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本文介绍了GJB151A-97《军用设备和分系统电磁发射和敏感度要求》,详细分析了整机系统在使用DC/DC变换器后电磁兼容试验时CE102项目和CS101项目超标的原因,并提出了这些试验项目超标时的解决方法。  相似文献   

分析和比较了四种非隔离型双向DC/DC变换器的拓扑结构。针对目前广泛使用的混合动力电动汽车存在的环保问题和电池性能问题设计了一种双向DC/DC变换器一两相交错双向DC/DC变换器,论述了其工作原理,并通过一台3000W的样机验证了理论的正确性。  相似文献   

张立伟 《电力电子》2006,4(4):49-53
本文介绍了一种应用于电动汽车动力系统的大功率双向DC/DC变换器,该变换器中应用了一种特殊的数宁控制策略,它可以令能量在小同方向之间进行平滑的切换,并促使变换器实现自身的能量管理。作为一个实例,该变换器的优点在燃料电池汽车的研究中得以体现,下文中将具体给出该变换器的使用数据和测试结果。目前适用于24kW和70kW功率等级的双向DC/DC变换器的两种拓扑结构已经被设计出来,并得到了认可。这两种变换器具有全数字控制的过压、过流和过温保护,变换器中冷却液的温度最高可达85℃,而变换器的损耗却很低,同时功率密瞍可高达5W/cm3。变换器的特性参数和在燃料电池汽车中应用时的测试结果,将在下面予以介绍。  相似文献   

介绍了一种可替代VICOR公司MI—M2L—MU产品的大功率DC/DC变换器的研制过程.该变换器的输出功率可达200W以上。文中给出了该DC/DC变换器的总体方案、线路设计、工艺设计和热设计等关键技术。  相似文献   


文中简要介绍了移植相调软件开关变换器的基于工作原理,详细叙述了具有逐脉限流功能的控制电路,并给出了功率高达14.4KW的设计实例,实验结果表明这种变换器的整机效率高达90%,在移相调宽软开关变换器中由于开关器件茶花知零压开通和准零压关断模式,从而消除了硬开关变换器的固有缺陷。  相似文献   

DC/DC变换器是一种强非线性电路。电路的电气参数存在不确定性,负载性质也是多变的。主电路的性能必须满足负载大范围的变化,同时它还具有离散和变结构的特点,所有这些使DC/DC变换器控制器的设计较为复杂。由于传统的控制方法是基于线性系统理论,所以应用于DC/DC变换器中并不能获得理想的动态性能。文中针对DC/DC变换器的特点以及单神经元网络具有出色的知识抽取与学习能力及较强的控制鲁棒性。在现有的控制和建模方法的基础上,将神经网络控制策略引入DC/DC变换器,构造了一种基于单神经元的DC/DC变换器的新型控制方法。  相似文献   

介绍了一种纯电动汽车超级电容器充放电系统的大功率双向DC/DC变换器。首先给出了纯电动汽车电传动系统的结构图,然后介绍了双向DC/DC变换器的拓扑,并针对超级电容器充放电系统设计双向DC/DC变换器的控制器。  相似文献   

尹华  冯小飞  徐勇 《微电子学》2012,42(2):215-218
通过分析一种车载部件电源电磁干扰噪声的产生机理和传播特点,结合系统电磁兼容要求,提出针对多路输出混合电源的电磁兼容解决方案.研究了输入输出滤波器设计方法,并给出了具体线路和仿真数据.结合电磁兼容测试结果,提出设计改进措施,并通过了相关的电磁兼容试验.  相似文献   

Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) technology provides an effective solution for achieving higher fuel economy, better performance, and lower emissions, compared with conventional vehicles. Plug-in HEVs (PHEVs) are HEVs with plug-in capabilities and provide a more all-electric range; hence, PHEVs improve fuel economy and reduce emissions even more. PHEVs have a battery pack of high energy density and can run solely on electric power for a given range. The battery pack can be recharged by a neighborhood outlet. In this paper, a novel integrated bidirectional AC/DC charger and DC/DC converter (henceforth, the integrated converter) for PHEVs and hybrid/plug-in-hybrid conversions is proposed. The integrated converter is able to function as an AC/DC battery charger and to transfer electrical energy between the battery pack and the high-voltage bus of the electric traction system. It is shown that the integrated converter has a reduced number of high-current inductors and current transducers and has provided fault-current tolerance in PHEV conversion.  相似文献   

Power semiconductor devices are key components in all power electronic systems, particularly in hybrid, electric, and fuel cell vehicles. This paper reviews the system requirement and latest development of power semiconductor devices including IGBTs, freewheeling diodes, and advanced power module technology in relating to electric vehicle applications. State-of-the-art silicon device technologies, their future trends, and theoretical limits are discussed. Emerging wide bandgap semiconductor devices such as SiC devices and their potential applications in electric vehicles are also reviewed  相似文献   

Using a bidirectional dc-dc converter along with low-voltage energy storage for the high-voltage dc bus and traction motor drives has been a prominent option for hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles. This paper will describe the significance of energy management power converters and their circuit topology options for efficiency, size, and cost considerations. Whether isolated or nonisolated, soft switching techniques have been widely used in high-power bidirectional dc-dc converters. Through some design examples, the component selection and circuit design optimization are discussed, and their efficiency evaluation results are also given. Major difficulties of developing a high-power bidirectional dc-dc converter are found in lack of high-power passive components and lack of multiphase dc-dc controllers. More development work needs to be done in these areas  相似文献   

以燃料电池发动机为研究对象,通过分析其工作特性,给出了一种对已有电磁兼容测试的半电波暗室改建方法,以保证整个试验过程能够安全、有序的运行,并给出了推荐的试验布置和试验方法.最后,以辐射发射为例,对某款燃料电池发动机样品的电磁兼容性能进行了测试分析.  相似文献   

李晓  陈静 《现代电子技术》2011,34(15):200-203
在燃料电池汽车中,电能转换是一个核心问题。结合燃料电池的特性,简要说明了燃料电池汽车中现有变换器的不足。同时,为了克服传统燃料电池汽车电能变换器两级结构固有的不足,进一步提高其稳定性,提出了一种性能较高的Z源逆变器,分析了该结构的工作原理,采用了一种新型的具有直通零矢量的三相电压空间矢量调制方法,介绍了其工作特点以及直通零矢量的产生方法,进行了相关的仿真实验。仿真结果表明,该电路结构能够达到较高的性能要求,适合在燃料电池汽车上应用。  相似文献   

In this paper, an optimal design to minimize the cost of the fuel cell and supercapacitor in a fuel-cell electric vehicle is presented. It is assumed that the cost of the fuel cell and supercapacitor is a function of the number of units of each, respectively. The constraints on the number of fuel-cell units and supercapacitor units are derived according to the system requirement of maintaining stable dc-link voltage for all possible vehicle operations. These constraints are combined with the derived cost function to obtain the optimal number of fuel-cell units and supercapacitor units and the minimum cost. The cost, volume, and weight of the optimized fuel cell and supercapacitor of the powertrain and the fuel economy of the vehicle are evaluated. Simulation results are presented to verify the design  相似文献   

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