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在犹豫模糊环境下,主要研究了基于阿基米德范数的广义信息集成算法,并提出了一种新的多属性群决策方法。基于阿基米德T-范数和S-范数,定义了广义犹豫模糊运算法则;运用新定义的广义犹豫模糊运算法则,提出了广义犹豫模糊有序加权平均(G-HFOWA)算子,研究了其优良性质;探讨了在某些特殊情况下,广义犹豫模糊有序加权平均算子将转化为一些常见的犹豫模糊信息集成算子,包括犹豫模糊有序加权平均算子、犹豫模糊Einstein有序加权平均算子、犹豫模糊Hamacher有序加权平均算子以及犹豫模糊Frank有序加权平均算子;基于广义信息集成算子,构建了一种新的犹豫模糊多属性群决策方法,并将其应用于区域经济协调发展研究过程中,以验证提出的决策方法是可行的与有效的。 相似文献
For multiple-attribute decision making problems in Pythagorean fuzzy environment, few existing aggregation operators consider interrelationships among the attributes. To deal with this issue, this article extends the Bonferroni means to Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFSs) to provide Pythagorean Fuzzy Bonferroni means. We first extend t-norm and its dual t-conorm to propose the generalized operational laws for PFSs, which can be considered as the extensions of the known ones. Based on these new laws, Pythagorean fuzzy weighted Bonferroni mean operator and Pythagorean fuzzy weighted geometric Bonferroni mean operator are developed, both of them can capture the correlations among Pythagorean fuzzy input arguments and their desired properties and special cases are also investigated in detail. At last, a novel approach is proposed based on the developed operators with its effectiveness being proved by an investment selection problem. 相似文献
针对毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊多属性决策中,集成算子的重要作用以及集成算子不完善的情况,较为系统地研究了毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊集成算子。为此,在毕达哥拉斯模糊数的运算和运算法则基础上,定义了毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊有序加权平均算子(PHFOWA)、广义有序加权平均算子(GPHFOWA)和混合平均算子(PHFHA),以及毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊有序加权几何平均算子(PHFOWG)、广义有序加权几何平均算子(GPHFOWG)和混合几何平均算子(PHFHG),并结合数学归纳法,分别给出了它们的计算公式,讨论了它们的有界性、单调性和置换不变性等性质。建立了基于毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊集成算子的多属性决策方法,并应用算例和相关方法比较说明了决策方法的可行性与有效性。 相似文献
Pythagorean fuzzy set (PFS) is a powerful tool to deal with the imprecision and vagueness. Many aggregation operators have been proposed by many researchers based on PFSs. But the existing methods are under the hypothesis that the decision-makers (DMs) and the attributes are at the same priority level. However, in real group decision-making problems, the attribute and DMs may have different priority level. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce multiattribute group decision-making (MAGDM) based on PFSs where there exists a prioritization relationship over the attributes and DMs. First we develop Pythagorean fuzzy Einstein prioritized weighted average operator and Pythagorean fuzzy Einstein prioritized weighted geometric operator. We study some of its desirable properties such as idempotency, boundary, and monotonicity in detail. Moreover we propose a MAGDM approach based on the developed operators under Pythagorean fuzzy environment. Finally, an illustrative example is provided to illustrate the practicality of the proposed approach. 相似文献
Meimei Xia 《国际通用系统杂志》2018,47(3):278-293
Fuzzy game theory has been applied in many decision-making problems. The matrix game with interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IVIFNs) is investigated based on Archimedean t-conorm and t-norm. The existing matrix games with IVIFNs are all based on Algebraic t-conorm and t-norm, which are special cases of Archimedean t-conorm and t-norm. In this paper, the intuitionistic fuzzy aggregation operators based on Archimedean t-conorm and t-norm are employed to aggregate the payoffs of players. To derive the solution of the matrix game with IVIFNs, several mathematical programming models are developed based on Archimedean t-conorm and t-norm. The proposed models can be transformed into a pair of primal–dual linear programming models, based on which, the solution of the matrix game with IVIFNs is obtained. It is proved that the theorems being valid in the exiting matrix game with IVIFNs are still true when the general aggregation operator is used in the proposed matrix game with IVIFNs. The proposed method is an extension of the existing ones and can provide more choices for players. An example is given to illustrate the validity and the applicability of the proposed method. 相似文献
研究毕达哥拉斯模糊决策环境下的集成算子及其决策应用.给出拟加权几何集成算子和拟有序加权几何算子的概念, 并分析 它们的性质.将有序加权平均算子、有序加权几何算子、拟有序加权平均算子和拟有序加权几何算子推广到毕达哥拉斯 模糊决策环境, 定义毕达哥拉斯模糊有序加权平均算子、广义毕达哥拉斯模糊有序加权平均算子、毕达哥拉斯模糊有序加权几何算子、广义毕达哥拉斯模糊有序加权几何 算子、拟毕达哥拉斯模糊有序加权平均算子和拟毕达哥拉斯模糊有序加权几何算子.提出基于广义毕达哥拉斯模糊集成算子的决策方法, 并通过实例验证其可行性. 相似文献
A Pythagorean fuzzy set, an extension of intuitionistic fuzzy sets, is very helpful in representing vague information that occurs in real world scenarios. The Dombi operators with operational parameters, have excellent flexibility. Due to the flexible nature of these Dombi operational parameters, this research paper introduces some new aggregation operators under Pythagorean fuzzy environment, including Pythagorean Dombi fuzzy weighted arithmetic averaging (PDFWAA) operator, Pythagorean Dombi fuzzy weighted geometric averaging (PDFWGA) operator, Pythagorean Dombi fuzzy ordered weighted arithmetic averaging operator and Pythagorean Dombi fuzzy ordered weighted geometric averaging operator. Further, this paper presents several advantageous characteristics, including idempotency, monotonicity, boundedness, reducibility and commutativity of preceding operators. By utilizing PDFWAA and PDFWGA operators, this article describes a multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) technique for solving MCDM problems. Finally, a numerical example related to selection of a leading textile industry is presented to illustrate the applicability of our proposed technique. 相似文献
The aim of this paper is to develop some new power aggregation operators for intuitionistic fuzzy (IF) soft numbers. The aggregation operators are named as IF soft power averaging (IFSPA) operator, weighted IFSPA (WIFSPA) operator, ordered WIFSPA operator, IF soft power geometric (IFSPG) operator, and weighted and ordered weighted IFSPG aggregation operators. The salient features of these operators are discussed in detail. Further, these operators are extended to its generalized version and called generalized IFSPA or geometric aggregation operators. Then, we utilized these operators to develop an approach to solve the decision-making problem under IF soft set environment and demonstrated with an illustrative example. A comparative analysis of existing approaches has been done for showing the validity of the proposed work. 相似文献
Pythagorean模糊集在直觉模糊集的基础上扩大了适用范围,三角模糊数在决策过程中可以保留决策者较多的不确定信息.鉴于此,首先提出三角Pythagorean模糊集的定义及其欧氏距离表示;然后定义三角Pythagorean模糊加权平均(TPFWA)算子、广义三角Pythagorean模糊加权平均(GTPFWA)算子、三角Pythagorean模糊加权几何(TPFWG)算子和广义三角Pythagorean模糊加权几何(GTPFWG)算子,并对算子所满足的幂等性、有界性和单调性予以证明;最后通过一个医药代表选择的多准则决策问题和灵敏度分析验证所提出算子的合理性和有效性. 相似文献
对于犹豫三角模糊元中不同的元素作为隶属度的重要性不同,提出加权犹豫三角模糊元和加权犹豫三角模糊集的概念,研究了决策值为加权犹豫三角模糊元的群决策问题.首先,给出了加权犹豫三角模糊距离公式;其次,基于计算方便且不改变三角模糊数作为隶属度的重要性,提出一种对加权犹豫三角模糊元添加元素的方法;最后,提出加权犹豫三角模糊距离度... 相似文献
毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊集,既能描述隶属度与非隶属度之和超过1、而平方和不超过1的模糊现象,又能表达决策者在隶属度和非隶属度上的犹豫不决,因此它是表达不确定现象的一个强有力工具.考虑到相关测度在统计学和管理科学中发挥着重要的作用,在模糊集、直觉模糊集以及毕达哥拉斯模糊集等相关测度基础上,研究毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊集的相关测度.为此,定义毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊集的信息能量、相关指标以及相关系数,证明相关系数的性质.由于决策中经常要考虑到属性权重,定义毕达哥拉斯犹豫模糊集的加权相关系数,并讨论其性质.最后,通过求出每个方案与正理想方案之间的加权相关系数,实现方案的排序择优,并通过算例表明其可行性与有效性. 相似文献
As a fuzzy set extension, the hesitant set is effectively used to model situations where it is allowable to determine several possible membership degrees of an element to a set due to the ambiguity between different values. We first introduce some new operational rules of hesitant fuzzy sets based on the Hamacher t-norm and t-conorm, in which a family of hesitant fuzzy Hamacher operators is proposed for aggregating hesitant fuzzy information. Some basic properties of these proposed operators are given, and the relationships between them are shown in detail. We further discuss the interrelations between the proposed aggregation operators and the existing hesitant fuzzy aggregation operators. Applying the proposed hesitant fuzzy operators, we develop a new technique for hesitant fuzzy multicriteria decision making problems. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed technique is illustrated by mean of a practical example. 相似文献
Aliya Fahmi Fazli Amin Saleem Abdullah Asad Ali 《International journal of systems science》2018,49(11):2385-2397
In this paper, we define some Einstein operations on cubic fuzzy set (CFS) and develop three arithmetic averaging operators, which are cubic fuzzy Einstein weighted averaging (CFEWA) operator, cubic fuzzy Einstein ordered weighted averaging (CFEOWA) operator and cubic fuzzy Einstein hybrid weighted averaging (CFEHWA) operator, for aggregating cubic fuzzy data. The CFEHWA operator generalises both the CFEWA and CFEOWA operators. Furthermore, we develop various properties of these operators and derive the relationship between the proposed operators and the exiting aggregation operators. We apply CFEHWA operator to multiple attribute decision-making with cubic fuzzy data. Finally, a numerical example is constructed to demonstrate the established approach. 相似文献
In this paper, a novel approach is developed to deal with multiple-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) problem under q-rung orthopair fuzzy environment. Firstly, some operators have been proposed to aggregate q-rung orthopair fuzzy information, such as the q-rung orthopair fuzzy generalized power averaging (q-ROFGPA) operator, the q-rung orthopair fuzzy generalized power weighted averaging (q-ROFGPWA) operator, the q-rung orthopair fuzzy generalized power geometric (q-ROFGPG) operator, and the q-rung orthopair fuzzy generalized power weighted geometric (q-ROFGPWG) operator. In addition, some desirable properties and special cases of these operators are discussed. Second, a novel approach is developed to solve MAGDM problem under the q-rung orthopair fuzzy environment based on the proposed q-ROFGPWA and q-ROFGPWG operators. Finally, a practical example is given to illustrate the application of the proposed method, and further the sensitivity analysis and comparative analysis are carried out. 相似文献
In this study, a new technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS)-based methodology is proposed to solve multicriteria group decision-making problems within Pythagorean fuzzy environment, where the information about weights of both the decision makers (DMs) and criteria are completely unknown. Initially, generalized distance measure for Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFSs) is defined and used to initiate a new Pythagorean fuzzy entropy measure for computing weights of the criteria. In the decision-making process, at first, weights of DMs are computed using TOPSIS through the geometric distance model. Then, weights of the criteria are determined using the entropy weight model through the newly defined entropy measure for PFSs. Based on the evaluated criteria weights, TOPSIS is further applied to obtain the score value of alternatives corresponding to each decision matrix. Finally, the score values of the alternatives are aggregated with the calculated DMs’ weights to obtain the final ranking of the alternatives to avoid the loss of information, unlike other existing methods. Several numerical examples are considered, solved, and compared with the existing methods. 相似文献
Recently some new models based on Pythagorean fuzzy sets (PFSs) have been proposed to deal with the uncertainty in multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problems. In this paper, considering linguistic variables and entropic, we propose a new trapezoidal Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic entropic combined ordered weighted averaging operator to solve MAGDM problems. Next, we study some main properties by utilizing some operational laws of the trapezoidal Pythagorean fuzzy linguistic variables. Finally, a numerical example concerning the enterprise location is given to illustrate the practicality and effectiveness of the proposed operator. 相似文献
针对多属性群决策问题,采用能够方便专家参考语言集信息进行评价并且取值灵活的勾股模糊语言集进行了处理。首先,基于语言集和勾股模糊集的距离测度给出了勾股模糊语言数距离测度的定义与相关性质;然后,以勾股模糊语言数的距离测度作为幂均(PA)算子的距离度量,提出了勾股模糊语言幂加权平均(PFLPWA)算子用以对群决策过程中不同专家评价矩阵进行融合,并同时在融合过程中考虑专家评价的差异性;最后,基于PFLPWA算子构建了勾股模糊语言环境下的群体决策新方法,并通过案例分析检验了PFLPWA算子应用于群决策中的有效性和适用性。 相似文献
Multicriteria decision making (MCDM) is to select the optimal candidate which has the best quality from a finite set of alternatives with multiple criteria. One important component of MCDM is to express the evaluation information, and the other one is to aggregate the evaluation results associated with different criteria. For the former, Pythagorean fuzzy set (PFS) is employed to represent uncertain information in this paper, and for the latter, the soft likelihood function developed by Yager is used. To address MCDM issues from a new perspective, the likelihood function of PFS is first proposed in this study and, to improve some of its limitations, the ordered weighted averaging (OWA)-based soft likelihood function is defined, which introduces the attitudinal characteristic to identify decision makers' subjective preferences. In addition, the defined soft likelihood function of PFS is extended by weighted OWA operator considering the importance weight of the argument. Several illustrative cases are provided based on the presented (weighted) OWA-based soft likelihood functions in Pythagorean fuzzy environment for MCDM problem. 相似文献
区间Pythagorean犹豫模糊集,可以更加全面完整地描述决策者给出的决策结果,因此它是一个表示不确定现象的强有力的工具.针对模糊信息下的决策问题,提出了一种基于区间Pythagorean犹豫模糊连续熵的多属性决策方法.提出连续区间Pythagorean犹豫模糊有序加权平均(CIPHFOWA)算子,并提出了区间Pyt... 相似文献