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An analysis of bit error rate (BER) in a binary digital FM system with postdetection diversity is presented. Expressions for the average BER due to additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), random FM noise and delay-spread in the multipath channel are derived for reception using differential demodulation (DD), and frequency demodulation (FD) assuming independent fading signals. Calculated results for MSK show that the BER performance is strongly dependent on the RMS-delay/bit-duration ratio and that the delay-spectrum shape is of no importance when the receiver predetection filter product is optimized for the effect of AWGN. The effect of fading correlation on the diversity improvement is also analyzed for a two-branch case with multiplicative Rayleigh fading signals. Expressions for the average BER due to AWGN and random FM noise are derived. Calculated results are shown for the average BER due to random FM noise assuming a horizontally spaced antenna system at a mobile station. It is shown that the use of small antenna spacings leads to a diversity improvement greater than that obtainable for the case of independent AWGN 相似文献
Clark M.V. Greenstein L.J. Kennedy W.K. Shafi M. 《Communications, IEEE Transactions on》1992,40(6):1128-1135
A study of minimum mean-square error (MMSE) diversity combining for wide-band digital cellular radio, designed to combat intersymbol interference (ISI) caused by frequency selective fading is outlined. The systems analyzed use binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), quarternary phase-shift keying (QPSK) or 16-level quadrature amplitude modulation (16-QAM) with cosine rolloff spectral shaping, and space diversity with selection, maximal ratio or MMSE combining. A set of performance curves is presented for selected combining schemes showing the influence of the following system parameters: the diversity order (1 to 4); the cosine rolloff factor; the power delay spectrum (with its associated delay spread); the signal-to-interference ratio; and the number of modulation levels (2, 4 and 16) 相似文献
Several space-diversity techniques combined with maximum-likelihood sequence estimation (MLSE) are considered for time-division multiple-access (TDMA) digital mobile radio. Under the assumption that diversity paths fade independently, the Nth order diversity maximum-likelihood (ML) receiver is analyzed. Two categories of diversity receivers with MLSE are taken into account: the receivers performing diversity on the signal samples and those applying diversity inherently in the sequential algorithm. The simulation study was performed for standard global system for mobile communication (GSM) channel models. The results confirm the fact that even second-order diversity is a very powerful means improving the TDMA system performance 相似文献
For space diversity, it is shown that it is related to maximal-ratio combining (MRC). Unlike MRC, it allows the receiver to collect diversity signals without gain adjustments or cophasing. Some worst-case bit error rate (BER) simulation results that show the influence of time delay spread, Doppler, shadow loss, and diversity for a seven-cell cluster using quadrature modulation are presented 相似文献
《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》1984,33(3):144-155
This paper studies optimum signal combining for space diversity reception in cellular mobile radio systems. With optimum combining, the signals received by the antennas are weighted and combined to maximize the output signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio. Thus, with cochannel interference, space diversity is used not only to combat Rayleigh fading of the desired signal (as with maximal ratio combining) but also to reduce the power of interfering signals at the receiver. We use analytical and computer simulation techniques to determine the performance of optimum combining when the received desired and interfering signals are subject to Rayleigh fading. Results show that optimum combining is significantly better than maximal ratio combining even when the number of interferers is greater than the number of antennas. Results for typical cellular mobile radio systems show that optimum combining increases the output signal-to-interference ratio at the receiver by several decibels. Thus, systems can require fewer base station antennas and/or achieve increased channel capacity through greater frequency reuse. We also describe techniques for implementing optimum combining with least mean square (LMS) adaptive arrays. 相似文献
In this paper the performance of predetection maximal ratio and equal gain combiners are investigated under conditions of
correlated branch noise. A statistical model is devised to determine the spatial noise correlation coefficients at metropolitan‐area
base stations, and the cases where significant correlation is likely are clarified. Optimal weighting coefficients for a maximal
ratio combiner with two‐branch space diversity are derived under correlated noise. Based on this result it is shown that correlation
in branch noise can be used to improve the combiner performance by dynamically adjusting the weightings so as to partially
cancel the noise. Performance of equal gain combiners is also shortly discussed.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
The performance of digital data transmission over frequency-selective fading channels is investigated. For statistically independent diversity paths, estimates of average attainable error rates and outage probabilities as functions of system parameters are provided. The dependences among the important system parameters are exhibited graphically for several examples, including quaternary phase-shift keying (QPSK). In the optimized uncoded QPSK with 1.5 b/s/Hz, two orders of magnitude in outage probability can be gained by diversity reception. When one compares the uncoded average probability of error for the optimized mean squared error (MSE) systems one finds at most an order-of-magnitude difference among the different equalizers investigated except for the zero-forcing equalizer, whose performance is drastically inferior to the others. Again, dual diversity can provide two orders of magnitude improvement in the average error rate or in outage probability for the uncoded optimized systems 相似文献
For Pt.I, see ibid., vol.40, no.5, p.885-94 (1992). The probability distributions of the data rates that can be supported by optimum receiver structures as well as the distribution of the Shannon capacity are studied. The dependences among the important system parameters are exhibited graphically for several illustrative examples including QPSK. At outage probabilities <10-2 and at operating SNRs of 15-25 dB, the Shannon capacity with optimal dual diversity reception is about 2 bit/s/Hz higher than without diversity. Alternatively, at typical operations of QPSK with 1.5 bit/s/Hz, two orders of magnitude in outage probability can be gained by diversity reception. Comparing the uncoded average probability of error for the optimized MSE systems, at most an order-of-magnitude difference is found among the different equalizers investigated except for the zero-forcing equalizer, whose performance is drastically inferior. Dual diversity can provide two-orders-of-magnitude improvement in the average error rate or in outage probability for the uncoded optimized systems 相似文献
《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》1978,27(4):220-223
The effect of periodic switching diversity on the bit error rate (BER) performance of a binary frequency-shift keying (FSK) system in the presence of co-channel interference is described. The distribution of the signal-to-interference energy ratio per bit presented to the FM detector is found and the diversity effect on the BER performance in a Rayleigh fading environment is analyzed. The diversity effect on the BER performance in a Manchester-coded FSK system with limiter-discriminator detection is verified by laboratory simulation tests using a Rayleigh fading simulator. 相似文献
《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》1978,27(4):211-219
A simple and efficient diversity technique is proposed for use in a digital FM land mobile radio communication system. This technique receives two RF signals periodically by switching two antenna branches at a rate moderately higher than the bit rate. The improved bit error rate (BER) performance resulting from the use of diversity is shown to be the effect of transforming the probability density function of the signal energy per bit to noise power density ratio to a sharper distribution. Laboratory simulation test results show that in a Manchester-coded frequency-shift keying (FSK) system with a bit rate of 600 bit/s and a frequency deviation of ±5 kHz, the diversity gain at an average BER of 1 × 10-3is about 10 dB for an optimum switching rate of about 2 kHz. This diversity improvement is also verified by the field test performed in a suburban area. 相似文献
《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》1982,31(4):166-172
The postdetection selection diversity effects on a binary digital FM system are theoretically analyzed in the fast Rayleigh fading signal environment encountered in the typical UHF or microwave land mobile radio channels. Both differential and discriminator detections are considered for demodulation of digital FM signal. The average error rate is presented by a simple closed form including both effects of Rayleigh envelope fading and random FM noise. A few examples of numerical results for minimum shift keying (MSK) are graphically presented. 相似文献
A comprehensive theory for N th-order space diversity reception combined with various equalization techniques in digital data transmission over frequency-selective fading channels is developed. The channels are characterized by N arbitrary impulse responses possessing random parameters as well as N additive Gaussian noise sources. Various combiner-equalizers that minimize the mean-squared error are determined. Formulas are presented for the attainable least-mean-squared errors and upper bounds on average probabilities of error. The theory is applied to optimize system parameters and to predict performance for QAM data transmission operating over a model for the mobile radio channel. For this model, estimates of average attainable error rates and outage probabilities are provided as functions of system parameters. In the channel models the uncoded data rates as well as Shannon capacity are regarded as random variables 相似文献
This letter extends the theory of the matched filter bound for fading dispersive channels. We generalize to arbitrary fading, as well as delay, properties of the channel. The channel model is a standard time varying linear filter and the calculation of the matched filter bound is based on a Karhunen-Loeve expansion of the received pulse spectrum when an isolated pulse is transmitted. Results are presented illustrating the various diversity effects. We conclude that in addition to the effect on probability of bit error of implicit delay diversity there is the less well known effect of implicit Doppler diversity in fast fading. The effect on probability of bit error of pulse shaping and explicit diversity is also illustrated 相似文献
《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》1967,16(1):46-57
An attempt to reduce multipath fading in UHF mobile radio communication by the use of a space diversity receiver has been made. An 836 MHz pre-detection diversity combining receiver using phase equalization by multiple heterodyning in four separate branches or channels has been built and evaluated. The fading range in the combined signal is greatly reduced over that in an individual signal and there is a significant difference in its statistical nature. In addition an improvement in receiver threshold with four channels combined was observed. 相似文献
《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》1981,30(4):156-160
Burst error characteristics are studied by using a Rayleigh and Nakagami-Rice fading simulator. Burst error length distribution estimated with fade duration is described. Thus burst length shortening by means of dual frequency diversity is a promising candidate in order to introduce safely forward error correction (FEC) coding into digital land mobile communication systems. 相似文献
The unequal error protection capabilities of convolutional codes belonging to the family of rate-compatible punctured convolutional codes (RCPC codes) are studied. The performance of these codes is analyzed and simulated for the first fading Rice and Rayleigh channels with differentially coherent four-phase modulation (4-DPSK). To mitigate the effect of fading, interleavers are designed for these unequal error protection codes, with the interleaving performed over one or two blocks of 256 channel bits. These codes are decoded by means of the Viterbi algorithm using both soft symbol decisions and channel state information. For reference, the performance of these codes on a Gaussian channel with coherent binary phase-shift keying (2-CPSK) is presented. A number of examples are provided to show that it is possible to accommodate widely different error protection levels within short information blocks. Unequal error protection codes for a subband speech coder are studied in detail. A detailed study of the effect of the code and channel parameters such as the encoder memory, the code rate, interleaver depth, fading bandwidth, and the contrasting performance of hard and soft decisions on the received symbols is provided 相似文献
Adaptive equalization for TDMA digital mobile radio 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Adaptive equalization for a TDMA (time-division multiple-access) digital cellular system is discussed. A survey of adaptive equalization techniques that includes their performance characteristics and limitations and their implementation complexity is presented. The design of adaptive equalization algorithms for a narrowband TDMA system is considered. It is concluded that, on the basis of implementation complexity and performance in the presence of multipath distortion and signal fading, MLSE (maximum-likelihood sequence estimation) and DFE (decision feedback equalization) are viable equalization methods for mobile radio 相似文献
A new method for adaptive MLSE is proposed to overcome the effect of error propagation on the performance of the conventional method that uses training data and decision data alternately to assist adaptive channel estimation. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new method under severe channel environments.<> 相似文献
《Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on》1978,27(3):117-132
Measurements over a variety of urban and terrain conditions were made using a spread-spectrum waveform centered at 1370 MHz. Chip rates of 10 and 20 MHz were used, giving high time-delay resolution. The transmitter end of the measurement link was elevated and fixed while the receiver was mobile. A detailed analysis of the multipath structure was made for various terrain conditions. This included distributions of the number and spacing of individual multi-path components as a function of amplitude threshold and also distribution of total delay. Thresholds are referenced to both average signal level and the maximum level in each pulse interval. Some instances of spatial variation of the received signal are also presented. 相似文献