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以中试SpheripolⅡ工艺装置制备透明抗冲聚丙烯(EP08T),以EP08T为基料,研究了3种透明成核剂Millad NX8000(NX8000)、Millad 3988(3988)和NA-21对EP08T的光学性能、力学性能以及结晶行为的影响。结果表明:随着成核剂添加量的增大,所得样品的光学性能、冲击强度以及结晶温度(Tc)大幅提升,拉伸强度、弯曲强度以及弯曲模量略有改善,其中NX8000改善效果最佳。当NX8000添加量达到0.3%时,EP08T的光学性能以及冲击强度最好,NX8000-0.3的雾度可以降至12.8%,降幅超过60%,冲击强度可以达到24.6 kJ/m2,是EP08T的3.5倍。成核剂可以显著提高EP08T的Tc,缩短成型周期。当成核剂添加量为0.3%时,NX8000、3988和NA-21可分别将EP08T的Tc提高13.8、11.7和11.5℃,缩短样品的成型周期,提高加工效率。  相似文献   

通过比较高流动性聚丙烯CX9530B与国内外同类产品的力学性能和收缩率,研究了CX9530B收缩率较高和易翘曲变形的原因。采用将CX9530B配方中的成核剂苯甲酸钠替换为可使制品收缩率降低的成核剂的方法,在提高聚丙烯CX9530力学性能的前提下,其横向收缩率由CX9530B的1.67%降至1.52%,纵向收缩率由1.55%降至1.47%,各向同性指数由0.93提高到0.97,解决了CX9530B收缩率大和易翘曲变形的问题。  相似文献   

王建文 《塑料制造》2011,(12):69-71
添加成核剂是一种有效的聚丙烯改性方法。聚丙烯成核剂可使聚丙烯结晶度增加、结晶细微化,提高其机械性能等。本文通过介绍聚丙烯成核剂的种类,特性,浅析了成核剂在聚丙烯中作用及其发展。  相似文献   

配制了三种不同配方的成核剂A、B和C,系统研究了这三类成核剂对煤基抗冲聚丙烯的热性能、结晶形貌、相形态及力学性能影响。结果表明,三种成核剂增强了煤基抗冲聚丙烯的结晶能力,细化了球晶,晶粒分布更均匀,有效提高了煤基抗冲聚丙烯的弯曲模量、拉伸屈服强度、洛氏硬度和负荷变形温度;对乙丙橡胶粒子的大小和分布影响不大,这可能是成核剂的添加对煤基抗冲聚丙烯的常低温冲击性能影响不大的原因。综合考虑,三种成核剂对煤基抗冲聚丙烯结晶形态和性能均有较大影响,尤其是成核剂B和C对煤基抗冲聚丙烯综合性能影响最为显著。  相似文献   

刘晓霞  周惠  张普玉 《塑料工业》2006,34(2):1-3,10
介绍了聚丙烯成核剂的种类及其对聚丙烯结晶性能的影响;对国内外聚丙烯成核剂的研究进展和应用前景进行丁综述。  相似文献   

成核剂在聚丙烯中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍成核剂在聚丙烯中开发,应用概况,成核剂的作用机理,选择及其对聚丙烯性能的影响。  相似文献   

成核剂技术在聚丙烯改性中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹豫新 《河南化工》2010,27(15):38-41
介绍了聚丙烯成核剂的种类及其在聚丙烯改性中的应用研究。通过聚丙烯产品的开发应用,分析了α、β两种晶型成核剂对聚丙烯力学性能、光学性能和加工性能的影响。  相似文献   

孙尧  王澜 《塑料制造》2006,(3):50-53
分析了添加成核剂的改性效果,介绍成核剂的种类,分析了添加成核剂后聚丙烯性能的改变,还简单介绍了目前研究热点β成核剂。  相似文献   

以中化泉州石化有限公司生产的低熔抗冲聚丙烯C7025N(记为PP-1)为研究对象,研究了2种增刚成核剂对PP-1结构与性能的影响,并与2种商业化产品(分别记为PP-2,PP-3)进行了结构和性能比较。结果表明:2种增刚成核剂均能提升PP-1的熔体流动速率(MFR)、弯曲模量和拉伸强度,但缺口冲击强度变化不明显,同时,结晶温度和热变形温度均明显升高,且刚韧平衡性均与PP-2、PP-3处于同一水平,满足制品要求,所得制品在跌落测试和四层堆叠测试中均有良好表现。  相似文献   

介绍了聚丙烯成核剂作用原理,研究了有机磷酸盐类成核剂、β型成核剂对聚丙烯性能的影响.结果表明,有机磷酸盐类成核剂可有效提高聚丙烯的强度,而芳香胺类成核剂对提高聚丙烯的韧性和耐热性能非常有效.  相似文献   

The isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of nonnucleated and nucleated isotactic polypropylene (iPP) were investigated by DSC and a polarized light microscope with a hot stage. Dibenzylidene sorbitol (DBS) was used as a nucleating agent. It was found that the crystallization rate increased with the addition of DBS. The influence of DBS on fold surface energy, σe, was examined by the Hoffman and Lauritzen nucleation theory. It showed that σe decreased with the addition of DBS, suggesting that DBS is an effective nucleating agent for iPP. Ozawa's theory was used to study the nonisothermal crystallization. It was found that the crystallization temperature for the nucleated iPP was higher than that for nonnucleated iPP. The addition of DBS reduced the Ozawa exponent, suggesting a change in spherulite morphology. The cooling crystallization function has a negative exponent on the crystallization temperature. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 69: 2089–2095, 1998  相似文献   

研究了两种类型的成核剂对国产共聚聚丙烯的结晶形态以及拉伸强度、冲击强度的影响。结果表明:加入TMB-5型成核剂,聚丙烯的冲击强度有一定程度改善,w(TMB-5)为0.1%时,改性聚丙烯的缺口冲击强度达到最大;TMX-2型成核剂可改善聚丙烯的拉伸性能,但抗冲击性能降低较大;TMB-5型成核剂可显著地改变聚丙烯的结晶行为,诱导聚丙烯在结晶过程中主要形成β晶;TMX-2型成核剂可诱导聚丙烯在结晶过程中主要生成α晶,与纯PP相比,α晶的形成能力增强。  相似文献   

A novel highly efficient β‐nucleating agent for isotactic polypropylene (iPP), hexahydrophthalic barium (HHPA‐Ba), was found and its effects on the mechanical properties, the β‐phase content, and crystallization behavior of iPP were investigated, respectively. The results show that the β‐phase content of nucleated iPP (kβ value) can reach 80.2% with 0.4 wt % HHPA‐Ba. The impact strength and crystallization peak temperature of nucleated iPP are greatly increased. Compared with pure iPP, the impact strength of nucleated iPP can increase 2.4 times. Meanwhile, the spherulite size of nucleated iPP is dramatically decreased than that of pure iPP. The Caze method was used to investigate the nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of nucleated iPP and the crystallization active energy was achieved by Kissinger method. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2011  相似文献   

有机磷酸盐类成核剂改性聚丙烯   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
具有蝶形结构的有机磷酸盐类成核剂HBP能显著改善PP的结晶行为和综合性能。当添加成核剂HBP的质量分数为0.2%时,PP的结晶度从46.4%提高到52.2%,弯曲强度和弯曲模量分别提高了23%和21%,热变形温度和结晶温度分别提高23.9℃和22.7℃,而制品的雾度则降低60%。  相似文献   

In this investigation the effects of a rosin‐type nucleating agent, which was prepared from cocrystallizing of dehydroabietic acid and Na‐dehydroabietate, on polypropylene (PP) crystallization were studied. The results of differential scanning calorimetry and X‐ray diffraction proved that a cocrystal of dehydroabietic acid and Na‐dehydroabietate was formed. The lower melting point of the cocrystal caused it to be uniformly dispersed in PP. When cocrystals were added as nucleating agent, the mechanical properties, heat distortion temperature, and crystallization temperatures of PP were obviously improved, and the size of spherulites was also decreased. This proved that the cocrystals of dehydroabietic acid and Na‐dehydroabietate could act as an effective nucleating agent for PP. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 83: 1069–1073, 2002  相似文献   

The phase morphology and toughening behavior of impact polypropylene copolymer (IPC) with and without nucleating agent (NA), prepared at different processing melt temperatures (Tp), were investigated. Interestingly, three different structures can be formed in the IPC samples by adding NA or tuning Tp. A well‐defined core–shell structure is obtained in samples with α‐NA or without NA prepared at all Tp. A developing multilayered structure is mainly formed at high Tp with added β‐NA, while an incomplete phase separation structure with interpenetrating chains is the dominant structure for IPC samples prepared at low Tp with added β‐NA. In this case, because of the synergistic effect between phase morphology and relatively high β‐form crystal content, the chain interaction among the components and chain mobility of the amorphous portion of IPC are distinctly improved, resulting in a largely improved toughness under 0 °C. This improvement in toughness is very important for applications. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

通过在抗冲聚丙烯基础树脂中添加自主研制的酰胺型高效β成核剂,在升高聚丙烯耐热温度的同时有效提高聚丙烯树脂EPS30R的冲击强度,研究酰胺型β成核剂PA-01、TMB-5和FB-1添加量对聚丙烯树脂EPS30R力学性能的影响,通过微观形态分析增韧的内在原因,并考察成核剂对聚丙烯树脂EPS30R的成核效果。结果表明,添加β成核剂后,聚丙烯的力学性能明显改善,且β成核剂诱导聚丙烯的成核效果较好。  相似文献   

The nucleating ability of p‐cyclohexylamide carboxybenzene (β‐NA) towards isotactic polypropylene (iPP) was investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, X‐ray diffraction, polarized optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. β‐NA is identified to have dual nucleating ability for α‐iPP and β‐iPP under appropriate kinetic conditions. The formation of β‐iPP is dependent on the content of β‐NA. The content of β‐phase can reach as high as 96.96% with the addition of only 0.05 wt% β‐NA. Under non‐isothermal crystallization the content of β‐iPP increases with increasing cooling rate. The maximum β‐crystal content is obtained at a cooling rate of 40 °C min–1. The supermolecular structure of the β‐iPP is identified as a leaf‐like transcrystalline structure with an ordered lamellae arrangement perpendicular to the special surface of β‐NA. Under isothermal crystallization β‐crystals can be formed in the temperature range 80–140 °C. The content of β‐crystals reaches its maximum value at a crystallization temperature of 130 °C. © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

成核剂对聚丙烯性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了各种α晶型成核剂和β晶型成核剂对聚丙烯性能的影响,发现用α晶型成核剂NA-11和用N催化剂生产的高等规指数聚丙烯组合,可制成透明型高强度、高耐热聚丙烯。这种高性能聚丙烯在家电、汽车等方面具有极为广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

成核剂对聚丙烯结晶形态及力学性能的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
研究了有机磷酸盐成核剂对聚丙烯(PP)结晶行为及力学性能的影响.采用差示扫描量热法和偏光显微镜分析比较了3种成核剂。结果表明:添加质量分数为0.2%的成核剂,可使PP的结晶峰温度提高15.6~17.8℃。结晶度增加2.5%~10.5%,同时提高了结晶速率,球晶尺寸大幅度降低;试样的拉伸强度、弯曲模量均有提高。弯曲模量提高15.5%~44.9%。  相似文献   

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