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介绍了九江市电力供需情况和电力需求侧管理发展现状,并分析了开展电力需求侧管理工作存在的主要障碍。在此基础上,提出了建设电能服务管理平台、规模实施能效电厂、推进电力负荷管理、促进电能服务产业发展、加强基础能力建设等实施策略。  相似文献   

电力需求侧管理经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了电力需求侧管理在中国的发展现状及存在的问题,指出,采用电力需求侧管理和一定的激励机制引导电力用户合理用电,可提高电能利用效率,节约电力和电量。  相似文献   

中国是世界第一煤电装机大国,煤电在电源结构中处于绝对支柱的地位,但是近年来煤电的年利用小时一直偏低,煤电过剩严重。煤电的定位、发展趋势受电力需求增长和其他电源供给能力两方面因素的影响。本文对煤电的发展现状进行了分析,对未来中国电力需求进行了预测和展望,对非煤清洁电力的供给潜力进行了分析,对存量煤电进一步优化利用的潜力进行了分析,在此基础上对未来煤电的发展趋势和定位进行了展望。结果表明,未来中国电力需求增速将进一步放缓,通过增加非煤清洁电力供给和强化需求侧管理基本能够满足未来的用电需求,如果再考虑存量煤电的优化利用潜力,未来完全不需要新增煤电装机。煤电的发展定位需要尽快作出调整,应该通过市场手段来引导煤电从电量型向电力电量型转变,向提供辅助服务、保障灵活性、可靠性转变。  相似文献   

郑龙 《上海节能》2005,(3):26-27,62
电力需求侧管理是经委目前抓的主要工作之一,目的一是抓平衡电力供需,尤其是今年;二是从长远来看如何做好节电节能和电力需求侧管理。  相似文献   

2004年用电高峰即将来临,电力供需矛盾在一些地区仍然比较突出。为此,4月6日至7日,国家发改委和国家电监会在江苏南京联合召开全国电力需求侧管理经验交流会,总结推广需求侧管理经验,研究需求侧管理办法,以努力缓解当前电力供需紧张的矛盾。会议提出,加强电力需求侧管  相似文献   

加强电力要求侧管理是解决电力供需予盾的重要措施之一,从电力需求侧管理工作的意义,兄弟省市加强需求侧管理的先进经验,分析了山西省这方面存在的问题并提出建议。  相似文献   

据中电联发布的《2007年上半年全国电力供需与经济运行形势分析预测报告》显示,2007年上半年,受各区域内发电装机快速增长并基本形成稳定生产能力、区域内电力电量平衡能力进一步增强等因素影响,全国跨区域送电量保持基本平稳状态,但是灵活调剂更加频繁,跨区送电量共完成349.88亿kWh,同比降低2.93%。  相似文献   

中国“十二五”电力节能减排展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"十一五"期间,由于国家高度重视,目标明确,出台相关法规、政策措施,加快技术进步和产业化发展,推动采用经济手段和市场机制,我国电力节能减排取得了巨大成就。"十二五"时期,电力行业一方面要保障国民经济平稳快速增长,另一方面要加快转变电力发展方式,因此电力发展应该是安全、稳定和节能减排约束下的可持续发展。本文在对电力工业发展预测、电力节能减排法规政策趋势分析、节能减排目标及指标体系设定的基础上,提出了加快电力结构调整、积极应对气候变化、推动电力节能减排产业化、完善法律法规和政策体系、加强电力需求侧管理、更加注重从源头节能减排、加强污染物控制等方面的措施及政策建议。  相似文献   

国家电力监管委员会副主席宋密在南京召开的全国电力需求侧管理经验交流会上说,预计今年我国电力供需缺口在2000万kW以上。  相似文献   

2003年全国电力供需形势已从2002年的总体偏紧转为更加严峻。缺电地区的拉闸限电,负荷与电量均比上年有较大幅度的增加。现在大家最关心的问题是:究竟2004年全国电力供需形势比2003年更严峻还是会有所好转?  相似文献   

Our society derives a quantifiable benefit from electric power. In particular, forced outages or blackouts have enormous consequences on society, one of which is loss of economic surplus. The society relies on having a continuous supply of electrical energy. Some customers may willingly risk this continuous supply and participate in demand management programs for electrical power. If the power system grid is in trouble, electric utilities need to have demand relief. Customers willing to reduce their demand to help the system can receive an incentive fee for helping the utilities. Demand relief can be system wide or location specific. Sometimes it can be more effective to fix the electrical demand vs. supply imbalance from the demand side. The value of demand management contracts is greatly affected by customer location. Inclusion of locational attributes into the contract design procedure increases the effectiveness of the contracts by helping a utility get more value from its demand management programs. Independent System Operators and regulators, among others, can also benefit from effective demand management. This paper will investigate how this type of demand management contracts can help the electricity sector both in regulated and deregulated environments.  相似文献   

The recent deregulation of the market for electric power in many parts of the US and Canada has expanded the set of potential tools for managing the types of risks faced by both generators and consumers of electric power. In particular manufacturing and other firms whose operations are powered by electricity now face, on a continuing basis, the engineering management decisions concerning whether they should buy or produce electricity, and if they are to buy or sell electricity, what types of contracts are optimum. These types of risk management decisions typically involve futures, forwards, options and other financial derivatives. The price and volatility of electric power are known to play an essential role in determining which of these instruments should be used. However, electricity as a commodity possesses certain special features not shared by other commodities and hence its risk properties are not yet well understood. In this paper we consider and test certain hypotheses about the properties of electricity price using recent market data. We find that electricity prices possess certain volatility and other systematic properties that can be characterized by the type and method of delivery of electricity. These properties can be used by firms in formulating their optimal demand and supply schedules of electric power.  相似文献   

建立负荷在功率约束与需求响应约束下的激励需求响应模型以及含分布式电源、储能与电动汽车的家庭用电模型,在预测模型多时间尺度能量管理的基础上,以最小化用户自身用电费用与买电功率波动的两层目标函数实时优化调整策略。通过实时调整储电池、电动汽车的充放电,从而保证用户购电满足需求相应的要求。最后采用改进的粒子群算法对多时间尺度目标函数进行求解,并且与原始的粒子群算法进行对比,结果表明所提算法可显著降低用户的用电费用与功率波动。  相似文献   

对电价再度上调的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王信茂 《中国能源》2004,26(8):12-14
本文针对我国电力市场供需形势,对国家关于电价再度上调的原因做了分析,指出此次电价再度上调的目的与作用是:国家运用价格杠杆,缓解电力供需紧张状况;解决电力企业经营中存在的困难和问题;加速产业结构调整;营造电力市场化改革的良好环境。文中还提出了国家要抓紧电价的总体改革、研究并及时出台稳定电煤价格、保证电煤供应的有力措施、电力企业要注意提高企业内部科学管理,进一步制定开源节流措施等建议。  相似文献   

The energy-system optimization model MODEST is described, especially heat storage and electricity load management. Linear programming is used for minimization of capital and operation costs. MODEST may be used to find the optimal investments and when to make them. The period under study can be divided into several linked subperiods which may consist of an arbitrary number of years. MODEST is here applied to a municipal electricity and district-heating system during three five-year periods. Each year is divided into three seasons. Demand peaks, as well as weekly and diurnal variations of, for example, costs are considered. The electricity demand is divided into the three sectors households, industries, and service. The electricity demand may be reduced by energy conservation, replacement of electric heating and load management. The profitability of load management, as well as cogeneration with and without heat storage at different prices of purchased power is calculated. At traditional Swedish electricity prices, the local utility should build a woodchips-fired steam-cycle CHP (combined heat and power) plant. Consumers would find it beneficial to reduce their electricity use by conservation and switching from electric heating to oil and biofuel. If just marginal power production costs are paid, the utility should introduce biomass-fired heat-only boilers instead. Electricity conservation is smaller at these lower prices. Load management is mainly profitable at the first price scheme which includes output-power-related charges. The heat storage should be used threefold: to cover demand peaks, as well as to enable increased CHP output when it is limited by the heat demand or to run heat pumps at cheap night electricity instead of in the daytime. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

我国电力供需形势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薛新民 《中国能源》2005,27(3):27-30
总结了2004年我国电力建设的进展,电力生产与消费的增长情况,并对电力供需形势作了分析;对2005年电力供需形势进行了展望,包括电力需求预测、分区的电力供应分析,并提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

针对农业灌溉用电管理与控制中存在的问题,提出在低压供电网的变压器与各用电端口分别设置中心控制器和终端控制器,利用电力线载波通信技术对供电网内的灌溉用电设备进行监控管理,可解决用电成本高、收费难,防盗、窃电等管理问题,为农业灌溉用电管理提供了有效方法。  相似文献   

通过MP2000降压站监控系统实时监控、部门MD计划管理、无功功率因素补偿改造、活塞式空压机更新,提升企业电力调度管理水平,提高企业谷电利用率、电力日负荷率,从而提高企业电力需求侧管理水平。  相似文献   

如何应对当前我国电力供应不足的问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡兆光 《中国能源》2003,25(7):14-17
2003年我国经济增长速度将7.8~8.3%,全社会用电量需求增长也将达11~13%。本文分析了当前我国电力供需紧张的主要原因,电网负荷率降低使得可发电量有余、可供电力不足。为了解决当前电力供应不足的问题,本文提出采用需求侧管理的办法,通过拉大峰谷电价,推出尖峰电价及可中断负荷等措施,降低1000万kW的高峰负荷,缓解电力供应紧张的局面。  相似文献   

A wide range of demand side management (DSM) options has been practiced so far in developed as well as in developing countries. However, solar thermal technologies have been left out from DSM programs considering them as supply side options. This study argues that a number of solar thermal technologies, which provide the same services as electric appliances, can be considered as DSM options and examines the possibility of promoting solar water heaters (SWH) under DSM programs in Thailand. The study found that installation of SWH in place of conventional electric water heaters (EWH) to meet hot water demand in the residential sector would be economically beneficial to the country as a whole. However, switching to SWH from EWH would be unlikely without having government interventions as there would be no incentives to individual consumers in doing so. If the government or state electric utilities provide funding to residential consumers through DSM programs for replacing their EWH by SWH, the total electricity generation in Thailand during the 2000–2015 period would decrease by 3.8 per cent. Moreover, promotion of SWH under DSM programs would cause 3.35 and 1.41 per cent reductions of total power sector CO2‐ and NOx‐emissions respectively, during the same period. This study also reveals that solar thermal technologies, especially the SWH, could be better options for DSM programs compared to the end‐use efficiency improvement options in Thailand. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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