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正据彭博社报道,印度风电机组制造商Suzlon可能会寻求日本企业合作研发海上风电机组,因为日本对于海上风电机组项目可以获得低息日元贷款。Suzlon旗下的德国公司Senvion是目前全球海上风电机组第三大供应商,8月20日前后,Suzlon总裁Tulsi Tanti在一个采访上表示,Senvion正在与日本公司洽谈合作,计划成立一个合资公司。Tulsi Tanti表示,海上风电机组研发是资产密集型产业,需要利用最低资金成本。至于目标市场,他表示日本和美国都是,因为日本今年也出台了一项有吸引力的海上风电电价机制。  相似文献   

蒙健妹  曾召亮  戴胜辉 《柴油机》2007,29(1):46-48,56
论述了企业应将供应商视为企业的重要资源来管理,对供应商的质量管理应作为企业质量管理体系的一部分,在企业运行中起到保证质量、降低成本、提高工作效率等作用。并就企业如何选择合格的供应商、供应商质量控制及动态管理等方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

<正>2014年全球光伏逆变器市场萎缩逾4%,达66亿美元IHS表示,2014年全球前5大光伏逆变器供应商的排名并未发生巨大变动。欧洲供应商SMA和ABB加起来的市场份额减少了4%;然而,日本由于国内市场的实力,本国供应商欧姆龙、TMEIC和田渊电机获得了3%的市场份额。随着激烈的价格竞争持续及市场需求进一步转向低价市场,2014年全球光伏逆变器的市场  相似文献   

基于企业现有的供应商评估体系,本文结合市场情况变化而导致的采购策略改变,运用层次分析法重新设置影响供应商表现的各因素权重,得出一定时期下供应商的真实绩效表现,为采购的分配策略提供有效的信息支持.  相似文献   

本文从非生产型企业低碳管理的现状出发,从非生产型企业的办公建筑设计与选择、资源能源使用管理、低碳出行管理、绿色供应商管理、低碳制度与教育管理等方面论述了在“双碳”背景下非生产型企业在提升低碳管理方面可采取的措施与行动。  相似文献   

基于现代智慧供应链理念,着眼于如何归集整合自身属性和行为数据集对供应商进行评价的关键问题。依托省级电网企业数据中台,整合汇集供应商全生命周期信息。运用知识图谱技术以及大数据挖掘技术,建立了供应商画像数据体系、标签体系、评价体系等3大体系。绘制了2类供应商全息画像,实现供应商差异化、可视化、智能化分析,为供应商遴选、商务评标、物资质量抽检、供应链金融等场景应用提供了高效的数据支撑。以改变传统的业务管理模式,提升整体管理效能,促进供应链上下游产融协同发展。  相似文献   

<正>近日,由财政部、科技部、住房建设部和国家能源局联合主持的国家金太阳示范工程和太阳能光电建筑应用示范工程关键设备供应商中标入围结果公布。参加本次竞标的光伏组件企业16家,逆变器企业29家,铅酸电池企业13家,其中晶体硅光伏组件中标入围3家,并网光伏逆变器8家,铅酸蓄电池5家。各设备供应商具体中标入围名单为:  相似文献   

<正>日媒称,日本核能产业正处在前所未有的十字路口。受福岛第一核电站事故的影响,日本国内8年多来没有新核电设备运转,向海外出口也持续停滞。日本有很多核反应堆制造商以及特殊钢材等关键部件供应商,然而代代相传的技术面临断绝的危险,核电站经济的延续亮起了黄灯。《日本经济新闻》4月9日报道,在青森县大间町,电源开发株式会社正在建设中的大间核电站内矗立着设置有鱼糕形状罩子的巨大建筑物。建筑物里面是作为核电站核心设备的核反  相似文献   

<正>据一份报告称,日本与印度拟定碳补偿计划,该计划将取决于日本的环境技术能帮助技术使用国减少的排放量。据日经新闻报道,该补偿计划将取决于日本企业帮助发展中国家减少温室气体排放量所换取的碳信用额。印度很可能是日本早期的合作伙伴。该联合信贷机制(JCM)将鼓励日本企业通过在像印度这样具有巨  相似文献   

邓赟 《能源评论》2013,(9):35-37
相比作供应商,国际能源智库更加希望建立一种长效合作体系,成为能源企业的战略伙伴。  相似文献   

与传统的采购模式相比,现代的采购模式更加注重科学合理、经济有效.与供应商的关系也将更加注重长远的、战略的、双赢的伙伴关系.文章在分析供应商关系管理的内容、作用及发展趋势的基础上,对上柴公司供应商关系管理的应用进行了研究,包括上柴对供应商选择影响因素进行了深入研究.供应商选择影响因素包括质量管理因素、成本管理因素、交付管...  相似文献   

由于太阳能热利用产业发展迅速,零部件寿命影响因子研究不透彻,特别是因市场发展需要,造成供应商提供的非标准件在整机产品生命周期内的质量度量指标不明确的情况下,就供应商精细管理、持续提升产品质量等各部分细化考核指标,建立以成本、品质、服务、技术及交货周期5个类别为考核要点,基于过程控制的太阳能热利用产业供应商的平衡计分卡式动态管理系统,有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper introduces a handbook, which is edited by the High Pressure Institute of Japan to support engineers who evaluate flaws detected in nuclear power components according to the Japanese fitness-for-service code. The handbook is written in Japanese and contains basic information on fracture mechanics as well as the specific flaw evaluation procedures and material properties data stipulated in the code. The main features of the handbook are summarized in the paper.  相似文献   

With the latest introduction of the demand side management (DSM) in smart grids, the power distribution units are able to modify the load schedules of the consumers. This involves a co-operative interaction of the utility and the consumers so as to achieve customer load modifications in which the customer, utility and society all are benefited. The interaction is performed with the help of the devices known as the smart meter. This paper shows the use of game theory and logical mathematical expressions in order to achieve the objectives. The objectives are to minimize the peak to average ratio (PAR) and the energy cost. The outcome of the game between supplier and customers helps to shape the load profile. The design proposed in this paper is very user-friendly and is based on simple logarithmic programming computations. In this paper, residential, commercial and industrial types of loads are taken into account. A basic 24 h load schedule along with the fluctuating prices at each hour of the day is forecasted by the supplier of the various shiftable and non-shiftable loads and then that schedule is conveyed to the user. The users are encouraged to shift their high load devices to off-peak hours which will not only reduce their electricity costs but also substantially reduce the PAR in the load demand.  相似文献   

采购策略发展的三个阶段   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着采购策略的不断发展和创新,尤其有三种采购策略已逐渐成为主流思想,即:供应商数量整合、供应商运作整合和采购价值管理。这些策略中的任何一种都需要与供应链中的合作伙伴形成日益紧密的合作关系,因此,它们之间不是截然不同和互相分离的,而是在发展变革和创新中不可或缺的具体阶段。  相似文献   

All the countries of Western Europe have taken steps to liberalise their electricity industries. Large consumers in every country can choose their electricity supplier, and in some countries, this choice has been extended to every consumer. The European Union has decided that from 2007 at the latest, all customers will be able to choose their electricity supplier. A number of large European electricity companies have been responding to this changing environment by merging with electricity companies in other countries. This means that while some national markets may not look unduly concentrated, concentration at the European level has been growing. This paper addresses the reasons for this, and asks whether the resulting industry structure will be sufficiently competitive to deliver gains from liberalisation.  相似文献   

This paper introduces residual shape risk as a new subclass of energy commodity risk. Residual shape risk is caused by insufficient liquidity of energy forward market when retail energy supplier has to hedge his short sales by a non-flexible standard baseload product available on wholesale market. Because of this inflexibility, energy supplier is left with residual unhedged position which has to be closed at spot market. The residual shape risk is defined as the difference between spot and forward prices weighted by residual unhedged position whose size depends on the shape of customers’ portfolio of a given retail energy supplier. We evaluated residual shape risk over the years 2014–2018 with a real portfolio of a leading natural gas retail supplier in the Czech Republic. The size of residual shape risk in our example corresponds approximately to 1 percent of the profit margin of the natural gas retail supplier.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for developing optimal bidding strategy based on a bilevel optimization, considering suppliers’ emission of pollutants. The proposed methodology employs supply function equilibrium (SFE) model to represent the strategic behavior of each supplier. Locational marginal pricing mechanism is also assumed for settling the market and calculating the supplier profit. It is modeled as a bilevel optimization problem in which the upper-level subproblem maximizes individual supplier payoff and the lower-level subproblem solves the Independent System Operator’s market clearing problem. In this paper, the multiobjective optimal power flow is used to solve market clearing mechanism with supplier emission of pollutants, as extra objectives, subject to the transmission limits and supplier physical constraints. To illustrate the proposed approach under different conditions an IEEE 30-bus test system together with a number of case studies are used.  相似文献   

This paper reviews recent developments in the application of fracture mechanics to such structures as welded steel tanks, ships, and thin-wall pressure vessels, with particular attention to Japanese work. It describes methods for estimating critical crack size and safe working conditions, taking into account such fabrication variables as angular distortion, welding residual stress, prestrain, plate curvature and stress concentration. Whilst most of the paper is devoted to a consideration of the conditions for crack instability, it also discusses crack arrest and gives experimental results for the effect of thickness on both initiation and arrest.  相似文献   

This paper describes a review of recent Japanese activities on probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analyses. Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA: previously JAERI) had sponsored research committees on PFM organized by Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME) and Japan Welding Engineering Society (JWES) for more than a decade. This work still continues with the same members in JWES. The purpose of the continuous activity is to provide probabilistic approaches in several fields of integrity problems of nuclear power plant. This paper shows some of the newest results of the JWES research committee. First topic is evaluation of the new JSME code case with rules of Fitness-For-Service from the view of PFM, including reactor pressure vessel subject to pressurized thermal shock loading, piping with a crack of the allowable size and effect of sizing accuracy for piping integrity. The next one is development of new PFM techniques including reliability assessment of piping with domestic (Japanese) SCC data and maintenance optimization of LWRs based on risk and economic models. The last topic is the international round robin program just starting from 2008.  相似文献   

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