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在解除管制的市场环境中,上游燃料市场和下游电力市场存在博弈关系。从长期来看,上下游市场的博弈关系反映了各市场主体的发展趋势,厘清关系能够为制定合理政策提供科学依据。在无容量约束的理想情况下,博弈关系较为简单,认识较清楚,但当存在发电容量约束,特别是容量约束发挥作用时,博弈关系将变得十分复杂。为此,文中基于建立的上下游市场博弈模型,采用数学分析的方法,以具有低热耗率发电技术的高效率电力集团容量约束为例,对具有不同技术特征电力集团之间及与燃料集团的博弈关系进行了定性分析,并通过仿真方法反复模拟博弈过程,验证了分析结果。研究结果表明,发电容量约束将打破理想情况下上下游联合博弈市场的纯策略均衡状态,形成软约束和硬约束两种不同均衡状态。  相似文献   

随着公平竞争的电力市场逐步建立,分布式发电将凭借其投资省、发电方式灵活、与环境兼容等优点拥有越来越大的市场份额.大量分布式发电系统接入电网,将对传统电力系统产生巨大的影响.首先介绍了分布式发电技术的基本概念以及其相对于集中发电方式的显著优点,并对现在比较热门的几种分布式发电技术做了介绍,然后分析了分布式发电对现有电力系统的影响,指出当大量分布式电源接入系统后,它对系统的影响不再局限于配电网,而将对整个电力系统的动态性能产生巨大的影响.  相似文献   

随着能源问题的日益突出、环境问题的倍受关注以及整个电力系统对稳定安全运行要求的日益提高,电站锅炉的行为将从经济性、环保性和稳定性3个方面来考察。该文介绍了一种综合了经济性和环保性,并可以进而控制锅炉的风、煤优化配比以实现燃烧稳定性的电站锅炉综合效率指标。文中利用采集于600 MW机组的SIS(监控信息系统,supervisory information system of plant)历史数据对该指标进行了标幺化和标定,使效率指标在0~100%,具有合理的灵敏度。最后利用该指标分析了处于高、低负荷下的燃烧过程,并得出结论。  相似文献   

等离子体协助选择性催化还原(PF-SCR)可以促进富氧环境下NOx的有效脱除。为研究实际尾气中含有的水蒸气和CO2对PF-SCR脱除NOx系统的影响,以C2H4作为还原剂,Ag/γ-Al2O3为催化剂,考察了3种(N2/O2/NOx/C2H4,N2/O2/NOx/C2H4/H2O(气)和N2/O2/NOx/C2H4/H2O(气)/CO2)配气条件下PF-SCR脱除NOx效果的变化。试验结果表明,较低水蒸气含量(φ(H2O)=1%)对PF-SCR还原NOx具有明显的抑制作用,其原因除了Ag/γ-Al2O3的抗湿性能较差外,水蒸气对等离子体反应器中C2H4和NO氧化的抑制以及由此导致的活性中间产物生成抑制也是一个重要因素。另一方面,水蒸气的存在也抑制了PF-SCR过程中副产物CO的大量生成,这可能是由于PF-SCR对C2H4的氧化减弱以及等离子体氧化生成的中间产物减少造成的。有水蒸气存在时,体系中的CO对PF-SCR还原NO影响不大。  相似文献   

A new CO2‐capturing power generation system is proposed that can be easily realized by applying conventional technologies. In the proposed system, the temperature of medium‐pressure steam in a thermal power plant is raised by utilizing an oxygen‐combusting regenerative steam‐superheater. The CO2 generated by combusting the fuel in the superheater can be easily separated and captured from the exhaust gas at the condenser outlet, and is liquefied. The superheated steam is used to drive a steam turbine power generation system. Using a high‐efficiency combined cycle power generation system as an example, it is shown that the proposed system can increase the power output by 10.8%, and decrease the CO2 emissions of the entire integrated system by 18.6% with a power generation efficiency drop of 2.36% compared with the original power plant without CO2 capture, when the superheated steam temperature is 750 °C. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 165(1): 35–41, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20575  相似文献   

针对海洋能资源丰富的海岛电网,提出了以消纳率最优为目标的海洋能发电资源优化配置方法。首先,采用高斯混合模型描述海洋能发电的随机波动性,并生成出力场景;然后以海洋能消纳率最优为目标构建了海岛电网的海洋能发电资源优化配置模型;最后,对渗透率、消纳率及源荷匹配度三个指标进行综合分析,获得最优配置方案。基于实际海岛负荷、波浪和潮流数据构建了海洋能发电资源优化配置算例,并重点分析了资源优化配置过程中渗透率约束的取值范围。结果表明,在不同的渗透率约束下,源荷匹配度呈现先升后降的趋势。因此,可以根据最大的源荷匹配度,确定资源优化配置模型中的渗透率约束取值范围。此外,在最优渗透率约束取值范围内,高斯混合模型出力场景与实测数据场景的优化配置结果相差不大且趋势一致,验证了高斯混合模型生成海洋能出力场景的有效性。  相似文献   

随着我国电力供应紧张形势日益严重,各地陆续新建或投产大批的发电机组,100MW以下包括100Mw的锅炉机组以循环流化床锅炉为主,但是这些新建机组投产试运过程中由于前期对燃料问题重视不足,导致机组不能正常带负荷运行,针对燃料问题进行分析研究,供大家借鉴、参考。  相似文献   

常规的移动电源系统一般是采用铅酸电池或者锂离子电池作为蓄能电池,特别是基于铅酸电池的移动电源系统更是大量应用于各个领域。介绍了一种区别于常规电源的基于自呼吸型质子交换膜燃料电池的发电系统的原理、技术和系统设计,并详细描述了燃料电池的发电原理,燃料电池的水、热、气的综合管理技术和电源综合管理技术。  相似文献   

燃料品质变化对机组的自动发电控制(AGC)调节性能产生很大影响,使许多机组AGC品质受到考核。从锅炉跟随为基础的锅炉燃料量控制入手,分析燃料变化对AGC调节品质的影响,推导出了AGC快速变负荷的条件,提出了以负荷-基准燃料率关系为基础的燃料热值校正方法和实用的热值校正系统。提出的方法在某1 000 MW机组应用,AGC考核结果表明,所提出的热值校正对AGC调节品质有明显的改善,具有较好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

针对高原地区(海拔2 000 m以上)环境影响风力发电机组稳定运行的问题,阐述了高原环境空气密度和气压对风机容量、绝缘强度、电晕、放电电压、开关电器灭弧性能的影响程度,提出了风力发电变流器材料、产品机械结构、密封、产品温升及除湿方面在环境温度影响下相应的改进方法,以适应高原环境发电机组运行需求。  相似文献   

Characteristics and economics of three power generation systems which utilize solar energy were investigated and compared for systems located in five different regions. The three systems investigated were a solar thermal system, a solar photovoltaic system, and a CO2‐capturing hybrid power generation system utilizing solar thermal energy (referred to as the hybrid system) which has been proposed by the authors. The net generated power energy and the net exergetic efficiency of the hybrid system have been estimated to be larger and higher, respectively, than those of the others. Economic evaluation reveals that the unit cost of generated power energy of the solar thermal system changes most widely corresponding to the change in solar radiation condition and that the cost of the hybrid system changes the least. In general, the most economical system has been estimated to be the solar thermal system in a location which is superior in solar condition and to be the hybrid system in a not so good solar condition. The solar photovoltaic system has the possibility of being the most economical if its construction cost is greatly improved, though the hybrid system is still the most economical under considerably worse solar conditions such as in Osaka. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 127(3): 1–12, 1999  相似文献   

A CO2-recovering hybrid power generation system utilizing solar thermal energy is proposed. In the system, relatively low temperature saturated steam around 220°C is produced by using solar thermal energy and is utilized as the working fluid of a gas turbine in which generated CO2 is recovered based on the oxygen combustion method. Hence, solar thermal utilization efficiency is considerably higher as compared with that of conventional solar thermal power plants in which superheated steam near 400°C must be produced for use as the working fluid of steam turbines; the requirement for solar radiation in the location in which the system is constructed can be significantly relaxed. The proposed system is a hybrid energy system using both the fossil fuel and solar thermal energy, thus the capacity factor of the system becomes very high. The fuel can be used exergetically in the system; i.e., it can be utilized for raising the temperature of the steam heated by utilizing the turbine exhaust gas more than 1000°C. The generated CO2 can be recovered by using an oxygen combustion method, so that a high CO2 capturing ratio of near 100 percent as well as no thermal NOx emission characteristics can be attained. It has been shown through simulation study that the proposed system has a net power generation efficiency of 63.4 percent, which is higher than 45.7 percent as compared with that of the conventional power plant with 43.5 percent efficiency, when the amount of utilized solar energy is neglected and the temperature of the saturated steam is 220°C.  相似文献   

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