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In this paper, we investigate the numerical solution of a model equation u xx = exp(– ) (and several slightly more general problems) when 1 using the standard central difference scheme on nonuniform grids. In particular, we are interested in the error behaviour in two limiting cases: (i) the total mesh point number N is fixed when the regularization parameter 0, and (ii) is fixed when N. Using a formal analysis, we show that a generalized version of a special piecewise uniform mesh 12 and an adaptive grid based on the equidistribution principle share some common features. And the optimal meshes give rates of convergence bounded by |log()| as 0 and N is given, which are shown to be sharp by numerical tests.  相似文献   

A well-known problem in default logic is the ability of naive reasoners to explain bothg and ¬g from a set of observations. This problem is treated in at least two different ways within that camp.One approach is examination of the various explanations and choosing among them on the basis of various explanation comparators. A typical comparator is choosing the explanation that depends on the most specific observation, similar to the notion of narrowest reference class.Others examine default extensions of the observations and choose whatever is true in any extension, or what is true in all extensions or what is true in preferred extensions. Default extensions are sometimes thought of as acceptable models of the world that are discarded as more knowledge becomes available.We argue that the notions of specificity and extension lack clear semantics. Furthermore, we show that the problems these ideas were supposed to solve can be handled easily within a probabilistic framework.  相似文献   

A powerful methodology for scenario-based specification of reactive systems is described, in which the behavior is played in directly from the systems GUI or some abstract version thereof, and can then be played out. The approach is supported and illustrated by a tool, which we call the play-engine. As the behavior is played in, the play-engine automatically generates a formal version in an extended version of the language of live sequence charts (LSCs). As they are played out, it causes the application to react according to the universal (must) parts of the specification; the existential (may) parts can be monitored to check their successful completion. Play-in is a user-friendly high-level way of specifying behavior and play-out is a rather surprising way of working with a fully operational system directly from its inter-object requirements. The ideas appear to be relevant to many stages of system development, including requirements engineering, specification, testing, analysis and implementation.  相似文献   

A central component of the analysis of panel clustering techniques for the approximation of integral operators is the so-called -admissibility condition min {diam(),diam()} 2dist(,) that ensures that the kernel function is approximated only on those parts of the domain that are far from the singularity. Typical techniques based on a Taylor expansion of the kernel function require a subdomain to be far enough from the singularity such that the parameter has to be smaller than a given constant depending on properties of the kernel function. In this paper, we demonstrate that any is sufficient if interpolation instead of Taylor expansionisused for the kernel approximation, which paves the way for grey-box panel clustering algorithms.  相似文献   

We are investigating how people move from individual to group work through the use of both personal digital assistants (PDAs) and a shared public display. Our scenario of this work covers the following activities. First, mobile individuals can create personal notes on their PDAs. Second, when individuals meet in real time, they can selectively publicise notes by moving them to a shared public display. Third, the group can manipulate personal and public items in real time through both PDAs and the shared public display, where the notes contained on both PDAs and public display are automatically synchronised. Finally, people leave a meeting with a common record of their activity. We describe our SharedNotes system that illustrates how people move through this scenario. We also highlight a variety of problematic design issues that result from having different devices and from having the system enforce a rigid distinction between personal and public information.  相似文献   

Agent-based technology has been identified as an important approach for developing next generation manufacturing systems. One of the key techniques needed for implementing such advanced systems will be learning. This paper first discusses learning issues in agent-based manufacturing systems and reviews related approaches, then describes how to enhance the performance of an agent-based manufacturing system through learning from history (based on distributed case-based learning and reasoning) and learning from the future (through system forecasting simulation). Learning from history is used to enhance coordination capabilities by minimizing communication and processing overheads. Learning from the future is used to adjust promissory schedules through forecasting simulation, by taking into account the shop floor interactions, production and transportation time. Detailed learning and reasoning mechanisms are described and partial experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

We analyze four nce Memed novels of Yaar Kemal using six style markers: most frequent words, syllable counts, word type – or part of speech – information, sentence length in terms of words, word length in text, and word length in vocabulary. For analysis we divide each novel into five thousand word text blocks and count the frequencies of each style marker in these blocks. The style markers showing the best separation are most frequent words and sentence lengths. We use stepwise discriminant analysis to determine the best discriminators of each style marker. We then use these markers in cross validation based discriminant analysis. Further investigation based on multiple analysis of variance (MANOVA) reveals how the attributes of each style marker group distinguish among the volumes.  相似文献   

To overcome the deficits of entropy as a measure for disorder when the number of states available to a system can change, Landsberg defined disorder as the entropy normalized to the maximum entropy. In the simplest cases, the maximum entropy is that of the equiprobable distribution, corresponding to a completely random system. However, depending on the question being asked and on system constraints, this absolute maximum entropy may not be the proper maximum entropy. To assess the effects of interactions on the disorder of a 1-dimensional spin system, the correct maximum entropy is that of the paramagnet (no interactions) with the same net magnetization; for a non-equilibrium system the proper maximum entropy may be that of the corresponding equilibrium system; and for hierarchical structures, an appropriate maximum entropy for a given level of the hierarchy is that of the system which is maximally random, subject to constraints deriving from the next lower level. Considerations of these examples leads us to introduce the equivalent random system: that system which is maximally random consistent with any constraints and with the question being asked. It is the entropy of the equivalent random system which should be taken as the maximum entropy in Landsberg's disorder.  相似文献   

A text is a triple=(, 1, 2) such that is a labeling function, and 1 and 2 are linear orders on the domain of ; hence may be seen as a word (, 1) together with an additional linear order 2 on the domain of . The order 2 is used to give to the word (, 1) itsindividual hierarchical representation (syntactic structure) which may be a tree but it may be also more general than a tree. In this paper we introducecontext-free grammars for texts and investigate their basic properties. Since each text has its own individual structure, the role of such a grammar should be that of a definition of a pattern common to all individual texts. This leads to the notion of ashapely context-free text grammar also investigated in this paper.  相似文献   

A variotherm mold for micro metal injection molding   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
In this paper, a variotherm mold was designed and fabricated for the production of 316L stainless steel microstructures by micro metal injection molding (MIM). The variotherm mold incorporated a rapid heating/cooling system, vacuum unit, hot sprue and cavity pressure transducer. The design of the variotherm mold and the process cycle of MIM using the variotherm mold were described. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the molded microstructures produced using variotherm mold and conventional mold. The experiments showed that microstructures of higher aspect ratio such as 60 m × height 191 m and 40 m × height 174 m microstructures could be injection molded with complete filling and demolded successfully using the variotherm mold. Molded microstructures with dimensions of 60 m × height 191 m were successfully debound and sintered without visual defects.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the use of accessible information (data/knowledge) to infer inaccessible data in a distributed database system. Inference rules are extracted from databases by means of knowledge discovery techniques. These rules can derive inaccessible data due to a site failure or network partition in a distributed system. Such query answering requires combining incomplete and partial information from multiple sources. The derived answer may be exact or approximate. Our inference process involves two phases to reason with reconstructed information. One phase involves using local rules to infer inaccessible data. A second phase involves merging information from different sites. We shall call such reasoning processes cooperative data inference. Since the derived answer may be incomplete, new algebraic tools are developed for supporting operations on incomplete information. A weak criterion called toleration is introduced for evaluating the inferred results. The conditions that assure the correctness of combining partial results, known as sound inference paths, are developed. A solution is presented for terminating an iterative reasoning process on derived data from multiple knowledge sources. The proposed approach has been implemented on a cooperative distributed database testbed, CoBase, at UCLA. The experimental results validate the feasibility of this proposed concept and can significantly improve the availability of distributed knowledge base/database systems.List of notation Mapping - --< Logical implication - = Symbolic equality - ==< Inference path - Satisfaction - Toleration - Undefined (does not exist) - Variable-null (may or may not exist) - * Subtuple relationship - * s-membership - s-containment - Open subtuple - Open s-membership - Open s-containment - P Open base - P Program - I Interpretation - DIP Data inference program - t Tuples - R Relations - Ø Empty interpretation - Open s-union - Open s-interpretation - Set of mapping from the set of objects to the set of closed objects - W Set of attributes - W Set of sound inference paths on the set of attributes W - Set of relational schemas in a DB that satisfy MVD - + Range closure of W wrt   相似文献   

It is not yet known (1997) whether the Solar system is stable or not. Common belief is that the Solar system is stable if and only if it is not a resonant system, i.e., whenever its orbital frequencies i satisfy an inequality | nii| for i|ni| N; a similar inequality is true for randomly chosen frequencies. In this paper, we show that the Solar system does not have such resonances, and therefore (if the above-mentioned belief is correct), it is stable.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the key drivers that will enable businesses to operate effectively on-line, and looks at how the notion of website will become one of an on-line presence which will support the main activities of an organisation. This is placed in the context of the development of the information society which will allow individuals-as consumers or employees-quick, inexpensive and on-demand access to vast quantities of entertainment, services and information. The paper draws on an example of these developments in Australasia.  相似文献   

A linear evolution equation for a thermodynamic variable F, odd under time-reversal, is obtained from the exact equation derived by Robertson from the Liouville equation for the information-theoretic phase-space distribution. One obtains an exact expression for , the relaxation time for F. For very short , is time-independent for t > if C(t) F{exp(-i t)}Fo, the equilibrium time correlation, decays exponentially for t > . is the Liouville operator. So long as C(t) is such that decays rapidly to a steady-state value, the t limit of agrees with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in applications to fluid transport.  相似文献   

A neural network for recognition of handwritten musical notes, based on the well-known Neocognitron model, is described. The Neocognitron has been used for the what pathway (symbol recognition), while contextual knowledge has been applied for the where (symbol placement). This way, we benefit from dividing the process for dealing with this complicated recognition task. Also, different degrees of intrusiveness in learning have been incorporated in the same network: More intrusive supervised learning has been implemented in the lower neuron layers and less intrusive in the upper one. This way, the network adapts itself to the handwriting of the user. The network consists of a 13×49 input layer and three pairs of simple and complex neuron layers. It has been trained to recognize 20 symbols of unconnected notes on a musical staff and was tested with a set of unlearned input notes. Its recognition rate for the individual unseen notes was up to 93%, averaging 80% for all categories. These preliminary results indicate that a modified Neocognitron could be a good candidate for identification of handwritten musical notes.  相似文献   

In this paper I put forward a reconstruction of the evolution of certain explanatory hypotheses on the neural basis of association and learning that are the premises of connectionism in the cybernetic age and of present-day connectionism. The main point of my reconstruction is based on two little-known case studies. The first is the project, published in 1913, of a hydraulic machine through which its author believed it was possible to simulate certain essential elements of the plasticity of nervous connections. The author, S. Bent Russell, was an engineer deeply influenced by the neurological hypotheses on nervous conduction of Herbert Spencer, Max Meyer and Edward L. Thorndike. The second is the project, published in 1929, of an electromechanical machine in which the author, the psychologist J.M. Stephens, believed it was possible to embody Thorndike's law of effect. Thus both Bent Russell and Stephens referred to the principles of learning that Thorndike defined as connectionist. Their attempt was that of simulating by machines at least certain simple aspects of inhibition, association and habit formation that are typical of living organisms. I propose to situate their projects within the frame of thediscovery of a simulative (modelling) methodology which I believe might be considered an important topic of the Culture of the Artificial. Certain more recent steps toward such a methodology made by both connectionism of the 1950s and present-day connectionism are briefly pointed out in the paper.  相似文献   

The paper introduces the concept of Computer-based Informated Environments (CBIEs) to indicate an emergent form of work organisation facilitated by information technology. It first addresses the problem of inconsistent meanings of the informate concept in the literature, and it then focuses on those cases which, it is believed, show conditions of plausible informated environments. Finally, the paper looks at those factors that when found together contribute to building a CBIE. It makes reference to CBIEs as workplaces that comprise a non-technocentric perspective and questions whether CBIEs truly represent an anthropocentric route of information technology.  相似文献   

The mobile communication revolution has led to pervasive connectedness—as evidenced by the explosive growth of instant messaging in the home, and more recently, the enterprise–and, together with the convergence of mobile computing, provides a basis for extending collaborative environments toward truly ubiquitous immersion. Leveraging the true anytime/anywhere access afforded by mobile computing, it becomes possible to develop applications that not only are capable of responding to users whenever/wherever, on demand, but that also may actively seek out and engage users when the need arises. Thus, immersive environments need no longer be thought of strictly in terms of physical immersion with clearly discernable enter and exit events, but rather they may be extended, through mobile-enabled computing, toward ubiquity in terms of both time and space. Based on Media Synchronicity Theory, potential benefits are envisioned, particularly in the case of collaborative learning environments, from shortened response cycles and increased real time interaction opportunities. At the same time, a number of challenging issues must be addressed in designing such an environment to ensure user acceptance and to maximize realization of the potential. Third Generation (3G) Threaded Discussion has been conceptualized as an environment, well suited to mobile learning (m-learning) that could leverage mobile-enabled ubiquity to achieve a degree of extended immersion and thereby accrue the associated collaboration benefits. Exploring this conceptualization serves to help surface both the opportunities and the challenges associated with such environments and to identify promising design approaches, such as the use of intelligent agents.This revised version was published online in March 2005 with corrections to the cover date  相似文献   

This paper is an informal introduction to the theory of types which use a connective for the intersection of two types and a constant for a universal type, besides the usual connective for function-types. This theory was first devised in about 1977 by Coppo, Dezani and Sallé in the context of-calculus and its main development has been by Coppo and Dezani and their collaborators in Turin. With suitable axioms and rules to assign types to-calculus terms, they obtained a system in which (i) the set of types given to a term does not change under-conversion, (ii) some interesting sets of terms, for example the solvable terms and the terms with normal form, can be characterised exactly by the types of their members, and (iii) the type-apparatus is not so complex as polymorphic systems with quantifier-containing types and therefore probably not so expensive to implement mechanically as these systems.There are in fact several variant systems with different detailed properties. This paper defines and motivates the simplest one from which the others are derived, and describes its most basic properties. No proofs are given but the motivation is shown by examples. A comprehensive bibliography is included.  相似文献   

Summary A framework is proposed for the structured specification and verification of database dynamics. In this framework, the conceptual model of a database is a many sorted first order linear tense theory whose proper axioms specify the update and the triggering behaviour of the database. The use of conceptual modelling approaches for structuring such a theory is analysed. Semantic primitives based on the notions of event and process are adopted for modelling the dynamic aspects. Events are used to model both atomic database operations and communication actions (input/output). Nonatomic operations to be performed on the database (transactions) are modelled by processes in terms of trigger/reaction patterns of behaviour. The correctness of the specification is verified by proving that the desired requirements on the evolution of the database are theorems of the conceptual model. Besides the traditional data integrity constraints, requirements of the form Under condition W, it is guaranteed that the database operation Z will be successfully performed are also considered. Such liveness requirements have been ignored in the database literature, although they are essential to a complete definition of the database dynamics.


Classical Logic Symbols (Appendix 1) for all (universal quantifier) - exists at least once (existential quantifier) - ¬ no (negation) - implies (implication) - is equivalent to (equivalence) - and (conjunction) - or (disjunction) Tense Logic Symbols (Appendix 1) G always in the future - G 0 always in the future and now - F sometime in the future - F 0 sometime in the future or now - H always in the past - H 0 always in the past and now - P sometime in the past - P 0 sometime in the past or now - X in the next moment - Y in the previous moment - L always - M sometime Event Specification Symbols (Sects. 3 and 4.1) (x) means immediately after the occurrence of x - (x) means immediately before the occurrence of x - (x) means x is enabled, i.e., x may occur next - { } ({w 1} x{w 2}) states that if w 1 holds before the occurrence of x, then w 2 will hold after the occurrence of x (change rule) - [ ] ([oa1, ..., oan]x) states that only the object attributes oa1, ..., oa n are modifiable by x (scope rule) - {{ }} ({{w}}x) states that if x may occur next, then w holds (enabling rule) Process Specification Symbols (Sects. 5.3 and 5.4) :: for causal rules - for behavioural rules Transition-Pattern Composition Symbols (Sects. 5.2 and 5.3) ; sequential composition - ¦ choice composition - parallel composition - :| guarded alternative composition Location Predicates (Sect. 5.2) (z) means immediately after the occurrence of the last event of z (after) - (z) means immediately before the occurrence of the first event of z (before) - (z) means after the beginning of z and before the end of z (during) - ( z) means before the occurrence of an event of z (at)  相似文献   

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