and driving and self-reported, past-year drinking and driving.ResultsA non-linear relationship between city-level alcohol-involved traffic crashes and individual-level acceptance of drinking and driving was found. Acceptance of drinking and driving did not mediate the relationship between the proportion of alcohol-involved traffic crashes and self-reported drinking and driving behavior. However, it was directly related to behavior among those most likely to drink outside the home.DiscussionThe present study surveys a particularly relevant population and is one of few drinking and driving studies to evaluate the relationship between an objective environmental-level crash risk measure and individual-level risk perceptions. In communities with both low and high proportions of alcohol-involved traffic crashes there was low acceptance of drinking and driving. This may mean that in communities with low proportions of crashes, citizens have less permissive norms around drinking and driving, whereas in communities with a high proportion of crashes, the incidence of these crashes may serve as an environmental cue which informs drinking and driving perceptions. Perceptual information on traffic safety can be used to identify places where people may be at greater risk for drinking and driving. Community-level traffic fatalities may be a salient cue for tailoring risk communication.  相似文献   

This study identifies social mechanisms that might help prevent youth from being involved in driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) and riding with drinking drivers (RWDD). Data collected through telephone surveys with 1534 adolescents and young adults aged 15-20 years (mean=17.6, S.D.=1.6) in California, USA, were analyzed. Structural equation modeling analyses showed that DUI and RWDD were strongly related to drinking in unstructured situations, modeling of DUI by peers and parents, and perceived peer approval or disapproval of DUI. DUI outcome expectancies were indirectly related to DUI and RWDD through situational drinking. Parental monitoring and DUI law enforcement were also indirectly related to DUI and RWDD through DUI expectancies and other mechanisms. The findings, overall, suggest that parental influence remains important even through late adolescence. Parental monitoring, in particular, might help to reduce unstructured socializing with peers, drinking, and affiliation with peers who engage in DUI. Parental monitoring may also foster beliefs about the risks of DUI. Conversely, parents' own DUI behavior may normalize drinking and DUI behaviors, thus countering monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the correlates and predictors of driving under the influence behaviors (DUIBs) during the past month by college students. Measures of heavy episodic drinking, monthly drinking frequency, monthly drinking variance, monthly drinks per occasion and reported marijuana use are compared as predictors net of other predictive factors. A cross-sectional telephone survey was conducted with college students by a university social science research laboratory. Respondents attended two large public universities located in the southwestern part of the US. Participants included 803 randomly selected college students. The interview schedule included items from the Core Alcohol and Drug Survey and the College Alcohol Risk Assessment Guide. Several additional last-drinking-event items were also developed for the interview. Bivariate analyses indicate that marijuana use (past year), heavy episodic drinking, reports of DUIBs (driving under the influence or riding with a driver who is under the influence) in the past year, monthly frequency of drinking, the average number of drinks consumed when drinking and age are correlates of DUIBs during the past month. Multivariate analyses indicate past year DUIBs, monthly frequency of drinking and monthly marijuana use predicted recent DUIB.  相似文献   



To present data on drinking and driving in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, and the effects of the new traffic law (Law 11,705) introduced in 2008.


A cross-sectional study was performed using a questionnaire and passive breath test data to study the prevalence of drinking and driving and the association of drinking and driving with background characteristics and drinking patterns on two separate occasions. The data were gathered from 2007 to 2009 through roadside surveys conducted on busy public roads. Four thousand two-hundred thirty-four (4234) drivers were approached, before and after prohibition, from the south, north, east, and west regions of the city of São Paulo, located in southeastern Brazil, including cars, motorcycles, and utility vehicles. A total of 3854 (91%) consented to participate in the survey and answered the questionnaire. Out of this group, 3229 (84%) agreed to take the passive breathalyzer test.


Logistic regression analyses controlling for gender and age was used to predict a positive breath test (above 0.2 g/l) and the impact of the new law. These analyses indicated that, after the passage of the new traffic law, there was a 45% decrease in driver behavior with positive breathalyzer results. Having a pattern of alcohol consumption of at least once a week and the habit of drinking and driving are risks for a positive breathalyzer.


Despite the decline in the frequency of motorists driving under the influence of alcohol, traffic-related injuries and deaths, after the new law, other measures for a public policy related to alcohol should be considered based on scientific evidence, consistency of action, clear goals, community support, and greater reliability in the laws.  相似文献   

The aim of the study presented here has been to see what the effects of the new traffic safety law are, 2 years into its initial implementation, on driving under the influence of alcohol. Until the end of 2009, the legal limit for blood concentration for drivers in Serbia was 0.5 g/l; however, the new traffic safety law stipulates the new limit to be 0.3 g/l. A retrospective autopsy study was performed over a 6-year period (from 2006 to 2011) whose sample covered cases of fatally injured drivers who had died at the scene of the incident, before being admitted to hospital. A total of 161 fatally injured drivers were examined for their blood alcohol concentration. The average age for these drivers was 40.2 ± 15.4 years, with a significant male predominance of 152 men to 9 women (χ2 = 152.000, p < 0.001). This study has shown no decrease in the ratio of drivers under the influence of alcohol vs. all drivers (Pearson χ2 = 4.415, df = 5, p = 0.491), nor in the number of drivers under the influence of alcohol (Pearson χ2 = 6.629, df = 5, p = 0.250), nor a decrease in the mean blood alcohol concentration in drivers (1.72 ± 0.87 vs. 1.68 ± 0.95 g/l, t = 0.177, df = 80, p = 0.860). The conclusion of this study is that the new law has had a limited effect on driving under the influence of alcohol, which still remains one of the major human factors, responsible for road-traffic crashes in Serbia.  相似文献   

Road safety is influenced by many factors; these factors include characteristics of the road, climate, traffic and, most importantly, vehicle speeds. Previous research shows that increases in speed are typically associated with an increased collision risk. Moreover, previous studies have also found relationships between road and traffic characteristics and collisions. In addition, these features have also been found to affect speeds. This paper aims to model all the aforementioned relationships simultaneously using a Structural Equation Modelling approach. More specifically, the paper attempts to model the relationship between average speed and collision frequency, while taking into account the effects of factors that confound the relationship. Moreover, the analysis attempts to assess the mediated effects that some variables have on collisions through their effects on speed. The data used in this study originated from 353 two-lane urban roads in the city of Edmonton, Canada. The average speeds were obtained from 35 million speed survey observations collected over a five-year period. The speed data are linked to the crash frequency at each location during the same time frame, along with the other factors (road, traffic and climate). The results show that, among others, average speed, volume, segment length, medians and horizontal curves all have statistically significant effects on collisions. On the other hand, shoulders, speed limits and vehicle-lengths are some variables that significantly influence speeds. The results also show that the effects of some variables on safety are indeed mediated through speeds (both partial and full mediation is observed). These findings provide valuable insight that may assist decision makers in choosing and developing alternative speed management strategies, which, in turn, could help improve safety.  相似文献   

Driving while distracted is a critical and unwavering problem in the United States leading to numerous injuries and fatalities each year. While increasing legislation and developing technological interventions strive to ensure we only focus on driving, individuals still drive distracted. We surveyed college-aged adults to examine the factors that influence both their risk perception of driving while distracted and how often they engage in distracting activities and situations while driving. We found a disassociation between individuals’ perception of driving distraction risk and their engagement with the distraction. Exposure, perceived knowledge of risks, fairness beliefs, and ratings of perceived visual and cognitive demands was associated with risk perception. Conversely, risk-seeking traits, how voluntary the task was perceived, and previous exposure to a distraction influenced engagement. Overall, we recommend additional research focusing on factors that predict engagement in driver distraction rather than perceived risk alone.  相似文献   

Reckless driving is a major contributing factor to road morbidity and mortality. While further research into the nature and impact of reckless driving, particularly among young people, is urgently needed, the measurement of reckless driving behaviour also requires increased attention. Three major shortcomings apparent in established measures of driver behaviour are that they do not target the full range of reckless driving behaviours, they measure characteristics other than driving behaviours, and/or they fail to categorise and label reckless driver behaviour based on characteristics of the behaviours themselves. To combat these shortcomings, this paper reports the development and preliminary validation of a new measure of reckless driving behaviour for young drivers. Exploratory factor analysis of self-reported driving data revealed four, conceptually distinct categories of reckless driving behaviour: those that increase crash-risk due to (a) distractions or deficits in perception, attention or reaction time (labelled “distracted”), (b) driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (labelled “substance-use”), (c) placing the vehicle in an unsafe environment beyond its design expectations (labelled “extreme”), and (d) speed and positioning of the vehicle relative to other vehicles and objects (labelled “positioning”). Confirmatory factor analysis of data collected from a separate, community sample confirmed this four-factor structure. Multiple regression analyses found differences in the demographic and psychological variables related to these four factors, suggesting that interventions in one reckless driving domain may not be helpful in others.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that compared to mobile phone use, eating and drinking while driving is more common and is seen as lower risk by drivers. Nevertheless, snacking at the wheel can affect vehicle control to a similar extent as using a hands-free phone, and is actually a causal factor in more crashes. So far, though, there has not been a controlled empirical study of this problem. In an effort to fill this gap in the literature, we used the Brunel University Driving Simulator to test participants on a typical urban scenario. At designated points on the drive, which coincided with instructions to eat or drink, a critical incident was simulated by programming a pedestrian to walk in front of the car. Whilst the driving performance variables measured were relatively unaffected by eating and drinking, perceived driver workload was significantly higher and there were more crashes in the critical incident when compared to driving normally. Despite some methodological limitations of the study, when taken together with previous research, the evidence suggests that the physical demands of eating and drinking while driving can increase the risk of a crash.  相似文献   

Text messaging while driving is considered dangerous and known to produce injuries and fatalities. However, the effects of text messaging on driving performance have not been synthesized or summarily estimated. All available experimental studies that measured the effects of text messaging on driving were identified through database searches using variants of “driving” and “texting” without restriction on year of publication through March 2014. Of the 1476 abstracts reviewed, 82 met general inclusion criteria. Of these, 28 studies were found to sufficiently compare reading or typing text messages while driving with a control or baseline condition. Independent variables (text-messaging tasks) were coded as typing, reading, or a combination of both. Dependent variables included eye movements, stimulus detection, reaction time, collisions, lane positioning, speed and headway. Statistics were extracted from studies to compute effect sizes (rc). A total sample of 977 participants from 28 experimental studies yielded 234 effect size estimates of the relationships among independent and dependent variables. Typing and reading text messages while driving adversely affected eye movements, stimulus detection, reaction time, collisions, lane positioning, speed and headway. Typing text messages alone produced similar decrements as typing and reading, whereas reading alone had smaller decrements over fewer dependent variables. Typing and reading text messages affects drivers’ capability to adequately direct attention to the roadway, respond to important traffic events, control a vehicle within a lane and maintain speed and headway. This meta-analysis provides convergent evidence that texting compromises the safety of the driver, passengers and other road users. Combined efforts, including legislation, enforcement, blocking technologies, parent modeling, social media, social norms and education, will be required to prevent continued deaths and injuries from texting and driving.  相似文献   

Novice drivers exhibit deficits in hazard perception that are likely to increase their risk of collisions. We developed a static hazard perception test that presents still images to observers and requires them to indicate the presence of a traffic conflict that would lead to a collision. Responses to these scenes were obtained for young adult novice (N = 29) and experienced drivers (N = 27). Additionally, participants rated the hazard risk and clutter of each scene. Novice drivers rated traffic conflicts as less hazardous and responded more slowly to them. Using a subset of 21 scenes, we were able to discriminate novice and experienced young adult drivers with a classification accuracy of 78% and a scale reliability (Cronbach's alpha) of .91. The potential applications of this research include the development of standardized hazard perception tests that can be used for driver evaluation, training and licensure.  相似文献   

Driving under the influence of alcohol on curved roadway segments has a higher risk than driving on straight segments. To explore the effect of different breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) levels on driving performance in roadway curves, a driving simulation experiment was designed to collect 25 participants’ driving performance parameters (i.e., speed and lane position) under the influence of 4 BrAC levels (0.00%, 0.03%, 0.06% and 0.09%) on 6 types of roadway curves (3 radii × 2 turning directions). Driving performance data for 22 participants were collected successfully. Then the average and standard deviation of the two parameters were analyzed, considering the entire curve and different sections of the curve, respectively.  相似文献   



The greatly increased risk of being killed or injured in a car crash for the young novice driver has been recognised in the road safety and injury prevention literature for decades. Risky driving behaviour has consistently been found to contribute to traffic crashes. Researchers have devised a number of instruments to measure this risky driving behaviour. One tool developed specifically to measure the risky behaviour of young novice drivers is the Behaviour of Young Novice Drivers Scale (BYNDS) (Scott-Parker et al., 2010). The BYNDS consists of 44 items comprising five subscales for transient violations, fixed violations, misjudgement, risky driving exposure, and driving in response to their mood. The factor structure of the BYNDS has not been examined since its development in a matched sample of 476 novice drivers aged 17–25 years.


The current research attempted to refine the BYNDS and explore its relationship with the self-reported crash and offence involvement and driving intentions of 390 drivers aged 17–25 years (M = 18.23, SD = 1.58) in Queensland, Australia, during their first 6 months of independent driving with a Provisional (intermediate) driver's licence. A confirmatory factor analysis was undertaken examining the fit of the originally proposed BYNDS measurement model.


The model was not a good fit to the data. A number of iterations removed items with low factor loadings, resulting in a 36-item revised BYNDS which was a good fit to the data. The revised BYNDS was highly internally consistent. Crashes were associated with fixed violations, risky driving exposure, and misjudgement; offences were moderately associated with risky driving exposure and transient violations; and road-rule compliance intentions were highly associated with transient violations.


Applications of the BYNDS in other young novice driver populations will further explore the factor structure of both the original and revised BYNDS. The relationships between BYNDS subscales and self-reported risky behaviour and attitudes can also inform countermeasure development, such as targeting young novice driver non-compliance through enforcement and education initiatives.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study evaluated the cross-border safety impact of extended drinking hours from 1:00 to 2:00 a.m., in licensed establishments in Ontario, Canada. METHODS: This study examined patterns in total and alcohol-related casualties in: (1) Windsor, Ontario, Canada compared to Detroit, Michigan, US with a 2:00 a.m. closing time, and (2) Ontario compared to Michigan for overall trends. The criterion outcome indicators were: (1) monthly motor vehicle casualties (major injuries and fatalities) for the city-regions of Windsor and Detroit and (2) Ontario and Michigan monthly motor vehicle fatalities occurring between 11:00 p.m. and 3:00 a.m. for 4 years pre- and 3 years post-policy change. In order to examine cross-border drinking consequences, data were disaggregated to assess trends of motor vehicle injury collisions involving vehicles with US licence plates and with US drivers aged 16-20 in the Windsor region; similarly trends were assessed for motor vehicle injury collisions involving vehicles with Ontario licence plates in the Detroit region. RESULTS: The Windsor region total motor vehicle casualty data showed a non-significant pre-post increase, while the Detroit region showed a statistically significant decrease for total motor vehicle casualties. In the Windsor region, a significant increase was found for alcohol-related motor vehicle casualties after the drinking hours were extended. However, the Detroit region showed a statistically significant decrease in alcohol-related motor vehicle casualties concomitant with Ontario's drinking hour extension. No similar trends were found for the province of Ontario and the state of Michigan as a whole. Moreover, a significant decrease was found for injury collisions involving vehicles with Ontario licence plates in the Detroit region but no similar pattern was found for injury collisions involving vehicles with US licence plates and with 16-20-year-old US drivers in the Windsor region. DISCUSSION: These data seem to support a cross-border impact of the Ontario extended drinking policy. A significant increase in alcohol-related motor vehicle casualties was found in the Windsor region and concomitantly, significant decreases in total and alcohol-related motor vehicle casualties were found in the Detroit region after the extended drinking hours amendment. The Ontario government's belief that the extended drinking hour policy would "reduce the number of patrons who cross the border when Ontario's bars and restaurants close" may have been realized.  相似文献   

The occupational health and safety standard OHSAS 18001 has gained considerable acceptance worldwide, and firms from diverse sectors and of varying sizes have implemented it. Despite this, very few studies have analysed safety management or the safety climate in OHSAS 18001-certified organisations. The current work aims to analyse the safety climate in these organisations, identify its dimensions, and propose and test a structural equation model that will help determine the antecedents and consequences of employees’ safety behaviour. For this purpose, the authors carry out an empirical study using a sample of 131 OHSAS 18001-certified organisations located in Spain. The results show that management's commitment, and particularly communication, have an effect on safety behaviour and on safety performance, employee satisfaction, and firm competitiveness. These findings are particularly important for management since they provide evidence about the factors that should be encouraged to reduce risks and improve performance in this type of organisation.  相似文献   



The present study explored the effect of various lifestyle patterns and sleep-related factors on the sleep-related road risk. Sleep-related factors included daytime sleepiness, drowsy driving and quality/quantify of sleep.


A sample of 1366 non-professional drivers aged 19–65 was selected from the broader Athens area of Greece, using stratified random sampling. The questionnaire solicited information on the participants’ socio-demographic characteristics, driving background, lifestyle patterns, sleep quality and quantity, daytime sleepiness, drowsy driving behavior and sleep-related road risk.


Sleep-related road risk was affected by gender, quantity of night sleep and drowsy driving behavior. Drowsy driving behavior was shown to be related to gender, daytime sleepiness, sleep quality and the lifestyle of “amusement”. Daytime sleepiness was correlated with sleep quality and the lifestyles of “amusement” and “sport”. Finally, sleep quality and quantity were significantly affected by the lifestyles of “amusement” and “yuppies-workaholic”.


The current study has identified a number of risk factors in sleep-related crash risk in the general population of drivers. By raising public awareness the health and safety community can play an important role in reducing, if not preventing, the consequences of this public health problem.  相似文献   

To examine the prevalence and correlates of drinking and driving in Hong Kong, an anonymous, random telephone survey was conducted on 9860 Chinese adults (18-70 years of age) from April to June 2006. Trained interviewers administered a structured interview consisting of questions on socio-demographic information, drinking pattern, drink-driving, and motor vehicle accidents. The census age-standardized past-year prevalence of driving within 2 h of drinking was 5.2% among males and 0.8% among females. The prevalence across age showed an inverted U-shaped trend for males peaking at 8.2% between 41 and 45 years. For females the prevalence was fairly stable between the ages of 20 and 55. The past-year prevalence of alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents was 0.1%, with the majority being in the 26-30 age group. For males who drank, the prevalence of drinking and driving was 5.0% among those without problem drinking, 14.8% among binge drinkers, 37.1% among alcohol abusers and 22.4% among the alcohol dependent. For females who drank, the corresponding figures were all lower at 1.2%, 6.9%, 12.1% and 12.5%, respectively. Higher socio-economic status, weekly drinking, binge drinking and alcohol abuse were independently associated with higher likelihood of drinking and driving in both genders. Among drinking drivers, having a job that required drinking was the only predictor of having had a motor vehicle accident. The elevated prevalence of drinking and driving among alcohol abusers, binge drinkers and the alcohol dependent may portend higher population-level rates of alcohol-related motor accidents in the future since the prevalence of problem drinking has previously been noted to be increasing rapidly in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

The present study examined self-regulatory and goal-conflicting processes in the avoidance of drunk driving among Greek young drivers. A total of 361 university students in Greece completed a questionnaire, using a retrospective cross-sectional survey design. One-third reported to have driven under the influence of alcohol. Although prior intentions were clearly related to actual avoidance of drunk driving, one out of five respondents had not complied with their intention. An examination of post-intentional correlates of avoidance of drunk driving among positive intenders showed that avoidance of drunk driving was positively related to alcohol limitation plans and alcohol limitation self-efficacy, whereas negative relations were found for goal conflict and behavioural willingness. The present study suggests that people should not only be motivated but also be equipped with self-regulatory strategies aiming at the avoidance of drinking. Finally, goal commitment should be enhanced by increasing the salience of the avoidance goal.  相似文献   

This study investigated the influence of alcohol checks and social norm on self-reported driving under the influence of alcohol above the legal limit (DUI). The analysis was based on the responses of 12,507 car drivers from 19 European countries to the SARTRE-4 survey (2010). The data were analysed by means of a multiple logistic regression-model on two levels: (1) individual and (2) national level.  相似文献   

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