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基于三维建模的机床夹具CAD系统研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对机床夹具种类多、无固定设计模型和涉及数据资料多的特点,在我们开发机床夹具数字化手册软件的基础上,提出一种基于三维图库的机床夹具CAD软件的总体结构,并论述实现夹具设计手册数字化、夹具元件三维图库以及夹具三维装配等关键技术与实施方法.最后介绍了三维夹具的设计实例.  相似文献   

With the social and economic development and the improvement of people's living standards, smart medical care is booming, and medical image processing is becoming more and more popular in research, of which brain tumor segmentation is an important branch of medical image processing. However, the manual segmentation method of brain tumors requires a lot of time and effort from the doctor and has a great impact on the treatment of patients. In order to solve this problem, we propose a DO-UNet model for magnetic resonance imaging brain tumor image segmentation based on attention mechanism and multi-scale feature fusion to realize fully automatic segmentation of brain tumors. Firstly, we replace the convolution blocks in the original U-Net model with the residual modules to prevent the gradient disappearing. Secondly, the multi-scale feature fusion is added to the skip connection of U-Net to fuse the low-level features and high-level features more effectively. In addition, in the decoding stage, we add an attention mechanism to increase the weight of effective information and avoid information redundancy. Finally, we replace the traditional convolution in the model with DO-Conv to speed up the network training and improve the segmentation accuracy. In order to evaluate the model, we used the BraTS2018, BraTS2019, and BraTS2020 datasets to train the improved model and validate it online, respectively. Experimental results show that the DO-UNet model can effectively improve the accuracy of brain tumor segmentation and has good segmentation performance.  相似文献   

提出一种基于U-net水位线自动分割的新方法,并通过多种场景进行验证。首先标记出原始图像中的水和背景并对其灰度化;然后利用处理后的图像和原始图像制作出数据集,把数据集作为输入利用U-net对图像进行分割;最后将所有分割出来的图像进行边缘提取得到水位线。实验结果表明:U-net水位自动分割可以精确地标记出水位线,同时解决了在水位测量过程中图像背景所带来的影响,分割效果明显优于其它分割方法,识别率达到96%以上。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) brain tumor segmentation is a clinical requirement for brain tumor diagnosis and radiotherapy planning. This is a challenging task due to variation in type, size, location, and shape of tumors. Several methods such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm formed a topological relationship for the slices that converts 2D images into 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images which does not provide accurate results and they depend on the number of input sections, positions, and the shape of the MRI images. In this article, we propose an efficient 3D brain tumor segmentation technique called modified particle swarm optimization. Also, segmentation results are compared with Darwinian particle swarm optimization (DPSO) and fractional-order Darwinian particle swarm optimization (FODPSO) approaches. The experimental results show that our method succeeded 3D segmentation with 97.6% of accuracy rate more efficient if compared with the DPSO and FODPSO methods with 78.1% and 70.21% for the case of T1-C modality.  相似文献   

OpenGL环境下的模型数据库管理与复杂三维建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OpenGL作为一个图形标准具有强大的三维图形处理功能,但建模功能较弱,而专业的三维建模软件却有着很强的建模功能.因此,将OpenGL与三维建模软件相结合,对三维建模软件所创建的模型采用Oracle数据库进行管理,再通过构建不同模型类别的转换模块,实现对最常用的三维模型格式转换的支持.读取模型数据,经转换后在OpenGL环境中重新构建三维模型,由此,解决了OpenGL中的复杂三维建模问题.  相似文献   

为了能够准确判别固体火箭发动机内部缺陷的性质和可能对发动机造成的危害,需要从三维空间的角度来观察分析.在传统的缺陷分析中,主要是通过观察CT的二维切片序列图像以及对二维图像的主观分析去发现缺陷体.为了对缺陷体进行更为准确、立体地分析,提出对固体火箭发动机工业CT三维体数据进行处理.首先,通过结合形态学和Otsu阈值分割方法对缺陷进行分割和提取;然后,重构出缺陷体三维体数据;最后,对体数据进行三维可视化显示.实验结果表明,该方法能有效、准确地分割和提取固体火箭发动机三维CT图像缺陷,具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

目前3D模型动画在影视、游戏等领域得到了广泛的应用,其基本原理是模型中各顶点的位置随着时间的变化而改变,主要分为Morph动画,关节动画和骨骼蒙皮动画(Skinned Mesh)。骨骼蒙皮动画很好地解决了接缝问题,并因其逼真、灵活的交互效果而广受欢迎。本文以智慧城市建设中三维网络教学平台为应用背景,对3D动画中的骨骼蒙皮动画技术原理进行了详细的阐述和分析。并对几种关键帧插值算法进行了比较,期望能更好的改善画面质量,同时提高骨骼蒙皮动画的运行速度,从而优化网络教学平台的视觉效果。  相似文献   

Analysis of three-dimensional frames is a complex process. Each node of these structures has six degrees of freedom, which results in a large set of governing equations. Investigators have utilized the computer power to extend the application of numerical approaches. One of these methods is named dynamic relaxation technique. This strategy explicitly solves the simultaneous system of equations. In this scheme, the static structural equilibrium equations are converted into a dynamic one by adding fictitious mass and damping. To perform nonlinear geometric analysis of 3D frames, 12 classical DR methods are exploited. Previously, the abilities of these approaches in analyzing these structures have not been compared. In each technique, time step, mass, and damping matrices are obtained based on other researchers' works. The structural behavior is assessed with and without considering the shear deformations. For both cases, the load–displacement curves are depicted. In this article, 11 different frames are analyzed. Since a few nonlinear solutions of 3D frames are available, these structures can be used as a benchmark in the future studies. Finally, the used algorithms are graded based on their required number of iterations and analysis time. Findings prove that the Qiang, Rezaiee-Pajand and Sarafrzi techniques perform more successfully in comparison to the other schemes.  相似文献   

Hilbert空间中的Bessel序列   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
研究了Hilert空间H中的Bessel序列,应用算子论方法给出了这 序列成为H中的框架,紧框架、独立框架、Risez基、正规正交基的条件,建立了这些序列与H到l^2中的相应算子之间的对应关系与构造这些序列的统一方法。  相似文献   

This study presents a general procedure of creating pure equilibrium tetrahedral finite elements for use under the elastostatic hypothesis. These pure equilibrium elements are of the Fraeijs de Veubeke type and the degree of the polynomial approximation functions of their internal stress field is the parameter generating this new elements family. The spurious kinematic modes (SKM), inherent in the equilibrium approach, are eliminated at the element level by converting each tetrahedron into a super‐element defined as an assembly of four tetrahedral primitive elements. A mathematical discussion on the number of SKM of the primitive elements as well as their elimination by the super‐element technique has been carried out. The development of first and second degree elements is presented here in detail and their efficiency in the frame of global error estimation by dual analysis is emphasized by two numerical applications. The main attribute of the error estimation by dual analysis is that it provides an upper bound on the global discretization error. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对虚拟装配系统中三维模型数据量大的特点,提出在采用关系数据库表达层次模型的基础上,基于Oracle数据库的LOB(大的二进制对象)来实现三维模型及装配信息的存储与读取功能。应用VC++构建了虚拟装配系统软件平台,实现了三维模型文件在虚拟装配系统中的显示与管理。  相似文献   

Early diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) through the delineation of lesions in the brain magnetic resonance imaging is important in preventing the deteriorating condition of MS. This study aims to develop a modified U-Net model for automating lesions segmentation in MS more accurately. The proposed modified U-Net uses residual dense blocks to replace the standard convolutional stacks and incorporates three axes (axial, sagittal, and coronal) of 2D slice images as input. Furthermore, a custom fusion method is also introduced for merging the predicted lesions from different axes. The model was implemented on ISBI2015 and OpenMS data sets. On ISBI2015, the proposed model achieves the best overall score of 93.090% and DSC of 0.857 on the OpenMS data set.  相似文献   

There has been some degree of success in all‐hexahedral meshing. Standard methods start with the object geometry defined by means of an all‐quadrilateral mesh, followed by the use of the combinatorial dual to the mesh in order to define the internal connectivities among elements. For all of the known methods using the dual concept, it is necessary to first prevent or eliminate self‐intersecting (SI) dual lines of the given quadrilateral mesh. The relevant features of SI lines are studied, giving a method to remove them, which avoids deforming the original geometry. Some examples of resulting meshes are shown where the current meshing method has been successfully applied. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于连续与短切碳纤维复合材料双喷头混合3D打印工艺原理,本文研究了连续碳纤维在实验样条中的排布方式,对3D打印中连续碳纤维的层间布局进行工艺规划,并应用于四足机器人仿生腿的制造,以增强四足机器人仿生腿的承载能力。根据不同工况下四足机器人仿生腿的受力分析及静力学仿真结果,得到仿生腿受力时理论应力集中部位,并由此设计承载力实验对仿生腿30°外展工况持续施加力至额定载荷;通过仿生腿在承载力实验中结构失效的部位与仿真时理论应力集中处的对照分析,证明了仿真结果的准确性。依据仿生腿侧面受力时结构失效的测试评估结果,对3D打印仿生腿中的连续碳纤维的布局进行合理工艺规划,在不增大连续碳纤维整体含量的条件下对应力集中部位进行选择性增强,可在提高3D打印性价比的同时使仿生腿的最大拉升强度提升至310 MPa,从而达到更优的承载作用。  相似文献   

该文对框架-弯曲型支撑的双重抗侧力体系的稳定性,采用简化模型进行分析,其中核心筒被悬臂柱代替,框架被摇摆柱代替.通过这个模型承受水平力和竖向力各自单独和共同作用下的弹塑性稳定的分析,得到了对核心筒的刚度需求.这个规律表明,竖向力和水平力共同作用下的截面刚度需求,大于水平力对核心筒截面的需求和竖向力对核心筒截面刚度的需求...  相似文献   

为实现搅拌混合设备工艺计算、选型、设计流程化和规范化,对该设备的CAD系统进行了研究,分析了系统的功能需求,规划了系统的设计流程,以知识库和三维参数化技术相结合的方式构建了CAD系统,给出了实例数据库的模型结构,并讨论了系统具体的实现方法。  相似文献   

The ability to manufacture 3D metallic architectures with microscale resolution is greatly pursued because of their diverse applications in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) including microelectronics, mechanical metamaterials, and biomedical devices. However, the well-developed photolithography and emerging metal additive manufacturing technologies have limited abilities in manufacturing micro-scaled metallic structures with freeform 3D geometries. Here, for the first time, the high-fidelity fabrication of arbitrary metallic motifs with sub-10 µm resolution is achieved by employing an embedded-writing embedded-sintering (EWES) process. A paraffin wax-based supporting matrix with high thermal stability is developed, which permits the printed silver nanoparticle ink to be pre-sintered at 175 °C to form metallic green bodies. Via carefully regulating the matrix components, the printing resolution is tuned down to ≈7 µm. The green bodies are then embedded in a supporting salt bath and further sintered to realize freeform 3D silver motifs with great structure fidelity. 3D printing of various micro-scaled silver architectures is demonstrated such as micro-spring arrays, BCC lattices, horn antenna, and rotatable windmills. This method can be extended to the high-fidelity 3D printing of other metals and metal oxides which require high-temperature sintering, providing the pathways toward the design and fabrication of 3D MEMS with complex geometries and functions.  相似文献   

提出了一种适用于任意多层电介质分层结构中的3D互连电容参数提取的新方法--反射镜像法.该方法无需对格林函数进行推导,而是根据自由电荷反射原理计算反射镜像的位置和镜像电荷系数从而获得各级镜像分布,继而计算任意多层电介质环境下的3D电容,包括底层或顶层介质接地情况下的3D电容.该方法可克服级数形式的格林函数因受限于电介质分层数目而难以适应大规模集成电路中复杂多变电介质环境下的3D电容参数提取问题.通过对导体面元建立层次式数据结构,这一方法可以利用层次式算法(hierarchical method)实现计算加速.实验证明,该方法能在保证可靠精度的情况下达到迅速收敛,与层次式加速算法结合后,计算效率可达到FastCap法的数倍.  相似文献   

研究了树脂基镀镍碳纤维3D复合材料的不同结构,包括三维五向、正交三向结构对3D复合材料拉伸性能和冲击性能的影响。进行了两种试件力学性能的测定,结果表明,三维五向3D复合材料和正交三向3D复合材料都能达到高的力学性能,在纤维体积含量相近的情况下,三维五向3D复合材料的拉伸强度和冲击强度较正交三向3D复合材料高,拉伸强度可达920 MPa、冲击强度达150 KJ/m2。通过对编织结构的设计,可以设计3D复合材料的性能。  相似文献   

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