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A wide variety of non-cigarette forms of tobacco and nicotine exist, and their use varies regionally and globally. Smoked forms of tobacco such as cigars, bidis, kreteks and waterpipes have high popularity and are often perceived erroneously as less hazardous than cigarettes, when in fact their health burden is similar. Smokeless tobacco products vary widely around the world in form and the health hazards they present, with some clearly toxic forms (eg, in South Asia) and some forms with far fewer hazards (eg, in Sweden). Nicotine delivery systems not directly reliant on tobacco are also emerging (eg, electronic nicotine delivery systems). The presence of such products presents challenges and opportunities for public health. Future regulatory actions such as expansion of smoke-free environments, product health warnings and taxation may serve to increase or decrease the use of non-cigarette forms of tobacco. These regulations may also bring about changes in non-cigarette tobacco products themselves that could impact public health by affecting attractiveness and/or toxicity.  相似文献   

The U.S. agricultural infrastructure is one of the most productive and efficient food-producing systems in the world. Many of the characteristics that contribute to its high productivity and efficiency also make this infrastructure extremely vulnerable to a terrorist attack by a biological weapon. Several experts have repeatedly stated that taking advantage of these vulnerabilities would not require a significant undertaking and that the nation's agricultural infrastructure remains highly vulnerable. As a result of continuing criticism, many initiatives at all levels of government and within the private sector have been undertaken to improve our ability to detect and respond to an agroterrorist attack. However, outbreaks, such as the 1999 West Nile outbreak, the 2001 anthrax attacks, the 2003 monkeypox outbreak, and the 2004 Escherichia coli O157:H7 outbreak, have demonstrated the need for improvements in the areas of communication, emergency response and surveillance efforts, and education for all levels of government, the agricultural community, and the private sector. We recommend establishing an interdisciplinary advisory group that consists of experts from public health, human health, and animal health communities to prioritize improvement efforts in these areas. The primary objective of this group would include establishing communication, surveillance, and education benchmarks to determine current weaknesses in preparedness and activities designed to mitigate weaknesses. We also recommend broader utilization of current food and agricultural preparedness guidelines, such as those developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  相似文献   

Efficiency is a term generally used to determine how well a system performs. However, efficiency can have different meanings and, unaccompanied by a formal definition or taken out of context, can lead to serious misconceptions. In many official publications, efficiency is calculated as the ratio of useful output to energy input. This measure reflects the first law of thermodynamics (conservation of energy) but does not reflect the potential for improvement. A better measure, that also reflects the second law of thermodynamics, is the ratio of the potential useful (exergy) output to the potential useful (exergy) input. We estimate second law efficiencies for the inorganic and organic chemical industries to be 29% and 35% respectively. We also estimate the efficiency of the U.S. industry sector as a whole to be 37.6%, as compared to only 7.7% for the overall U.S. economy. These figures are far lower than the "first law" figures published by the U.S. Department of Energy (80% for industry and 42.5% overall) and they imply a significant potential for improvement.  相似文献   

Mycotoxins are metabolites produced by molds that contaminate food commodities, are harmful to both humans and animals, as well as cause economic losses. Many countries have set regulatory limits and strict thresholds to control the level of mycotoxins in food and feedstuffs. New technologies and strategies have been developed to inhibit toxigenic fungal invasion and to decontaminate mycotoxins. However, many of these strategies do not sufficiently detoxify mycotoxins and leave residual toxic by-products. This review focuses on the use of phenolic compounds obtained from botanical extracts as promising bioagents to inhibit fungal growth and/or to limit mycotoxin yields. The mechanism of these botanicals, legislation concerning their use, and their safety are also discussed. In addition, recent strategies to overcome stability and solubility constraints of phenolic compounds to be used in food and feed stuffs are also mentioned.  相似文献   

Prostephanus truncatus (Horn) (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae), is a wood-boring, destructive quarantine insect pest of stored cereal grains and tuber crops. Current disinfestation methods against this pest mainly include fumigants, whose usage in some countries has been contested and discontinued owing to increasing pesticide resistance, public health risks and environmental hazards. Grain temperature treatments thus, offer a sustainable non-chemical and near universally acceptable form of disinfestation for international commodity movement. Currently, blanket temperature treatments are applied regardless of as-yet-unknown P. truncatus developmental stage thermal mortality thresholds that simultaneously optimise grain quality. Here, we used established static and dynamic protocols to determine the low and high thermal profile of P. truncatus larvae and adults measured as critical thermal minima (CTmin), lower lethal temperatures (LLT0), chill coma recovery time (CCRT), supercooling points (SCPs), critical thermal maxima (CTmax), upper lethal temperatures (ULT0) and heat knock-down time (HKDT). We tested the adult ULT-time matrices on maize and sorghum grain quality (germination %) to determine the most effective temperature-time combination(s) retaining optimum grain germination quality. Our results showed adults had higher basal heat (CTmax and HKDT), cold (CTmin, CCRT and SCP) and potential thermal plasticity than larvae (P < 0.05). The LLTs and ULTs ranged −1 to −15 °C and 41–49 °C respectively. Using LLT0 and ULT0, our results showed that for heat treatment, moderate temperature × long duration matrix; i.e. either 45.5  °C × 4 h or 47  °C × 2  h were more efficacious while retaining commodity quality. Similarly, for cold treatment; −9 °C × 4 h, −11  °C × 2 h, −13  °C × 1 h and −15  °C × 0.5 h were effective for complete mortality. These temperature-time combinations may be a sustainable alternative to fumigants in phytosanitary grain disinfestation against P. truncatus or related pests. Such pest- and commodity -specific thermal profiling is critical for development of effective standardised grain disinfestation protocols.  相似文献   

Some microplanktonic species, mostly dinoflagellates, causing Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), produce toxins which may affect the environment and human health, thus causing important economic losses. The dinoflagellate Pyrodinium bahamense var. compressum is one of the main species causing harmful algal blooms along the tropical Pacific. Although it was first reported along the Mexican coast in the 1970s, here we report that a sedimentary record of Pyrodinium cysts from the Gulf of Tehuantepec in the tropical East Pacific (Mexico), which spans from the 1860s, showed the continuous occurrence of Pyrodinium cysts and that their presence has been declining in the last few decades. Although Pyrodinium HABs have been attributed to El Ni?o events in the tropical Indo-West Pacific, the record shows that most blooms in the tropical East Pacific appear in periods of low sea surface temperature and higher rainfall, as can be observed during rapid shifts from cold (La Ni?a) to warm (El Ni?o) conditions in that region. This mechanism offers new ways to better predict and facilitate early detection of Pyrodinium HABs worldwide.  相似文献   

Genetic selection has been a very successful tool for the long-term improvement of livestock populations, and the rapid adoption of genomic selection over the last decade has doubled the rate of gain in some populations. Breeding programs seek to identify genetically superior parents of the next generation, typically as a function of an index that combines information about many economically important traits into a single number. In the United States, the data that drive this system are collected through the national dairy herd improvement program that began more than a century ago. The resulting information about animal performance, pedigree, and genotype is used to compute genomic evaluations for comparing and ranking animals for selection. However, the full expression of genetic potential requires that animals are placed in environments that can support such performance. The Agricultural Research Service of the US Department of Agriculture and the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding collaborate to deliver state-of-the-art genomic evaluations to the dairy industry. Today, most breeding stock are selected and marketed using the net merit dollars (NM$) selection index, which evolved from 2 traits in 1926 (milk and fat yield) to a combination of 36 individual traits following the last NM$ update in 2018. Updates to NM$ require the estimation of many different values, and it can be difficult to achieve consensus from stakeholders on what should be added to, or removed from, the index at each review, and how those traits should be weighted. Over time, the majority of the emphasis in the index has shifted from yield traits to fertility, health, and fitness traits. Phenotypes for some of these new traits are difficult or expensive to measure, or require changes to on-farm habits that have not been widely adopted. This is driving interest in sensor-based systems that provide continuous measurements of the farm environment, individual animal performance, and detailed milk composition. There is also a need to capture more detailed data about the environment in which animals perform, including information about feeding, housing, milking systems, and infectious and parasitic load. However, many challenges accompany these new technologies, including a lack of standardization or validation, need for high-speed internet connections, increased computational requirements, and interpretations that are often not backed by direct observations of biological phenomena. This work will describe how US selection objectives are developed, as well as discuss opportunities and challenges associated with new technologies for measuring and recording animal performance.  相似文献   

Young OA  Braggins TJ 《Meat science》1993,35(2):213-222
The concentration and heat-dependent solubility of collagen were measured in the semimembranosus (36 animals) and, for comparison, the gluteus (108) muscles of sheep aged 4 months to 5 years. For both muscles, solubility declined with age but concentration remained unchanged. Compared to gluteus and other major ovine muscles, the semimembranosus had markedly insoluble collagen at a relatively low concentration. To assess the relative importance of collagen concentration and solubility on tenderness/texture for a muscle with this profile, the semimembranosus muscles contralateral to those used for collagen analysis were cooked to an endpoint of 75°C and assessed by sensory panel and Warner-Bratzler shear tests. The panel data showed that collagen concentration was the more important determinant of eating quality, whereas shear data were more clearly related to solubility. The implications of the sensory results are discussed for muscles that contain a different collagen profile.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (PAF) is produced by preimplantation embryos and may be involved in the earliest stages of embryo-maternal dialogue. This study explored the potential effects of PAF acting as a signalling agent on human Fallopian tubal epithelial cells grown as a polarized layer in primary culture. The response of the tubal epithelium was assessed in terms of the transepithelial potential difference and short-circuit current (I(scc)), which were recorded using a modified Ussing chamber. Resistance was calculated from the measurements of potential difference and I(scc). PAF (1.9 nmol to 1.9 micromol l(-1)) administered to the apical surface of the cells produced a marked, transient increase in both potential difference and I(scc) in a dose-dependent manner. The mode of action of PAF on the electrophysiological responses of human tubal epithelial cells was investigated. Blockers of Na(+), K(+) and voltage-operated Ca(2+) channels had little effect on PAF action. However, incubation of the epithelial cells in Cl(-)free medium or with a blocker of the Na(+)-K(+)-2Cl(-) cotransporter (Furosemide) reduced the effect of PAF. Blockade of chloride-bicarbonate channels with 4-acetamido-4'-iso-thiocyanostilbene-2.2'-disulphonic acid (SITS) reduced the effect of low doses of PAF only. These results indicate that PAF influences the movement of chloride ions across the tubal epithelial cell and is a candidate molecule for initial embryo-maternal dialogue.  相似文献   

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