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The particle rotation was found important in the fluidized bed when the heterogeneous structures appeared. Some researches show that Magnus lift force might play an pivotal role in fluid-solid system, especially when the particles have fast rotation speed. As the Magnus lift force is acted at the single particle level, a pseudo two-dimensional discrete particle model (DPM) was used to investigate the influence of Magnus lift force in fluidized bed. The rotational Reynolds number (Rer) bases on the angular velocity and the diameter of the spheres is used to characterize the rotational movement of particles. We studied the influence of Magnus lift force for particles with rotational Reynolds number in the range of 1–100. Our results show that the influence of Magnus lift force is enhanced with a higher Rer. Magnus lift force affects the movement of particles in both radial and axial directions while Rer is high. However, in low Rer case it can be neglected in computational simulation model. This indicates the introduction of Magnus lift force may improve the discrete particle model only in high Rer case and Magnus effect should be considered in real gas-solid two phase system when the particle rotational speed is high. 相似文献
V. A. Borodulya Yu. G. Epanov Yu. S. Teplitskii 《Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics》1982,42(5):528-533
Horizontal particle diffusion in free fluidized beds is investigated experimentally.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 42, No. 5, pp. 767–773, May, 1982. 相似文献
An experimental study regarding spray fluidized bed coating with aqueous suspensions is presented. The dependency of coating shell morphology on drying parameters, atomization pressure and composition of suspension is investigated. The results are compared to existing work regarding spray fluidized bed coating with aqueous solutions of crystalline material. Contrary to coating with solutions, coating shell smoothness and porosity does not depend on drying conditions. Nevertheless, atomizing pressure and mass fraction of solids in suspension have large influence on coating shell morphology. High atomization pressures, leading to small droplets, result in smooth coating surfaces and low shell porosities. A similar trend is observed for a low mass fraction of solids in the suspension. 相似文献
L. I. Kheifets R. V. Dzhagatspanyan A. I. Shcherbunov 《Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics》1968,15(4):956-958
The problem arising in investigations of chlorination of polymers in a boiling bed was formulated in [1,2]. It was found necessary to take into consideration the trajectories of particles and to introduce a certain special measure in the space of these trajectories. The method of solving this problem is presented together with the results of calculations for two separate variants. 相似文献
A. A. Akhromerikov A. S. Kruglov 《Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics》1966,10(5):386-388
The distribution of vertical and horizontal particle velocity in a fluidized bed has been investigated. The experimental results are presented below. 相似文献
Rodriguez P Caussat B Ablitzer C Iltis X Brothier M 《Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology》2011,11(9):8083-8088
In order to study the feasibility of coating very dense powders by alumina using Fluidized Bed Metal Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition (FB-MOCVD), experiments were performed on a commercial tungsten powder, 75 microm in median volume diameter and 19,300 kg/m3 in grain density. The first part of the work was dedicated to the experimental study of the tungsten powder fluidization using argon as carrier gas at room temperature and at 400 degrees C. Due to the very high density of the tungsten powder, leading to low initial fixed bed heights and low bed expansions, different weights of powder were tested in order to reach satisfactory temperature profiles along the fluidized bed. Then, using argon as a fluidized bed former and aluminium acetylacetonate Al(C5O2H7)3 as a single source precursor, alumina thin films were deposited on tungsten particles at a low temperature range (e.g., 370-420 degrees C) by FB-MOCVD. The influence of the weight of powder, bed temperature and run duration was studied. Characterizations of the obtained samples were performed by various techniques including scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) analyses, Field Emission Gun SEM (FEG-SEM) and Fourier Transform InfraRed (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The different analyses indicated that tungsten particles were uniformly coated by a continuous alumina thin film. The thickness of the film ranged between 25 and 80 nm, depending on the coating conditions. The alumina thin films were amorphous and contained carbon contamination. This latter may correspond to the adsorption of species resulting from incomplete decomposition of the precursor at so low deposition temperature. 相似文献
It was shown experimentally and by calculation that in heat transfer between an isothermal wall and a fluidized bed with all the heat removed by the fluidizing agent, the assumed transfer coefficientas and the maximum flux Q vary widely with increase in particle size of fine grained materials.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 800–806, November, 1973. 相似文献
An experimental study has been made of mass transfer to a moving particle in the fluidized bed of coarse inert material. The experimental results are presented in terms of dimensionless relationships.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 235–242, August, 1984. 相似文献
G. I. Pal'chenok A. I. Tamarin 《Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics》1983,45(3):1017-1022
An experimental study is made of heat exchange between an unsecured model particle and a fluidized bed. The test data is generalized with a dimensionless relation. 相似文献
E. Diez P. Kieckhefen K. Meyer A. Bück E. Tsotsas S. Heinrich 《Advanced Powder Technology》2019,30(10):2014-2031
This work studies the particle exchange rates in horizontal fluidized beds equipped with different weir designs between compartments. These particle exchange rates provide information on the axial dispersion of the solid material within the process. For this purpose discrete particle modelling (DPM) was used to determine the particle exchange on microscopic level. This method uses a coupled CFD-DEM approach to observe particle dynamics in a fluid field. The model was validated against exchange rates in a lab-scale setup as determined by Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) with very good quantitative agreement, showing the suitability of the method for the evaluation of weir designs. Simulations were performed for different weir designs and under variation of the hold-up mass, the feed rate and gas velocity to predict their transport behavior in a pilot-scale 3D horizontal fluidized bed. The results indicate that the solids transport behavior is strongly dependent on the used weir design and the main driving force for the particle transport that can be influenced by the process conditions. The installation of weirs between two compartments induces a transport resistance, while the base type without the installation of a weir between the two chambers represents the fastest possibility for mixing the particles of a two-compartment system. It has been observed that the general trend shows higher particle recirculation rates for the overflow weir and base configuration (no weir), whereas the underflow and sideflow weir applications improve the solids transport through the horizontal fluidized bed. 相似文献
《Advanced Powder Technology》2007,18(3):311-327
The present work focuses on the study of a bottom-spray fluidized-bed coater in the absence of any liquid (solvent) evaporation. The main objective is to point out and model the effect of operating conditions on the coating efficiency and the coating mass content distribution of particles. A fluidized bed with a bottom-placed spraying nozzle situated in the middle of a perforated distributor plate was used. The experimental results showed that increasing the jet and fluidizing gas flow rates improve the quality of coating, but there is a limitation for the binder flow rate which is dependent on the bed size and jet gas flow rate. Based on the experimental results, an empirical function was derived to predict the coating efficiency in different operating conditions and this function was also used in the mathematical model. Furthermore, a mathematical model was derived based on the population balance equations for two different zones in the bed. The model could predict the coating mass content distribution and the effect of different operating conditions during the process. 相似文献
Quantitative analysis of film coating in a fluidized bed process by in-line NIR spectrometry and multivariate batch calibration 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Andersson M Folestad S Gottfries J Johansson MO Josefson M Wahlund KG 《Analytical chemistry》2000,72(9):2099-2108
A method is described which enables real-time analysis of film coating on pharmaceutical pellets during an industrial manufacturing process. Measurements were conducted on the solid particulate material by near-infrared (NIR) spectrometry utilizing a diffuse reflectance fiber-optic probe positioned inside a fluidized bed process vessel. Time series of NIR spectra from 11 batches generated a three-way data matrix that was unfolded and modeled by partial least squares (PLS) in a multivariate batch calibration. The process conditions were deliberately varied according to an experimental design. This yielded good predictability of the coating thickness with a best model fit, R2 = 0.97, for one PLS-projection, and a root-mean-square error of calibration = 2.2 microm (range tested 0-50 microm). The regression vector was shown to be highly influenced by responses that are both direct (aliphatic C-H stretch overtones) and indirect (aromatic C-H stretch overtones), from film component and core material, respectively. The impact of different data pre-treatment methods on the normalization of the regression vector is reported. Justification of the process calibration approach is emphasized by good correlation between values predicted from NIR data and reference image analysis data on dissected pellets and a theoretical nonlinear coating thickness growth model. General aspects of in-line NIR on solids and multivariate batch calibration are discussed. 相似文献
A mechanism of particle granulation in a wet fluidized bed is proposed on the basis of experimental data, and test calculations are performed.Translated from Inzhenerno-Fizicheskii Zhurnal, Vol. 61, No. 1, pp. 112–116, July, 1991. 相似文献
Nobuo Miyadai Kenjirou Higashi Kunikazu Moribe Keiji Yamamoto 《Advanced Powder Technology》2012,23(1):40-45
Ibuprofen particles (mean particle size, 27 μm and melting point, 76 °C) as core materials were directly coated with a water-soluble polymer. The primary particles were preserved using a composite fluidized bed with a dispersing mechanism at the bottom of the fluidized bed apparatus. Coated primary particles were obtained under the following 3 conditions: (1) Setting the spray air flow rate at 10 L/min from the initial to 2% coating, (2) adding the low-viscosity water-soluble polymer macrogol 6000 to the hypromellose coating solution, and (3) changing the spray air flow rate to 15 L/min from 2% coating. The particles obtained were confirmed to be coated primary particles by scanning electron microscopy of their cross sections prepared by the cryo-focused ion beam method. The dissolution test showed a marked improvement in the solubility of ibuprofen from the coated primary particles compared with that of a physical mixture. In conclusion, the optimization of the direct coating process made it possible to undertake primary particle coating of a raw material that has a low melting point and a particle size of not more than 50 μm. Primary particle coating contributes to improvements in the physicochemical properties of drugs. 相似文献
The phenomenon of filtering particles by a fluidized bed is complex and the parameters that affect the control efficiency of filtration have not yet been clarified. The major objective of the study focuses on the effect of characteristics of ash and filter media on filtration efficiency in a fluidized bed. The performance of the fluidized bed for removal of particles in flue gas at various fluidized operating conditions, and then the mechanisms of collecting particles were studied. The evaluated parameters included (1) various ashes (coal ash and incinerator ash); (2) bed material size; (3) operating gas velocity; and (4) bed temperature. The results indicate that the removal efficiency of coal ash increases initially with gas velocity, then decreases gradually as velocity exceeds some specific value. Furthermore, the removal of coal ash enhance with silica sand size decreasing. When the fluidized bed is operated at high temperature, diffusion is a more important mechanism than at room temperature especially for small particles. Although the inertial impaction is the main collection mechanism, the "bounce off" effect when the particles collide with the bed material could reduce the removal efficiency significantly. Because of layer inversion in fluidized bed, the removal efficiency of incinerator ash is decreased with increasing of gas velocity. 相似文献
The filtration of 80 nm SiO2 and Al(2)O(3) particles in a gas stream using fluidized beds was studied. Silica sand and activated carbon (A.C.) were adopted as bed materials to filtrate 80 nm SiO2 and Al(2)O(3) particles. The collected particles were elutriated from the fluidized bed, so the filtration was a dynamic process and the variations of the removal efficiency with time were studied. Experimental results showed that the filtrations of 80 nm SiO2 and Al(2)O(3) particles with a bed material of silica sand were not dynamic processes but the filtration by A.C. was. The removal efficiencies for SiO2 and Al(2)O(3) particles using silica sand as bed material were held steady and found to be equal, between 86 and 93%. A.C. is considered to be more efficient than silica sand because it has a high specific surface area. However, the experimental data yield conflicting results. The removal efficiency of Al(2)O(3) particles fell from 92% initially to 80% at the end of test-a little lower than that obtained by filtration using silica sand. A higher voidage of A.C. than silica sand weakens the removal of nanoparticles since the diffusion mechanism dominates. The removal efficiency of SiO2 by A.C. decayed from 83 to 40% with time passed. The huge differences between the filtration efficiency of SiO2 and that of Al(2)O(3) particles by A.C. was associated with the extensive segregation of SiO2 and A.C. particles, which caused more SiO2 particles to move to the top of the bed, where they were elutriated. The weak inter-particle force for SiO2 decreased the removal efficiency also. 相似文献
There is evidence from certain materials evaluation studies that suggests that low chromium ferritic steels are susceptible to oxide scaling at a gr:ater rate than would have been expected if the steels had been expectsed m a. conventional coal-fired combustor. Such a result is of economic sigmfwance since it tmplles that the changeover point in a superheater from low alloy ferritic to austenitic tubing would have to be at a lower metal temperature than would otherwise be necessary, with consequent Cast penalties. There were, however, some anomalies in the data because of uncertamty over the precise metal temperatures of the steels included in the studtes. A programme of work was therefore established to resolve this problem.Ferritic steel samples were exposed at carefully controlled metal tempe.ratures under steady state conditions in an AFBC test rig. The scaling characteristics of these samples were compared with data produced under controlled. condttwns m atr. In contrast to earlier, less closely defined tests, the results of thts present study suggest that the oxidation rates of 2.25 wt% Cr-lwt% Mo steel are similar to those expenenced in air and in conventional combustion systems. On this basis the upper temperature limit for use of this steel for in-bed superheater tubes would be set at 560°C. In contrast 9 wt% Cr-l wt% Mo steel showed enhanced oxidation rates, greater than those found in either air or conventional combustion systems, and would appear to offer no advantage over 2.25 wt% Cr-lwt% Mo steel. The possible impact on these recommendations for systems where high chlorine coals will be burned, or where erosion-corrosion effects are likely, is discussed. 相似文献
Abdelghafour Zaabout Hervé Bournot René Occelli Bousselham Kharbouch 《Advanced Powder Technology》2011,22(3):375-382
The solid phase behavior is studied in the upper zone of a circulating fluidized bed riser with glass particle of mean diameter 107 μm, using a Phase Doppler Anemometer. Superficial gas velocities Ug > Uc are investigated covering the turbulent and the fast fluidization regimes and this for three static bed heights (Hs = 50 mm, Hs = 100 mm and Hs = 150 mm). The results show that the mean axial particle velocity lateral profile shapes found parabolic for Hs = 50 mm, devolve to a concave shape for Hs = 100 mm and Hs = 150 mm, creating a particles speeding zone between the core and the annulus zones. For both axial and transversal standard deviations of particle velocities in the core region, the values for the three static bed heights unite to form two stages of evolutions with Ug, where the transition velocity between these stages is found associated to the appearing of a significant entrainment of solid particles. At this transition velocity, the transversal movement originally directed toward the center riser, undergo a change toward the wall beginning near the wall and spreading into a large part of the section riser with increasing Ug. A discussion on the boundary between the turbulent and fast fluidization regimes is made based on these results. 相似文献