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We continue the study of bin packing with splittable items and cardinality constraints. In this problem, a set of n items must be packed into as few bins as possible. Items may be split, but each bin may contain at most?k (parts of) items, where k is some given parameter. Complicating the problem further is the fact that items may be larger than?1, which is the size of a bin. The problem is known to be strongly NP-hard for any fixed value of?k. We essentially close this problem by providing an efficient polynomial-time approximation scheme (EPTAS) for most of its versions. Namely, we present an efficient polynomial time approximation scheme for k=o(n). A?PTAS for k=Θ(n) does not exist unless P = NP. Additionally, we present dual approximation schemes for k=2 and for constant values of?k. Thus we show that for any ε>0, it is possible to pack the items into the optimal number of bins in polynomial time, if the algorithm may use bins of size 1+ε.  相似文献   

Significant changes in the instance distribution or associated cost function of a learning problem require one to reoptimize a previously-learned classifier to work under new conditions. We study the problem of reoptimizing a multi-class classifier based on its ROC hypersurface and a matrix describing the costs of each type of prediction error. For a binary classifier, it is straightforward to find an optimal operating point based on its ROC curve and the relative cost of true positive to false positive error. However, the corresponding multi-class problem (finding an optimal operating point based on a ROC hypersurface and cost matrix) is more challenging and until now, it was unknown whether an efficient algorithm existed that found an optimal solution. We answer this question by first proving that the decision version of this problem is $\mathsf{NP}$ -complete. As a complementary positive result, we give an algorithm that finds an optimal solution in polynomial time if the number of classes n is a constant. We also present several heuristics for this problem, including linear, nonlinear, and quadratic programming formulations, genetic algorithms, and a customized algorithm. Empirical results suggest that under both uniform and non-uniform cost models, simple greedy methods outperform more sophisticated methods.  相似文献   

Scheduling Independent Multiprocessor Tasks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amoura  Bampis  Kenyon  Manoussakis 《Algorithmica》2002,32(2):247-261
We study the problem of scheduling a set of n independent multiprocessor tasks with prespecified processor allocations on a fixed number of processors. We propose a linear time algorithm that finds a schedule of minimum makespan in the preemptive model, and a linear time approximation algorithm that finds a schedule of makespan within a factor of (1+\eps) of optimal in the non-preemptive model. We extend our results by obtaining a polynomial time approximation scheme for the parallel processors variant of the multiprocessor task model.  相似文献   

We investigate the speed of convergence of best response dynamics to approximately optimal solutions in weighted congestion games with polynomial delay functions. Awerbuch et?al. (Fast convergence to nearly optimal solutions in potential games. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce, 2008) showed that the convergence time of such dynamics to Nash equilibrium may be exponential in the number of players n even for unweighted players and linear delay functions. Nevertheless, we show that ??(n log log W) (where W is the sum of all the players?? weights) best responses are necessary and sufficient to achieve states that approximate the optimal solution by a constant factor, under the assumption that every O(n) steps each player performs a constant (and non-null) number of best responses. For congestion games in which computing a best response is a polynomial time solvable problem, such a dynamics naturally implies a polynomial time distributed algorithm for the problem of computing the social optimum in congestion games, approximating the optimal solution by a constant factor.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the k-path cover problem for graphs, which is to find the minimum number of vertex disjoint k-paths that cover all the vertices of a graph. The k-path cover problem for general graphs is NP-complete. Though notable applications of this problem to database design, network, VLSI design, ring protocols, and code optimization, efficient algorithms are known for only few special classes of graphs. In order to solve this problem for cacti, i.e., graphs where no edge lies on more than one cycle, we introduce the so-called Steiner version of the k-path cover problem, and develop an efficient algorithm for the Steiner k-path cover problem for cacti, which finds an optimal k-path cover for a given cactus in polynomial time.  相似文献   

Motivated by the problem in computational biology of reconstructing the series of chromosome inversions by which one organism evolved from another, we consider the problem of computing the shortest series of reversals that transform one permutation to another. The permutations describe the order of genes on corresponding chromosomes, and areversal takes an arbitrary substring of elements, and reverses their order.For this problem, we develop two algorithms: a greedy approximation algorithm, that finds a solution provably close to optimal inO(n 2) time and0(n) space forn-element permutations, and a branch- and-bound exact algorithm, that finds an optimal solution in0(mL(n, n)) time and0(n 2) space, wherem is the size of the branch- and-bound search tree, andL(n, n) is the time to solve a linear program ofn variables andn constraints. The greedy algorithm is the first to come within a constant factor of the optimum; it guarantees a solution that uses no more than twice the minimum number of reversals. The lower and upper bounds of the branch- and-bound algorithm are a novel application of maximum-weight matchings, shortest paths, and linear programming.In a series of experiments, we study the performance of an implementation on random permutations, and permutations generated by random reversals. For permutations differing byk random reversals, we find that the average upper bound on reversal distance estimatesk to within one reversal fork<1/2n andn<100. For the difficult case of random permutations, we find that the average difference between the upper and lower bounds is less than three reversals forn<50. Due to the tightness of these bounds, we can solve, to optimality, problems on 30 elements in a few minutes of computer time. This approaches the scale of mitochondrial genomes.This research was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Program in Mathematics and Molecular Biology of the University of California at Berkeley under National Science Foundation Grant DMS-8720208, and by a fellowship from the Centre de recherches mathématiques of the Université de Montréal.This research was supported by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Fonds pour la formation de chercheurs et l'aide à la recherche (Québec). The author is a fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.  相似文献   

Local search is widely used for solving the propositional satisfiability problem. Papadimitriou (1991) showed that randomized local search solves 2-SAT in polynomial time. Recently, Schöning (1999) proved that a close algorithm for k-SAT takes time (2−2/k)n up to a polynomial factor. This is the best known worst-case upper bound for randomized 3-SAT algorithms (cf. also recent preprint by Schuler et al.).We describe a deterministic local search algorithm for k-SAT running in time (2−2/(k+1))n up to a polynomial factor. The key point of our algorithm is the use of covering codes instead of random choice of initial assignments. Compared to other “weakly exponential” algorithms, our algorithm is technically quite simple. We also describe an improved version of local search. For 3-SAT the improved algorithm runs in time 1.481n up to a polynomial factor. Our bounds are better than all previous bounds for deterministic k-SAT algorithms.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the design and analysis of improved algorithms for determining the optimal length resolution refutation (OLRR) of a system of difference constraints over an integral domain. The problem of finding short explanations for unsatisfiable Difference Constraint Systems (DCS) finds applications in a number of design domains including program verification, proof theory, real-time scheduling, and operations research. These explanations have also been called “certificates” and “refutations” in the literature. This problem was first studied in Subramani (J Autom Reason 43(2):121–137, 2009), wherein the first polynomial time algorithm was proposed. In this paper, we propose two new strongly polynomial algorithms which improve on the existing time bound. Our first algorithm, which we call the edge progression approach, runs in O(n 2 · k + m · n · k) time, while our second algorithm, which we call the edge relaxation approach, runs in O(m · n · k) time, where m is the number of constraints in the DCS, n is the number of program variables, and k denotes the length of the shortest refutation. We conducted an extensive empirical analysis of the three OLRR algorithms discussed in this paper. Our experiments indicate that in the case of sparse graphs, the new algorithms discussed in this paper are superior to the algorithm in Subramani (J Autom Reason 43(2):121–137, 2009). Likewise, in the case of dense graphs, the approach in Subramani (J Autom Reason 43(2):121–137, 2009) is superior to the algorithms described in this paper. One surprising observation is the superiority of the edge relaxation algorithm over the edge progression algorithm in all cases, although both algorithms have the same asymptotic time complexity.  相似文献   

We deal with the problem of routing messages on a slotted ring network in this paper. We study the computational complexity and algorithms for this routing by means of the results known in the literature for the multi-slot just-in-time scheduling problem. We consider two criteria for the routing problem: makespan, or minimum routing time, and diagonal makespan. A?diagonal is simply a schedule of ring links i=0,??,q?1 in q consecutive time slots, respectively. The number of diagonals between the earliest and the latest diagonals with non-empty packets is referred to as the diagonal makespan. For the former, we show that the optimal routing of messages of size k, is NP-hard in the strong sense, while an optimal routing when k=q can be computed in O(n 2log2 n) time. We also give an O(nlogn)-time constant factor approximation algorithm for unit size messages. For the latter, we prove that the optimal routing of messages of size k, where k divides the size of the ring q, is NP-hard in the strong sense even for any fixed k??1, while an optimal routing when k=q can be computed in O(nlogn) time. We also give an O(nlogn)-time approximation algorithm with an absolute error 2q?k.  相似文献   

考虑到在实际应用中,由于计算机和通信网络中一般每个设备的处理能力是有限的,在k-tree core问题的基础上,提出了同时带有度约束的k-tree core问题,即k-tree core中的每个节点在子树中的度不超过给定常数q,记为q-DTCk)(Degree constrained Tree Core)。利用动态规划的方法,采用最优化原则先找出文中所定义的局部根核集,然后利用贪婪思想对不满足度限制的节点所在的分支加以删减,对无权树和赋权树得到了复杂度分别为Okn)和O(max{n log n,kn})多项式时间算法,其中n是树的节点数。  相似文献   

We consider the following planar max-min length triangulation problem: given a set of n points in the Euclidean plane, find a triangulation such that the length of the shortest edge in the triangulation is maximized. In this paper, a linear time algorithm is proposed for computing the max-min length triangulation of a set of points in convex position. In addition, an O(nlogn) time algorithm is proposed for computing the max-min length k-set triangulation of a set of points in convex position, where we are to compute a set of k vertices such that the max-min length triangulation on them is minimized over all possible k-set. We further show that the graph version of max-min length triangulation is NP-complete, and some common heuristics such as greedy algorithm are in general not able to give a bounded-ratio approximation to the max-min length triangulation.  相似文献   

An edge ranking of a graph is a labeling of the edges using positive integers such that all paths between two edges with the same label contain an intermediate edge with a higher label. An edge ranking isoptimal if the highest label used is as small as possible. The edge-ranking problem has applications in scheduling the manufacture of complex multipart products; it is equivalent to finding the minimum height edge-separator tree. In this paper we give the first polynomial-time algorithm to find anoptimal edge ranking of a tree, placing the problem inP. An interesting feature of the algorithm is an unusual greedy procedure that allows us to narrow an exponential search space down to a polynomial search space containing an optimal solution. AnNC algorithm is presented that finds an optimal edge ranking for trees of constant degree. We also prove that a natural decision problem emerging from our sequential algorithm isP-complete.The research of P. de la Torre was partially supported by NSF Grant CCR-9010445. R. Greenlaw's research was partially supported by NSF Grant CCR-9209184. The research of A. A. Schäffer was partially supported by NSF Grant CCR-9010534.Subsequent to the acceptance of this paper, Zhou and Nishizeki found faster algorithms for optimal edge ranking of trees, first reducing the time toO(n2) [22] and then toO(n logn) [23].  相似文献   

This paper studies a resource allocation problem in a graph, concerning the joint optimization of capacity allocation decisions and object placement decisions, given a single capacity constraint. This problem has applications in Internet content distribution and other domains. The solution to the problem comes through a multi-commodity generalization of the single commodity k-median problem. A two-step algorithm is developed that is capable of solving the multi-commodity case optimally in polynomial time for the case of tree graphs, and approximately (within a constant factor of the optimal) in polynomial time for the case of general graphs.  相似文献   

This paper studies a remanufacturing facility with several types of incoming nonconforming products and different independent remanufacturing workstations. The workstations have limited capacities so that an outsourcing strategy can be practiced. Each workstation is modeled with an M/M/1/k queuing system considering k as a decision variable. Additionally, a binary decision variable is taken into account to determine the contracting strategy along with some decision variables for the prices of remanufactured products. Thus, a bi-objective mixed-integer nonlinear programming is built to obtain optimal values of the decision variables. The first objective attempts to maximize the total profit and the second minimizes the average length of queuing at workstations. To solve the complex bi-objective mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem, the best out of six multi-objective decision-making (MODM) methods is selected in order to make the bi-objective optimization problem a single-objective one. Afterward, a genetic algorithm (GA) is developed to find a near-optimum solution of the single-objective problem. Besides, all of the important parameters of the algorithm are calibrated using regression analysis. To validate the results obtained, the solutions of some test problems are compared to the ones obtained by the GAMS software. The applicability of the proposed model and the solution procedure are shown with an illustrative example.  相似文献   

For every fixed k?3 we describe an algorithm for deciding k-colorability, whose expected running time in polynomial in the probability space G(n,p) of random graphs as long as the edge probability p=p(n) satisfies p(n)?C/n, with C=C(k) being a sufficiently large constant.  相似文献   

We develop new techniques for deriving strong computational lower bounds for a class of well-known NP-hard problems. This class includes weighted satisfiability, dominating set, hitting set, set cover, clique, and independent set. For example, although a trivial enumeration can easily test in time O(nk) if a given graph of n vertices has a clique of size k, we prove that unless an unlikely collapse occurs in parameterized complexity theory, the problem is not solvable in time f(k)no(k) for any function f, even if we restrict the parameter values to be bounded by an arbitrarily small function of n. Under the same assumption, we prove that even if we restrict the parameter values k to be of the order Θ(μ(n)) for any reasonable function μ, no algorithm of running time no(k) can test if a graph of n vertices has a clique of size k. Similar strong lower bounds on the computational complexity are also derived for other NP-hard problems in the above class. Our techniques can be further extended to derive computational lower bounds on polynomial time approximation schemes for NP-hard optimization problems. For example, we prove that the NP-hard distinguishing substring selection problem, for which a polynomial time approximation scheme has been recently developed, has no polynomial time approximation schemes of running time f(1/?)no(1/?) for any function f unless an unlikely collapse occurs in parameterized complexity theory.  相似文献   

We establish a refined search tree technique for the parameterized DOMINATING SET problem on planar graphs. Here, we are given an undirected graph and we ask for a set of at most k vertices such that every other vertex has at least one neighbor in this set. We describe algorithms with running times O(8kn) and O(8kk+n3), where n is the number of vertices in the graph, based on bounded search trees. We describe a set of polynomial time data-reduction rules for a more general “annotated” problem on black/white graphs that asks for a set of k vertices (black or white) that dominate all the black vertices. An intricate argument based on the Euler formula then establishes an efficient branching strategy for reduced inputs to this problem. In addition, we give a family examples showing that the bound of the branching theorem is optimal with respect to our reduction rules. Our final search tree algorithm is easy to implement; its analysis, however, is involved.  相似文献   

Ak-extremal point set is a point set on the boundary of ak-sided rectilinear convex hull. Given ak-extremal point set of sizen, we present an algorithm that computes a rectilinear Steiner minimal tree in timeO(k 4 n). For constantk, this algorithm runs inO(n) time and is asymptotically optimal and, for arbitraryk, the algorithm is the fastest known for this problem.  相似文献   

Each single source multicast session (SSMS) transmits packets from a source node s i to a group of destination nodes t i , i=1,2,…,n. An SSMS’s path can be established with a routing algorithm, which constructs multicast path between source and destinations. Also, for each SSMS, the routing algorithm must be performed once. When the number of SSMS increases to N≥2, the routing algorithm must be separately performed N≥2 times because the number of source nodes increase to N≥2 (for each SSMS the routing algorithm must be performed once). This causes that time of computation and bandwidth consumption to grow. To remove this problem, in this paper, we will present a new approach for merging different SSMSs to make a new multicast session, which is performed only with one execution of a routing algorithm. The new approach, merging different sessions together, is based on the optimal resource allocation and Constraint Based Routing (CBR). We will show that as compared to other available routing algorithms, it improves time of computation and bandwidth consumption and increases data rate and network efficiency. The new approach uses CBR and merges more than one single source multicast session (SSMS) problem to one multisource multicast session (MSMS) problem. By solving one MSMS problem instead of solving more than one SSMS, we can obtain an optimal solution that is more efficient than optimal solutions of SSMS problems.  相似文献   

We present the first fully dynamic algorithm for computing the characteristic polynomial of a matrix. In the generic symmetric case, our algorithm supports rank-one updates in O(n2logn) randomized time and queries in constant time, whereas in the general case the algorithm works in O(n2klogn) randomized time, where k is the number of invariant factors of the matrix. The algorithm is based on the first dynamic algorithm for computing normal forms of a matrix such as the Frobenius normal form or the tridiagonal symmetric form. The algorithm can be extended to solve the matrix eigenproblem with relative error 2b in additional O(nlog2nlogb) time. Furthermore, it can be used to dynamically maintain the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a generic matrix. Together with the algorithm, the hardness of the problem is studied. For the symmetric case, we present an Ω(n2) lower bound for rank-one updates and an Ω(n) lower bound for element updates.  相似文献   

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