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基于增广矩阵束方法(Matrix Enhancement and Matrix Pencil,MEMP),以使用尽可能少的阵元逼近期望的方向图为目标,提出了一种求解阵元位置和设计激励幅度的新方法.首先对期望平面阵的方向图进行采样得到离散的数据集,再构造增广矩阵,对此增广矩阵进行奇异值分解(Singular Value Decomposition,SVD),确定逼近期望方向图所需的最小阵元数目;基于广义特征值分解求解两组特征值,并根据类基于旋转不变技术的信号参数估计(Estimating Signal Parameters Via Rotational Invariance Techniques,ESPRIT)对这两组特值配对;在最小二乘准则下求解稀布面阵的阵元位置和激励.仿真试验验证了该方法在稀布平面阵优化问题中的高效性和数值精度.  相似文献   

A novel scheme for enhancing the estimates of covariance matrices for covariance-based direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimators is discussed. It is based on the exploitation of temporal correlations existent between multiple snapshots. The method applies to the scenarios of both narrow band and wideband signal sources. Simulation results demonstrate the performance improvement obtained by applying the method in conjunction with high-resolution algorithms  相似文献   

The performance of base station adaptive antenna arrays (AAAs) is investigated in conjunction with fixed channel allocation (FCA) and dynamic channel allocation (DCA) schemes. Locally distributed DCA arrangements are studied and benchmarked against standard FCA, in the context of both line-of-sight (LOS) and multipath propagation environments. One-, two-, four-, and eight-element AAAs are employed using the sample matrix inversion (SMI) beamforming algorithm, in both the up- and the downlink. In most investigated scenarios, the locally optimized least interference algorithm (LOLIA) exhibited the best overall compromise in terms of a set of combined metrics, such as the forced termination probability, new call blocking probability, and the probability of a low quality access  相似文献   

Tingley  R. Pahlavan  K. 《Electronics letters》1999,35(15):1211-1212
The design and construction of a 2.4 GHz antenna array suitable for measurement of the time, angle, and complex amplitude of path arrivals in an indoor radio channel are described. Calibration of the array is facilitated with the aid of an anechoic chamber. An optimal least-squares processor is derived, which compensates for systematic calibration errors. Early measurement results are presented, and future direction of the research are indicated  相似文献   

正交波形MIMO雷达各阵元发射相互正交的信号波形,采用低增益的宽波束照射探测空域。利用信号和噪声特征值大小以及特征增量之间的差异,提出了MIMO阵列特征门限(ET)多目标检测方法(MIMO-EI),并与常规阵列算法做比较,通过计算机仿真说明MIMO-ET方法双目标检测能力优于传统相控阵ET方法。  相似文献   

Locating GSM mobiles using antenna array   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cesbron  F. Arnott  R. 《Electronics letters》1998,34(16):1539-1540
The authors consider the problem of accurate estimation of the position of a GSM mobile station based on measurements of the mobile signal made at a single receiving site equipped with an antenna array. Direction of arrival and time of arrival measurements are used to estimate the location of the mobile transmitter. A statistical filtering technique is applied to the location estimates to minimise the effects of multipath fading. Experimental results with a DCS-1800 system are presented which achieve an r.m.s. location error of 133 m, with the error being <250 m for 98% of the time  相似文献   

A three step method combining equivalent currents reconstruction, a full-wave numerical tool for radiating element analysis and the use of neural networks is proposed. It extracts information from a target radiation pattern or a set of specifications defining the pattern and performs a physical implementation in terms of the voltage of the real antenna, taking into account interaction between radiating elements.  相似文献   

在实际天线阵列中,由于互耦的影响会使得单天线阵元辐射方向图畸变,导致传统的波束赋形算法性能恶化甚至失效。针对这个问题,文中提出了基于等效全向功率约束条件的粒子群算法,避免了传统的波束赋形算法的失效,提升了系统的等效全向功率。同时,为了减弱干扰方向的影响,文中进一步提出了零陷生成方案。仿真结果显示本文提出的算法不仅能够提升波束的等效全向功率,而且可以有效地生成干扰方向的零陷。  相似文献   

In this paper, design considerations and experimental investigations of an integrated active antenna for space power combining that makes use of unidirectional dielectric radiators (UDRs) are presented and discussed. Attractive electrical performance stemming from proprieties of nonradiating dielectric waveguide structures is used to design a prototype at a frequency of 14 GHz. A UDR feed circuit is implemented by microstrip lines and aperture-coupling is studied experimentally for arrays of two, four and eight radiators. Measurements show high coupling and radiation efficiencies of the proposed excitation method. A power-combining efficiency of 89% was measured and a gain of 23.1 dBi was achieved for an antenna with eight radiators and four amplifiers. It is also shown that such a circuit configuration allows the combination of planar Ku-band monolithic hybrid microwave integrated circuit and UDR components in flexible design of active array antennas  相似文献   

A four-beam dual-band antenna array fed by a single 4times4 Butler matrix is presented, for the first time. A broadband Butler matrix designed in a stripline technique has been used as a basic element of a feeding network. To separate signals frequency diplexers have been designed. All designed elements of the feeding network have been integrated together with two antenna rows operating in two separate frequency bands  相似文献   

A novel four-beam antenna array fed by a modified 4/spl times/8 Butler matrix is proposed. Four 180/spl deg/ directional couplers in conjunction with a 4/spl times/4 Butler matrix are applied to provide a tapered excitation of a linear eight-element switched-beam antenna array. Sidelobes as low as -20 dB for all four beams have been both theoretically and experimentally achieved. A proposed technique of antenna element rotation simplifies the design of a feeding network.  相似文献   

The power from numerous millimeter-wave solid-state sources can be efficiently combined using quasi-optical techniques. One technique is to place an array of active radiating sources within a quasi-optical resonator. The driving point impedance of each antenna is strongly affected by the presence of all other active antennas as well as by the mode structure and Q of the resonator. The impedance matrix for an array of antennas radiating into a plano-concave open resonator is determined here through use of the Lorentz integral. The resulting expressions include the effect of diffraction loss and are valid for arbitrary reflector spacing, source frequency, array location and geometry. The result can be used for impedance matching of each active source to its antenna, facilitating design of an efficient power combining system. Simulations using the impedance matrix in conjunction with an antenna impedance model are compared with two-port measurements  相似文献   

Haupt  R.L. 《Electronics letters》2006,42(22):1257-1258
Resistive sheets with electrically adjustable conductivity are used to modify scattering from portions of a reflector surface in order to adaptively place nulls in the far-field patterns of two- and three-dimensional reflector antennas  相似文献   

A new technique for realising a simple low-cost monopulse antenna using a symmetrical bi-directionally-fed microstrip patch array is described. The antenna is designed and demonstrated at Ka-band. Two squinted beams are radiated from a bi-directionally fed microstrip patch array, and a sum/difference pattern is synthesised using the in-phase and out-of-phase signals achieved using a hybrid ring coupler. The measured return loss is better than 10 dB at the sum and difference port, and the depth at broadside is more than 30 dB.  相似文献   

Arbitrary antenna array pattern synthesis using minimax algorithm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A novel approach to arbitrary array pattern synthesis is proposed. It is based on the minimax algorithm originally developed for mismatched filter design for radars with pulse compression. The proposed approach allows the user to define the pattern mainlobe beam width and the sidelobe envelope shape  相似文献   

Lo  W.K. Chan  C.H. Luk  K.M. 《Electronics letters》1998,34(23):2190-2191
A 2×2 circularly polarised (CP) microstrip antenna array using a proximity coupled feed and sequential rotation is described. As compared with a previously presented single-element circularly polarised microstrip antenna with a cross-slot, the new array achieves a much wider impedance bandwidth of 11.18% and has an axial ratio bandwidth of 4.1%. The return loss, radiation patterns and axial ratio of the antenna array were measured and are presented  相似文献   

Wideband smart antenna theory using rectangular array structures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smart antenna techniques at the base station can dramatically improve the performance of the mobile radio system by employing spatial filtering. The design of a fully spatial signal processor using rectangular array configuration is proposed. Two-dimensional (2-D) spatial filters that can be implemented by microstrip technology are capable of filtering the received signal in the angular domain as well as the frequency domain. Furthermore, it has wideband properties and, hence, eliminates the requirement of different antenna spacing for applications including various carrier frequencies. The desired frequency selectivity of the smart antenna can be combined with compensation of the undesired frequency performance of a single antenna element, and the result is quite satisfactory for practical implementation. In addition, if the elements of the array are not perfectly omnidirectional or frequency independent, we can compensate for these deficiencies in the design algorithm. Two different algorithms for calculating the real-valued weights of the antenna elements are proposed. The first algorithm is more complex but leads to sharper beams and controlled performance. The second method is simpler but has wider beam and lower fractional bandwidth. Some computer simulation results demonstrating the directional beam patterns of the designed beamformers are also presented.  相似文献   

Beam scan using the quasi-optical antenna mixer array   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The quasi-optical antenna mixer system transforms an RF signal into an intermediate frequency signal just after it spatially receives the RF signal and the local oscillator's (LO) signal. In this paper, we present a novel beam scanning system using the quasi-optical antenna mixer array and describe its principle of operation and the experimental results in the microwave band. The arrival direction of RF signals can be controlled by adjusting the LO incident angle and/or the LO frequency without implementing RF circuits such as phase shifters. Therefore, the novel beam-scanning system has no loss due to RF circuits and can be easily designed because of its simple composition  相似文献   

该文提出了一种新的基于谢昆诺夫单位圆的平面阵天线几何综合法。该文拓展了谢昆诺夫单位圆的概念,提出了伪零点,对圆内与圆外点的物理意义进行了探讨,给出了利用几何综合法实现平面阵所需阵元数及激励电流的幅度和相位的计算方法。  相似文献   

Co-channel interference canceller using CMA adaptive array antenna   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Furukawa  H. Kamio  Y. Sasaoka  H. 《Electronics letters》1997,33(13):1106-1108
A co-channel interference canceller that uses a constant modulus algorithm (CMA) adaptive array antenna is presented. In this canceller, when a CMA adaptive array antenna captures a co-channel interference signal, a replica of this signal is generated and then eliminated from a received signal, thus a desired signal can be obtained. Computer simulation results show that the proposed canceller can effectively reduce co-channel interference  相似文献   

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