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2D-C/C复合材料氧化动力学模型及其氧化机理   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
用热重法研究了二维炭/炭(2D-C/C)复合材料的等温氧化, 提出了氧化动力学模型, 用SEM观察了样品不同氧化程度的微观形貌, 并探讨了材料的等温氧化机理。氧化分2个阶段: 线性氧化阶段, 氧化失重率小于约65%, 氧化速率处于稳定状态; 非线性氧化阶段, 氧化失重率约大于65%, 氧化速率急剧减小。Arrhenius曲线由折点在800~850℃之间的2条直线组成。线性氧化阶段, 活化能分别为217.2kJ/mol和157.0kJ/mol; 非线性氧化阶段, 反应级数分别为0.55和0.65, 活化能分别为219.3kJ/mol和182.0kJ/mol。通过实验验证, 氧化动力学模型可以较好地预测材料的恒温氧化。氧化从炭纤维与基体炭的界面开始, 基体氧化快于纤维, 氧化后期主要是纤维的氧化。在750~800℃, 氧化为化学反应控制; 在850~905℃, 氧化由化学反应和气体扩散共同控制, 但非线性氧化阶段气体扩散对氧化的贡献小于线性氧化阶段。   相似文献   

对两种致密度的2D-C/SiC复合材料进行了层向动态压缩性能试验研究, 两种致密度材料通过控制CVI(Chemical vapor infiltration)工艺参数得到。试验在SHPB装置上进行, 使用改变波形整形器几何尺寸的方法基本实现恒应变率加载。试验结果表明: 动态压缩应力-应变曲线呈明显的非线性, 与静态试验相比两种致密度试样均有一定的应变率强化效果, 即随着应变率的增加, 抗压强度提高, 失效应变减小, 剪切损伤角增大。致密度提高后抗压强度明显增加但失效应变减小, 且表现出脆性特征, 剪切损伤角也明显增大。动态试验数据有较大的分散性, 低、 高致密度试样动态破坏强度的Weibull分布系数分别为8.36和5.27。SEM观察发现, 低致密度试样纤维束断口不平整, 高致密度试样断口相对平整; 纤维束多发生整束剪断, 动态条件下纤维破碎多于静态。   相似文献   

A three-layer structure material, consisting of B4C/Al, B4C/TiB2 and B4C composites, was obtained using a two-step method for both hot pressing and aluminum infiltration in vacuum. The three-layer B4C/Al–B4C/TiB2–B4C composite showed good interfacial bonding. Before aluminum infiltration the B4C porous layer in the three-layer preform looked like a three-dimensional network of interconnected capillaries. The microstructures of both B4C/TiB2 and B4C layers showed no apparent changes before and/or after aluminum infiltration. The three-layer composite showed improved fracture toughness than that of B4C material and higher comprehensive hardness than that of B4C/Al material.  相似文献   

Microstructure and mechanical properties of RB-SiC/MoSi2 composite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Microstructure, high temperature strength and oxidation behaviour of reaction bonded silicon carbide, RB-SiC/17 wt% MoSi2 composite prepared by infiltrating a porous RB-SiC bulk (after removal of free silicon) with molten MoSi2 were investigated. There was good bonding between the SiC and MoSi2 particle, without a significant reaction zone and microcracking caused by the thermal mismatch stresses. A thin (2 nm) layer, however, was observed at the SiC/MoSi2 interfaces. At room temperature, the composite exhibited a bending strength of 410 MPa, which is 20% loss in comparison to that of RB-SiC alone (containing 10 wt% free silicon). However, the composite strength increased to a maximum of 590 MPa in the temperature range 1100 and 1200° C and dropped to 460 MPa between 1200 to 1400° C, after which the strength remained constant. The passive oxidation of the composite in dry air in the temperature range 1300 to 1400° C was found to follow the parabolic rate law with the formation of a protective layer of cristobalite on the surface.  相似文献   

微结构对碳/碳复合材料界面性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过理论模型和界面顶出实验分析了微观结构对碳/碳复合材料界面性能的影响机制。使用高分辨Micro-CT系统获得C/C复合材料界面的微观结构特征,并对界面的微观结构特征进行统计分析,得到界面微观结构尺度分布的概率密度函数。对C/C复合材料的界面层建立力学分析模型,计算获得C/C复合材料界面力学性能,在计算过程中引入界面微观结构的随机性统计分布,获得C/C复合材料界面力学性能的分布规律。设计纤维束顶出实验,测试分析C/C复合材料的界面力学性能。将力学分析模型的计算结果与界面顶出实验获得的实验结果进行对比分析,表明通过模型计算获得的界面性能的均值和离散度与实验获得的结果具有较好的一致性。   相似文献   

The flow stress of a 1060 Al/Al2O3 composite increases rapidly with strain rate due to the higher dislocation accumulation rate and the increasing strength of dislocation barriers. The Al/Al2O3 interfaces were found to be well bonded even after high-rate deformation of the composite. MgAl2O4 particles observed at Al/Al2O3 interfaces in the composite of the present study are thought to improve the interface strength. Unlike in pure aluminium, a well-developed cell structure was not observed in the deformed 1060 Al/Al2O3 composite. The absence of a well-developed cell structure is thought to result from a more homogeneous slip distribution in the composite.  相似文献   

基于单调和循环加卸载实验,测试获得了不同加载过程中2 D-C/SiC复合材料在纤维束轴向方向上的泊松曲线,并对比分析了轴向损伤演化进程对材料泊松效应的影响.结果表明,在拉伸损伤加剧过程中,材料表现出显著的负泊松比行为;在加载损伤停滞状态下,材料则表现为近似线性正泊松比行为.加载过程中材料的泊松效应随着损伤程度的增加而不断减弱.结合扫描电镜断口结果分析可知,拉伸损伤加剧过程中材料内部沿加载方向上不断产生的基体开裂和界面脱粘损伤引起的材料沿垂直加载方向上的伸长变形,大于并掩盖了拉伸载荷在垂直加载方向上引起的弹性收缩变形,是导致2 D-C/SiC复合材料表现出显著负泊松比行为的主要原因;加载损伤加剧过程中产生的大量开裂损伤导致的材料整体连续性的降低是导致其泊松效应不断减弱的主要影响机制.  相似文献   

采用闭合场非平衡磁控溅射技术,固定碳靶电流参数,调节铬靶电流参数,在GCr15轴承钢球、45#钢和单晶硅基体上制备出自润滑Cr/C复合镀层。用XRD对镀层相结构进行分析,测试了镀层的摩擦系数、磨损率、结合强度、硬度和韧性,用光学显微镜观察镀层磨损形貌。结果表明,镀层相结构为非晶态,随铬靶电流变大逐渐向晶态转变;与未镀层的基体相比,镀层有良好的摩擦磨损性能和载荷承载能力;镀层随铬靶电流增加,硬度逐渐降低,韧性逐渐提高。所获铬电流为0.1和0.3A镀层有很好的自润滑性能,且后者有良好的综合机械性能。  相似文献   

2D-C/C复合材料及其石墨化制品烧蚀特性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以液化石油气为碳源,2D炭纤维织物为基体,通过1000℃~1100℃沉积热解炭,制备了沉积态2D-C/C复合材料。通过对沉积态2D-C/C复合材料在2800℃热处理10h制备了石墨态2D-C/C复合材料。采用小型发动机烧蚀实验对两种复合材料的烧蚀性能进行了测试和评价;通过比较两种复合材料的孔隙分布、基体和纤维的结合强度以及热导率,解释了它们不同的烧蚀特性和烧蚀机理。结果表明:沉积态2D-C/C复合材料由于孔隙分布少、基体和纤维结合强度大、面间热导小,烧蚀主要由热化学反应(氧化)控制,烧蚀表面平整,烧蚀率为0.033mm/s。石墨态2D-C/C复合材料由于孔隙分布多、基体和纤维结合强度小,烧蚀主要由氧化和机械剥蚀控制,烧蚀表面出现烧蚀坑,烧蚀率为0.046mm/s。  相似文献   

2D-C/C复合材料是以二维碳纤维为增强体,以化学气相渗透的热解碳或液相浸渍炭化的树脂碳、沥青碳为基体组成的一种纯碳多相二维结构材料,是一种新型高性能结构功能复合材料,大量运用在航空航天等高新技术领域.目前研究集中于其宏观性能方面,难点在于其组织结构和性能的可控性、可调性.主要介绍了二维碳纤维预制体和针刺碳纤维,基体碳的微观结构和添加剂,纤维/基体界面和界面修饰,以及制备工艺对2D-C/C复合材料性能的影响.结合2D-C/C复合材料的结构特点,概述了2D-C/C复合材料热物理性能、力学性能及氧化烧蚀等行为的各向异性.此外,还展望了其研究发展方向.  相似文献   

The polycrystalline NbN/TaN superlattice films have been grown on the substrates of 18-8 stainless steel by reactive magnetron sputtering. The microstructure and microhardness of the superlattice films have been studied with X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HREM) and microhardness tester. The results showed that the NbN layers are of face cubic and the TaN layers are hexagonal crystal structure in the NbN/TaN superlattice films. The lattice plane (111) of NbN are coherent with the (110) of TaN and the lattice mismatch is 3.18%. The NbN/TaN superlattice film demonstrated superhardness effects. The maximum Knoop hardness value reached 5100 kgf/mm2 with a modulation period from 2.3 nm to 17.0 nm. It was proved that even if NbN layers did not take the same crystal structure as TaN layers, hardness anomalous phenomenon still can be produced as long as the coherent strains exist.  相似文献   

Copper matrix composites containing different volume fractions of B4C particles (0–15%) were first fabricated by spark plasma sintering followed by hot rolling in atmospheric environments, then their microstructures, phase compositions, mechanical properties and sintering mechanism were investigated. It was found that B4C particles distributed relatively homogeneously in the copper matrix. Reaction products of CuC8 and B were observed and identified in the composite. Under increasing B4C particle content, the ultimate tensile, yield strength and elongation to fracture of the composites decreased. Failure mode of composites included: (1) the interfacial debonding and (2) the cleavage fracture of copper. Moreover, micro-discharge between the adjacent particles occurred, and its led to local high temperature at the interface.  相似文献   

The results of experimental studies on the development of a diamond polycrystalline material to equip drill bits have been considered. Angles of wetting graphite by sintering aids Ni, Co, and alloy of them have been defined. Among the composites, which have been tested, the longest durability and the highest strength have been exhibited by the composite of the Cd-Co-34Ni formulation.  相似文献   

AZ91 magnesium alloy reinforced with SiC particulates was fabricated via powder metallurgy technique as well as mechanical alloying process where a planetary ball mill was employed. Microstructure and mechanical properties of the fabricated AZ91 composites had been evaluated. Microstructural study showed that grain size of the material was refined and SiC particulates were well distributed after mechanical alloying. Mechanical tests of the composite showed an enhanced yield and ultimate tensile strengths for the mechanically alloyed samples compared with those prepared via the powder metallurgical route.  相似文献   

采用空气辅助干法共混、冷压烧结并车削成膜的方法制备了SiO2填充量为35wt%、厚度为50 μm的聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)基复合薄膜。系统研究了SiO2颗粒粒径对SiO2/PTFE薄膜复合材料的孔洞缺陷和力学性能等的影响,并研究了SiO2在PTFE中的分散情况及分子间相互作用对其性能变化的影响机制。结果表明,随SiO2粒径的逐渐增大,其在PTFE中的分散趋于均匀,同时PTFE能更好地包覆粒子,因此SiO2/PTFE薄膜孔洞缺陷逐渐减少,力学性能逐渐增强;当SiO2的粒径D50为12 μm时,其在PTFE中的分散均匀性最佳,SiO2/PTFE复合薄膜孔洞缺陷最少,具有较好的力学性能,断裂伸长率达19.5%,拉伸强度达9.2 MPa。   相似文献   


The microstructure and mechanical properties of explosively welded TA1/3A21 composite plate were studied. The results suggested that the bonding interface had a wavy appearance, and two types of Ti–Al solid solutions were found in the crest region. Most of the interfaces had a thin diffusion layer with a thickness of approximately 3?µm, and no brittle intermetallic compounds were formed. The interface of the explosively welded TA1 Ti/3A21 Al composite plate exhibited reliable shear and bending properties. The propagation of the facile cracks initiated at the Ti–Al solid solution/Al interface, and the Ti–Al solid solution region at the vortex could be terminated by the Ti matrix. In addition, the complex bonding interface structure inhibited the crack propagation along the interface.  相似文献   

Herein we report on the processing and microstructural characterization of 50 vol.% Ti2AlC/nanocrystalline (nc) Mg-matrix composites fabricated by pressureless melt infiltration at 750 °C for 1 h. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy both confirmed that the Mg grain size was ~35 ± 15 nm. The microstructure was also exceptionally stable; annealing for 6 h at 550 °C did not alter the size of the Mg-grains. Some Mg was dissolved in the Ti2AlC confirming the existence of a (Ti1-xMgx)2AlC solid solution, with x as high as 0.2. A small amount of Ti (3 ± 1 at.%) was also found in the Mg matrix. At 350 ± 40 the ultimate tensile strength is significantly greater than other pure Mg composites reported in the literature. At 700 ± 10 MPa, the ultimate compressive stresses of these composites were ≈ 40% higher than those of a 50 vol.% Ti3SiC2–Mg or a 50 vol.% SiC–Mg, in which the Mg-matrix grains were not at the nanoscale. The Ti2AlC/nc-Mg composites are readily machinable, stiff (≈70 GPa), strong, light (2.9 g/cm3) and exhibited exceptional damping capabilities, that increased as the square of the applied stress to stress levels of the order of ≈ 500 MPa. The energy dissipated per cycle per unit volume at such stress levels is believed to be the highest ever reported for a crystalline solid and to be due to the formation and annihilation of incipient kink bands. The technological implications of having such solids are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

采用机械合金化后注射成形制备10%(体积分数,下同)Cu/Al_2O_3复合材料,研究机械合金化时间、烧结温度对复合材料显微组织和性能的影响,并分析复合材料的增韧机理。结果表明:通过机械合金化10h后注射成形、脱脂、1550℃烧结工艺制备的10%Cu/Al_2O_3复合材料具有良好的抗弯强度和断裂韧度,分别为532MPa和4.97MPa·m1/2;烧结温度低于1550℃导致原子在固态下扩散能力不足,烧结温度高于1550℃则使颗粒边界移动速率大于孔隙逸出速率,二者都造成复合材料孔隙率增加,而导致材料的强度和韧度下降;机械合金化时间延长使复合材料晶粒细化、Cu与Al_2O_3之间的结合强度提高,材料强度和硬度提高,但断裂韧度下降;Cu粉末弥散分布于Al_2O_3基体中,抑制烧结过程中Al_2O_3晶粒粗化,且使裂纹在扩展过程中遇到延性的Cu产生裂纹桥联和偏转,提高材料的韧度。  相似文献   

为了研究多重结构对铝基复合材料力学性能的影响,将气雾化态Al2024合金粉末与球磨不同时间的Ti-10%(质量分数,下同)B_4C复合粉末混合,采用热压烧结和热挤压的方法制备多重结构Ti-B_4C/Al2024复合材料。通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)和拉伸试验机对不同材料的显微组织与力学性能进行观察和测试,并对多重结构复合材料的强韧化行为进行讨论。结果表明:Ti-B_4C/Al2024复合材料多重结构包括基体Al2024、核壳结构Ti/Al18Ti_2Mg_3组织和B_4C颗粒。向Al2024中加入5%预先球磨6h后的Ti-B_4C粉末时,其屈服强度从107MPa提高到122MPa,并且表现出与热挤压Al2024合金几乎相同的伸长率。当球磨时间延长至12h时,试样5TB-12h的伸长率可达到16.4%。然而,复合材料的伸长率随着Ti-B_4C添加量的增加而降低。  相似文献   

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