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孙裕坤  杨焘  吴江涛 《化工学报》2022,73(3):1063-1071
基于液相循环法搭建的气液相平衡实验装置,在263.15~323.15 K温度范围内,实验测量了R32+R1234yf和R1234yf+R1234ze(E)二元混合物以及R32+R1234yf+R1234ze(E)三元混合物的气液相平衡数据,利用PRSV状态方程结合WS混合法则和NRTL活度系数模型进行关联拟合,获得二元混合工质的交互参数,并在其基础上预测了三元混合工质气液相平衡性质。计算结果与实验数据对比表明,二元体系R32+R1234yf和R1234yf+R1234ze(E)的压力平均绝对偏差分别为0.71%和0.20%,气相摩尔分数平均绝对偏差均约为0.0016,三元体系R32+R1234yf+R1234ze(E)的压力平均绝对偏差为0.82%,系统组分R32和R1234yf的气相摩尔分数平均绝对偏差均约为0.007。  相似文献   

采用马丁-侯81型方程对制冷剂R134、R134-R134a及R134-R22的热力学性质进行了系统的计算,并绘制了R134的热力学性质图表,为R134在制冷业及相关领域的应用提供了依据。  相似文献   

为制冷工质应用于家用空调的蒸发器优化设计提供依据,在质流密度100—300 kg/(m~2·s)、热流密度10—20 kW/m~2、饱和温度287.15—291.15 K、平均干度0.1—0.9的实验条件下,研究近共沸混合工质R152a/R1234ze(E)(质量比为3∶2)在水平光滑管(内径4 mm)内的沸腾传热特性。分析上述实验条件对该混合工质的沸腾传热系数和临界干度的影响。结果表明:沸腾传热系数随质流密度、热流密度、饱和温度的增加而增大,而随平均干度的增加呈现先增大后减小的变化趋势;此外,临界干度随质流密度的增加而增大,随热流密度的增大而减小。并用4种经典沸腾传热关联式预测了该混合工质的沸腾传热系数,对比实验结果发现Fang等和Choi等的预测精度较高,其平均绝对误差分别为10.63%和24.39%。  相似文献   

金星  张小松 《化工学报》2009,60(4):848-854
Pinch point and maximum temperature difference may occur in heat exchanger because of the non-linear relationship between the temperature and enthalpy of the zeotropic refrigerant mixtures in the two-phase region.The discriminant used to identify the pinch point or maximum temperature difference was presented by Venkatarathnam,but the discriminant can not be used to identify all the kinds of zeotropic refrigerant mixtures.The modified discriminant used to identify the pinch point and maximum temperature difference was obtained in this paper,which was proved by analyzing two zeotropic refrigerant mixtures.The results showed the possible concurrence of pinch point and maximum temperature difference in the heat exchanger.  相似文献   

孟照峰  张华  秦延斌  杨梦  梁浩 《化工学报》2018,69(6):2396-2403
在使用微通道换热器的汽车空调系统中,实验研究了新型混合制冷剂R1234yf/R134a(质量比为89∶11)替代R134a的可行性。实验结果表明,R1234yf/R134a和R134a的制冷量相似,R1234yf/R134a的COP比R134a低4%~9%,R1234yf/R134a的平均压缩机排气温度比R134a低10℃。通过添加质量分数11%的R134a,可以使R1234yf/R134a不可燃。此外,R1234yf/R134a没有臭氧消耗潜力,全球变暖潜能值小于150,符合欧洲汽车空调标准的要求。在几乎不改变原汽车空调系统的情况下,R1234yf/R134a可用作R134a的环保替代品。  相似文献   

混合制冷剂是开拓替代工质的一种途径,是ODS替代品重要替代方案之一,本文列举各种混合制冷剂的特性,并分析讨论,对重要的混合工质的选用问题作有关论述。  相似文献   

杨梦  张华  秦延斌  孟照峰 《化工进展》2019,38(3):1182-1189
R513A是由R134a/R1234yf(质量分数比为56∶44)组成的新型环保制冷剂,其全球变暖潜能(GWP)值低,不可燃。选择混合制冷剂R513A作为研究对象,在原R134a家用电冰箱中进行制冷剂的替代实验研究。实验依据标准BS EN ISO 15502—2005中规定的工况进行,主要从降温时间、耗电量和冷冻能力三方面对R513A在电冰箱中的性能进行评估并与R134a进行对比。实验结果表明:最佳充注量下,R513A降温时间相比R134a降低21%;24h耗电量实验中相比R134a,R513A系统耗电量降低了3.5%,系统稳定运行时R513A的启停率小于R134a;冷冻能力实验中,同一工况下M包达到相同设定温度,R513A比R134a用时少约42.3min。此外在系统稳定运行时,R513A的系统排气温度低于R134a,其他参数和R134a很接近。通过对比实验可知,在未对原冰箱系统进行任何改动的情况下,R513A可以作为R134a的替代制冷剂直接充注到系统中使用。  相似文献   

高学农  杨少华 《化学工程》1999,27(2):15-17,22
混合制冷工质的传热性能差,使得其应用受到一定限制,而采用适当的强化传热技术可以大大提高混合制冷工质传热性能。实验的热流密度范围内,在相同的热流密度条件下,非共沸混合制冷剂R134a/R142b在机械加工表面多孔管外沸腾传热膜系数是光滑管的1.78~3.33倍。  相似文献   

宋畅  吕松  伍勇 《四川化工》2016,(4):8-11
液化天然气(LNG)制备中的混合制冷剂主要由N2和C1~C5组成,各种成分的配比直接影响到液化流程的效率。而优化这些非共沸混合物的配比涉及到过程热力学,是一个复杂的多变量非线性问题。论文综述了国内外文献公开报导的LNG混合制冷剂数值优化方法和原理,并对各种数值优化结果进行了对比分析和讨论。基于现阶段LNG混合制冷剂的主要研究内容和研究成果,提出了进一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

引 言节能与环保是当今国际社会研究的重要课题.各国关注的全球性环境问题之一就是大气臭氧层的破坏, 它与CFCs、HCFCs等制冷剂的生产和排放有关, 目前, 在全球范围内加紧淘汰消耗臭氧层物质已形成国际统一行动. 在制冷空调领域中曾广泛应用的 HCFC22 (R22) 因其 ODP (臭氧耗散潜能) 为 0 055, GWP (温室效应潜能) 为 0 36,被列入逐步禁用范围, 因此, 寻找 R22 的合适替代物具有非常重要的意义. 非共沸混合制冷剂R32/R134a [25% ( mass) /75% ( mass)] 被认为是R22的有效替代物之一, 其沸腾换热特性也得到了广泛的研究. …  相似文献   

杨富方  段远源  杨震 《化工学报》2016,67(Z2):14-19
采用温度相关比容平移项的比容平移Soave-Redlich-Kwong(VTSRK)方程计算新工质R1234yf和R1234ze(E)的热力学性质以及两种物质与CO2的二元混合物性质,混合物计算采用van der Waals混合规则,二元交互作用系数由密度数据拟合得到。对纯净物计算与专用状态方程进行对比,VTSRK方程比SRK方程显著改善了液相密度表征效果。对混合物的密度计算结果与实验数据进行对比,对于R1234yf+CO2二元混合体系方程与实验数据相对均方根偏差为1.17%,对于R1234ze(E)+CO2二元混合体系相对均方根偏差为0.82%。结果显示,采用温度相关比容平移项的VTSRK方程应用于R1234yf和R1234ze(E)纯流体以及R1234yf+CO2和R1234ze(E)+CO2密度性质计算,可获得较高精度。  相似文献   

张迪  杨刚  刘冬鹏  张小玲 《化工学报》2020,71(9):3995-4005
高温热泵可以有效回收工业余热,达到节能减排和保护环境的目的。目前,有关高温热泵技术的研究热点在于寻找一种全球变暖潜能值(GWP)低、使用性能良好的工质,以替代现有CFC-114、HFC-245fa工质。对新型环境友好型工质HFO-1234ze(Z)进行了综述,其GWP<1,临界温度高于423 K,是一种潜在的高温热泵替代工质。总结了近年来国内外学者对HFO-1234ze(Z)的合成技术、热力学性质、输运性质、传热性能等方面的研究,并分析了HFO-1234ze(Z)在高温热泵系统中应用的可行性,认为HFO-1234ze(Z)在高温热泵中具有较好的工作性能和发展前景。  相似文献   

High temperature heat pump can effectively recover industrial waste heat to achieve the purpose of energy saving,emission reduction and environmental protection. At present, novel working fluids for the high temperature heat pumps are studied to replace CFC-114 and HFC-245fa. The alternative working fluid should have low global warming potential (GWP) and good working performance. The eco-friendly working fluid HFO-1234ze(Z), whose GWP < 1 and critical temperature above 423 K, is considered as a potential heat pump replacement working fluid. This paper summarizes the research of HFO-1234ze(Z) including the synthesis technology, thermophysical properties, transport properties, and heat transfer performance. The feasibility of application of HFO-1234ze(Z) in high temperature heat pump system is analyzed. It is considered that HFO-1234ze(Z) has good performance and development prospect in high temperature heat pump.  相似文献   

Aiming at solving the problem of high global warming potential of R134a, a new mixed refrigerant R13I1/R152a (molar fraction ratio of 35:65) with no ozone depletion potential and low global warming potential was proposed as a substitute for R134a in automotive air conditioning. The computational models for the thermodynamic properties of R13I1/R152a were established by using the PR (Peng-Robinson) equation of state combined with the vdW mixing rule. Based on these models, the cycle performance of this working fluid was calculated, which was also compared with that of R134a and R1234yf under the different operating conditions. The results show that R13I1/R152a is a near azeotropic refrigerant whose temperature glide is approximately 0, and the saturated vapor pressure curve of which is equivalent to that of R134a. Moreover, compared to R134a, R13I1/R152a has an average 5.7% improvement in coefficient of performance as well as similar volumetric cooling capacity. The average coefficient of performance and volumetric cooling capacity of R13I1/R152a are significantly higher than those of R1234yf by 13.8% and 12.0%, respectively. However, the average discharge temperature of R13I1/R152a is approximately 13.3 K higher than that of R134a, but it is also within reasonable limits. Hence, the application of the proposed refrigerant R13I1/R152a in automotive air conditioning system is technically feasible.  相似文献   

卢育智 《广东化工》2007,34(5):73-76
本文介绍了利用重整装置丙丁烷为原料,生产环保制冷剂R600a的工艺生产过程。通过确定原料、工艺流程,利用工艺设计软件Aspen plus对该生产装置进行了模拟计算。并提出了该生产装置关键设备的工艺设计方法及设计要点,塔设备的具体操作条件、最佳进料位置的确定,以及建该装置的意义。  相似文献   

张庆庆  张华  娄江峰  李佳  赵巍  王袭  刘占杰 《化工学报》2015,66(7):2387-2394
基于PR状态方程,分模块模拟计算了三级自动复叠制冷系统中R134a/R23/R14三元混合工质的热物理特性参数,得到非共沸混合工质的汽液平衡数据、两相组分,并利用干度计算焓熵值,构建了典型配比下混合工质的压焓图和汽液相平衡图。二元R134a/R23和R32/R134a混合工质的泡点压力和气相组分的计算值与实验测试值的误差分别小于1.3%、1.2%和1.0%、2.4%;三元R32/R125/R134a混合工质95%的计算值与实验值的偏差在±5%之内,表明该模型能满足工程计算需要。利用理论模型,结合实验系统,对R134a/R23/R14三级自动复叠制冷系统进行详细的组分等热物性分析,并在空间压焓图上进行了详细表述。  相似文献   

A new reactive and extractive distillation process with ionic liquids as entrainer and catalyst (RED-IL) was proposed to produce methanol and n-butyl acetate by transesterification reaction of methyl acetate with n-butanol. The RED-IL process was simulated via a rigorous model, and high purity products of methanol and n-butyl acetate can be obtained in such a process. The effects of reflux ratio, feed mode, holdup, feed location, entrainer ratio and catalyst concentration on RED-IL process were investigated. The conversion of methyl acetate and purities of products increase with the holdup in column, entrainer ratio and catalyst content. An optimal reflux ratio exists in RED-IL process. Comparing to the mixed-feed mode, the segregated-feed mode is more effective, in which the optimal feed locations of reactants exist.  相似文献   

For reducing the cure temperature and improving the thermal stability and mechanical properties, a thermosetting resin system composed of novolak and bismaleimide (BMI) was developed by reactive blending and using dicumyl peroxide (DCP) as a novel curing agent. Novolak was allylated and reacted with BMI to produce bismaleimide allylated novolak (BAN), and the effect of DCP on flexural, impact and heat distortion temperature of cured resin were investigated. On the basis of improved mechanical and thermal properties at 0.5% DCP contents, the curing behavior of DCP/BAN resin system was evaluated by DSC analysis. Ene, Diels‐Alder, homo‐polymerization and alternating copolymerization which occurred in DCP/BAN resin system were further verified using FTIR at sequential cure conditions from 140 to 200°C. Kissinger and Ozawa‐Flynn‐wall methods were used to optimize the process and curing reactions of DCP/BAN resin system. The results showed that the addition of 0.5% DCP in BAN reduced the curing temperature and time of the modified resin. For evaluating process ability of the modified system, composite samples using polyvinyl acetyl fiber were molded and tested for flexural properties. The resulting samples showed better flexural properties when compared with the composite made with neat BAN. The modified 0.5% DCP/BAN resin system with good mechanical properties and manufacturability can be used for making bulk molding compounds and fiber reinforced composites required in various commercial and aerospace applications. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2015 , 132, 41829.  相似文献   

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