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考虑交易费用的工程招标机制设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国建设市场的现状,从交易角度出发,研究考虑工程交易成本的招标机制设计.首先结合交易费用理论和工程交易的特点将工程交易费用分为合同前交易费用和合同后交易费用;然后根据合同后交易费用的大小对工程进行了分类;最后对不同类型工程设计不同的招标机制,即零交易费用的工程招标采用最低价中标机制,考虑交易费用的工程招标采用综合招标机制.考虑交易费用的招标机制设计可有效提高我国招标交易的效率,进一步完善招投标制度.  相似文献   

创意城市是新兴起的城市学概念.它以城市文化作为切入点和基点.在此基础上寻求城市新的发展方向和发展模式。这种新的城市发展观点对我国正处于产业转型期的老工业城市具有启发意义。本文以我国老工业城市淄博市东部化工区搬迁改造工程为例.探讨利用城市再生和创意城市的理念将旧城工业区改造成为文化创意园区的可能性.并对老工业城市的创意城市发展战略进行思考。  相似文献   

The creative city proposition has proven highly attractive to policy makers and urban managers all over the world. Creative cities are construed to be dynamic places characterised by diversity, openness and tolerance. As a specific manifestation of this ethos, festivals are equally positioned temporal manifestations of community diversity that foster social development in space. However, not all is as positive as such notions would infer as festivals also herald negative outcomes. Drawing upon a case study of the Clipsal 500 V8 Supercar race and associated motor-sport festival held annually in the City of Adelaide, this article explores this complex policy terrain. Evidenced through analysis of policies pertaining to festival promotion, marketing agendas, participant observation at the Clipsal 500 and interviews with key stakeholders from government and non-government organisations, this article presents a richly textured discussion of the opportunities and challenges facing policy makers considering and managing festivals. In doing so, the article contributes to the literature on festivals and creative economies revealing the complex and contested terrain that confronts policy makers and planners managing festivals as part of a wider city marketing agenda.  相似文献   

本文概略评介了美国城郊社区规划中尽端路的模式和作用及其历史变迁 ,分析了尽端路在交通性和居住性等方面的特征  相似文献   

创意城市与大学在城市中的作用   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
通过对美国创意城市和大学对城市的作用的理论与案例研究,指出创意城市必须具备“3T”,即技术(Technology)、人才(Talent)和宽容(Tolerance),特别是提供一个开放的、包容的和多样性的环境对创意阶层具有很大的吸引力,从而可以促进城市的繁荣。大学通过与城市发展之间的互动,为城市发展提供了技术、才能和宽容的环境。这为中国发展创意城市和大学城市提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

对全球化的误解以及经营城市的误区   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
张庭伟 《城市规划》2003,27(8):6-14
讨论了全球化的负面影响 ,希望规划师能在一个更加全面的基础上理解全球化 ,城市决策者在经营城市中注意以下四方面 :在城市定位方面 ,要正确定位 ,警惕盲目追求“国际城市”或人为拔高城市定位的做法 ;在吸引资金方面 ,要充分利用当前全球资本流入中国的机遇 ,但应十分注意保护城市和区域的利益 ,注意培养中国的民间资本 ;在城市基础设施建设和城市形象方面 ,项目的规模和城市形象应更加符合客观实际 ;在城市管治方面 ,要警惕将公众参与边缘化 ,努力培育公众参与的能力。  相似文献   

胡纹  周颖  刘玮 《城市规划》2017,(11):46-51
旧城改造是一次产权交易与社会利益再分配的过程,协商机制是其中限定博弈规则的首要制度设计之一。新制度经济学认为制度、社会个体行为以及行为结果之间存在关联性,制度的作用在于降低交易成本。本文以曹家巷自治改造为样本,总结出利益主体协商中存在的5种协商交易成本,即多元主体沟通成本、"钉子户"成本、可信性成本、时间成本及社会外部性成本;针对其协商机制中的协商平台、协商程序和签约机制进行逐一剖析,寻找降低协商交易成本的施效原理;最后总结出旧城改造协商机制设计应在准确认知交易成本的基础上组织协商程序、寻找合适代理人组建协商平台,并以群体合作博弈为导向,制定捆绑协议机制。  相似文献   

杨云峰  沈实现 《山西建筑》2005,31(23):19-20
对我国目前城郊村镇的特点进行优劣分析,提出城郊村镇规划与开发建设的指导原则与实施手段,并以北京城郊的南宫村为例,介绍该村生态优先的规划与可持续发展各种措施和成就,总结指出城郊村镇的规划原则。  相似文献   

滨水旅游城市设计要素分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
滨水旅游城市越来越受到关注 ,针对这一特定类型的城市 ,本文从点、线、面三方面初步探讨了这类城市的设计要素  相似文献   

Examining patterns in suburban density and mix in a mid-sized Canadian city illustrates the challenges of trying to achieve planning targets for urban intensification and mixed use in mid-sized cities with relatively slow rates of growth. A mixed methods study documents trends in Halifax over a 50-year period. Although planning theory and policy often promote growth nodes and corridors, the case study illustrates the ways in which market forces, conflicting regulations, demographic shifts, and local conditions may undermine efforts to increase densities and generate fine-grained mixing of uses and housing types in suburban areas.  相似文献   

创意产业的兴起及其对我国城市发展的启示   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
随着知识经济时代的到来和科技发展步伐的加快,在全球,特别是在发达国家和地区,一种新的产业正日益受到人们的关注和研究——创意产业;与此相应,一种新的名词也开始出现——创意阶层。本文通过分析创意产业在发达国家和地区的兴起及其对经济和社会生活所带来的深刻影响,来探讨创意产业对现阶段我国城市发展的启示。  相似文献   

在一个消费主义高度盛行的世界,城市均在致力于打造独一无二的品牌以提升自身的国际竞争力和经济优势、品牌使城市成为商务、旅游、创意人群的目的地——那些在大城市中追求带有炫耀性消费的新中产阶级。,超大型级别的城市设计,以及改善街道、广场、公园等公共区域的品质,都对城市形象及其品牌起到重要作用,然而,在城市品牌的营建过程中,贫困者被遗忘,对可持续问题的考虑也仅流于表面。城市设计中具有竞争力的方法需要被聚集在一起以解决21世纪人们须面临的新问题。城市设计应具有多项功能以满足不同阶层人群的各种需求。  相似文献   

创意产业的集聚可改变原有的城市空间和功能,引入就业岗位和服务设施,实现城市更新.创意产业园区的出现必然对周边住区产生多方面的影响,而周边住区同时影响着创意产业园区的发展.选取上海4个创意产业园区作为案例,通过问卷调查和访谈,分析创意阶层和周边居民在居住-工作、设施共享和活动参与三个维度的互动情况,明确促进两者联系互动的空间要素,探讨城市更新背景下创意社区规划的理念和原则.  相似文献   

谭欣 《重庆建筑》2006,(5):24-28
滨水地带是滨水城市的精华和灵魂所在,三峡工程给库区城市滨水空间带来了巨大变化。笔者简要分析了库区城市滨水地带的传统特征,由盛至衰,再求复兴的变迁情况,探索了库区城市在滨水地带规划设计中应遵循的系统观、经济观、功能观、空间观、生态观、文化观等原则,剖析了万州实例的经验,力争为库区城市滨水建设有所借鉴。  相似文献   

我国创意城市发展理念之反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重点关注我国构建创意城市过程中片面的概念理解、空洞趋同的目标定位和单一的建设模式三方面的问题,在前人研究成果的基础上以城市创意氛围、创意特质为视角重新诠释创意城市的本质,并将其在创新活动的不同阶段——创意理念的产生直至形成一定规模的产业——渗入到城市的经济、社会和政策法规层面,以此指导创意城市的合理定位和多样化模式的建设,从而使其拥有更健康美好且可持续的发展前景。  相似文献   

通过对美国城市研究中的新理论-城市便利论加以介绍和评析,可见城市便利论强调城市的发展在于创造阶级的集中,而不是企业的集中.城市中的各种便利设施,例如城市绿地,各种文艺活动,街头酒吧和餐厅,历史建筑等是吸引创造阶级首要条件.高便利性城市会因创造阶级的高生产力而发展,低便利性的城市会因丧失人力资本而走向衰退.  相似文献   

摘 要:胶南市行政广场通过对“琅琊古城”①、“九宫格”、“环形水道”、“锚之原型”、“帆之原型”的理解后形成的外部空间形态,诠释了胶南市行政广场的文化特征.目的在于在广场设计中.广场中景观形态的文化学体现,通过对历史原型②的重构,雕塑造型手法的裂变、扭曲,古代城市在城市广场中规划思想的重新理解及海洋文化在广场中恰当的定位来实现的.广场设计中引入建筑文化学的思维,不仅使城市广场更具有人文主义的色彩,而且可以在城市广场中寻求历史脉络,使人们在游览广场的同时,感受到当地文化源远流长的历史传统.  相似文献   

对上海城市绿化建设中地带性植被恢复问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从地带性植被特征及其重要性出发,分析了在绿化发展过程中,植被恢复面临的新机遇及存在的问题;提出了在楔型绿地、环线林带、郊区及城市周边大规模人造森林建设过程中,以地带性植被恢复的原则为植物构建的对策。  相似文献   

Problem, research strategy, and findings: Local jurisdictions in 36 states have implemented transfer of development rights (TDR) programs to provide a market-based approach to preserving farmlands and open space while redirecting future development to targeted areas. Participation in TDR programs involves transaction costs over and above paying for TDR credits. Planners know little about the magnitude of transaction costs; who, if anyone, incurs a disproportionate share of these costs; or how transaction costs affect TDR participation. In this study we estimate the magnitude and distribution of transaction costs incurred by participants in 4 countywide TDR programs in Maryland, a TDR pioneer, by interviewing multiple participants in these programs. We fi nd that total transaction costs were high and borne largely by private sector participants, although we exclude the initial public sector costs of establishing the programs. Total transaction costs range from 13% to 21% of total TDR costs per transaction. Our findings are based on data reported by participants and may not be scalable; transaction costs, however, might deter landowners from participating in TDR programs, thus thwarting the land use goals of planners.

Takeaway for practice: Planners should work to reduce transaction costs by better constructing TDR programs and providing greater information on TDR sale prices and potential buyers and sellers. Lowering and more fairly distributing transaction costs will make the TDR program a more successful approach to achieving land use goals and addressing the externalities arising from land use markets.  相似文献   

Housing in‐affordability is a growing problem within Canadian urban areas. This research asks an as‐yet unanswered spatial question: where do those suffering high rates of housing affordability stress reside and what do the spatial patterns imply about policies intended to address this housing problem? This paper tabulates and maps the spatial distribution of households that pay excessive amounts of their income for rent in order to identify locations within metropolitan regions where housing affordability stress is greatest. It is found that significant unevenness characterises the spatial distribution of housing affordability problems in major Canadian census metropolitan areas (CMAs). Only a minority of places conform to the North American stereotype that concentrates this problem near the city centre. Where some CMAs have concentrations of the problem in the inner city or, alternatively inner suburb, other metropolitan areas exhibit a more diffuse pattern of housing in‐affordability. The locus of the problem is also variable depending on whether the household is of the family or non‐family type. The interpretation of the uneven patterns relates broadly to features of supply and demand that have been identified in previous research. From both a policy and theoretical perspective this work demonstrates that greater attention needs to be paid to the spatial aspects of housing affordability and to the related, economically‐induced risk of homelessness in Canadian metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

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