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为提高人工湿地系统全年对农村散户生活废水的处理效率、运行稳定性及经济价值,对四种基质进行了试验研究,并针对春夏秋和冬季分别构建了四种复合型水生植物人工湿地系统,结果表明:绿沸石和页岩陶粒对NH_3-N、TP分别表现出最好的吸附效果;旱伞草+空心菜/水芹菜复合湿地系统在秋季和冬季分别表现出较高的污染物整体去除率及较好的长期运行稳定性,旱伞草+空心菜对COD、NH_3-N和TP去除率分别为75%~80%、80%以上、59%~63%;旱伞草+水芹菜对COD、NH_3-N和TP去除率分别为68%~72%,74%~77%和53%~57%。复合型人工湿地全年污染物去除效率高,并可提供优质蔬菜、美化农村环境,具有较好的观赏和经济价值及应用前景。  相似文献   

对浙江省舟山市城北水库自由表面流人工湿地运行的污水净化效果和处理系统存在的问题进行了分析和研究.结果表明,湿地在2010年5-10月运行的6个月中,对污水中COD、BOD5、TN、NH4-N和NO3-N的去除率分别为64.40%、44.83%、72.83%、60.98%和35.06%.此外,对工程运行状况的观测发现,人工湿地存在入水量不足及植物管理不善等问题.  相似文献   

为提高ABR (厌氧折流板反应器)对低浓度污水的处理效果,通过设置超声组和对照组ABR 的对比试验,考察低强度超声波对ABR 处理低浓度污水的强化效果.结果表明,当采用声能密度为 0.1 W/mL 的超声波,每隔24 h 从ABR 中各隔室内取出10 %的污泥进行10 min 的辐照处理时,平均 COD 总去除率提高7.2 %左右. 通过该辐照处理,ABR 中各隔室内的胞外聚合物总量基本不变尧蛋 白质的含量有所提高尧多糖的含量有所降低尧DNA 的含量变化不大尧颗粒污泥的粒径减小. 研究还发 现,低温条件下,超声组ABR 的平均COD 去除率比对照组提高了8.6 豫,只低于常温条件下对照组 0.7 豫.低温条件下的超声强化效果比常温条件下更显著,而且超声组ABR 比对照组提前4 d 恢复稳 定运行.   相似文献   

[目的]研究由美人蕉(Canna indica)、芦苇(Phraamites australis)和石葛蒲(Acorus gramineus)组成的组合植物型人工浮岛时生活污水在动态条件下的净化效果.[方法]总氮(TN)含量采用过硫酸钾氧化-紫外分光光度法测定;总磷(TP)含量采用钼锑抗分光光度法测定;化学需氧量(CODCr)采用重铬酸钾法测定;pH值采用PHS-3C精密pH计测定.[结果]当水力停留时间(HRT)为11 d时,进水不稀释情况下,系统对CODCrTN、TP的去除率分别为59.8%、46.4%、86.3%;在进水稀释1倍情况下,系统对CODCr、TN、TP的去除率分别为78.0%、71.0%、90.8%.[结论]由于植物之间的相互作用,人工浮岛的净化效果得到提高,组合植物型人工浮岛对生活污水的处理有广阔应用前景.  相似文献   

采取间歇式进水和垂直潜流湿地结合的方法处理实际生活污水,构建了4个人工湿地,即菖蒲湿地、芦苇湿地、混栽湿地(菖蒲和芦苇)及空白对照湿地,针对不同水力停留时间(HRT)及植物种属进行研究.结果表明:总氮(TN)和氨氮(NH<,4><'+>-N)的去除,种植植物的湿地以HRT为7 d处理效果最好,TN和NH<,4><'+>-N去除率最高分别达到99.60%和99.58%.空白湿地中,TN去除率以HRT为6 d和NH<,4><'+>-N去除率以HRT为5 d为最好,最高分别达到87.90%、91..80%.对总磷(11P)的去除,4个湿地均以HRT为6 d为最佳,去除率均高于93.00%.通过对不同植物的研究,发现植物床对氮的去除效果优于空白湿地,芦苇湿地和混栽湿地的处理效果均优于菖蒲湿地.  相似文献   

生物制剂对污水具有很强的适应性和广泛性,在污水处理方面有独特的效果.生物制剂与中空纤维膜生物反应器相结合,在一定运行条件下,反应器内COD,氨氮和总磷的去除率分别达到90%,99%和92%,其效果明显优于普通膜生物反应器.  相似文献   

上流式曝气生物滤池工艺为国际先进的生化处理方法,首次应用于国内生活污水处理工程中并获得成功。该工艺容积负荷高、能耗低、不需设置二沉池,操作管理简单,投资省,出水达到国家一级排放标准。  相似文献   

针对SBR工艺,采用LMB优势菌处理城市生活污水,试验结果表明:污染物去除率CODcr≥92%,BOD5≥95%,总氮≥80%,总磷≥95%;处理后水质达国家GBl8918—2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》一级A标准。  相似文献   

针对分散农居生活污水面源污染问题,介绍了几种低能耗组合工艺在分散农居生活污水处理上的应用.  相似文献   

针对公司日益扩大的生产规模,用水量也随着递增,为充分节约利用水资源,对投用后达不到设计要求的生活污水处理系统进行改进优化,尽可能的保证回收、再生、利用,为公司的节本降耗提供有力保障。  相似文献   

Five species of filamentous cyanobacteria and two species of Flexibacter were isolated from domestic sewage. Cells and filtrates of F. flexilis and F. sancti lysed the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria williamsii. Inhibition of the photosynthetic electron transport reactions, and glycolate dehydrogenase and nitrogenase activity of O. williamsii due to its incubation with F. flexilis, were observed. Scanning electron micrographs revealed the attachment of F. flexilis to the sheaths of O. williamsii which resulted in the excretion of lysozyme and lysis of the cyanobacterium. Seasonal variations of Flexibacter spp showed that they were more abundant in the aeration tanks during June compared with sewage effluents.  相似文献   

利用现有工业企业废水处理设施,将不能纳入城市污水收集系统的生活污水与工业废水混合进行处理和再利用,节省了分散式生活污水处理系统的基建投资和运行管理费用.选用高炉煤气洗涤水,将生活污水与其进行混合处理试验.试验结果表明,混合废水经过化学混凝处理后,废水中悬浮物、CODCr等被大量去除,去除率分别为99.4%和90%,而总硬度、NH3-N等没有去除效果.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae and various species of Candida were isolated and identified from the Al-Baqa'a sewage treatment station. Potentially pathogenic yeasts were detected in sewage samples and Candida krusei was found in the treated effluent. There was a 90-100% reduction in the number of yeast found in treated sewage effluent compared with raw sewage. Seasonal variations of total yeast counts are also reported.  相似文献   

高炉水淬渣在生活污水处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王湖坤  陈灵  赵蕊 《冶金能源》2006,25(6):55-57
探讨了高炉水淬渣处理生活污水的工艺条件。实验结果表明,在不调节生活污水pH值的条件下,高炉水淬渣用量为0.02g/mL,作用时问为30min,温度为25℃,COD(化学需氧量)的去除率达79.9%,TP(总磷)的去除率达85.6%,处理后的水符合国家污水综合排放标准(GB8978—1996)一级标准,以废治废,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

对于电解铝厂的生产、生活污水,在原处理工艺的基础上,新增处理水杀菌消毒工序,实现了处理水的厂内循环使用和污水零排放.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During the summers of 1989-1992 we conducted four randomized intervention trials at four separate UK bathing locations judged of acceptable quality under current USEPA and EU criteria. The results showed bathers to be at increased risk of gastroenteritis, acute febrile respiratory illness (ICD-9 461-466, 480), ear and eye infections relative to non-bathers. The public health significance of these findings has been questioned based upon the unproven assumption that these illnesses are minor in nature and thus of questionable public health significance. METHODS: The severity of these illnesses or ailments in terms of duration of illness, percentage of participants seeking medical treatment, and number of days of lost normal daily activity among study participants reporting specific illnesses or ailments were assessed. In addition the attributable proportion of illness among the exposed (bathers) was calculated for each illness or ailment. RESULTS: Average duration of illness ranged from approximately 4 days to approximately 8 days depending on the specific illness reported. The percentage of study participants seeking medical treatment ranged from 4.2% to 22.2% while the percentage reporting the loss of at least one day of normal daily activity ranged from 7.0% to 25.9% depending on the illness reported. The overall percentage of each illness that can be directly attributable to exposure to marine waters contaminated with domestic sewage ranged from a low of 34.5% for gastroenteritis to a high of 65.8% for ear infections. CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge, this is the first study to assess and report the severity of illnesses associated with bathing in recreational waters contaminated with domestic sewage. Illness associated with bathing in marine waters contaminated with domestic sewage can no longer be viewed as minor, and indeed can have a substantial impact on the public health.  相似文献   

蚯蚓生物滤池处理农村分散生活污水效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析1-7月份蚯蚓生物滤池进出水水质情况,阐述蚯蚓生物滤池对农村分散生活污水处理效果.结果表明:蚯蚓生物滤池对BOD5、NH4+-N及CODcr有较好的去除效果,平均去除率分别为78.2%、77.8%与38.1%,且随着进水水质及温度的变化,其出水水质稳定,具有较强的抗冲击负荷能力;而对TN和TP的去除效果不明显,...  相似文献   

Vitrification processes, in which the operating temperature is higher than the melting point of the silica compounds contained in sewage sludge that turns into slag, are studied in this paper. The dried sludge and the incineration ash are injected into a furnace with auxiliary fuel and flux. The flux is the material used to control basicity of the ash content. Crushed limestone is used as the flux in this test. Almost all ashes in the sludge are vitrificated into slag. The flow of molten slag from the tap is smooth. After the slag is treated, it can be used as wall tile, interlocking tile, insulating material, and slag wool. This technology conforms to resource recycling.  相似文献   

郭玉华  邹坦 《南方金属》2005,(3):9-10,52
从我国冶金企业面临的市场竞争形势出发,论述了实施集成管理的现实意义,然后对建立企业集成管理的框架进行研究,并提出集成管理的实施途径。  相似文献   

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