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A program property is a predicate on programs. In this paper we explore program properties for safety, progress and parallel composition, of the form U ? V where U and V are either predicates on states of a program or program properties, and ? satisfies three rules that are also enjoyed by implication. We show how such properties can be used to reason about concurrent programs. Our motivation is to explore methods of reasoning based on a very small number of widely-known rules.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a language for reasoning about actions that can be used for modelling and for programming rational agents. We propose a modal approach for reasoning about dynamic domains in a logic programming setting. Agent behavior is specified by means of complex actions which are defined using modal inclusion axioms. The language is able to handle knowledge producing actions as well as actions which remove information. The problem of reasoning about complex actions with incomplete knowledge is tackled and the temporal projection and planning problems is addressed; more specifically, a goal directed proof procedure is defined, which allows agents to reason about complex actions and to generate conditional plans. We give a non-monotonic solution for the frame problem by making use of persistency assumptions in the context of an abductive characterization. The language has been used for implementing an adaptive web-based system.  相似文献   

Relational program reasoning is concerned with formally comparing pairs of executions of programs. Prominent examples of relational reasoning are program equivalence checking (which considers executions from different programs) and detecting illicit information flow (which considers two executions of the same program). The abstract logical foundations of relational reasoning are, by now, sufficiently well understood. In this paper, we address some of the challenges that remain to make the reasoning practicable. Two major ones are dealing with the feature richness of programming languages such as C and with the weakly structured control flow that many real-world programs exhibit. A popular approach to control this complexity is to define the analyses on the level of an intermediate program representation (IR) such as one generated by modern compilers. In this paper we describe the ideas and insights behind IR-based relational verification. We present a program equivalence checker for C programs that operates on LLVM IR. To extend the reach of the approach and to make it more efficient, we show how dynamic analyses can be employed to support and strengthen the static verification. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated by automatically verifying equivalence of functions from different implementations of the standard C library.  相似文献   

Reasoning with temporal constraints is a ubiquitous issue in many computer science tasks, for which many dedicated approaches have been and are being built. In particular, in many areas, including planning, workflow, guidelines, and protocol management, one needs to represent and reason with temporal constraints between classes of events (e.g., between the types of actions needed to achieve a goal) and temporal constraints between instances of events (e.g., between the specific actions being executed). The temporal constraints between the classes of events must be inherited by the instances, and the consistency of both types of constraints must be checked. In this article, we design a general‐purpose domain‐independent knowledge server dealing with these issues. In particular, we propose a formalism to represent temporal constraints, and we point out two orthogonal parameters that affect the definition of reasoning algorithms operating on them. We then show four algorithms to deal with inheritance and to perform temporal consistency checking (depending on the parameters) and we study their properties. Finally, we report the results we obtained by applying our system to the treatment of temporal constraints in clinical guidelines. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Int Syst 19: 919–947, 2004.  相似文献   


Time is a central factor in patient monitoring. Introduction of domain-dependent knowledge is essential to ensure efficiency of time managers, especially when embedded into systems that interact with the real world. We present a realistic temporal reasoning model based on two basic cognitive mechanisms: aggregation of similar observed situations and forgetting of non-relevant information. We describe in detail how we represented the proposed model and how, by refinement of domain-independent temporal entities and inferences, we added domain specific knowledge to manage a clinical therapy. The model allows clinical observations to be incrementally interpreted as they are acquired by an intelligent system, mainly reactive in its reasoning, for the management of patients receiving respiratory support.  相似文献   

We study an M/G/1 queueing system with a server that can be switched on and off. The server can take a vacation time T after the system becomes empty. In this paper, we investigate a randomized policy to control a server with which, when the system is empty, the server can be switched off with probability p and take a vacation or left on with probability (1  p) and continue to serve the arriving customers. For this system, we consider the operating cost and the holding cost where the operating cost consists of the system running and switching costs (start up and shut down costs). We describe the structure and characteristics of this policy and solve a constrained problem to minimize the average operating cost per unit time under the constraint for the holding cost per unit time.  相似文献   

The performance of modern machines is increasingly limited by insufficient memory bandwidth. One way to alleviate this bandwidth limitation for a given program is to minimize the aggregate data volume the program transfers from memory. In this article we present compiler strategies for accomplishing this minimization. Following a discussion of the underlying causes of bandwidth limitations, we present a two-step strategy to exploit global cache reuse—the temporal reuse across the whole program and the spatial reuse across the entire data set used in that program. In the first step, we fuse computation on the same data using a technique called reuse-based loop fusion to integrate loops with different control structures. We prove that optimal fusion for bandwidth is NP-hard and we explore the limitations of computation fusion using perfect program information. In the second step, we group data used by the same computation through the technique of affinity-based data regrouping, which intermixes the storage assignments of program data elements at different granularities. We show that the method is compile-time optimal and can be used on array and structure data. We prove that two extensions—partial and dynamic data regrouping—are NP-hard problems. Finally, we describe our compiler implementation and experiments demonstrating that the new global strategy, on average, reduces memory traffic by over 40% and improves execution speed by over 60% on two high-end workstations.  相似文献   

This paper gives a self-contained presentation of the temporal logic Rely-Guarantee Interval Temporal Logic (RGITL). The logic is based on interval temporal logic (ITL) and higher-order logic. It extends ITL with explicit interleaved programs and recursive procedures. Deduction is based on the principles of symbolic execution and induction, known from the verification of sequential programs, which are transferred to a concurrent setting with temporal logic. We include an interleaving operator with compositional semantics. As a consequence, the calculus permits proving decomposition theorems which reduce reasoning about an interleaved program to reasoning about individual threads. A central instance of such theorems are rely-guarantee (RG) rules, which decompose global safety properties. We show how the correctness of such rules can be formally derived in the calculus. Decomposition theorems for other global properties are also derivable, as we show for the important progress property of lock-freedom. RGITL is implemented in the interactive verification environment KIV. It has been used to mechanize various proofs of concurrent algorithms, mainly in the area oflinearizable and lock-free algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a mechanism for modeling the state-changing behavior of sequential devices.Temporal methods encode the temporal relationship between device variables and allow us to generalize temporal behaviors by extending Hamscher's notion of temporal abstraction. In this paper we formally define temporal methods, and describe our use of them in modeling sequential circuits. We also describe tarms, our temporal reason maintenance system which supports diagnostic reasoning about sequential circuits within the generic model-based diagnostic system (gmods).  相似文献   

For over a decade, researchers in formal methods have tried to create formalisms that permit natural specification of systems and allow mathematical reasoning about their correctness. The availability of fully automated reasoning tools enables non-experts to use formal methods effectively—their responsibility reduces to specifying the model and expressing the desired properties. Thus, it is essential that these properties be represented in a language that is easy to use, sufficiently expressive and succinct. Linear-time temporal logic (LTL) is a formalism that has been used extensively by researchers for program specification and verification. One of the desired properties of LTL formulas is closure under stuttering. That is, we do not want the interpretation of formulas to change over traces where some states are repeated. This property is important from both practical and theoretical prospectives; all properties which are closed under stuttering can be expressed in LTL–X—a fragment of LTL without the next operator. However, it is often difficult to express properties in this fragment of LTL. Further, determining whether a given LTL property is closed under stuttering is PSPACE-complete. In this paper, we introduce a notion of edges of LTL formulas and present a formal theory of closure under stuttering. Edges allow natural modelling of systems with events. Our theory enables syntactic reasoning about whether the resulting properties are closed under stuttering. Finally, we apply the theory to the pattern-based approach of specifying temporal formulas.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss which properties of a formally verified component are preserved when the component is changed due to an adaption to a new use. More specifically, we will investigate when a temporal logic property of an Object-Z class is preserved under a modification or extension of the class with new features. To this end, we use the slicing technique from program analysis which provides us with a representation of the dependencies within the class in the form of a program dependence graph. This graph can be used to determine the effect of a change to the class's behaviour and thus to the validity of a temporal logic formula.  相似文献   

Previously we provided two formal behavioural semantics for the Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) in the process algebra CSP. By exploiting CSP’s refinement orderings, developers may formally compare their BPMN models. However, BPMN is not a specification language, and it is difficult and sometimes impossible to use it to construct behavioural properties against which other BPMN models may be verified. This paper considers a pattern-based approach to expressing behavioural properties. We describe a property specification language PL for capturing a generalisation of Dwyer et al.’s Property Specification Patterns, and present a translation from PL into a bounded, positive fragment of linear temporal logic, which can then be automatically translated into CSP for simple refinement checking. We present a detailed example studying the behavioural properties of an airline ticket reservation business process. Using the same example we also describe some recent results on expressing behavioural compatibility within our semantic models. These results lead to a compositional approach for ensuring deadlock freedom of interacting business processes.  相似文献   

We examine the transitions between sets of possible worlds described by the compositional semantics of Modal Dependence Logic, and we use them as the basis for a dynamic version of this logic. We give a game theoretic semantics, a (compositional) transition semantics and a power game semantics for this new variant of modal Dependence Logic, and we prove their equivalence; and furthermore, we examine a few of the properties of this formalism and show that Modal Dependence Logic can be recovered from it by reasoning in terms of reachability. Then we show how we can generalize this approach to a very general formalism for reasoning about transformations between pointed Kripke models.  相似文献   

Establishing interschema semantic knowledge between corresponding elements in a cooperating OWL-based multi-information server grid environment requires deep knowledge, not only about the structure of the data represented in each server, but also about the commonly occurring differences in the intended semantics of this data. The same information could be represented in various incompatible structures, and more importantly the same structure could be used to represent data with many diverse and incompatible semantics. In a grid environment interschema semantic knowledge can only be detected if both the structural and semantic properties of the schemas of the cooperating servers are made explicit and formally represented in a way that a computer system can process. Unfortunately, very often there is lack of such knowledge and the underlying grid information servers (ISs) schemas, being semantically weak as a consequence of the limited expressiveness of traditional data models, do not help the acquisition of this knowledge. The solution to overcome this limitation is primarily to upgrade the semantic level of the IS local schemas through a semantic enrichment process by augmenting the local schemas of grid ISs to semantically enriched schema models, then to use these models in detecting and representing correspondences between classes belonging to different schemas. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of using OWL-based domain ontologies both for building semantically rich schema models, and for expressing interschema knowledge and reasoning about it. We believe that the use of OWL/RDF in this setting has two important advantages. On the one hand, it enables a semantic approach for interschema knowledge specification, by concentrating on expressing conceptual and semantic correspondences between both the conceptual (intensional) definition and the set of instances (extension) of classes represented in different schemas. On the other hand, it is exactly this semantic nature of our approach that allows us to devise reasoning mechanisms for discovering and reusing interschema knowledge when the need arises to compare and combine it.  相似文献   

The tracer Hat records in a detailed trace the computation of a program written in the lazy functional language Haskell. The trace can then be viewed in various ways to support program comprehension and debugging. The trace was named the augmented redex trail. Its structure was inspired by standard graph rewriting implementations of functional languages. Here we describe a model of the trace that captures its essential properties and allows formal reasoning. The trace is a graph constructed by graph rewriting but goes beyond simple term graphs. Although the trace is a graph whose structure is independent of any rewriting strategy, we define the trace inductively, thus giving us a powerful method for proving its properties.  相似文献   

In order to develop a proof procedure of multi-agent autoepistemic Logic (MAEL), a natural framework to formalize belief and reasoning including inheritance, persistence, and causality, we introduce a method that translates a MAEL theory into a logic program with integrity constraints. It is proved that there exists one-to-one correspondence between extensions of a MAEL theory and stable models of a logic program translated from it. Our approach has the following advantages: (1) We can obtain all extensions of a MAEL theory if we compute all stable models of the translated logic program. (2) We can fully use efficient techniques or systems for computing stable models of a logic program. We also investigate the properties of reasoning in MAEL through this translation. The fact that the extension computing problem can be reduced to the stable model computing problem implies that there are close relationships between MAEL and other formalizations of nonmonotonic reasoning.  相似文献   

Temporal logics such as Computation Tree Logic (CTL) and Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) have become popular for specifying temporal properties over a wide variety of planning and verification problems. In this paper we work towards building a generalized framework for automated reasoning based on temporal logics. We present a powerful extension of CTL with first-order quantification over the set of reachable states for reasoning about extremal properties of weighted labeled transition systems in general. The proposed logic, which we call Weighted Quantified Computation Tree Logic (WQCTL), captures the essential elements common to the domain of planning and verification problems and can thereby be used as an effective specification language in both domains. We show that in spite of the rich, expressive power of the logic, we are able to evaluate WQCTL formulas in time polynomial in the size of the state space times the length of the formula. Wepresent experimental results on the WQCTL verifier.  相似文献   

Constraint-Based Attribute and Interval Planning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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