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Medical images are obtained with computer-aided diagnosis using electronic devices such as CT scanners and MRI machines. The captured computed tomography (CT)/magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images typically have limited spatial resolution, low contrast, noise and nonuniform variability in intensity due to environmental effects. Therefore, the distinctions of the objects are blurred, distorted and the meanings of the objects are not quite precise. Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic are best suited for addressing vagueness and ambiguity. Fuzzy clustering technique has been commonly used for segmentation of images throughout the last decade. This study presents a comparative study of 14 fuzzy-clustered image segmentation algorithms used in the CT scan and MRI brain image segments. This study used 17 data sets including 4 synthetic data sets, namely, Bensaid, Diamond, Square, and its noisy version, 5 real-world digital images, and 8 CT scan/MRI brain images to analyze the algorithms. Ground truth images are used for qualitative analysis. Apart from the qualitative analysis, the study also quantitatively evaluated the methods using three validity metrics, namely, partition coefficient, partition entropy, and Fukuyama-Sugeno. After a thorough and careful review of the results, it is observed that extension of the fuzzy C-means (EFCM) outperformed every other image segmentation algorithm, even in a noisy environment, followed by kernel-based FCM σ, the output of which is also very good after EFCM.  相似文献   

This article aims at developing an automated hybrid algorithm using Cuckoo Based Search (CBS) and interval type‐2 fuzzy based clustering, so as to exhibit efficient magnetic resonance (MR) brain image segmentation. An automatic MR brain image segmentation facilitates and enables a radiologist to have a brief review and easy analysis of complicated tumor regions of imprecise gray level regions with minimal user interface. The tumor region having severe intensity variations and suffering from poor boundaries are to be detected by the proposed hybrid technique that could ease the process of clinical diagnosis and this tends to be the core subject of this article. The ability of the proposed technique is compared using standard comparison parameters such as mean squared error, peak signal to noise ratio, computational time, Dice Overlap Index, and Jaccard T animoto C oefficient Index. The proposed CBS combined with interval type‐2 fuzzy based clustering produces a sensitivity of 0.7143 and specificity of 0.9375, which are far better than the conventional techniques such as kernel based, entropy based, graph‐cut based, and self‐organizing maps based clustering. Appreciable segmentation results of tumor region that enhances clinical diagnosis is made available through this article and two of the radiologists who have hands on experience in the field of radiology have extended their support in validating the efficiency of the proposed methodology and have given their consent in utilizing the proposed methodology in the processes of clinical oncology.  相似文献   

Fully automatic brain tumor segmentation is one of the critical tasks in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images. This proposed work is aimed to develop an automatic method for brain tumor segmentation process by wavelet transformation and clustering technique. The proposed method using discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for pre‐ and post‐processing, fuzzy c‐means (FCM) for brain tissues segmentation. Initially, MRI images are preprocessed by DWT to sharpen the images and enhance the tumor region. It assists to quicken the FCM clustering technique and classified into four major classes: gray matter (GM), white matter (WM), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and background (BG). Then check the abnormality detection using Fuzzy symmetric measure for GM, WM, and CSF classes. Finally, DWT method is applied in segmented abnormal region of images respectively and extracts the tumor portion. The proposed method used 30 multimodal MRI training datasets from BraTS2012 database. Several quantitative measures were calculated and compared with the existing. The proposed method yielded the mean value of similarity index as 0.73 for complete tumor, 0.53 for core tumor, and 0.35 for enhancing tumor. The proposed method gives better results than the existing challenging methods over the publicly available training dataset from MICCAI multimodal brain tumor segmentation challenge and a minimum processing time for tumor segmentation. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 26, 305–314, 2016  相似文献   

Diagnosis using medical images helps doctors detect diseases and treat patients effectively. A system that segments objects automatically from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) plays an important role when doctors diagnose injuries and brain diseases. This article presents a method for automatic brain, scalp, and skull segmentation from MRI that uses Bitplane and the Adaptive Fast Marching method (FMM). We focus on the segmentation of these tissues, especially the brain, because they are the essential objects, and their segmentation is the first step in the segmentation of other tissues. First, the type of each slice is set based on the shape of the brain, and the head region is segmented by removing its background. Second, the sure region and the unsure region are segmented based on the Bitplane method. Finally, this work proposes an approach for classification that is based on the Adaptive FMM. This approach is evaluated with the BrainWeb and Neurodevelopmental MRI databases and compared with other methods. The Dice Averages for brain, scalp, and skull segmentation are 96%, 80%, and 93%, respectively, on the BrainWeb database and 91%, 67%, and 80%, respectively, on the Neurodevelopmental MRI database.  相似文献   

Tissues in brain are the most complicated parts of our body, a clear examination and study are therefore required by a radiologist to identify the pathologies. Normal magnetic resonance (MR) scanner is capable of producing brain images with bounded tissues, where unique and segregated views of the tissues are required. A distinguished view upon the images is manually impossible and can be subjected to operator errors. With the assistance of a soft computing technique, an automated unique segmentation upon the brain tissues along with the identification of the tumor region can be effectively done. These functionalities assist the radiologist extensively. Several soft computing techniques have been proposed and one such technique which is being proposed is PSO‐based FCM algorithm. The results of the proposed algorithm is compared with fuzzy C‐means (FCM) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithms using comparison factors such as mean square error (MSE), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), entropy (energy function), Jaccard (Tanimoto Coefficient) index, dice overlap index and memory requirement for processing the algorithm. The efficiency of the PSO‐FCM algorithm is verified using the comparison factors.  相似文献   

In brain MR images, the noise and low‐contrast significantly deteriorate the segmentation results. In this paper, we introduce a novel application of dual‐tree complex wavelet transform (DT‐CWT), and propose an automatic unsupervised segmentation method integrating DT‐CWT with self‐organizing map for brain MR images. First, a multidimensional feature vector is constructed based on the intensity, low‐frequency subband of DT‐CWT, and spatial position information. Then, a spatial constrained self‐organizing tree map (SCSOTM) is presented as the segmentation system. It adaptively captures the complicated spatial layout of the individual tissues, and overcomes the problem of overlapping gray‐scale intensities for different tissues. SCSOTM applies a dual‐thresholding method for automatic growing of the tree map, which uses the information from the high‐frequency subbands of DT‐CWT. The proposed method is validated by extensive experiments using both simulated and real T1‐weighted MR images, and compared with the state‐of‐the‐art algorithms. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 24, 208–214, 2014  相似文献   

To propose and implement an automated machine learning (ML) based methodology to predict the overall survival of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) patients. In the proposed methodology, we used deep learning (DL) based 3D U-shaped Convolutional Neural Network inspired encoder-decoder architecture to segment the brain tumor. Further, feature extraction was performed on these segmented and raw magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans using a pre-trained 2D residual neural network. The dimension-reduced principal components were integrated with clinical data and the handcrafted features of tumor subregions to compare the performance of regression-based automated ML techniques. Through the proposed methodology, we achieved the mean squared error (MSE) of 87 067.328, median squared error of 30 915.66, and a SpearmanR correlation of 0.326 for survival prediction (SP) with the validation set of Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation 2020 dataset. These results made the MSE far better than the existing automated techniques for the same patients. Automated SP of GBM patients is a crucial topic with its relevance in clinical use. The results proved that DL-based feature extraction using 2D pre-trained networks is better than many heavily trained 3D and 2D prediction models from scratch. The ensembled approach has produced better results than single models. The most crucial feature affecting GBM patients' survival is the patient's age, as per the feature importance plots presented in this work. The most critical MRI modality for SP of GBM patients is the T2 fluid attenuated inversion recovery, as evident from the feature importance plots.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a fully automated method for MR brain image segmentation into Gray Matter, White Matter and Cerebro‐spinal Fluid. It is an extension of Fuzzy C Means Clustering Algorithm which overcomes its drawbacks, of sensitivity to noise and inhomogeneity. In the conventional FCM, the membership function is computed based on the Euclidean distance between the pixel and the cluster center. It does not take into consideration the spatial correlation among the neighboring pixels. This means that the membership values of adjacent pixels belonging to the same cluster may not have the same range of membership value due to the contamination of noise and hence misclassified. Hence, in the proposed method, the membership function is convolved with mean filter and thus the local spatial information is incorporated in the clustering process. The method further includes pixel re‐labeling and contrast enhancement using non‐linear mapping to improve the segmentation accuracy. The proposed method is applied to both simulated and real T1‐weighted MR brain images from BrainWeb and IBSR database. Experiments show that there is an increase in segmentation accuracy of around 30% over the conventional methods and 6% over the state of the art methods.  相似文献   

We propose in this article an approach to optimize the processing time and to improve the quality of brain magnetic resonance images segmentation. Level set method (LSM) was adopted with a periodic reinitialization process to prevent the LS function from being too steep or too flat near the interface. Although it is used to maintain the stability of the interface evolution and gives interesting results, it requires a longer processing time. To overcome this disadvantage and reduce the processing time, we propose a hybridization with a regular Gaussian pyramid, which reduces the resolution of the initial image and prevents the possibility of local minima. To compare the different segmentation algorithms, we used six types of quality measurements: specificity, sensitivity, Dice similarity, the Jaccard index, and the correctly and incorrectly marked pixels. A comparison between the results obtained by LSM, LSM with reinitialization, the approach of Barman et al., An International Journal 1 (2011), particle swarm optimization based on the Chan and Vese model (Mandal et al., Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 35 (2014), 199‐214) and by our hybrid approach reveals a clear efficiency of our hybridization strategy. The processing time was significantly reduced, and the quality of segmentation was improved. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 26, 243–253, 2016  相似文献   

In medical imaging, segmenting brain tumor becomes a vital task, and it provides a way for early diagnosis and treatment. Manual segmentation of brain tumor in magnetic resonance (MR) images is a time‐consuming and challenging task. Hence, there is a need for a computer‐aided brain tumor segmentation approach. Using deep learning algorithms, a robust brain tumor segmentation approach is implemented by integrating convolution neural network (CNN) and multiple kernel K means clustering (MKKMC). In this proposed CNN‐MKKMC approach, classification of MR images into normal and abnormal is performed by CNN algorithm. At next, MKKMC algorithm is employed to segment the brain tumor from the abnormal brain image. The proposed CNN‐MKKMC algorithm is evaluated both visually and objectively in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity with the existing segmentation methods. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed CNN‐MKKMC approach yields better accuracy in segmenting brain tumor with less time cost.  相似文献   

Segmentation of brain tumor images is an important task in diagnosis and treatment planning for cancer patients. To achieve this goal with standard clinical acquisition protocols, conventionally, either classification algorithms are applied on multimodal MR images or atlas‐based segmentation is used on a high‐resolution monomodal MR image. These two approaches have been commonly regarded separately. We propose to integrate all the available imaging information into one framework to be able to use the information gained from the tissue classification of the multimodal images to perform a more precise segmentation on the high‐resolution monomodal image by atlas‐based segmentation. For this, we combine a state of the art regularized classification method with an enhanced version of an atlas‐registration approach including multiscale tumor‐growth modeling. This contribution offers the possibility to simultaneously segment subcortical structures in the patient by warping the respective atlas labels, which is important for neurosurgical planning and radiotherapy planning. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 23, 59–63, 2013  相似文献   

Reliable brain tumor radiology is one of the serious mortality issues of medical hospitals and on priority of healthcare departments. In this research, the presence of brain tumor and its type (if exists) is automatically diagnosed from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The first step is most important where suitable parameters from Gabor texture analysis are extracted and then classified with a support vector machine. The drive of this research activity is to verify robustness of the proposed model on cross datasets, so that it could deal with variability and multiformity present in MRI data. Further to this, the developed approach is able to deploy as a real application in the local environment. Therefore, once a model has been trained and tested on an openly available benchmarked dataset, it is retested on a different dataset acquired from a local source. Standard evaluation measures, that is, accuracy, specificity, sensitivity, precision, and AUC-values have been used to evaluate the robustness of the proposed method. It has been established that the proposed method has the ability to deal with multiformity, variability, and local medical traits present in brain MRI data.  相似文献   

Female pelvic disorders have a large social impact; the diagnosis of which relies on a key indication: pelvic mobility. The normal mobility is present in a healthy patient, meanwhile the hypermobility can be a sign of female pelvic prolapse and the hypomobility for endometriosis. The evaluation of pelvic mobility is based on medical image analysis. However, the latter does not provide precise values of these indicators directly. Moreover, suspension devices play an important role in pelvic organ function but can hardly be observed on medical images. Our objective is to propose an image‐based analysis tool for the quantitative evaluation of pelvic mobility and the shear strain which has an impact on suspension devices. Hence, this paper introduces a such tool based on an efficient and semiautomatic motion tracking of multiple pelvic organs: the bladder, vagina, and rectum presented in dynamic magnetic resonance imaging sequences. The method was validated on prototypical images and applied to different mobility cases. The computed displacement and shear strain fields provide important information on the quality of suspension devices between organs for a fine diagnosis in the clinical context, for example, the early diagnosis of female pelvic prolapse and the localization of possible lesion areas before surgery. Meanwhile, the predicted mobility can be used to compare with the finite element model for numerical simulation.  相似文献   

Tumor and Edema region present in Magnetic Resonance (MR) brain image can be segmented using Optimization and Clustering merged with seed‐based region growing algorithm. The proposed algorithm shows effectiveness in tumor detection in T1 ‐ w, T2 – w, Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery and Multiplanar Reconstruction type MR brain images. After an initial level segmentation exhibited by Modified Particle Swarm Optimization (MPSO) and Fuzzy C – Means (FCM) algorithm, the seed points are initialized using the region growing algorithm and based on these seed points; tumor detection in MR brain images is done. The parameters taken for comparison with the conventional techniques are Mean Square Error, Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, Jaccard (Tanimoto) index, Dice Overlap indices and Computational Time. These parameters prove the efficacy of the proposed algorithm. Heterogeneous type tumor regions present in the input MR brain images are segmented using the proposed algorithm. Furthermore, the algorithm shows augmentation in the process of brain tumor identification. Availability of gold standard images has led to the comparison of the suggested algorithm with MPSO‐based FCM and conventional Region Growing algorithm. Also, the algorithm recommended through this research is capable of producing Similarity Index value of 0.96, Overlap Fraction value of 0.97 and Extra Fraction value of 0.05, which are far better than the values articulated by MPSO‐based FCM and Region Growing algorithm. The proposed algorithm favors the segmentation of contrast enhanced images. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 27, 33–45, 2017  相似文献   

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