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“人生最重要的是学会如何施爱于人,并去接受爱。——成都市消防支队第一个抢险救援班第一任班长曾军很喜欢这句话。 后来,它也成为记者喜欢的一句话。  相似文献   

六十一甲子,弹指一挥间。1949年10月1日,中华人民共和国开国大典,开启了中国历史的新纪元。作为首都——北京这座华美而衰败的古城与共和国一起迎来了一个崭新的时代。  相似文献   

六十一甲子,弹指一挥间。1949年10月1日,中华人民共和国开国大典,开启了中国历史的新纪元。作为首都——北京这座华美而衰败的古城与共和国一起迎来了一个崭新的时代。六十载城市春秋,六十载风雨历程,让人感慨,更令人思索。新中国成立后,党和政府对首都的城市规划建设工作历来十分重视。作为首都未来发展蓝图的北京城市总体规划,奠基于20世纪50年代初,并经历了复杂多变的发展历程。北京的城  相似文献   

朱渊  孙磊磊 《建筑师》2020,(1):40-46
荷兰建筑师阿尔多·凡·艾克与艺术家康斯坦特从游戏视角探索艺术与建筑、现实与理想以及理论与实践 之间的对话关联,成为现代主义在荷兰发展中值得关注的重要特点。而正是这种共同理念下的主动交互,恰可成 为我们在凡·艾克诞辰100周年之际,重新进一步审视荷兰建筑发展的重要聚焦和起点。  相似文献   

<正>之前的项目具有清晰的寿命周期,着重在制造、装配和时间环境设计方面进行研究探索。而本项目主要关注流线持续的时间活动性,并对其在当前建筑类型学中发挥的作用作进一步研究。本项目提出了一种新的建筑类型及其城市应用前景,以当今科技所能实现的更灵活的分散式机器人系统取代现有的流线概念。这项研究认为建筑物内的核心体式和走廊式流线往往是不太理想、被浪费的空间。通过将流线转移到立面,产生了一种新的电梯设计,既可用作  相似文献   

<正>非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)个体发生心血管事件(CV)的风险较高。性别是一种重要的风险调节因素。众所周知,在一般人群中,女性对心血管疾病具有保护作用,这意味着女性罹患心血管事件的可能性要低于男性。来自梅奥诊所胃肠病学与肝病学系的研究人员旨在探究性别相关的血管事件风险差异在NAFLD患者中是否持续存在。  相似文献   

《建筑:篠原一男》中文本的出版再次向中文读者打开了一扇看向日本现代建筑的窗子,让我们窥见了如今已经高度国际化的日本建筑师群体中的一抹风流。篠原一男作品集的中文版是一次迟到了的但并没丧失关联性的境外建筑报道。本文作者通过比对篠原一男和勒·柯布西耶在思考方法上的相似与差异,旨在给出篠原一男与当下境况的这种关联性。  相似文献   


This paper explores what we are calling “Guerrilla Research Tactics” (GRT): research methods that exploit emerging mobile and cloud-based digital technologies. We examine some case studies in the use of this technology to generate research data directly from the physical fabric and the people of the city. We argue that GRT is a new and novel way of engaging public participation in urban, place-based research because it facilitates the co-creation of knowledge, with city inhabitants, “on the fly.” This paper discusses the potential of these new research techniques and what they have to offer researchers operating in the creative disciplines and beyond. This work builds on and extends Gauntlett's “new creative methods” (2007) and contributes to the existing body of literature addressing creative and interactive approaches to data collection.  相似文献   

各市经贸委(经委)、建材主管部门: 根据《国务院办公厅转发国家经贸委关于清理整顿小玻璃厂小水泥厂意见的通知》(国办发[1999]49号)精神和国家经贸委《关于公布取缔、关闭、淘汰小玻璃厂小水泥厂(生产线)名单的通知》(国经贸建材[1997]715号)要求,现公布我省予以取缔、关闭、淘汰的小水泥小玻璃企业(生产线)名单,并就有关事项通知如下:  相似文献   

Recently, Garai et al. (2022) published a paper on the impact of orientation of blast initiation on ground vibrations. However, some of the claims are not supported by the results of the given tests. In Fig. 1 (see Fig. 8 in Garai et al., 2022), there are contours of measured vibration velocities in 4 directions (every 90°) and an incorrect interpretation between them. By placing all measured vibration velocity values (Gerai et al., 2022) at well-defined points on a single figure, it was not possible to precisely determine the type of vibration velocity, such as radial, tangential and vertical vibration velocities, with their different shapes. An incorrect conclusion was also drawn about the direction of the highest vibration velocity. The paper by Garai et al. (2022) measured the vibrational velocity of the medium through which the seismic wave passed, but used the incorrect term shock wave. The shock wave would have destroyed the seismic measuring instruments. A superposition of the vibrational velocity was considered, but not combined with the vibrational frequency of the seismic wave. This paper presents a method for selecting the time delay between successively initiated explosive charges to the measured frequency of the seismic wave, so that the direction of initiation of the explosive charges does not affect the vibration velocity of the ground through which the seismic wave passes. The theoretical and measured shapes and waveforms of radial velocity and tangential velocity in an opencast lignite mine are then presented. Moreover, the conditions for the formation of shock wave, transition wave and seismic waves are presented.  相似文献   

Recently, Zou et al. (2020a) published a theoretical analysis on the radial flow of a Bingham fluid, where they argued that the classical analysis by Dai and Bird (1981) violates the mass conservation. The present discussion aims to clarify this conflict between those two studies. It is noted that Zou et al. (2020a) presumed the gap-wise mass flux is negligible in the mass conservation equation, while Dai and Bird (1981) did not require so in their model, and this is found to be the origin of the conflict. In fact, Dai and Bird (1981)’s model is shown to not violate the mass conservation. Therefore, those two models should be viewed as separate models derived from different perspectives. Details of the major difference between the two models are discussed.  相似文献   

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