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This communication presents a thermal model for the performance of an open swimming pool. It is seen from numerical calculations that the combination of a pool cover and solar collectors (with an area equal to 75 per cent of that of the pool) enables the swimming season to be extended in Delhi, India to forty-seven weeks as compared to the period of twenty-nine weeks for an open swimming pool. 相似文献
M.S. Sodha 《Energy Conversion and Management》1983,23(3):171-175
This communication presents an analysis of heat transfer processes in the solar heating of a swimming pool. The solar insolation and atmospheric air temperature are assumed to be periodic, and the heat and mass transfer from the surface of the pool are taken into account. Analytical models corresponding to two cases, namely bare surface and surface covered with PVC cover have been developed. Numerical results indicate a substantial improvement in pool heating by the placement of transparent PVC cover on the surface and are in close agreement with the Australian experimental results. 相似文献
After a discussion of heat losses and energy costs in municipal heated swimming pools, an analysis in presented of the performance of all of such pools in Northern Ireland. It is demonstrated that performance is generally well below that expected by the designers and reasons are identified as to why this should be so. The causes for poor performance are found to arise variously through poor design, inappropriate equipment selection and installation and bad control and operating practice. Part of the value of this study lies in the fact that as all pools in the region were included, with no pre-selection, the findings can be expected to be fairly representative of such installations throughout the United Kingdom. 相似文献
A simple transient analytical approach has been adopted for developing an explicit expression for the water temperature of an indoor swimmingpool coupled to a panel of collectors. For qualitative assessment of the analytical results, computations have been made for the winter climatic conditions of Sri Nagar, India. The effects of several parameters, viz. inlet temperature, heat removal factors, collector, etc. on the performance of the proposed systems have been studied in detail. It is observed that (i) the proposed model agrees with the experimental results of the Australian passive solar swimming pool and (ii) the desired temperature for the indoor swimming pool can be achieved by the active method. 相似文献
The energy balance and the resulting water temperature of urban swimming pools has been simulated throughout the summer in Toronto, using standard and derived climatological data, and well known micrometeorological equations of turbulent transer and radiative exchange. For 16 different combinations of sheltering, shading, landscaping and use of solar blankets and solar pool heaters, the results show that the major energy loss from pools is by evaporation during the day and by long wave radiation by night, and these losses can be effectively cut and hence water temperature raised by decreasing the wind, or using solar blankets or solar pool heaters. In the summer climate of Toronto, the best of these methods could increase maximum pool temperature by 3 or 5 K and lengthen the comfortable swimming season from an average of 40 days to 70 or 80 days. 相似文献
The results of the demonstration programme “Efficient Use of Energy in Swimming Pool Construction” has had a positive effect on the dissipation of solar systems for swimming pools. Infrared measurements show how a homogeneous flow can be achieved in the absorber field. The fact that solar systems are acceptable can be seen clearly in evidence that the behaviour of visitors to purely solar-heated pools with variable water temperature does not differ in principle from conventionally-heated pools with constant temperature. Economic considerations of the operation show that swimming pool solar systems are competitive with conventional heating systems. 相似文献
An analytical model for the long term thermal performance of swimming pools is developed and shows that the solution for open pools is applicable to enclosed pools with appropriate modification of parameters. From this solution the seasonal heating load of swimming pools, open or closed, can be calculated analytically. 相似文献
The possibility of using the greenhouse effect to heat a swimming pool during cold winter months is investigated. A periodic analysis is developed to study the thermal performance of such a swimming pool. Numerical calculations are performed to compare the performances of open and closed swimming pools of this type. 相似文献
《Solar Energy》1963,7(1):3-7
Solar energy is the natural heating agent for open swimming pools by direct absorption in the water. Because of high heat losses from the surface of the water to the atmosphere the temperature of the pool water does not significantly differ from the mean air temperature.If a suitable transparent plastic cover is placed on the water, the temperature of the water can be raised because the heat losses are reduced while the incident solar radiation can pass through the cover and heat the water. Tests in Melbourne have shown that the swimming season can be considerably extended if an inflated cover made of clear plastic film is used.This method of collection and storage of heat energy from the sun may also find other applications where water of a relatively low temperature can be utilized. 相似文献
Open-air swimming pools in Mediterranean climate regions are heated by direct solar radiation with no auxiliary heating systems. In order to extend the swimming season or improve comfort conditions, solar collectors or pool coverings may be used. In this paper, another approach was followed through the use of phase change materials (PCM). Two methods of introducing the PCM were considered: (1) encapsulated in the sidewalls and bottom of the pool, and (2) use the PCM in an external heat exchanger. Heat is stored when water temperature is sufficiently high, while it is released when water temperature drops below comfort levels. A numerical model was built and validated for predicting the evolution of the water temperature, by taking into account meteorological data at three different locations in north-east of Spain. The simulations showed that using phase change materials provided some improvement of water conditions, especially when used in an external heat exchanger. 相似文献
The People's Republic of China has recently designed an energy-conservation building standard which would require that, by 1990, the energy efficiency of new buildings be improved by 60% over existing practices. Present energy-conservation practices in China suffer from a lack of fully developed technical solutions and institutional support infrastructure. Given the greater complexity of the Chinese economy under the new reforms, the commitment to improving the efficiency of household energy use requires a broader focus beyond the formulation of a standard. In order for the standard to be successful, China will need to devote resources that may be more effectively utilized in other sectors of the economy. 相似文献
We have analysed measurements from five outdoor swimming pools located in Switzerland and heated by unglazed solar collectors. The main contributions to the daily energy balance of the swimming pools are evaluated. They include the active and passive solar gains, as well as the heat losses related to radiation, evaporation, convection, and water renewal (in order of importance). Coherent results are obtained using multilinear regressions in order to determine the best fitting values of the empirical parameters involved in the thermal equations. 相似文献
Jan Selmer 《国际能源研究杂志》1993,17(3):221-227
To investigate the effects on energy-conservation management in organizations over time, a longitudinal study was designed to monitor five organizations for five years. They represent different types of organizations managing their own buildings in Sweden. Facilitating organizational structures and managerial practices are identified, and practical implications of introducing and maintaining energy-conservation management in organizations are discussed in detail. 相似文献
The design of refrigeration-based heat recovery systems for municipal swimming pools is discussed and the performance of all such pools in Northern Ireland is analysed. It is found that most systems are incorrectly designed and specified, that the operating conditions are usually sub-optimal and that the control systems are normally either inappropriate or non-existent. It is clear that heat-pump based swimming pool heat recovery systems are not understood by either the designers, the equipment suppliers, the installers or the operators. 相似文献
A comparative study of three ventilation systems supplying air to a typical Canadian indoor ice rink illustrates the power, energy and operating cost savings which can be achieved by using the relatively warm air from the air cooled condensers of the refrigeration system. The direct use of this warm air for ventilation results in a reduction of energy consumption during the winter amounting to 24.2% of the yearly consumption of the heating system. On the other hand, the use of a heat exchanger to heat the ventilation air results in energy consumption reductions throughout the year. Depending on the size of the heat exchanger these gains can be as high as 60.8% of the heating energy consumption by the existing system. Based on actual prices of electricity and the heat exchanger it is established that the cost savings over the life of the equipment are at least three times higher than the cost of the heat exchanger. 相似文献
利用Dest软件计算某恒温游泳池全年动态空调负荷,并模拟三集一体热泵全年空气处理过程及运行能耗,通过与传统方案进行比较,阐明三集一体热泵在室内恒温游泳池应用的节能性、经济性。 相似文献
燃煤电站锅炉日趋成为NOx最大的污染源,NOx危害大,是当今社会严格控制的对象。降低飞灰含碳量是电站锅炉节能最主要的途径。通过空气分级优化燃烧技术可以很好的解决这两方面的问题。本文从一台锅炉的改造实例说明了空气分级燃烧技术对电站锅炉节能减排的作用。 相似文献