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A series of new 2-alkynyl and 2-cycloalkynyl derivatives of adenosine-5'-N-ethyluronamide (NECA) and of N-ethyl-1'-deoxy-1'-(6-amino-2-hexynyl-9H-purin-9-yl)-beta-D- ribofuranuronamide (1, HE-NECA), bearing hydroxy, amino, chloro, and cyano groups in the side chain, were synthesized. The compounds were studied in binding and functional assays to assess their potency for the A2 compared to A1 adenosine receptor. The presence of an alpha-hydroxyl group in the alkynyl chain of NECA derivatives accounts for the A2 agonist potency, leading to compounds endowed with sub-nanomolar affinity in binding studies. However, these analogues also possess good A1 receptor affinity resulting in low A2 selectivity. From functional experiments the 4-hydroxy-1-butynyl (6) and the 4-(2-tetrahydro-2H-pyranyloxy)-1-butynyl (16) derivatives appear to be very potent in inducing vasorelaxation without appreciable effect on heart rate. The new compounds were also tested as inhibitors of platelet aggregation induced by ADP. Introduction of an alpha-hydroxyl group in the alkynyl side chain caused a greater increase in antiaggregatory activity than either NECA or HE-NECA, resulting in the most potent inhibitors of platelet aggregation so far known in the nucleoside series. The presence of an alpha-quaternary carbon such as the 3-hydroxy-3,5-dimethyl-1-hexynyl (12) and the 3-hydroxy-3-phenyl-1-butynyl (15) derivatives markedly reduced the antiaggregatory potency without affecting the A2 affinity. The hydrophobicity index (k') of the new nucleosides barely correlated with the binding data, whereas high k' values were associated with increased A2 vs A1 selectivity but with reduced activity in all functional assays. Some of the compounds synthesized possess interesting pharmacological properties. Compounds having an appropriate balance between vasorelaxation and antiplatelet activity, if confirmed in vivo, deserve further development for the treatments of cardiovascular disorders.  相似文献   

In the freshly prepared rat renal cortical tubule suspension, the effects of ATP on intracellular free calcium mobilization and gluconeogenesis were investigated. ATP increased intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in a dose-dependent manner (10(-6) - 10(-3) M). The rank order in the potency of ATP analogs at 10(-4) M was 2-methylthio ATP > ATP > or = ADP. AMP, adenosine and alpha, beta-methylene ATP did not respond to [Ca2+]i. These results suggest that P2-purinoceptor in the rat kidney cortex should be specifically P2Y subtype. Renal gluconeogenesis from pyruvate was stimulated maximally by 10(-4) M ATP (48.3 +/- 13.2%). This effect was significantly inhibited by 10(-4) M suramin. Thus, the present study suggests that renal gluconeogenesis is increased via P2Y-specific purinoceptor stimulation.  相似文献   

The synthesis and biological evaluation of N6, C8-disubstituted derivatives of adenosine as potential partial agonists for adenosine receptors is described. Via three routes, two series of compounds were prepared, viz., N6-cyclopentyladenosine derivatives 3a-e and C8-(cyclopentylamino)adenosine analogs 3e and 9a-d, respectively. The X-ray structure determination of one of these compounds, N6-ethyl-8(cyclopentylamino)adenosine (9b), was carried out (orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) (No. 19) with a = 11.039(3), b = 8.708(2), and c = 24.815(12) angstrom, Z=4,R1=0.0974,R2(W) = 0.2455). Due to intramolecular hydrogen bonding, the ribose moiety of this compound is in an anti conformation. The compounds were tested in vitro in radioligand binding studies, yielding their affinities for A1 and A2a adenosine receptors. All compounds appeared A1 selective, with affinities in the high nanomolar, low micromolar range. On A1 receptors the so-called GTP shift was also determined, i.e., the ratio between the affinities measured in the presence and absence of 1 mM GTP. All GTP shifts (values between 1.1 and 3.8) were lower than the GTP shift for CPA (6.0). This GTP shift appeared indicative for partial agonism in vivo, since the N6-cyclopentyladenosine derivatives showed lower intrinsic activities than the prototypic full agonist N6-cyclopentyladenosine on the decrease in heart rate in conscious, normotensive rats.  相似文献   

New potent N alpha-alkylated histamine H1-receptor agonists have been prepared and functionally evaluated for partial agonist potency and selectivity. N alpha-Methyl-2-(3-trifluoromethylphenyl)histamine contracts ileal segments and aortic rings of guinea-pig with a relative potency of 174% (95% confid. lim. 161-188%) and 217% (164-287%), respectively (histamine: 100%) and is the most potent H1 receptor agonist described so far.  相似文献   

The expression of poliovirus 2BC protein in yeast and mammalian cells leads to a number of metabolic and morphological alterations, such as growth inhibition, intracellular membrane proliferation, blockade of the exocytic pathway, and enhanced membrane permeability. Yeast cells that express poliovirus 2BC in an inducible manner were used to identify the regions of 2BC implicated in the modifications of these cellular functions. Several 2BC deletion mutants were generated to define the minimal portion of 2BC required to alter these activities. Additional deletion mutants that were obtained by random mutagenesis followed by selection in yeast cells provided new insights into the structure and mechanism of action of 2BC. The activity responsible for membrane proliferation is located in 2C, while the activities responsible for membrane permeabilization and inhibition of the exocytic pathway are located in 2B. Several regions of 2B and 2C required for the different functions of 2BC were identified. Thus, the integrity of the N termini of both 2B and 2C is necessary for 2BC-induced cytotoxicity. It is also possible to separate the different cellular alterations provoked by 2BC by the use of several 2BC variants. Deletion of amino acids 52 to 65 in 2B generates a 2BC deletion variant, 2bC deltaAvrII, that still blocks yeast growth but is unable to enhance membrane permeability or to inhibit the exocytic pathway. On the other hand, 2Bcl28*.32b and 2Bcl28*.3c, which contain only 73 and 77 amino acids of 2B, interfere with yeast division and enhance membrane permeability but affect the exocytic pathway only weakly and do not induce membrane proliferation. Our findings indicate that Saccharomyces cerevisiae represents a useful model system to analyze the functions of poliovirus 2BC and show the feasibility of separating the activities assigned to this protein.  相似文献   

Population control has become a major problem in many wildlife species. Fertility control through immunocontraception has been proposed as a method for reducing population size. We have tested the concept that immunocontraception can be achieved with a recombinant ectromelia virus expressing an ovary-specific antigen, the mouse zona pellucida 3 (ZP3) glycoprotein. Female mice infected with the recombinant virus produced autoimmune antibodies against ZP3 and were infertile for 5-9 mo after infection. For almost half the infertile mice, immunity to ZP3 was associated with a disruption of ovarian follicular development and the depletion of mature follicles without observable oophoritis. Mice returned to fertility as the anti-ZP3 antibody level in the serum decreased. Reinfection of the mice with the recombinant virus boosted the anti-ZP3 response and restored infertility.  相似文献   

[des-His1, des-Phe6,Glu9]Glucagon-NH2 is a newly designed glucagon antagonist. This analog has a binding IC50 of 48 nM (compared to glucagon IC50 of 1.5 nM) and demonstrates pure antagonism in an adenylate cyclase assay. Although the number of glucagon antagonists has grown rapidly recently, closer examination suggested that many of these antagonists retained very low, almost imperceptible levels of cAMP accumulation that were sufficient to elicit an in vivo biological response. To investigate more carefully this secondary biological signal, we measured cAMP accumulation in a revised assay using isolated hepatocytes in the presence of the phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor Rolipram. The PDE inhibitors Rolipram and isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) increased the sensitivity of the cAMP accumulation assay from approximately 10-fold for the native hormone to 35-fold above basal levels. On the other hand, amrinone, another PDE inhibitor, did not affect the cAMP accumulation caused by glucagon. The use of PDE inhibitors indicated that three glucagon analogs that had previously been reported to have strong antagonist properties in classical adenylate cyclase assays were actually weak partial agonists in this new assay system. [N alpha-Trinitrophenyl-His1, homo-Arg12]glucagon, [des-amino-His1,D-Phe4,Tyr5, Arg12, Lys17,18,Glu21]glucagon, and [des-His1,Glu9]glucagon-NH2 demonstrated 233%, 21%, and 5.5% cAMP accumulation relative to the native hormone in the presence of 25 microM Rolipram. On the other hand, [des-His1,des-Phe6,Glu9]glucagon-NH2, a newly designed glucagon antagonist, did not activate adenylate cyclase in the presence of Rolipram up to a maximal physiological concentration of 1 microM, indicating that it was a pure antagonist of glucagon-induced adenylate cyclase activity and also the first one in this class. This compound and others were tested in a glycogen phosphorylase assay. As [des-His1,des- Phe6,Glu9]glucagon-NH2 did not activate phosphorylase activity, it was chosen as our candidate for in vivo testing in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. An initial dose of 0.75 mg/kg was found to cause the greatest lowering of blood glucose levels (to 63% of the initial levels in 15 min) when the bolus was followed by continuous infusion of 25 micrograms/kgxmin for 1 h.  相似文献   

The crystal and molecular structure of barium adenosine 5'-monophosphate heptahydrate was determined from x-ray diffraction data. Crystals of barium adenosine 5'-monophosphate heptahydrate are monoclinic, space group C2, with a = 32.559(3), b = 6.969(3), c = 9.597(1) A, and beta = 100.31(1) degrees. Intensity data were collected with an automated diffractometer. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by least-squares to R = 0.034. This structure provides an example of an outer-sphere metal-nucleotide complex, in which a completely hydrated metal ion interacts with the nucleotide only through water bridges. The barium ion is coordinated to eight water molecules, which form a slightly distorted square antiprism. Seven of the eight water molecules from the barium hydration shell are hydrogen bonded to phosphate groups; three of these water molecules are also hydrogen bonded to other suitable acceptor sites on the base and ribose moieties. The conformation about the glycosidic bond is anti, with chiCN = 69 degrees, and, as in most nucleotide structures, the conformation about the C(4')-C(5') bond is gauche-gauche. However, the ribose displays an unusual conformation (best described as C(4')-exo) not previously observed in crystal structures of nucleosides or nucleotides, other than 3',5'-cyclic nucleotides. It is possible that this unusual conformation is a consequence of the metal-water-nucleotide bridging interactions.  相似文献   

Detergent-based vaginal microbicides, in addition to their high contraceptive failure rates, cause mucosal erosion and local inflammation that might increase the risk of heterosexual human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission. In a systematic effort to identify a microbicide contraceptive potentially capable of preventing the sexual transmission of HIV as well as providing fertility control, a series of novel aryl phosphate derivatives of 5-bromo-6-methoxy-3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine (AZT; zidovudine) were synthesized and examined for dual anti-HIV and sperm-immobilizing activity (SIA). Whereas AZT displayed potent anti-HIV activity (IC50 = 0.006 microM) but lacked SIA (EC50 > 300 microM), two 5-bromo-6-methoxy-aryl phosphate derivatives of AZT, compounds WHI-05 and WHI-07, exhibited potent anti-HIV activity as well as SIA. The IC50 (HIV) and EC50 (SIA) values for WHI-07 were 439-fold and 13.5-fold lower, respectively, than those for the detergent-based virucidal spermicide, nonoxynol-9 (N-9). Sperm motion kinematics using computer-assisted sperm motion analysis combined with confocal laser scanning microscopy, high-resolution low-voltage scanning, and transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that both WHI-05 and WHI-07 cause a complete and irreversible loss of sperm motility in a concentration- and time-dependent fashion without concomitantly affecting the sperm acrosomal membrane integrity. In experiments designed to assess the fertilizing capacity of treated sperm, preincubation of sperm with either compound resulted in a concentration-dependent loss of the ability to adhere to and penetrate zona-free hamster eggs as well as inhibition of binding to human zona. WHI-07 applied intravaginally prior to artificial insemination of epididymal sperm drastically reduced fertility in hormonally primed CD-1 mice. Unlike the intravaginal application of N-9, repetitive intravaginal application of WHI-07 did not damage the vaginal epithelium or cause local inflammation. Structure-function relationship analyses showed that the addition of bromo-methoxy functional groups to AZT was essential for, and the aryl phosphate derivatization contributory to, the SIA of both compounds. Compounds WHI-05 and WHI-07 may be useful as dual-function vaginal contraceptives for women who are at high risk for acquiring HIV/acquired immunodeficiency virus syndrome by heterosexual vaginal transmission.  相似文献   

Twelve young adults were treated with either melatonin, 3 mg or 6 mg, or placebo, at two different times before an early evening nap (18.00-20.00 h) according to a balanced double-blind Latin square design. Polysomnographic monitoring revealed that both dosages of melatonin significantly shortened sleep latency and increased total sleep time in comparison to placebo, irrespective of the time of administration. Subjects also tended to assess their sleep as 'deeper' after melatonin treatment. Based on previous data and the present results, it was concluded that exogenous melatonin exerts hypnotic effects only when circulating levels of endogenous melatonin are low.  相似文献   

The synthesis and the biological evaluation of a series of novel pyrroloquinoxaline derivatives are described. In binding studies several compounds proved to be potent and selective 5-HT3 receptor ligands. The most active pyrroloquinoxalines, 11d and 11e, showed a subnanomolar affinity for 5-HT3 receptor and were able to functionally discriminate the central and peripheral 5-HT3 receptor, being agonists and antagonists, respectively. In functional studies ([14C]-guanidinium accumulation test in NG 108-15 cells, in vitro) most of the synthesized compounds showed clear-cut 5-HT3 agonist properties. In in vivo studies on the von Bezold-Jarisch reflex test (a peripheral interaction model) the behavior of the tested compounds ranged from agonist to antagonist, while clear agonist properties were obtained with 12a on cortical acetylcholine release in freely moving rats. Pharmacokinetic studies with 11e and 12c indicate that the compounds easily cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) after systemic administration with a brain/plasma ratio of 17.5 and 37.5, respectively. Thus compounds 11e and 12c represent the most potent central 5-HT3 agonists identified to date that are able to cross the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Previous studies have shown that adenosine agonists may induce a rise in intraocular pressure (IOP), a reduction in IOP, or both. Although the reduction in IOP results from the activation of adenosine A1 receptors, the mechanisms responsible for the rise in IOP have not been investigated. This study examines the receptors and mechanisms responsible for the adenosine agonist-induced rise in IOP. METHODS: The ocular effects of the nonselective adenosine agonist NECA, the relatively selective adenosine A2 agonist CV-1808, the A2a agonist CGS-21680, and the A1 agonist R-PIA were evaluated. RESULTS: The topical administration of CV-1808 produced a rapid rise in IOP, with a maximum increase of 15.6 +/- 1.6 mm Hg. Dose-response curves demonstrated that each agonist produced a dose-related rise in IOP with the following rank order of potency: NECA > CV-1808 > > R-PIA = CGS-21680. At times corresponding to the rise in IOP, the administration of high doses of CV-1808 (165 micrograms) produced a significant increase in aqueous humor flow and protein concentration. Increases in IOP and aqueous humor protein levels induced by CV-1808 were blocked by pretreatment with the adenosine A2 antagonist DMPX. In vitro studies demonstrated that CV-1808 did not alter cyclic adenosine monophosphate production in the rabbit iris-ciliary body. In cats, topical administration of CV-1808 produced a rapid rise in IOP, with a maximum increase of 8.1 +/- 2.4 mm Hg and an ED50 of 73 +/- 2.9 micrograms. This rise in IOP was blocked by DMPX pretreatment. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate that adenosine receptor agonists can induce an acute rise in IOP in rabbits and cats. On the basis of pharmacologic characteristics, the rise in IOP is consistent with the activation of ocular adenosine A2 receptors. Functional studies indicate that at high doses, this rise in IOP involves an increase in aqueous flow and the breakdown of the blood-aqueous barrier.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism (CD) spectra of glycogen phosphorylase from rabbit muscle have been measured in the presence of various ligands, particularly in the near-ultraviolet wavelength region. Phosphorylases a and b gave similar positive CD spectra as each other, in the 250-310-nm region. The differences in CD between the a and b forms, as well as the CD changes induced by binding of substrate and other ligands except nucleotides to the enzyme, are all relatively small. Binding of AMP and other nucleotides to phosphorylases a and b, and NaBH4-reduced phosphorylase b, however, induces much larger CD spectral changes than the above. The difference CD curve obtained by subtracting the phosphorylase b curve from that of the enzyme- AMP complex is smooth, with a positive maximum at 266 nm and a negative at 289 nm. The results with various other nucleotides show that the induced Cotton effects are dependent on the base chromophore of the nucleotides. The rotational strength of the induced Cotton effect in phosphorylase b by AMP increases under various conditions, under which the affinity of the enzyme for AMP is enhanced, e.g., the addition of glucose 1-phosphate, inorganic phosphate, fluoride ion, divalent metal cations, and spermine, low temperatures, and conversion of the enzyme to the a form. On the contrary, these factors little affect the induced Cotton effects by IMP, GMP, and dAMP. Amylodextrin gave no effect on the extrinsic Cotton effect by binding of AMP plus Mn2+ to phosphorylase b, while it did retard the AMP-induced tetramerization of the enzyme. It is suggested that the interaction of nucleotides with phosphorylase involves stacking between the base ring of the bound nucleotides and an aromatic amino acid residue at the allosteric site of the enzyme, and that, in the high affinity form of the enzyme for AMP, particular bondings are newly formed between the enzyme and the nucleotide allowing the heterotropic cooperativity.  相似文献   

This study aimed to demonstrate that sufficient Ph-negative blood progenitors could be collected following administration of glycosylated rhG-CSF (lenograstim) to patients with Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-positive chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) who responded to recombinant alpha-interferon (alpha-IFN) (Ph-positive marrow metaphases < 35%). 23 patients received lenograstim (150 microg/m2) once daily for a median of 9 d. Peak circulating numbers of white blood cells (36.4 x 10(9)/l), CD34+ cells (24/ microl) and colony-forming unit-granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM; 1346.5/ml) occurred at a median of day 8, day 8 and day 7, respectively. Two to six (median three) leukaphereses (LK) were performed from days 5 to 12. The median number of mononuclear cells (MNC), CD34+ cells and CFU-GM collected per patient was 7.35 x 10(8/)kg, 2.72 x 10(6)/kg and 10.23 x 10(4)/kg, respectively. 22/23 patients had LK which contained either 10(4) CFU-GM/kg and/or 10(6) CD34+ cells/kg; 47LK (from 20/22 patients) were evaluable for cytogenetics. The median percentage of Ph-positive cells was 0, and 43/47 LK (91%) contained <35% Ph-positive cells; 25 (53%) were entirely negative. Sixteen of 20 evaluable patients had one or more LK with <35% Ph-positive cells, and 12 had at least one 100% Ph-negative LK. Mobilization and collection of Ph-negative cells were not influenced by the dose or duration of alpha-IFN administration before (or during) lenograstim administration or by the quality of cytogenetic response (complete v major) during lenograstim administration. No significant side-effects were observed. Thus, lenograstim administration can result in satisfactory Ph-negative blood progenitor cell collection. Autologous transplantation of such cells may be used when indicated.  相似文献   

Partial adenosine A1 receptor agonists with reduced intrinsic activity at the cardiovascular system would be promising for therapeutic application (e.g., as antilipolytic agents). In the present study a series of 8-alkylamino [methyl (M)-, ethyl (E)-, propyl (P)-, butyl (B)- and cyclopentyl (CP)-] derivatives of N6-cyclopentyladenosine (CPA) were investigated in conscious normotensive rats. After intravenous administration of the compounds to rats, heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure were monitored continuously, and serial arterial blood samples were drawn for determination of the pharmacokinetics. The concentration-heart rate relationships of the compounds were described on the basis of an integrated pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model. The blood concentration-time profiles of the compounds could be described best by a biexponential function. The derivatives of CPA had uniform pharmacokinetic properties. The larger volume of distribution at steady state of the 8-substituted analogs resulted in terminal half-lives (ranging from 17 to 24 min) which were significantly longer than for CPA (7 min). All derivatives of CPA produced less pronounced reductions in HR and MAP than CPA. The relationship between concentration and the reduction in HR was adequately described by the sigmoidal Emax model in individual rats given 8MCPA, 8ECPA and 8PCPA. 8BCPA and 8CPCPA were nearly inactive on heart rate. The in vivo EC50,u values for the reduction in HR (366 nM, 210 nM, 170 nM and 175 nM for 8MCPA, 8ECPA, 8PCPA and 8BCPA, respectively) were in the same order of magnitude as the affinities in receptor binding studies. The order of magnitude of the intrinsic activities (Emax) was CPA > 8MCPA > 8ECPA = 8PCPA > 8BCPA > 8CPCPA, which indicated partial agonism of the compounds in vivo. The in vivo parameter Emax correlated highly (r = 0.97) to the GTP shift observed in radioligand binding experiments.  相似文献   

B Sima  L Macdonald  LS Marton  B Weir  J Zhang 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1996,39(4):815-21; discussion 821-2
OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that the vasoactive effects of hemolysate of dog erythrocytes on dog basilar artery in vitro are caused by adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP). METHODS: Dog erythrocyte hemolysate was assayed for ATP by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Dog basilar arteries were cut into rings and studied under isometric tension to determine the effects of the P2-purinoceptor antagonists suramin, pyridoxal phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonic acid, and reactive blue 2 on contractions induced by hemolysate, prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), KCl, uridine 5'-triphosphate, and ATP. RESULTS: Dog erythrocyte hemolysate contained 34 mumol/L of ATP. Hemolysate produced concentration-dependent contractions of dog basilar artery. Suramin (100 mumol/L) significantly inhibited contractions to hemolysate, ATP, and uridine 5'-triphosphate but not to PGF2 alpha and KCl (P < 0.05). Pyridoxal phosphate-6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonic acid (100 mumol/L) caused a small but significant reduction of the contractions to hemolysate and did not affect contractions to PGF2 alpha and KCl. Reactive blue 2 (30 mumol/L) produced significant inhibition of contractions to hemolysate and PGF2 alpha but did not affect contractions to KCl. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that ATP mediates a smooth muscle contractile response of hemolysate on dog basilar artery. Because erythrocyte cytosol is known to be important in the pathogenesis of vasospasm, these results suggest that ATP may contribute to the vasoconstriction that occurs in vasospasm.  相似文献   

The effects of intrathecally delivered adenosine agonists on allodynia induced by L5/L6 spinal nerve ligation in rats with lumbar intrathecal catheters were examined. Tactile allodynia was assessed by measuring the threshold for evoking withdrawal of the lesioned hind paw with calibrated von Frey hairs. Intrathecal administration of the A1 adenosine selective agonist, N6-(2-phenylisopropyl)-adenosine R-(-)isomer (R-PIA), produced a dose-dependent (0.3-3 nmol; ED50 = 0.6 nmol) antiallodynic action and evoked a delayed motor weakness at a dosage of 30 nmol. Intrathecal administration of the A2 adenosine selective agonist, CGS 21680 {2-p-(2-carboxyethyl) phenethylamino-5'-N-ethylcarboxamido adenosine hydrochloride}, also produced a dose-dependent reduction in allodynia (2-40 nmol; ED50 = 15 nmol), but this effect was associated at 40 nmol after a short interval with prominent hind limb weakness. Intrathecal pretreatment with A1/A2 adenosine antagonists, caffeine (20 mumol) and 8-sulfophenyltheophylline (60 nmol), blocked antiallodynic actions of R-PIA (1 nmol) and CGS 21680 (40 nmol). Intrathecal pretreatment with the A1 adenosine-selective antagonist, 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dimethylxanthine (3 nmol), blocked the antiallodynic effect of R-PIA (1 nmol), but even a dose as high as 10 nmol did not block the effect of CGS 21680 (40 nmol). The A2 adenosine-selective antagonist, 3, 7-dimethyl-1-propargylxanthine (3 nmol), prevented the antiallodynic effects of R-PIA (1 nmol) and CGS 21680 (40 nmol). Pretreatment with caffeine (20 mumol), 8-sulfophenyltheophylline (60 nmol) and 3,7-dimethyl-1-propargylxanthine (3 nmol) prevented the motor dysfunction induced by R-PIA (30 nmol) and CGS 21680 (40 nmol), but 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dimethylxanthine (3 or 10 nmol) did not. Based on these effects, we hypothesize that the antiallodynic effects are mediated through the activation of spinal A1 adenosine receptors and motor dysfunction effects are mediated through A2 adenosine receptors.  相似文献   

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