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Over the last century geological studies of the ancestral Great Lakes have confirmed that the large surface load of the Laurentide ice sheet deformed the region causing tilting of ancient lake shorelines. Models of this glacial isostatic adjustment mechanism have promoted understanding of this process but have only included ice sheet loads as the source of earth deformation in the region. We describe a method, utilizing a model of glacial isostatic adjustment combined with GIS, that recreates the paleohydrology of the Great Lakes. Predictions include the extent of late glacial, postglacial, and Holocene lakes and their associated outlets and bathymetries. This predicted history of the Great Lakes is similar to that obtained from a century of detailed field studies but our method uses only the present digital elevation model, a prescribed ice sheet chronology, and an assumed earth viscoelastic rheology. Ancient lake bathymetry predictions provide an estimate of water loads associated with each lake. The effect of these lake loads upon vertical deformation of the Great Lakes region is shown to be small, less than 15 m, but not insignificant when compared to approximately 150 m of deformation forced by ice and ocean loads. Maximum lake-induced deformation is centered upon Lake Superior where water depths were greatest. Where topography is low relief, prediction of shoreline locations should include the lake loading effect as well as the ice and ocean loads.  相似文献   

Recent observations of spawning lake trout Salvelinus namaycush near Drummond Island in northern Lake Huron indicate that lake trout use drumlins, landforms created in subglacial environments by the action of ice sheets, as a primary spawning habitat. From these observations, we generated a hypothesis that may in part explain locations chosen by lake trout for spawning. Most salmonines spawn in streams where they rely on streamflows to sort and clean sediments to create good spawning habitat. Flows sufficient to sort larger sediment sizes are generally lacking in lakes, but some glacial bedforms contain large pockets of sorted sediments that can provide the interstitial spaces necessary for lake trout egg incubation, particularly if these bedforms are situated such that lake currents can penetrate these sediments. We hypothesize that sediment inclusions from glacial scavenging and sediment sorting that occurred during the creation of bedforms such as drumlins, end moraines, and eskers create suitable conditions for lake trout egg incubation, particularly where these bedforms interact with lake currents to remove fine sediments. Further, these bedforms may provide high-quality lake trout spawning habitat at many locations in the Great Lakes and may be especially important along the southern edge of the range of the species. A better understanding of the role of glacially-derived bedforms in the creation of lake trout spawning habitat may help develop powerful predictors of lake trout spawning locations, provide insight into the evolution of unique spawning behaviors by lake trout, and aid in lake trout restoration in the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Hydrodynamic processes, such as fluctuating water levels, waves, and currents, shape coastlines across timescales ranging from minutes to millennia. In large lacustrine systems, such as the Laurentian Great Lakes, the role of water level in driving long-term (centuries to millennia) coastal evolution is well understood. However, additional research is needed to explore short-term (weeks to months) beach geomorphic response to fluctuating water level. Developing a process-focused understanding of how water level fluctuations shape coastal response across these shorter time scales is imperative for coastal management. Here, we present measurements of geomorphic response along a lacustrine beach ridge plain to seasonal water level fluctuations during a decadal high-stand in Lake Michigan water level. Frequent topographic change measurements revealed high spatial and temporal variability in geomorphic response to rising lake level. Sites immediately downdrift of shore protection began to erode immediately as lake level increased. The co-occurrence of peak seasonal lake levels and a modest increase in wave energy resulted in erosion and overwash at sites that resisted erosion during the initial seasonal rise in lake level. None of the sites in this study returned to their initial morphology following seasonal lake level rise. Given that peak water levels were nearly identical in 2017 and 2018, yet the majority of erosion at our sites occurred in 2017, we postulate that erosion associated with seasonal lake level rise is primarily a function of the change in annual maximum water level from year to year, rather than solely the elevation of the water level.  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands in the Laurentian Great Lakes undergo frequent, sometimes dramatic, physical changes at varying spatial and temporal scales. Changes in lake levels and the juxtaposition of vegetation and open water greatly influence biota that use coastal wetlands. Several regional studies have shown that changes in vegetation and lake levels lead to predictable changes in the composition of coastal wetland bird communities. We report new findings of wetland bird community changes at a broader scale, covering the entire Great Lakes basin. Our results indicate that water extent and interspersion increased in coastal wetlands across the Great Lakes between low (2013) and high (2018) lake-level years, although variation in the magnitude of change occurred within and among lakes. Increases in water extent and interspersion resulted in a general increase in marsh-obligate and marsh-facultative bird species richness. Species like American bittern (Botaurus lentiginosus), common gallinule (Gallinula galeata), American coot (Fulica americana), sora (Porzana carolina), Virginia rail (Rallus limicola), and pied-billed grebe (Podilymbus podiceps) were significantly more abundant during high water years. Lakes Huron and Michigan showed the greatest increase in water extent and interspersion among the five Great Lakes while Lake Michigan showed the greatest increase in marsh-obligate bird species richness. These results reinforce the idea that effective management, restoration, and assessment of wetlands must account for fluctuations in lake levels. Although high lake levels generally provide the most favorable conditions for wetland bird species, variation in lake levels and bird species assemblages create ecosystems that are both spatially and temporally dynamic.  相似文献   

Studies that evaluate the linkages between watershed improvement through Best Management Practices (BMPs) and downstream outcomes are few. Water quality of coastal waters is often impacted by soil and nutrient loss from watersheds in agriculture. Mitigation of these impacts is of concern in the Great Lakes, the Finger Lakes Region of New York State, and generally in water bodies of North America. In this issue, we report on hypothesis-based research at the watershed level evaluating the impact of BMPs on mitigation of nonpoint sources of nutrient and soil loss to streams and the nearshore zone of a lake. Specifically, we hypothesize not only reductions in nutrient and soil losses from watersheds but also a resultant decrease in metaphyton (filamentous algae), coliform bacteria, and macrophyte populations in the nearshore at stream mouths draining sub-watersheds where BMPs were introduced. Small experimental sub-watersheds, predominantly in agriculture (> 70%), were selected to ensure that effects on downstream systems would not be confounded by other land use practices often observed in large watershed approaches. In this introductory paper, we provide background information on Conesus Lake, its watershed, and the Conesus Lake watershed project, a large multi-disciplinary study evaluating agricultural management practices. The series of papers in this volume consider the effect of BMPs designed to control nonpoint sources on water chemistry, metaphyton, macrophytes, and microbial populations in the coastal zone of a lake. Ultimately, this volume expands the basic understanding of the ability of BMPs to control nonpoint source pollution while contributing toward the goal of improving water quality of downstream systems including streams, embayments, and the nearshore of large lakes.  相似文献   

Many of the world’s beaches are embayed, but while a large body of work addresses the geomorphology of pocket beaches in oceanic settings, little is known about urban analogs, especially within the Great Lakes of North America. Groins and jetties shelter these systems from direct interaction with littoral processes, which elsewhere can influence how changes in lake level, winter-ice cover, and wave climate impact beach evolution. We address the direct controls of these forcing parameters on beach morphodynamics over a 33-yr period at North Point Beach, which is confined to an engineered ‘container’ along Lake Michigan’s wave-dominated SW margin. Analysis of near-annual beach change suggests lake-level change is the dominant geomorphic driver over inter-annual to decadal timeframes, with winter ice playing a secondary role. Pocket-beach shoreline positions were found to be unreliable indicators of sand volumetric changes. Lake-level rise facilitated shoreline retreat and overwash-induced beach accretion while high lake levels created the accommodation for additional sands to enter the embayment. This is important for coastal managers to consider when developing mitigation strategies for ongoing lake-level fluctuations and anticipated regional climate impacts. This foundational assessment has implications for embayed beaches of the greater Chicago coastal margin (n > 20), where many other site-specific variables (e.g., groin orientations and shoreline aspect) may factor into nearshore and onshore beach morphodynamics. Continued research into urban pocket beaches of the Great Lakes stands to offer useful information on the impacts of littoral fragmentation on coastal sediment routing during different lake-level phases and degrees of littoral interconnectivity.  相似文献   

The Laurentian Great Lakes are North America's largest water resource, and include six large water bodies (Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario, and Georgian Bay), Lake St. Clair, and their connecting channels. Because of the relatively small historical variability in system lake levels, there is a need for realistic climate scenarios to develop and test sensitivity and resilience of the system to extreme high lake levels. This is particularly important during the present high lake level regime that has been in place since the late 1960s. In this analysis, we use the unique climate conditions which resulted in the 1993 Mississippi River flooding as an analog to test the sensitivity of Great Lakes hydrology and water levels to a rare but actual climate event. The climate over the Upper Mississippi River basin was computationally shifted, corresponding to a conceptual shift of the Great Lakes basin 10̊ west and 2̊ south. We applied a system of hydrological models to the daily meteorological time series and determined daily runoff, lake evaporation, and net basin water supplies. The accumulated net basin supplies from May through October 1993 for the 1993 Mississippi River flooding scenario ranged from a 1% decrease for Lake Superior to a large increase for Lake Erie. Water levels for each lake were determined from a hydro-logic routing model of the system. Lakes Michigan, Huron, and Erie were most affected. The simulated rise in Lakes Michigan and Huron water levels far exceeded the historically recorded rise with both lakes either approaching or setting record high levels. This scenario demonstrates that an independent anomalous event, beginning with normal lake levels, could result in record high water levels within a 6- to 9-month period. This has not been demonstrated in the historical record or by other simulation studies.  相似文献   

Variations in water level observed in Lakes Michigan and Huron during the last few decades have motivated a comprehensive study involving climatic, hydrologic and hydraulic factors organized by International Joint Commission of the Great Lakes. It has been submitted, among other possible causes, that changes in conveyance in the St. Clair River could be contributing to the lowering of the upper Great Lakes water level. Sediment transport processes, in particular bed scour and erosion, can affect significantly a river's conveyance, thus creating the need to assess the erodibility properties of the river bed. To this end, laboratory tests were performed in order to obtain the value of the critical shear stress needed to erode the cohesive fraction of the bed sediment material, known as glacial till, from the St. Clair River. Different flows with increasing velocities were run up to the point where initial sediment erosion could be observed. Through detailed near-bed velocity measurements using a laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV) system, a value of 4.2 N/m2 was obtained as the critical shear stress for the erosion of glacial till. A threshold for the critical shear stress for erosion of similar cohesive sediments was also found and expressed in dimensionless form. These results could be used in combination with mathematical models to estimate the risk of scour and erosion at locations where the glacial till is exposed to both strong currents and flow forces induced by the large navigation vessels commonly observed along the course of the St. Clair River.  相似文献   

With the many different interests that are connected to the water levels of the Laurentian Great Lakes, the future of these water levels are of great concern to many people, businesses, and institutions. Projected future lake levels were calculated using data from the North American component of the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment. The final lake level results are presented in relation to a 1.5 °C, 2.0 °C, 2.5 °C, and 3.0 °C change in global mean temperature. The results show that the range of possible values grows as the climate changes, with more extreme values for the lake levels becoming possible with greater changes in the global mean temperature. This increase in the range on both the high and low end may be a more important consideration than any general increase in the average water level for those living around the lakes Because the most severe impacts on the interests around the lake are usually associated with these extreme high or low levels. A greater understanding that the extremes in water levels observed in the past may be exceeded under a changing climate will help in the planning of future developments and activities within the Great Lakes basin with a forward looking coastal risk assessment and help communites build resilience to future extremes.  相似文献   

Fish population structure in previously glaciated regions is often influenced by natural colonization processes and human-mediated dispersal, including fish stocking. Endemic populations are of conservation interest because they may contain rare and unique genetic variation. While coregonines are native to certain Michigan inland lakes, some were stocked with fish from Great Lakes sources, calling into question the origin of extant populations. While most stocking targeted lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis), cisco (C. artedi) were also stocked from the Great Lakes to inland waterbodies. We used population genetic data (microsatellite genotypes and mitochondrial (mt)DNA sequences), coalescent modeling, and approximate Bayesian computation to investigate the origins of 12 inland Michigan cisco populations. The spatial distribution of mtDNA haplotypes suggests Michigan is an introgression zone for two ancestral cisco lineages associated with separate glacial refugia. Low levels of genetic diversity and high levels of genetic divergence were observed for populations located well inland of the Great Lakes relative to populations occupying waterbodies near the Great Lakes. Estimates of recent Great Lakes gene flow ranged from 27 to 48% for populations near the Great Lakes shoreline but were substantially lower (under 8%) for populations further inland. Inland lakes with elevated recent gene flow estimates may have been recipients of stocked coregonine fry, including cisco. Low levels of genetic diversity paired with a high likelihood of endemism as indicated by strong genetic divergence and low Great Lakes population inputs suggest the analyzed cisco populations occupying southern Michigan kettle lakes are of elevated conservation interest.  相似文献   

We used Great Lakes hydrologic data and bird monitoring data from the Great Lakes Marsh Monitoring Program from 1995–2002 to: 1) evaluate trends and patterns of annual change in May-July water levels for Lakes Ontario, Erie, and Huron-Michigan, 2) report on trends of relative abundance for birds breeding in Great Lakes coastal marshes, and 3) correlate basin-wide and lake-specific annual indices of bird abundance with Great Lakes water levels. From 1995–2002, average May, June, and July water levels in all lake basins showed some annual variation, but Lakes Erie and Huron-Michigan had identical annual fluctuation patterns and general water level declines. No trend was observed in Lake Ontario water levels over this period. Abundance for five of seven marsh birds in Lake Ontario wetlands showed no temporal trends, whereas abundance of black tern (Chlidonias niger) declined and that of swamp sparrow (Melospiza georgiana) increased from 1995–2002. In contrast, abundances of American coot (Fulica americana), black tern, common moorhen (Gallinula chloropus), least bittern (Ixobrychus exilis), marsh wren (Cistorthorus palustris), pied-billed grebe (Podilymbus podiceps), sora (Porzana carolina), swamp sparrow, and Virginia rail (Rallus limicola) declined within marshes at Lakes Erie and Huron/Michigan from 1995–2002. Annual abundances of several birds we examined showed positive correlations with annual lake level changes in non-regulated Lakes Erie and Huron/Michigan, whereas most birds we examined in Lake Ontario coastal wetlands were not correlated with suppressed water level changes of this lake. Overall, our results suggest that long-term changes and annual water level fluctuations are important abiotic factors affecting abundance of some marsh-dependent birds in Great Lakes coastal marshes. For this reason, wetland bird population monitoring initiatives should consider using methods in sampling protocols, or during data analyses, to account for temporal and spatial components of hydrologic variability that affect wetlands and their avifauna.  相似文献   

Numerous long-term trends in the rate-of-change in monthly mean Great Lakes water levels are identified for the period 1860 to 1998. Statistically significant trends are found for 2, 4, 5, and 7 months of the year for Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, Erie, and Ontario, respectively. Many of the trends translate into large changes in net water flux (600 to 1,700 m3/s). In each case, significant positive trends are roughly offset by negative trends during other times of the year. Together with similar trends in monthly lake level anomalies (deviations from the annual mean), these trends indicate important changes in the seasonal cycle of Great Lakes water levels. Specifically, Lakes Erie and Ontario are rising and falling (on an annual basis) roughly one month earlier than they did 139 years ago. Maximum lake levels for Lake Superior are also slightly earlier in the year, and the amplitude of the seasonal cycle of Lake Ontario is found to increase by 23% over the 139-year period. Some of the changes are consistent with the predicted impacts of global warming on spring snowmelt and runoff in the Great Lakes region. Other potential contributors to the observed trends include seasonal changes in precipitation and humaninduced effects such as lake regulation and changes in land use.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes basin ecosystem evolved after the retreat of the last ice sheet, about 10 000 years ago. Today, the complex of species present in the Great Lakes and much of the visible landscape bears little resemblance to that found some 400 years ago. Rather, the effects of various aspects of human development have caused major changes in the natural biodiversity. Lessons learned in the lower Great Lakes are applicable to many lakes around the world that have undergone agricultural, industrial and urban development in their drainage basins and have become managed, artificial ecosystems.  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) has collected water quality data from the five Great Lakes annually since 1993. We used the GLNPO observations made since 2002 along with coincident measurements made by the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS) and the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) to develop a new band-ratio algorithm for estimating chlorophyll concentrations in the Great Lakes from satellite observations. The new algorithm is based on a third-order polynomial model using the same maximum band ratios employed in the standard NASA algorithms (OC4 for SeaWiFS and OC3M for MODIS). The sensor-specific coefficients for the new algorithm were obtained by fitting the relationship to several hundred matched field and satellite observations. Although there are some seasonal variations in some lakes, the relationship between the observed chlorophyll values and those modeled using the new coefficients is fairly stable from lake to lake and across years. The accuracy of the satellite chlorophyll estimates derived from the new algorithm was improved substantially relative both to the standard NASA retrievals and to previously published algorithms tuned to individual lakes. Monte-Carlo fits to randomly selected subsets of the observations allowed us to estimate the uncertainty associated with the retrievals purely as a function of the satellite data. Our results provide, for the first time, a single simple band ratio method for retrieving chlorophyll concentrations in the offshore “open” waters of the Great Lakes from satellite observations.  相似文献   

A recent empirical model of glacial-isostatic uplift showed that the Huron and Michigan lake level fell tens of meters below the lowest possible outlet about 7,900 14C years BP when the upper Great Lakes became dependent for water supply on precipitation alone, as at present. The upper Great Lakes thus appear to have been impacted by severe dry climate that may have also affected the lower Great Lakes. While continuing paleoclimate studies are corroborating and quantifying this impacting climate and other evidence of terminal lakes, the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory applied their Advanced Hydrologic Prediction System, modified to use dynamic lake areas, to explore the deviations from present temperatures and precipitation that would force the Great Lakes to become terminal (closed), i.e., for water levels to fall below outlet sills. We modeled the present lakes with pre-development natural outlet and water flow conditions, but considered the upper and lower Great Lakes separately with no river connection, as in the early Holocene basin configuration. By using systematic shifts in precipitation, temperature, and humidity relative to the present base climate, we identified candidate climates that result in terminal lakes. The lakes would close in the order: Erie, Superior, Michigan-Huron, and Ontario for increasingly drier and warmer climates. For a temperature rise of T°C and a precipitation drop of P% relative to the present base climate, conditions for complete lake closure range from 4.7T + P > 51 for Erie to 3.5T + P > 71 for Ontario.  相似文献   

High-resolution spatio-temporal data are needed to improve coastal management programs, particularly along the Great Lakes where lake level fluctuations pose challenges to coastal decision-making and planning. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of coastal change monitoring datasets, particularly those that document event-scale changes over a large spatial scale. This paucity of data is compounded by the large size and range of shore types throughout the region.Unoccupied aerial vehicle (UAV) or drone data collected by citizen scientists are a potential solution to this challenge. However, no citizen science coastal change monitoring program exists in the Great Lakes region, nor does a comprehensive drone-based coastal change monitoring programs exist anywhere in the United States. To inform the development of drone-based citizen science programs, the goal of this paper is to describe the development and implementation of a citizen science coastal change monitoring program along the Great Lakes shores of Michigan. The citizens participating in this project generate imagery in two ways: (1) the submission of photos of coastal changes or hazards via a web app developed for the project called PicShores and (2) drone collection of survey-quality aerial imagery for use in the generation of orthomosaic images and digital elevation models (DEMs). This paper presents the methods utilized to develop the citizen science monitoring program, some initial findings from the citizen science monitoring, and explores some challenges and next steps for the program.  相似文献   

The Ak?ehir and Eber Lakes, relatively shallow, small freshwater lakes with an area of 361 km2 and 150 km2 and average depth of 7 m and 2 m (1998), respectively in southwestern Turkey, have experienced a severe decline in water levels in recent decades. This study aimed to investigate coastline and water level changes of lakes and identify the causes for the decline in lake levels. Nine Landsat images from different times, monthly temperature, precipitation, discharge, lake level records and population data were used to analyze these changes. From 1975 to 2009, the water surface areas of the Ak?ehir and Eber Lakes decreased from 356,929 to 126,482 km2 and from 119,882 to 85,663 km2, a loss of 64.5% and 28.4% over the 34-year period, respectively. From 1975 to 2004, the Ak?ehir Lake level declined by 2.67 m from 956.02 m to 953.35 and the Eber Lake level declined by 2.03 m from 966.75 m to 964.72 m from 1975 to 2004 based on ground lake level data (in situ). The results of the temperature and precipitation analysis showed that although the annual mean climatic factors vary substantially, they show small increasing trend over the record periods. Annual discharge records on the Akarçay River and its tributaries decreased over the basin during the same period. Irrigation systems, three dams and seven pounds built in recent decades for agricultural irrigation and domestic use, made the major impact on lowering the lake levels because they derive water from the river for human use upstream of the lakes’ catchments. Population growth, rising water consumption for agricultural and domestic purposes and building dams has led to lake levels declining. The change of lake levels might depend more on anthropogenic factors than on climatic factors.  相似文献   

The Great Lakes National Program Office of the U.S. EPA has been conducting biological monitoring of the Laurentian Great Lakes since 1983. This paper presents synoptic survey data of phytoplankton communities from all five lakes. These communities were highly diverse, each lake typi-cally supporting over 100 species during both the spring and summer surveys. Much of that diversity was contributed by diatoms, which dominated the plankton of all lakes except Lake Superior in the spring. Summer communities shifted away from diatoms, toward chrysophytes in the upper lakes and chloro-phytes in the lower lakes. Ordination analyses indicated the close similarity of communities in the upper lakes, in particular Lakes Huron and Michigan, and a diverse range of communities in Lake Erie. Floristically, Lake Ontario was fundamentally different from all other lakes.  相似文献   

Shorelines of Lake Algonquin, the largest of the glacial lakes of the Great Lakes area, are well known in southern Ontario, but are sporadic and difficult to trace northward onto the Precambrian shield. Improved knowledge of the extent and uplift pattern for Algonquin shorelines is needed to support geophysical models of isostatic response, interpretation of glacial and glacial lake history, and the search by archeologists for evidence of Paleoindian activity, shown to be localized along its shoreline. The Sudbury basin is one of the few areas of mapping of Quaternary geology on the Canadian shield that provides a record of Algonquin lake phases. Meltwaters from the northward-receding ice front formed a series of deltas southward into the Sudbury basin in central Ontario around the time the Cartier I moraine was deposited. Instrumental surveys of deltas, bars, and shorebluffs carried out in the northern Sudbury basin delineate several discrete water planes. Correlation with previously surveyed and correlated shorelines on Manitoulin Island, southwest of Sudbury, indicates the presence of an upper Algonquin shoreline and features correlated to the Cedar Point, Payette, Sheguiandah, and Korah levels. Features southwest of the Sudbury basin at Nairn correlate with Korah and post-Korah water levels. Land between Nairn and Sudbury is too elevated to have been reached by the later Nipissing transgression. Similar shoreline sequences have been surveyed near North Bay, with results supporting the findings of this study.  相似文献   

The Laurentian Great Lakes of North America have been a focus of environmental and ecosystem research since the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement in 1972. This study provides a review of scientific literature directed at the assessment of Laurentian Great Lakes coastal ecosystems. Our aim was to understand the methods employed to quantify disturbance and ecosystem quality within Laurentian Great Lakes coastal ecosystems within the last 20 years. We focused specifically on evidence of multidisciplinary articles, in authorship or types of assessment parameters used. We sought to uncover: 1) where Laurentian Great Lakes coastal ecosystems are investigated, 2) how patterns in the disciplines of researchers have shifted over time, 3) how measured parameters differed among disciplines, and 4) which parameters were used most often. Results indicate research was conducted almost evenly across the five Laurentian Great Lakes and that publication of coastal ecosystems studies increased dramatically ten years after the first State of the Great Lakes Ecosystem Conference in 1994. Research authored by environmental scientists and by multiple disciplines (multidisciplinary) have become more prevalent since 2003. This study supports the likelihood that communication and knowledge-sharing is happening between disciplines on some level. Multidisciplinary or environmental science articles were the most inclusive of parameters from different disciplines, but every discipline seemed to include chemical parameters less often than biota, physical, and spatial parameters. There is a need for an increased understanding of minor nutrient, toxin, and heavy metal impacts and use of spatial metrics in Laurentian Great Lakes coastal ecosystems.  相似文献   

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