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信息技术在教育领域中的应用,为学生的个性化学习提供了可能,打破了学习内容、进度、起点、目标、要求等的统一性。该研究的目的是探索一种具有一定模拟实际教师部分机能的日本语虚拟教师导学模型。研究方法是通过计算机模拟技术及智能数学模型对实际日本语教师的导学功能进行近似仿真表达。该研究已完成该Web日本语虚拟教师一对一因材施教和因需施教为学员制定学习方案的4维导学功能模型。利用该模型可以模拟真实日本语教师导学功能,完成对任意基础和任意学习目标的日本语学员制定个性化学习方案。  相似文献   

针对远程教育系统的缺陷——缺乏个性化和智能化,对智能导学系统进行了较为深入的研究。IIS能根据学员的不同情况,制定个性化的学习方案,而且还可以根据学习过程信息,计算出学习相对速度、知识掌握程度以及学习效率等评价指标,不断地动态调整学习方案,从而达到指导学员学习的目的。  相似文献   

现代远程开放教育倡导"以学员自主学习为中心"的教育理念。在教学过程中,学习者自主学习是中心,教师是学生自主学习的引导者和促进者。教师作为学习者学习的导师,将导学策略渗透于整个教学过程,发挥引导、指导、辅导作用,将学生引入"个别化自主学习"的境界。在具体实施过程中将专业导学分为入学初的目标导学、学习过程中的课程导学、实践导学、考核导学等,作者在教学过程中总结、运用了行之有效的导学策略,取得了明显的教学效果。  相似文献   

以某型号姿控发动机地面试验系统为研究对象,进行了姿控发动机地面虚拟试验模型集成技术的研究;首先对建立的发动机地面试验系统的物理模型进行模块化分解,然后利用VC语言对各部件模型进行了计算机仿真和全系统的模型集成,建立了姿控发动机地面虚拟试验集成系统的软件平台;该平台能任意搭建局部级和系统级的姿控发动机地面虚拟试验系统,模拟发动机真实点火试验中各部件的工作状态;各部件的虚拟试验结果证明,该模型集成软件具有较高的仿真精度,达到了预期的目标.  相似文献   

针对目前远程教育中,学员数目日渐增多、水平参差不齐而教师资源短缺而无法因材施教等问题,文章构建了一个基于逐层降维聚类分析方法的资源推荐系统。该系统通过基于知识树的聚类分析将学员分为不同的社区,由教师为社区推荐学习资源以对学员进行相对个性化的学习指导。实验结果表明,该系统大大缩减了授课教师的工作量,并且有效地提高了学员的学习质量和学习效率;同时这种迅速动态聚类方法可以很好地将散布的学员组织在一起,满足了学员相互之间的交流、推荐需求。  相似文献   

本文提出以VR技术制造出的虚拟教学训练环境来改善维修人员的实操水平。通过对于3dsMAX、Unity3D、CAD的学习与运用与整合,创造出1:1的虚拟模型、工具以及环境,实现VR维修平台模拟教学演示以及自主操作功能,达到学员能够观看教程演示后,能够进行专项拆装训练的目的。本虚拟拆装维修教学让学员可以在自主学习中,掌握飞行器部件装配过程,为实践拆装操作奠定基础。  相似文献   

网络资讯阅读已成为互联网时代个人知识增长的主要手段,更有效地提升资讯获取效率是个性化资讯服务的核心目标。以自动地采集满足个性化需求的领域资讯为问题目标,考虑深度优先、广度优先的抽取策略,并提出平衡组合游走建构认知抽取模型对上述问题进行建模研究。该模型基于人类学习的建构主义理论,基于用户对资讯信息的逐渐认知过程进行建模表达,并模拟用户逐渐阅读抽取网络资讯的过程。在健康领域资讯上的实验分析表明,该模型可更好地模拟人类的资讯阅读选择过程,从而为个性化资讯抽取服务提供基础手段。  相似文献   

虚拟外科手术是医学领域的一个重要研究方向。基于面绘制和体绘制两种可视化算法实现医学图像的三维模型重建,针对不同重建模型分别实现虚拟任意切割:面切割和体切割,并讨论了虚拟切割的交互操作实现方法。用VTK(Visualization Toolkit)初步实现了模拟手术系统中的虚拟切割脊柱体功能。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的高速发展,使人类有了新的教学途径—网上教学。这种教学方式如今已经成为大部分高校的重要组成部分,个性化网络教学的研究是当前网络教学研究的热点之一。研究了个性化网络教学与学员模型的理论,探讨了个性化网络教学环境应当具备的功能,本文研究的重点是设计具有自适应特性的学员模型,借此为当前的军队院校的航理教学研究提供一些新的思路。  相似文献   

传感器网络中基于虚拟坐标的节点调度方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先,建立了极大相似分布模型;其次,引入节点的虚拟坐标的概念,用来替代节点实际的位置坐标.在此基础上,提出了一种分布式的、与节点位置无关的节点调度方案.方案由一个覆盖算法和一个连通算法组成,方案中的覆盖算法利用虚拟坐标信息进行分组.在不需要节点位置信息的条件下,使各个分组内的传感器节点较为均匀地分布在目标区域.该方案不仅解决了任意分组中的节点充分覆盖目标区域的问题,而且保证了网络的连通.仿真实验表明,该节点调度方案在覆盖率、维持分组连通时额外加入到分组内的节点个数以及网络生存时间等性能上均优于与节点位置无关的节点随机调度协议.  相似文献   

Virtual Reality technology, the complex environment can be a simulated, traditional sports courses at the stadium, equipment, it is due to limitations such as safety, to provide scientific and accurate teaching and learning's, a complex by visualizing the theoretical knowledge in the abstract sport, you can get more technical knowledge. Compared to the traditional physical education activities, simulate sports scene only by generating VR panoramas that cannot be virtual reality technology. Based on this, you can improve the enthusiasm and athletic ability of students effectively. Because of immaturity and high-priced equipment of VR technology, at present, people that education is using unpopular making, carefully virtual reality technology. In this context, we can apply virtual reality technology to sports training, which can obtain more effective training effect. In the first part of this paper, we talk about the research of virtual reality panorama, the second part about the research of virtual reality video, the third part about the application of virtual reality in physical education teaching, and the fourth part is the conclusion and investigation process. In the study, VR, as a new technology, found that you have the prospect of a wide range of applications. As long as it has been used in scientific and rational, you can VR is to promote the level of improvement and sports greatly sports scene. Users can increase users' interest; it can be immersed in a variety of preset virtual locations. Therefore, in the VR device, which allows the user to improve the experience of the VR device, you can interact well in a virtual scene.  相似文献   

在脉冲爆震发动机的教学科研中,迫切需要开发一个演示系统结构与运行过程的虚拟实验室系统。以VRML虚拟现实技术为平台和UG三维实体建模为单元,构建了具有交互功能的脉冲爆震发动机虚拟动态实验系统,实现了脉冲爆震发动机的虚拟拆卸与装配以及脉冲爆震发动机系统的虚拟运行。该虚拟实验系统避免了实际试验过程的危险性和涉密性等问题,具备远程教学科研的演示功能。  相似文献   

新工科教育的改革推进了自适应学习的发展,以往的自适应方式对学习者的主观能动性的重视不足,且大部分已有研究无法提供个性化程度较高的交互体验.针对这些问题,该研究基于学习风格模型提出了一种自适应式虚拟现实交互的新方法.该方法设计了适用于虚拟交互环境的学习风格判断方式,通过分析学习者的主客观数据来判断其学习风格,由此对交互环...  相似文献   

文章在建立典型事故模型的基础上,运用计算机虚拟仿真技术、矿井生产模拟仿真技术、安全避灾模拟技术等建立了一套完整的矿井安全生产仿真模拟系统,介绍了该系统的功能结构及实现的关键技术。该系统可模拟矿井生产的实际过程,可用于矿井安全生产的教育和培训,还可为煤矿安全生产提供重要的现场保障手段。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper charts the developments in information technology (IT) policies in education in Japan over the past decade with particular emphasis on the impacts on teacher education. Beginning with the work of the National Council on Educational Reform in 1985, the Japanese education system initiated a thorough analysis of the role of information technology in all aspects of education from kindergarten through to high school, vocational education and pre- and in-service teacher education. The various approaches culminated in guidelines and statutory requirements relating to both schools' curricula and teacher training, published in the period 1990–1992. More recently other ministries have contributed to developments including the Ministry for International Trade and Industry which has categorized the different types of information engineers and among these is the new Educational Engineer. The paper reports the processes leading to these developments.  相似文献   

This study aims to deepen our understanding of specific processes influencing technology acceptance. To reach this goal, we developed a process model from 36 narrative interviews taken from citizens who had their first experience with crime reporting through video-mediated communication technology. Two major findings emerged. Firstly, we observed that the selective accessibility processes of anchoring and adjusting influence citizens’ acceptance of video-mediated crime reporting. Secondly, we found citizens to evaluate this technology primarily on its affective merits, that is, on its social presence. This latter finding complements the current reliance on cognitive predictors in the technology acceptance literature. The former finding complements the reliance on specific beliefs in current technology acceptance literature, because this study finds that actual acceptance of this virtual technology is influenced by citizens’ reliance on their generally held beliefs; their anchoring. The implications of these findings for the study of technology acceptance research are discussed, in particular for technologies mediating both human- and artificial social actors in related (public) service provision settings.  相似文献   

黄汉亲 《软件》2013,(10):62-65
虚拟现实技术的提出,凭借真实的沉浸感、可交互性以及可构想性等这些优势,轻而易举地把现实世界通过计算机数字化中呈现出来。在城市建设、室内设计、工业设计、道路桥梁规划、旅游教学、房地产、古迹恢复、电力水利、地质灾害、虚拟校园等各个领域广泛应用虚拟现实技术,并对相应领域的发展产生了极大的帮助和推动作用。基于OSG的漫游系统正是基于此技术上的一项应用,该系统具备模型加载,点、线、面渲染,导航,漫游,雨、雪、雾特效,等功能。最终目标是希望实时呈现了一个逼真的、立体化的,能给人视觉、听觉、触觉感受的虚拟漫游系统。该漫游系统的实现有利于景区旅游资源充分开发利用,对广西师范大学建设规划具有重要的现实意义。同时,也是弘扬和传播广西师范大学校园文化的重要途径。  相似文献   

The wide use of digital technology for educational purposes opens up some issues regarding its integration within the school curriculum. Our research aims to contribute to the current discussion about how mobile/portable technology can be integrated into formal education. In this perspective, we consider digital technology and media as a potential integral part of school activity that could effectively support educational achievement. However, the way in which it is applied by teachers in a real context can substantially change its impact on effective achievements. In our research, we extensively investigated the role of the teacher in using digital technology for stimulating and prompting classroom activities in class in-line with the school curriculum. In this paper, we first present a model that illustrates the roles of teachers in transforming digital technology as a resource for developing skills as required in educational curricula. The teacher role in introducing technology at school—TRiTS—model has been conceived by combining relevant literature and findings from a case study that we have been running in a primary school over the last 4 years. We then discuss the influence of the different teacher roles on students (their attitude and level of participation), as emerged from our study.  相似文献   

现今的中国比以往任何时候都需要高素质并掌握各种技能的技术工人。中国技工人数以及中高级技工的比例与发达国家相比尚有很大的差距,这与中国高速发展的经济状况是极不相符的,传统技工教育已不能完成这么庞大的教育工程。本文将探讨基于虚拟现实技术的新的培训模式——虚拟培训,分析虚拟现实技术独有的优势将给技工教育的发展注入强大的推动力.阐述虚拟培训系统的开发过程并试图总结开发模式。希望该文能够为相关人员提供借鉴,为中国经济保持高速发展提供有力的人才保障。  相似文献   

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