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Antioxidative activity of pea bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) extract was evaluated by using a linoleic acid system, and the methanol extract exhibited strong antioxidative activity as measured by the thiocyanate method. The crude methanol extract was partitioned between then-butanol phase (BP) and the water phase (WP). Then, the antioxidative activity of the BP and the WP was determined by using a linoleic acid system. The WP showed strong antioxidative activity, while BP showed only weak activity as measured by the thiocyanate method. Next, the synergistic antioxidative action of WP with α-tocopherol was examined by using linoleic acid and liposome systems. The WP had a synergistic effect with α-tocopherol in both the food model and liposome systems. For purification and isolation of the antioxidative substances of the pea bean, preparative high-performance liquid chromatography was carried out with an octadecylsilyl column. Five fractions were collected, and antioxidative activity was determined in a linoleic acid system. Although fraction 1 had strong activity by the thiocyanate method, the purification of this active fraction was difficult; therefore, the partly characterized active fraction was investigated. The contents of total phenolics and sugars were 0.31±0.01 mg/g of fraction 1 and 406.1±0.1 mg/g, respectively. The ninhydrin chromogenic reaction was positive, and the ultraviolet absorption spectral λ max value in distilled water was 264.0 nm, indicating that the water-soluble antioxidative components from pea bean may be a new type of antioxidant. Isolation and identification are currently being investigated.  相似文献   

Seed oils from five legume cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris, grown in Japan, were extracted and classified by thin‐layer chromatography (TLC) into seven fractions: hydrocarbons (HC; 0.7–1.4 wt‐%), steryl esters (SE; 1.7–3.3 wt‐%), triacylglycerols (TAG; 33.8–45.9 wt‐%), free fatty acids (FFA; 0.6–1.5 wt‐%), sn‐1,3‐diacylglycerols (1,3‐DAG; 0.3–1.0 wt‐%), sn‐1,2‐diacylglycerols (1,2‐DAG; 0.4–1.2 wt‐%) and phospholipids (PL; 49.4–58.8 wt‐%). Fatty acids derivatized as methyl esters were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and a flame ionization detector. Molecular species and the fatty acid distribution of TAG isolated from the total lipids in the beans were analyzed by a combination of argentation‐TLC and GC. A modified argentation‐TLC procedure, developed to optimize the separation of the complex mixture of total TAG, provided 18 different groups of TAG, based on both the degree of unsaturation and the total length of the three acyl chains of fatty acid groups. SDT (3.2–4.2 wt‐%), M2T (3.8–5.0 wt‐%), D3 (4.8–5.9 wt‐%), MDT (8.0–13.9 wt‐%), D2T (12.5–15.8 wt‐%), MT2 (19.4–22.7 wt‐%), DT2 (17.8–23.5 wt‐%) and T3 (9.2–13.0 wt‐%) were the main TAG components. The dominant fatty acids of TAG were α‐linolenic (48.5–57.8 wt‐%) and linoleic (16.7–25.8 wt‐%) acids, with appreciable amounts of palmitic (8.3–13.2 wt‐%) and oleic (7.8–13.8 wt‐%) acids. The high content of α‐linolenic acid in the cultivars of P. vulgaris could very likely play a beneficial role in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease among the large populations consuming them in Japan.  相似文献   

Biological availability of amino acids of three common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) varieties was evaluated in four, healthy adult subjects, consuming bean-based diets by the amino acid absorption technique and the short-term nitrogen balance method. The amino acid composition was determined according to the ionic interchange method, and tryptophan was estimated by a colorimetric procedure. The essential amino acid (EAA) and non-essential amino acid (NEAA) pattern suggests that no significant differences in content exists in the three bean varieties. When the EAA patterns were compared with those of FAO/WHO, the limiting AA in decreasing order were found to be: tryptophan, valine and threonine (sulfur AA are not considered because the hydrolysis used in this study destroys them); and the AA surpassing the reference pattern were the aromatic AA and isoleucine. Apparent (AD) and true (TD) digestibilities of the EAA fluctuated between 33 and 59% and 60 and 85%, respectively, for black beans. With red beans, these results diminished: 29 and 55% AD and 64 and 81% TD, while for white beans the limits extended: 18 and 57% AD and 36 and 86% TD. Valine proved to be the EAA of lower biological availability, and lysine and phenylalanine the most available. It is suggested that the low digestibility of valine could be due to the amino acid imbalance existing in the bean protein, since this contains an excess of isoleucine and leucine in relation to valine. The AD and TD of the AAE with respect to the NEAA were of 0.89 and 0.98 for black bean, 0.89 and 0.96 for the red and 0.77 and 0.90 for the white, which indicates that biological availability of the NEAA is higher than that of the EAA. Findings thus confirm that biological determination of the TD of protein permits prediction of the TD of the AA, since a positive correlation (r = 0.93) statistically significant was found (p less than 0.05) among them. Utilization of the TD parameter instead of that of AD to estimate the protein quality is therefore recommended.  相似文献   

A 3(2) factor design was carried out in order to investigate the different home-cooking treatments applied in the preparation of pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) on the nutritive value of their protein. The factors studied were previous soaking, type of cooking and addition of cooking broth. Biological evaluation of the protein was performed, and the protein efficiency ratio (PER) and apparent digestibility of the protein (DAP) values were obtained. The tannin content was measured in hulls, cotyledons and in the cooking broths of each experimental treatment. The most significant effect of the PER value was the type of cooking (P less than 0.0001), followed by the addition of cooking broth (P less than 0.05) as well as a significant interaction between cooking method and addition of broth (P less than 0.025). Soaking did not have significant effects per se or through its interactions in relation to PER. The highest values for PER and DAP were obtained with the boiling treatment without broth. The detrimental effect of the cooking broth can be explained by its tannin content (108.5-272.25 mg Eq. catechin/100g).  相似文献   

Beans consumption has been associated to reduction on chronic, non transmissible, diseases development. Generally, its consumption is less to the recommended and it is done principally as whole grain dishes. To increase the consumption, there is an especial interest in the use of new products. The main goal of this research was to design intermediate moisture bean purees (IMP) using soaked, cooked and grained Tortola bean, removing an important testa portion. In preparation of IMP two moisture levels, 25 and 30%, and two glycerol levels, 10 and 15%, were studied. Purees were preserved at ambient temperature (20 +/- 2 degrees C) for 30 days. Proximal analysis, phytate content and trypsin inhibitors were determined in the original non processed purees. IMPs were analyzed at preparation time and after 15 and 30 days of storage for moisture content, pH and water activity. Besides, microbiological analysis for total plate count on aerobic mesophile microorganisms, molds and yeast, total colifoms, fecal coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus, was carried out. Global quality and sensory acceptance was also determined. IMPs presented a(w) values between 0.800 and 0.844, a pH between 6.20 and 6.24 and the microbiological counting was negative or far below the accepted limits for more strict foods. IMPs presented good qualifications for global quality and were well accepted. Sensory parameters maintain their values during storage, except for color that in treatment with 30% moisture and 10% glycerol showed a light darkening. It is possible to elaborate intermediate moisture bean puree, with low level of antinutritional compounds, good quality and sensory acceptance and with adverse conditions for the development of food safety importance microorganisms.  相似文献   

Polyphenolic compounds were extracted from pinto, kidney, white (Great Northern), pink, and black beans by hot methanol extraction and added to soybean oil. Oil oxidation was assayed by thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS). All bean polyphenolics extracts exhibited similar antioxidant capacity in delaying the onset of iron-catalyzed oxidation better than butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), propyl gallate (PG), and ascorbic acid. Bean polyphenolic compounds were stable after heating to 50°C and maintained their antioxidant potential after 3 mon at 4°C. Bean extracts effectively inhibited iron-catalyzed oxidation of soybean oil, probably by chelating metal ions, because no antioxidant effect was observed when soybean oil was oxidized without an iron catalyst.  相似文献   

Samples of cotyledons and whole black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), Tamazulapa variety were stored during six weeks at 37 degrees C and 90% relative humidity to establish chemical and physical changes which occur during storage, and to determine the role played by the seed coat in the hard-to-cook phenomenon. After the storage period, samples of whole beans were divided in two subsamples, with and without the seed coat. These two samples and the cotyledons were analyzed for cooking time, water absorption, dietary fiber, tannic acid, soluble pectins and phytic acid. Cooking time of the whole beans increased from 99 to more than 480 minutes in the six-weeks period; for the cotyledons this value increased from 45 to 111 minutes. Cooking time of the dehulled bean, stored as whole bean, increased from 45 to 111 minutes. Cooking time of the dehulled bean, stored as whole bean, increased from 45 to 103 minutes. Water absorption in the whole beans and the cotyledons decreased, although in the cotyledons it was higher, due perhaps to the great absorption capacity to the seed coat. No changes were observed in the dietary fiber content of the cotyledons nor in the beans dehulled after storage. However, in the whole grains neutro-detergent fiber decreased, while acid detergent fiber, cellulose and lignin did not present significant changes. On the other hand, soluble pectates decreased in the whole bean and in the cotyledons; nevertheless the tannin content (as tannic acid) decreased only in the whole beans (from 3.28 to 1.64 mg/g). The data obtained suggest that the seed coat plays a significant role in the hard-to-cook process of hardening of the bean, before and during storage.  相似文献   

The study reports on the protein digestibility of five cultivars of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) of different color, tested in young adult human subjects, as the sole dietary protein source. Cheese protein was used as reference protein. The cooked beans provided 0.65 g protein/kg/day, and energy intake was adjusted to 45 kcal/kg/day. Results indicated apparent protein digestibility to vary from 49.6 to 62.1%. White colored beans showed the highest value, while black beans gave the lowest. Cheese protein showed an apparent protein digestibility of 76.2%. The true protein digestibility was calculated using the endogenous nitrogen excretion values obtained in the study, as well as literature values. Digestibility increased as expected, but it is still low as compared to other protein sources. A high correlation was found between dry matter digestibility and protein digestibility. Fecal nitrogen was fractionated between soluble and insoluble nitrogen in a 0.02 N NaOH solution. This assay was also carried out in the cooked beans, and findings revealed that the soluble nitrogen fraction was highly correlated with protein digestibility, with a correlation coefficient of -0.94. This fraction, still to be identified, could very well be responsible for the low digestibility values found for common beans in human subjects.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to determine the effect of different solvents on the extraction of protein fractions in beans. Black bean protein was extracted with the following solvents: distilled water, 0.01 M sodium hydroxide, 0.05 M sodium chloride, and 70% ethanol. By using each solvent under different conditions, it was possible to establish the optimum ones for the best extraction and fractionation of proteins from leguminous seeds. These conditions were the following: one hour agitation at room temperature, three successive extractions with the same solvent, and a ratio of solid to solvent of 1:20 W/V. The effect of 24 different sequences of solvents upon the extraction of protein was also investigated. From the extraction point of view, the best sequence of solvents for extracting the protein was that where NaOH constituted the first solvent used; this sequence, however, has the disadvantage of extracting all the protein from the seed, making it impossible to separate other protein fractions by another solvent. If the purpose of the extraction is to separate different protein fractions, the best sequence of solvents is distilled water or sodium chloride in the first place, followed by ethanol and sodium hydroxide. The need for using standardized methodology for the fractionation of protein from seeds in order to obtain comparable data between research laboratories is emphasized.  相似文献   

The antinutritional effect caused by the ingestion of lectins from two Brazilian varieties of beans: Rico 23 and Jalo, was studied in rats. The two varieties were selected in a previous screening of toxicity in rats: one of them (Jalo) was lethal, and the other (Rico 23) was not, when injected intra-peritoneally. Different amounts of each one of the lectins were added to casein experimental diets and fed to rats. The amount of protein (casein) also varied from 5% to 20%. The addition to the diet of 1% lectins from the Jalo variety caused a growth depression, as well as a decrease in food efficiency ratio and serum glucose; also, it reduced the maltase and invertase activity of the intestinal mucosa. All these effects appeared when the protein contents in the rations were 5% or 10%. At the 20% level only a depression of the maltase activity was observed. Similar effects were shown by the lectins of the Rico 23 variety, but only when added in a higher (5%) percentage to the diet. The phosphatase and protease activity were not changed by any of the lectins. The inhibitor activity that occurred in vivo was not detected in vitro.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a food crop that is an important source of dietary proteins and carbohydrates. Marsh spot is a physiological disorder that diminishes seed quality in beans. Prior research suggested that this disease is likely caused by manganese (Mn) deficiency during seed development and that marsh spot resistance is controlled by at least four genes. In this study, genetic mapping was performed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) and the potential candidate genes associated with marsh spot resistance. All 138 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) from a bi-parental population were evaluated for marsh spot resistance during five years from 2015 to 2019 in sandy and heavy clay soils in Morden, Manitoba, Canada. The RILs were sequenced using a genotyping by sequencing approach. A total of 52,676 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified and filtered to generate a high-quality set of 2066 SNPs for QTL mapping. A genetic map based on 1273 SNP markers distributed on 11 chromosomes and covering 1599 cm was constructed. A total of 12 stable and 4 environment-specific QTL were identified using additive effect models, and an additional two epistatic QTL interacting with two of the 16 QTL were identified using an epistasis model. Genome-wide scans of the candidate genes identified 13 metal transport-related candidate genes co-locating within six QTL regions. In particular, two QTL (QTL.3.1 and QTL.3.2) with the highest R2 values (21.8% and 24.5%, respectively) harbored several metal transport genes Phvul.003G086300, Phvul.003G092500, Phvul.003G104900, Phvul.003G099700, and Phvul.003G108900 in a large genomic region of 16.8–27.5 Mb on chromosome 3. These results advance the current understanding of the genetic mechanisms of marsh spot resistance in cranberry common bean and provide new genomic resources for use in genomics-assisted breeding and for candidate gene isolation and functional characterization.  相似文献   

Extraction, fractionation and characterization by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of proteins from Carioca 80 beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) were performed at three pH values (2.5, 8.0 and 9.0). Extraction at pH 7.0 proved to be more efficient and, after dialysis, produced a better separation of the albumin and globulin fractions. Relative mobility of the main protein in the globulin fractions occurred between 0.30 and 0.40, and dissociation was observed when the pH was increased. The two most representative bands gave molecular weights of 35,400 and 76,900, while in regard to the trypsin inhibitor, three bands gave 28,800, 22,500 and 18,300. Pepsin and pancreatin in vitro digestibility rendered values of 33.43% and 62.63% for whole flour and for protein precipitated at pH 4.5, respectively. The content of available methionine found, of 1.36 g/16 g N, appears to be high in relation to that of other bean varieties.  相似文献   

Trypsin inhibitors, alfa amylase inhibitors and hemagglutinins were determined in black beans (P. vulgaris) produced in Costa Rica. The effect of the traditional cooking on such antinutritional factors was also studied. The antinutritional factors were analyzed spectrophotometrically in the raw beans, as well as after several cooking periods of time. The results showed that alfa-amylase inhibitors were the most thermoresistant. After 30 min of cooking time there was a 33% of activity left from the initial activity of the raw beans. Approximately 80% of the antitryptic activity was destroyed at 9 min of cooking time. After 10 min of cooking time, only 1% of hemagglutinin activity was present.  相似文献   

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